Primary 3 Easter Activities

Good Afternoon Primary 3

I hope you are all keeping well. I am missing you all. I have created a list of activities that you may wish to complete over the Easter holidays.

p3 Easter Holidays

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Thank you to all of you and all parents/ carers throughout this challenging time, your support is greatly appreciated.

Happy Holidays

Miss Graham

Primary 3 Online Tasks

Good morning Primary 3 just an update on tasks that I have set for you this week on Education City and Sumdog:

  • Vertebrates and Invertebrates on Education City
  • The Skeleton on Education City
  • Time activity on Sumdog

Added today

  • Comprehension on Education city (one of the activities is about Tutankhamun)
  • Writing on Education City

Please remember that you also have your home learning activities that were set at the start of the week and a link for some art from yesterday.

Have fun with your activities!

I hope you are all keeping well.

Primary 3 Art Activity

Afternoon Primary 3,

I hope you are all keeping well. Keep working on the home learning tasks that were posted on the blog on Tuesday and keep using Sumdog and Education City.  I hope you have been enjoying Joe Wicks PE lessons in the morning. I even tried it myself yesterday and had such fun!

Thought you might like an idea for an art lesson – you know I love to do art in the class.

Shadow Drawing

Resources: paper, pencil, colouring pencils/pens/ crayons/paint, light source (sun/ lamp), toys


  1. Get your paper and place it in the sun/ beside a lamp.
  2. Place your toy(s) on the paper so that the light is behind them
  3. Trace around the outline of your toy
  4. Add detail and colour in

I will also be posting other websites later on for other activities.


Stay safe


Miss Graham

Primary 3 Tasks

Morning Primary 3!

Hope you are all well and enjoying Sumdog and Education City. Great to see some of you completing tasks already on it! Keep it up!

I am missing you all and hope that you are all keeping well.


Here are some tasks that you can complete throughout the week. I will post a new set of activities next week. Hope you enjoy some of them.

Primary 3 Home Learning Week 1


A good way to start your day is with a little exercise.  Every morning Joe Wicks will be live streaming a free PE lesson on his YouTube channel at 9am.  You can access it through this link:


Cosmic Kids Yoga is another great way to relax and start the day.


Go Noodle can be used for fun tasks between activities.





This week we will consolidate the sounds

Sun = tch, wr, ea (bread)


Moon: ay, ea (wheat), ow (snow)













  1. Practice reading and writing the spelling words.
  2. Active spelling task: pyramid spell.
  3. Word hunt: look around the house to see if you can find words with your sounds.



Read a book that you have at home with an adult.  Draw a picture of your main character and write a description of them.

  • Think about how they look.
  • What are they wearing?
  • What qualities do they have? (kind, caring etc.)



What would you do if you had a pet dragon?

Think about:

  • Food
  • Where it would stay
  • Exercise


Now write a story with a dragon in it.

  • Why not add some pictures.




3D Shape

Have a hunt around your house to see what 3d shapes you can find.

Create a tally chart that you could use to record your findings as you hunt for 3D shapes. Keep a tally of how many you find of each shape.

What was the most common 3D shape in your home?

Tell an adult 5 things about 3D shapes.


Other Ideas

  1. Look outside and have a look to see what animals you can find and draw them.

It might be a butterfly, a bird, a squirrel, a dog.

  1. The Ancient Egyptians: Draw the River Nile and write 4 facts about it.
  2. Use Education City and Sumdog to complete the games set.






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