Education City / Puffin Academy

I know lots of people have been using Education City. I hope you are all getting on well with it.

Education City is becoming more and more Tablet friendly however you may come across activities that will not load. This is where Puffin Academy comes in. I have attached some info about how to use Education City with Puffin Academy.



Removing Autopayments in ipayimpact.

Some parents may have set up the autopay function within ipayimpact to allow for regular payments to be made into school meals or school fund trips.

Please see attached guidance advising parents on how to deactivate the function to ensure that no further instalments are paid into these funds.

See attached PDF for further information

Removing Auto Pay in iPayimpact (003)

Easter Break

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well and coping with the current situation.  I would like to say a massive thank you for how well you have engaged with the home learning opportunities posted by the staff.  It has been a  learning curve for all of us!

I must share my praise and admiration for the staff  and partners of our school who have worked well together to share a variety of interesting, fun activities to keep the learning going for our children.  If you have any issues with our digital learning please email the school and we will address them.

Please see below a message from West Lothian Council regarding the Easter Break.

The Easter break begins from Friday 3rd April until Monday 20th April. It is important for everyone to give themselves a break. There are links on the following site if you require some activities during this time.

Stay Safe

Mrs Burns

West Lothian Educational Psychology Telephone Service

West Lothian Educational Psychology Telephone Service
Telephone consultation service during school closure period
For: Parents/carers, school staff, young people and other agencies seeking support & advice to improve the wellbeing and educational outcomes for our children and young people at this difficult time.
When: Monday 30th March
Monday – Friday; 9.30am to 12.30pm
Call: 01506 283130 to leave a message with your details (name, number, school etc.) and one of our psychologists will call you back. Or, you can e-mail us at:
Corona virus – helpful resources can also be found on our webpage:

e-magazine and e-books West Lothian Library

If you have a library membership you already have everything you need to access this and many other magazines.

Your e-Magazine of the Day today is one for the children -Scoop magazine Our e-Magazine collection is free to all West Lothian library members. the full collection of e-Magazines can be found here:

If you do not have a library membership you can get one here –  -membership   I got mine this morning!

Secure use of GLOW

Good afternoon,

Can I please remind you that  GLOW and in particular TEAMS  are secure areas for staff to work with children.    Passwords should not be shared and no adults should be contacting class teachers through these sites.   Please use the school email to contact us.   You will find this on the recent letter sent to you from the Head of Service.


Thank you


Mrs Burns

Report a Glow concern
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