Can you build/create the stay safe rainbow? If you haven’t got all the colours stated then use any colour of bricks you have. You could also design your own rainbow picture!
Daily Archives: March 25, 2020
P1 Fun Number Songs
Great catchy number songs! Jack Hartmann has lots of videos on youtube and you get to workout while you count!
P2 Learning grids
Good morning primary 2. I hope the home learning is going well and that you are working your way through the learning packs. Remember to record your learning in the green jotter. For those of you that don’t have the learning grids, I have attached them for week one and two. I’ve also attached some fry’s words to work on too.
The learning grid for week three will be uploaded onto the blog soon.
Widgit Online Free Access
Some parents might find this website useful. To make sure symbol users have access to the systems and resources they need, we would like to offer free and unrestricted access to Widgit Online and it’s ready-made materials for 30 days. Use code: WIDGIT30
General Learning Grids
Primary 1 and Primary 2 French Songs
Link attached for Primary 1 and Primary 2 French songs.