Primary 3 Virtual Camp

Good Morning Primary 3,

I hope you are all keeping well. I cannot believe we are now in our last week of primary 3! I have loved having you as my class this year and miss you all very much!

Instead of the usual work I have a virtual camp that I thought you could try out at home this week.

Camping Week

Remember there is still this Disney virtual trip that I also posted last week.

Disney Virtual Trip P3

I also watched an interesting programme on Saturday about the finding of Tutankhamun’s tomb:

Stay safe and enjoy your virtual camp!

You can still access activities on education city and sumdog as usual.


Miss Graham

Sumdog Challenge – Come on St Joseph’s

Welcome to the contest!

Sumdog’s West Lothian is now underway.

As it progresses, you’ll find the latest scores on the leaderboards:

Contest leaderboards

In case it’s useful, we’ve got some helpful support pages showing you how to play:

How to play

We hope you all enjoy the contest! If you would like to enter more classes, you can still do so:

Manage your entry

Best of luck to St Joseph’s Primary !

Primary 3 – Update

Hi Primary 3,

I apologise to those of you who have tried to access the spelling assessment and could not access it. I have now changed the settings and you can access the test.


The Glasgow Science Centre is also running online videos that you can watch:

Past videos are here:

Miss Graham

Primary 3 Home Learning 15 June

Good afternoon Primary 3. I hope you are all well.

I have created your home learning for the week and set your Education city tasks.

Primary 3 Home Learning 15 June

I have also found a great disney powerpoint full of fun tasks you may also want to complete:

Disney Virtual Trip P3



PLace Value Math Magicians

Place Value Number Ninjas





cfe-n-154-cfe-first-level-converting-between-pounds-and-pence-challenge-cards (1)



cfe-n-336-check-your-change-from-pound1-activity-sheet-english_ver_3 (1)




Primary 3 Online book – Flat Stanley

Good morning Primary 3.

I hope you are all keeping well.

I forgot to include the next chapter in Flat Stanley and the Great Egyptian Grave Robbery so I will include the link where you can access all the chapters and read/ listen to the chapters when you wish. Just remember to read the title to ensure it is the correct book.

You can also use these chapters to complete the reading tasks.

Remember to complete the tasks on the blog/ Education city and sumdog – where there is a spelling assessment!

Missing you all. Stay safe.


Miss Graham



Primary 3 Home Learning 8 June

Hi Primary 3.

I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe. I cannot quite believe we are in June already! I am missing you all so much!

I have completed this weeks tasks.

There is no spelling on the worksheet as I would like you to complete a spelling test on sumdog. You can complete it at any time throughout the week.

Primary 3 Home Learning 8 June

Letter writing: t-m-278-letter-writing-template-_ver_1

Numbers to 100: Number Bonds to 100 Activity Booklet

Fractions: stained-glass-window-fractions


Health and Wellbeing This is Me: This is Me

Please remember you do not have to complete all the activities. You can complete them at any time over the next week – during the day, in the afternoon or at night and can even complete them at the weekend.

Take care Primary 3 and stay safe.


Miss Graham

Primary 3 Home Learning Topic

Good afternoon Primary 3,

I have a topic task for you to complete about the Egyptian farming seasons.

There are 2 videos to watch and an information worksheet that you may wanty to read.

I have also attached a worksheet to complete where you will write the names of the seasons, the months they happen and draw a picture to represent each season.

If you complete it please feel free to let me know in the form on the blog!

Ancient Egyptian Farming


The Egyptian calendar

Seasons of the Nile

I found a TV show that could be interesting about the Egyptians. It is on channel 4 and it should be available on catch up:

Have fun


Miss Graham

Primary 3 Home Learning 1/6

Good morning Primary 3. I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the sunshine. I have been out in my garden all weekend – you know how I enjoy growing flowers well I have got roses coming out now, lovely bright lupins, yellow pansies and a peony rose bush. So I have been busy!

I have also completed some new tasks for you to complete (remember you do not need to complete them all):

Primary 3 Home Learning 1 June








Online tasks have also been set

Sumdog – measure and spelling

Education city – reading (retrieving information), maths (measure) and writing (narrative)

Missing you all. Stay safe


Miss Graham

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