Category Archives: Whole School

Spooky goings on in ASD1

Pupils in ASD1 have been enjoying some spooky fun in the run up to Halloween.

We learned some new Halloween themed songs and have been singing them as we did Halloween art work and decorated our classroom.

Mrs Banchio helped us to make gingerbread cookies, which we decorated with Miss Carson the next day – they were every bit as delicious as they looked!




We designed a face for our pumpkins on a worksheet and then transferred our drawing to an actual pumpkin with our partners – they looked really good lit up with LED tealights and helped welcome pupils to the Halloween Hoot on Thursday 27th October.


On Halloween itself we learned about some of the history and traditions of Halloween before trying out “dooking” for apples, but using the fork method. We enjoyed our Halloween Drama and music as we sang the songs we had learned and dressed up to play our part in one of the songs. There was even time for a spooky story…

Happy Halloween!








Primary 1 & P5,6,7 Teddy Bears Picnic

For the first week of term the new Primary 1 class and their buddies (including primary 5) planned, organised and went on a Teddy bears picnic. Whether the activity  was creating some pretty nifty teddy bear invitations or  baking some teddy bear biscuits all the children involved themselves in the preparation with enthusiasm and passion. On the day the P1’s were escorted round the school grounds by their buddies. Stopping along the way to play some parachute games and be helped around the assault course. Then it was off to have some lunch in the outdoor classroom with sandwiches that had been especially prepared by the P5,6,7’s. Can you think of a more fun way to finish off your first week at school? we cant.


Hola a todos or Hello everyone.

I’m here in sunny Spain, immersing myself in the language and culture on a week long study course. This means that most days I’ve had 5+ hours of class time and added cultural visits, including trying traditional food, dancing and music, as well as seeing the sights here in Málaga.
In the new school year I’m hoping to have some Spanish language input in the upper primary stages.

While I’ve been over in Málaga I have made a new friend on the beach.

On Thursday I made a new friend on the beach - Tomas el toro
On Thursday I made a new friend on the beach – Tomas el toro

He showed me some of the beautiful city of Málaga and now wants to come to Scotland to share some of the culture and language of Spain with the whole school.
Showing Tomás the Cathedral in Málaga
Showing Tomás the Cathedral in Málaga
Tomás el toro cools down
Tomás el toro cools down

Tomás and I will see you all very soon.
Hasta luego!

End of Term Fun

Primary 2/3/4 had a fantastic last week of school, enjoying the whole school trip to Helix Park on Tuesday and then the end of term treats of an obstacle course and ice cream van.

I would just like to express my thanks to families of pupils of P 2/3/4 for the many generous gifts and cards I received at the end of this year. It has been an unforgettable first year in teaching for me and I wish all my pupils and their families the best of luck for their future.

Mr Reid


Blackburn Multi-Sport Event

On Wednesday 8th June Primary 2/3/4 enjoyed taking part in a multi-sport event at Blackburn Community Centre. Pupils were able to mix with children from other schools and had a fantastic time trying their hand at a variety of sports.

Leaflets were issued with ore information on how to get involved with these events outside of school.

Blackburn Children’s Gala Day

Pupils from ASD2 and P2/3/4 had a visit from representatives of the Gala Day Committee as part of their topic on celebrations. The ladies answered questions that pupils from both classes had prepared and brought some historic items to show pupils – the cloak, crown and sceptre from the first Gala Queen (dating from 1953) and a more modern, sparkly crown. Some pupils got the chance to try on these items. We learned a lot about the history of the Gala and some interesting facts about it now.
2016-05-30 14.47.40

2016-05-30 14.48.03

2016-05-30 14.52.16

Blackburn Primary School are getting involved in all the events surrounding Blackburn Children’s Gala Day. On Friday 20th May auditions were held in school to find acts to represent our school at the Blackburn Schools Got Talent Night. After seeing singing, comedy, gymnastics, mime and dancing there were tough decisions for the judges but three acts were chosen to go forward to represent the school at the final on 3rd June – one singer form P1, a dancer from ASD2 and a dancer/singer from P7. All three pupils gave it their all on the night of the big final, big voices, great dance moves and jazz hands and did the school proud.

We have teams representing the school in the schools’ relay race and in the quiz on Tuesday 7th June. Staff and all pupils will be able to take in the parade following the crowning of the Gala Queen on Saturday 11th June. We have chosen “Flower Power” (60s /70s) theme to represent the idea of through the ages and pupils in the Nursery will be making headbands to wear. Any pupils wishing to walk with the school should meet Miss Clarkson and school/nursery staff at the Community Centre at 11 a.m., dressed up and raring to go.