It’s May! The 1st May is traditionally know as May Day a day of holiday and Spring celebration. There are many lovely May traditions that sadly are fading into history. Romans first introduced the Maypole into Britain over 2000 year ago. They danced around a pole holding a ribbon to weave beautiful patterns to celebrate the Goddess Flora the goddess of flowering plants. Click here to see one in action. In Edinburgh it was a belief that if a young woman climbed Arthur’s Seat on May Day morning and washed her face in the morning dew she would have life long beauty. In Scotland this was the traditional time of the Beltane celebration. The word Beltane originates from the Celtic God Bel which meaning ‘bright one’ and the gaelic word ‘teine’ meaning fire. Together they mean ‘bright fire’ or ‘goodly fire’ as traditionally bonfires were lit to welcome back the sun after the long winter. The Beltane Fire Festival in Edinburgh still crown their May Queen on May Day Eve in a spectacular celebration of the four elements – earth, air, fire and water that includes dancing and fireworks and people dressed as mythical beings. An amazing sight to behold! You can see a picture of her here.
Remember that Monday is the Bank Holiday to celebrate May Day and Tuesday is in the school calendar as an inset day so there will be no work set on the blog and we look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday.
Happy May Day! Have a lovely long weekend.
Love Mrs Short.
Daily Overview
Writing – procedural writing: Instruction for washing your hands.
Do this activity first.
Procedural writing imperative verbs
Then move onto your writing.
HWB – online safety
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