All posts by Mrs Thomson

What a busy week!

Primary 4 have been very busy this week sharing their learning about their Dinosaur Topic.                                             

The children all spoke clearly and were able to answer any questions that their classmates had.  Fantastic effort P4 – you should all be very proud of yourselves!


Very Productive Week in P5

Last week was a very busy week in P5 – we designed our own pairs of odd socks to celebrate difference and anti-bullying week.

Everyone worked together to achieve all the different jobs in the garden area which is really starting to take shape – well done everyone.

We also had great fun during PE – some excellent hockey skills on display and fantastic sportsmanship.

P5 Sharing Our Learning

It has been a busy few weeks in P5 – the children have settled in really well and are doing a fantastic job getting used to the new routines.  Attached is a link for the Sway that includes this terms sharing our learning plan and home learning.

Go to this Sway

.Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me – thank you.