Welcome to P1 2020

What a fantastic start we have made on our P1 journey! We have really enjoyed exploring our classroom and school, learning about the school routines, getting to know our teachers and making new friends! We’ve also been washing our hands lots and lots and lots!

Here are some pictures of us enjoying some classroom activities, building a wall for Humpty Dumpty and going on a nature walk where we found a tiny baby frog, it was sooooo cute!!!


School start and finish times for all year groups

Start and finish times for all year groups are as follows:

    Mon – Thurs Friday
    Start finish Start Finish
P1A   Mrs Howley  8:50am  3:10pm  8:50am  12:25pm 
P1B Miss Gorman 8:55am 3:15pm 8:55am 12:30pm
P2  Ms Rainey & Mrs Gorman  8:50am  3:10pm  8:50am  12:25pm 
P3 Miss Graham 8:55am 3:15pm 8:55am 12:30pm
P4  Miss Denovan  8:50am  3:10pm  8:50am  12:25pm 
P5 Ms Thomson 8:55am 3:15pm 8:55am 12:30pm
P6 Miss Lynch 8:55am 3:15pm 8:55am 12:30pm
P7  Mrs Hunter  8:50am  3:10pm  8:50am  12:25pm 

Good morning P2!

Hello again boys and girls.

It was lovely to see you all yesterday and I really was impressed with how grown up and sensible you all were. There were a lot of new things to remember and you tried so hard to make sure we were being as safe as possible. Well done!

Here are a few wee activities you might want to do today while you are at home.

Task 1

Listen to the story Grumpy Frog by Ed Vere.

After you have watched the story, talk to a grown up about your favourite part. Which bit did you like and why? Do you ever feel grumpy? What do you think might happen to the frog after the story?

You could draw a detailed picture and try to write a sentence or a word to help describe what you have drawn.

Task 2

Can you take a walk or go into your garden with an adult and play eye spy? What did you spy?

How many animals can you find?

Count how many different things you spied? (Make this trickier by counting in 2s, for example. You could add or take away objects as well).

Task 3

Count how many star jumps you can do in 1 minute.

How many hops can you do in 1 minute?

Task 4

Find stones or twigs and write your name or some of our common words from last year.

Remember, Mrs Gorman is in tomorrow but I am already looking forward to seeing you all again next Wednesday.

Ms Rainey




P4 Home Learning for 13.8.20

Happy Thursday to my new P4 class – it was lovely to meet you all on Wednesday and our class will feel very empty without you.

Let’s not be sad though, let’s have some fun with the lovely learning tasks I have for you to try. I have uploaded these as a PDF file and they will also be posted on TEAMs so you can pop on there and let me know how you’re getting along with them.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all again on Friday and to making this an awesome year.

See you soon,

Miss Denovan P4 Home Learning 130820

P3 Home learning tasks for 13.08.20

Hello primary 3,

I hope that you enjoyed your first day in primary 3.

I have attached a few tasks for you to try at home tomorrow.

I would love to see your work if you are able to complete any of the tasks then email them to wlfallahill-ps@westlothian.org.uk

Here is the link to the story, sorry I didn’t realise the getepic website was no longer free. www.youtube.com/watch?v=40xWk-4ZLxE

See you all on Friday!

P3 Home Learning

Good Afternoon P5!

Welcome to Primary 5!  I am so excited to be back in school and in our classroom – can’t wait to see you all on Thursday.  I know it’s not a new classroom for you but it does look a little bit different.

I will be posting some activities on your Team page tomorrow morning – Ms Thomson’s P5 Falla Hill – and hope to hear from you on there.  Everyone in school has already been working hard so that we all have a good start to the new school year – see you all on Thursday!