P1 and A1 Wednesday 6th May – Shape

Hello again everyone! Welcome back!

Hope you enjoyed your writing task this morning about “The Little Puppies”.

Listen in at 11.00am for a story with David Walliams at our usual milk and story time


Today we will continue with 3D shapes.

Let’s join in with the 3D shape song – we are sure you know it by now!

  • Take a look at the power point below and see if you can identify the correct 3D shape

Can you find the 3d shape pp

  • Now complete page 9 in your Shape workbook (A9)


  • All shapes have properties
  • A property is a feature which helps us describe it e.g.  how many sides or faces it has etc.

3D shapes have faces, edges and corners

  • Watch and listen to this clip to learn more about about the properties of 3D shapes

  • Can you create your own 3D shape and show it’s properties?
  • You could use plasticene or playdough, sand, card or even paper.
  • We would love it if you could share your 3D shapes with us.

Thank you, Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce









P2/3 Literacy – Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a relaxing long weekend. Our topic for this week and next is all about THE HUMAN BODY!

Your New grids are here…circles week 5 grid and Triangles and squares grid week 5

Now, some of our learning will be revision of our science topic ‘ The Skeleton’. Revision is good and helps us remember our learning!

Your spelling words this week are attached to the blog at the bottom.

MasterMinds – Rainbow writing and pyramid writing your words, followed by 5 sentences.

Bright Sparks – Fancy writing (bubble, squinty, wobbly) all of your words, followed by 3 sentences.

Genius Gems – Pyramid writing all of your words followed by one sentence and a picture to show 2 words.

Miss Hamill

Master Minds week 5 spelling

Bright Sparks week 5 spelling

Genius Gems week 5 spelling

A1 and P1 PM Writing Task 06/05/20

Good Morning boys and girls!

We hope you had a lovely long weekend and are ready for some PE with Joe at 9am!

For this morning’s writing task, have another read over the story we used last week.  This will help you with your writing today.

Now have a look at today’s task.  You will find ‘The Big Tree – Task 5’ inside your pack.

recount_big_tree_activity 5

The purpose of this task is to write a simple recount about ‘The Little Puppies’ with support.  First, talk about what is happening in the picture at the top.  Then, using the word bank to help you, write a simple recount similar to the one we read about ‘The Big Tree’.

We would love to see your writing!  Please send us a copy!

After all of your hard work, have a rest and listen to today’s story from David Walliams.


Mrs Bryce and Mrs Topping

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