Primary 1- Friday 12th June 2020

Happy Friday P1!

Congratulations! You have made it to the end of another week of home learning! You are all doing a great job with your learning at home, well done!

Today I would like you to complete the weekly blog tasks, Education City and Sumdog! Please also continue to complete the ‘check ins’ and ‘check outs’ whenever you can!

Today is day 13 of our ‘doodle challenges’ and I bet you can trick someone at home with today’s challenge! Look at the pictures below to help you! This is Wally and he hides in busy pictures like the one below, can you find him in it?

Today you have to draw ‘Wally’ and hide him in a picture! Can anyone in your house find him in your picture? 30-days-of-doodles challenge

Have a fantastic weekend Primary 1!

Miss McCullagh

Primary 1- Thursday 11th June 2020

Good Morning P1!

I hope you are all well and having lots of fun this week with our activities! Please continue to complete the ‘check ins’ and ‘check outs’ whenever you can!

Today I would like you to continue with the weekly blog tasks, Education City and Sumdog.

It is day 13 today of the ‘doodle challenges’. I hope you enjoy completing this challenge!

30-days-of-doodles challenge

Have a fantastic day!

Miss McCullagh

Primary 1- Wednesday 10/6/2020

Good morning P1!

I hope you are all having a great week so far and enjoying the activities this week!

Today I would like you to continue with the blog tasks, Education City and Sumdog.

It is day 12 of the ‘doodle challenges’ today!  30-days-of-doodles challenge 

You may wish to watch this video before attempting today’s challenge!

Have a great day and please complete the ‘check ins’ and ‘check outs’ when you can!

Miss McCullagh

Primary 1- Tuesday 9/6/2020

Good morning P1!

I hope you have all enjoyed the activities you have completed so far! Please remember to complete the ‘check ins’ and ‘check outs’ on the blog as often as you can! I love reading all your lovely comments!

Today I would like you to continue with the blog tasks. Education City and Sumdog! Also there is a great science activity on Education City, please watch the ‘Learn It’ video for all the great facts and then complete the task!

Today is day 11 of the ‘doodle challenges’. You might want to go your daily walk for ideas before trying this one!

30-days-of-doodles challenge

Have the most fantastic day, I am missing you all so much!

Miss McCullagh

Primary 1- Monday 8/6/2020

Good Morning P1!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are ready for another week of home learning. Please remember all tasks do not have to be completed- this includes online tasks too. Just do what you can!

Here are your blog tasks for this week- I hope you enjoy them!

Home Learning Week beginning 8th June 2020

There are also numeracy and literacy tasks on Education City and a maths and spelling competition on Sumdog.

Today is day 10 of the ‘doodle challenges’. 30-days-of-doodles challenge

Please continue to complete the ‘check in’ and ‘check out’ forms on the blog as often as you can- I love hearing about all your daily activities!

Missing you all lots! Please remember to keep washing your hands and stay safe!

Have a fantastic week P1!

Miss McCullagh

Primary 1- Friday 5/6/2020

Happy Friday P1!

You have completed another week of home learning! I hope you all had great fun with our activities from this week! I know from the ‘check in’ and ‘check outs’ that you have all been very busy, it has been wonderful hearing the exciting things you have all been doing!

Today I would like you to complete the blog activities, Education City and Sumdog!

We are on day 9 of the ‘doodle challenges’ today! This one might make you as hungry as The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

30-days-of-doodles challenge

Please continue to complete the check ins and check outs on the blog, I look forward to hearing how you are feeling, what has made you smile and what has made your brain work hard!

Have a fantastic weekend! Remember to keep washing your hands and stay safe!

Missing you all so much!

Miss McCullagh

Primary 1- Thursday 4/6/2020

Good morning P1!

It has been lovely to hear from you on the ‘check ins’ and ‘check outs’ on the blog! Please continue to complete these whenever you can. I have read all your comments and it is great to see you are all enjoying your weekly tasks!

Today I would like you to continue with the weekly blog tasks, Education City and Sumdog. Please remember all activities do not need to be completed- this includes online tasks too, just do what you can.

Today is day 8 of the ‘doodle challenges’ and this one fits in very nicely with our main learning this week ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.

30-days-of-doodles challenge

Have a fantastic day and I look forward to hearing how you are all feeling, what has made you smile today and what has made your brain work super hard on the ‘check ins’ and ‘check outs’!

Miss McCullagh

Primary 1- Wednesday 3/6/2020

Good Morning P1!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the home learning activities this week!

Today I would like you to continue with the BLOG tasks, Education City and SUMDOG! It is day 7 on the ‘doodle challenge’ today!

30-days-of-doodles challenge

Please remember the check in and check out forms are on the blog, it has been lovely to hear about the great things you have been doing this week! Please continue to complete these forms whenever you can!

Have a great day!

Miss McCullagh

Primary 1- Tuesday 2/6/2020

Good morning P1!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the home learning activities this week!

It was lovely to hear from some of you yesterday with the ‘check in’ and ‘check out’ forms. These can be found on the blog when you wish to complete them.

Today I would like you to continue with BLOG tasks, Education City and SUMDOG!

We have new science activities today on Education City! Remember the Learn It video will give you all the fascinating facts and then there will be an activity to complete!

Today is day 6 on the ‘doodle challenge’!

30-days-of-doodles challenge

Have fun and stay safe!

Miss McCullagh

Primary 1- Monday 1/6/2020

Good Morning Primary 1!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, enjoyed the lovely sunshine and are ready for another week of home learning!

On the BLOG, there are ‘check in’ and ‘check out’ forms for P1 to let me know how you are all feeling and getting on with your home learning activities! These can be completed daily, every couple of days or weekly!

It would be lovely to hear from as many of you as possible as often as you can! Ideally the ‘check in’ would be completed each morning and the ‘check out’ later on in the day. However if daily isn’t always possible then please complete whenever it  is suitable for you and your child.

Here are your BLOG tasks for this week! I hope you all have lots of fun completing them!

Home Learning Week beginning 1st June 2020

There are also numeracy and literacy tasks on Education City and SUMDOG! On SUMDOG this week we have a numeracy competition, you are in 2 teams! The Superstars and the Megastars! Good luck!

Today is day 5 on the ‘doodle challenges’. I hope you are all enjoying them!

30-days-of-doodles challenge

Have a great day and remember to stay safe!

Miss McCullagh

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