P2/3 Numeracy 25/05/20

Hello again! Don’t forget that you can tune in to David Walliams for story time at 11am.


Triangles and Squares are continuing with Place Value today, with a mixture of using words and numbers:

Circles are continuing with addition today – use the picture sheet to help you work out the numbers to write in the question sheet to then work out the answers:

I Spy Question Sheet

I Spy Picture sheet

Miss McLuckie

P1 Monday 25th May – Literacy

Good morning everyone! Hope you had a good weekend. Looks like we are in for some lovely weather this week.

Let’s start the week off with some exercise with Joe.

Remember to have a rest and a drink before Literacy.

  • Today we will revise the ch sound
  • Sing along to the Jolly Phonics song and do the action:
  • Move your arms at your sides as if you are a train and say ch, ch, ch
  • How many words can you think of using the ch sound?
  • Remember the ch sound can come at the start or the end of a word   e.g   chip         rich
  • Watch and listen to this fun clip to learn more ch words

    • Now find the ch pages in your Jolly Phonics workbook and draw and colour 4 pictures using the ch sound
    • Trace then write the ch sound underneath
    • Now think of 6 good ch words and write them out 3 times in your neatest handwriting on the other side of the page
    • To finish Literacy tasks this morning an activity has been set for you on Education City
    • Click on
    • Click on P1 Literacy Folder
    • Cheeping Chicks Activity

I will check back in with you before numeracy.

Mrs Topping



P2/3 Literacy 25/05/20

Good morning everyone. It’s Monday today which means it’s the start of another week of home learning! Who’s ready to take on the week? Let’s start off with our workout with Joe

When you catch your breath, I want you to choose a spelling activity from the grid and complete it in your jotter. We are keeping the words the same, but can you think of any more words that link to our sea theme? You could add them to your word list.

I’ll check in again after break with some Numeracy.

Miss McLuckie

A1 Literacy Tasks 25/05/20

Good Morning A1!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and for those celebrating Eid, I hope you had fun celebrating with your family!  Thankfully the sun has come out today… woohoo!

Lets start our day with PE with Joe:

Now, let’s check our timetable to see what are Spelling/Phonics tasks are this morning:

25.05.20 Literacy Timetable

Today we are learning the i sound and the oo sound.

Let’s sing the Jolly Phonics songs:

I will be back after the live assembly with Fischy Music.  Don’t forget to tune in at 11am:


Mrs Bryce

P2/3 RME 22/05/20

Hello again. I hope you all managed the Word Boost activity this morning. Time for some RME. I thought we could learn about the word Karma – some of you may have heard of it or have an idea of what it means but this Karma powerpoint will help you to understand how it relates to Buddhism and the origins of the word (where it originally came from).

Hope to speak to some of you in today’s assembly but have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe.

Miss McLuckie

P1 Friday 22nd May – Health and Well Being

Welcome back everyone!

If you have a big brother or sister try to listen in to our Friday Assembly on Teams, if not, then listen in to David Walliams at 11.00am for “Bad Dad”.


On a Friday at this time, we will begin to look at some areas of Health and Well Being.

This week, we will start off with ACHIEVING

  • Watch and listen to the clip below

  • Think about when you have learned to do something new or achieved a target
  • You might have learned to ride your bike, tell the time, bake a cake or something different
  • Share your achievements with  a family member and ask them to share some of their achievements with you

Record your achievement in some way. You could make a short video, take a photograph or draw a picture and we would love it if you could share it with us.

Thank you for all your hard work this week.

Have a lovely weekend and see you back here on Monday morning!

Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce




Celebration Assembly Friday the 15th of May and Friday the 22nd of May

Please enjoy this week and last week’s remote celebration assembly.  Well done to all the pupils who are working hard at home and to all our parents for supporting their children with the work that has been set by our teachers and support staff.  You have been outstanding with your creativity.  Well done: Miss Clarkson.

2020_05_15 Assembly remote learning

2020_05_15 Assembly remote learning 2020_05_22 Assembly remote learning

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