P1 Tuesday 21st April – Numeracy

Hello again, I hope you have written some super sentences using ee words.

Join David Walliams for Elevenses to listen to his story of “Earnest Ernest” at our usual milk and story time of 11.00am.


  • Now warm up with some subitizing using this Ten Frame Flash Fun. You only have 3 seconds!!

Well done!

  • Now use the online Rekenrek below to find as many different ways of making 9 as you can
  • Record these in your jotter and don’t forget the switchers
  • Remember to form your numbers correctly


  • Now try the Ten Frame Mania game below to help you to Subitize quickly and remember to use your brain and use your eyes!!
  • Remember to start with the EASY Level


Thank you, Mrs Topping






A1 Literacy Tasks 21/04/20

Good Morning A1

I hope you enjoyed your first day back to home learning.  I would love to see some of the musical instruments you made for Maisie yesterday so please send a photo or a wee video of you playing your instrument if you have one!

Time to get ready for another PE session with Joe Wicks!


Have a look at the visual timetable for your tasks for this morning!

2020_04_21 Literacy Timetable

Here is the link to today’s rhyming song:

I will check back in after story time with David Walliams!

Mrs Bryce


P2/3 Literacy 21/4/20

Good morning P2/3!

Are we all ready for our #PEwithJoe this morning? I know I am!

After your morning workout I would like you to have a look through the powerpoint attached below – it’s all about the First Man on the Moon! After that, I would love you to have a go at the quiz to see what you have learned – it’s a bit like the quiz show Who Wants to be a Millionaire and I thought it would be a fun way to do some comprehension.

First Man on the Moon ppt

First Moon Landing Millionaire Quiz

Let’s have a great day 🙂

Miss McLuckie

P1 Tuesday 21st April – Literacy

Good morning everyone, hope you are well and ready for another day of learning.

Remember to tune into Joe Wicks for your daily PE lesson this morning at 9.00am

Today we will continue with the ee sound from yesterday.

  • How many ee words can you think of?
  • Try to sound some of them out to an adult
  • Complete the 3 ee activities on Study Ladder and don’t forget to watch the tutorial (username and password in jotter)
  • Now write 3 simple sentences in your jotter using some ee words of your own e.g. The bee can buzz.
  • Remember to use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end of each sentence
  • If you would like some more practice use the ee word list on Doorway Online


  • Click on  Vowel Sounds E sound then 03-ee-words (1)

Thank you, Mrs Topping

Five Minute Box2 – Quiz No3


❓❓❓How many words can you find❓❓❓

Be a detective with your KEY WORDS DICTIONARY CARD sheet


1. Find the letter after  T

2. Find the letter before  W

3. Find the letter after D

4. Find the letter before  L

5. Find all 12 months of the year, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one is done for you)













6. Find the ing words, list them in alphabetical order   (the first one is done for you)









7. Find 4 words to add an ing ending onto       eg         pull ->pulling , see -> seeing         milk  -> milking 





Be a word detective and find the word

write it out (x4) each- L,S,C,W,Ch,

or write the word into a sentence.

8. Find a 9 letter word starting with C

9. Find a9 letter word starting with A

❓10. Find a8 letter word starting with D  


                                                 Have fun being a word detective.

P1 Science

Good afternoon P1 for science this week I am going to set you a challenge to do one of the following activities and ask your parents or carer to  email me a picture of your results so I can share with everyone on the blog.

email: stephen.riding@westlothian.org.uk


Sadly last time I did not receive any emails so I am hoping for a better response today.


P1 Kitchen science – Invisible Ink P1 Kitchen science – Rainbow in a glass

P1 Kitchen science – Invisible Ink

The attached documents give instructions of how to carry out the kitchen science and explain the science behind what is happening. Adults please please please explain the science behind the experiment either when you are doing it or afterwards. 

A1- P1 Craft Activity – Let’s Make Music!!

Good afternoon boys and girls I hope you are all having a good day and enjoying your home school tasks today! I was watching the ‘One World’ concert on TV last night and had a thought, we all love music and it makes us smile.  So I thought why don’t we make our own instruments at home, using any junk/recycling we have. You could make drums from tin cans, shakers with plastic bottles and rice or lentils( if your parents agree), microphones or like me a guitar! I have  a link to a video below that will give you some ideas but just use your imagination. Please, Please, email them or put them on twitter if you can.

We could maybe even have our own concert!!

Here is the Guitar I made!






P2/3 HWB – Monday 20th April 2020

Well boys and girls, I bet there has been a lot of fantastic work done today in all of your households.

Our last activity today is to being a mini project that you are in charge of. Your last task is to create a Kindness Journal. You can make your journal by folding bits of A4 paper in half and creating a booklet, you can create it on Microsoft Word, you could even create a video recorded journal. In your journal, I am looking for you to record things that you have done throughout the day that have been kind, that may have helped someone in your house, that may have made someone feel good. At the end of the week, i will ask you to share some of your kind acts that you have done throughout the week. Parents can either send these to me via twitter or via email in the form of word documents or pictures when the time comes.

Your first task is to decorate your journal however you like.

I can wait to hear about all the wonderfully kind things you have all been doing.

Miss Hamill 🙂

Good afternoon A1

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the sunshine.

If you have managed to get out for your daily exercise you may have noticed lots of rainbows in windows, so I thought we would base our STEM experiments around rainbows this afternoon!

There are 3 different experiments for you to try, all you need is kitchen roll and water, baking soda, vinegar and food colouring (things I hope you have in your house already).

Rainbow Science Experiments

If you can upload your pictures to Twitter or send some photos to Mrs Bryce I would live to see how you get on.

Miss McLuckie

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