P1 Homework

Hi Primary 1

Please find your ‘n’ homework and sight words in the sway. There is also an updated learning grid with some new activities!

Remember to send us in any pictures of the activities you do at home, we love seeing what you are all up to!

Email: wlfallahill-ps@westlothian.org.uk

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Howley & Miss Gorman

Go to this Sway


P2 Home Learning Sway

Hello all,

I wanted to repost the link to the Home Learning Sway for P2 as I’ve just discovered not everyone is aware it’s here.

P2 Sway

There is a brief overview included in the Sway that should explain how we plan to use it and what you can expect. However, if you have any questions at all, please do get in touch!

C Rainey

P1 Learning

What a fantastic week we had in P1 ! We were working on our co-ordination and listening skills in PE, it was great fun but a little bit tricky! We also made marvellous mice and witches potions to celebrate Roald Dahl day, we enjoyed mixing lots of things together!

This week we have been learning the sounds ‘a’ and ‘t’ and we have been practising new words! We were using the sounds we have learned to write ‘All About Me’.

Please follow the link below for this weeks new homework.

Go to this Sway

P4 Sharing Our Learning Term 1

What a start to the year we’ve had! We’ve been busy catching up with all our friends and enjoying new learning as well.

For this term we have a busy schedule and we have made a great start to our learning already – finding out about food chains, remembering our mental maths skills and starting to read our class novel.

For the rest of the term we have some fantastic learning planned which you can find out about in the attached document – we can’t wait to get stuck in to it all!

Four Contexts Plan T1

What will we be learning this term in P7?

Primary Seven have made a fantastic start to the new session and all of the children have settled in well to new routines. They have been very busy working on several Health and Wellbeing topics already and I am sure they will continue to shine whilst working on all areas of the curriculum.

Attached is a copy of what we will be focusing on in term 1 and I’m sure they will love sharing their learning with you.

Mrs Hunter 🙂

What will I be learning in….T1