Category Archives: Whole School

P2/3 Literacy – Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a great Tuesday with lots of fun learning.

This morning for literacy, I would like;

MasterMinds – complete 2 spelling tasks from your grid using your new space themed words then complete 10 minutes of spelling activities on sumdog.

Bright Sparks –ย complete 2 spelling tasks from your grid using your new space themed words then complete 10 minutes of reading out loud with an adult in the house.

Genius Gems –ย complete 2 spelling tasks from your grid using your new space themed words and then draw a space themed picture including 3 of your new words.

If you are looking for a challenge to complete with your family today, I have attached a nursery rhyme quiz that should get yours brains working hard.

Miss Hamill ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

P2/3 Maths – Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good Morning P2/3,

I hope your first day back at home learning was fun and exciting. Did any of you learn any new words about space?

For maths today I would like the following groups to complete;

Triangles – Page 1 of your addition to 100 sums ( attachment below)

Squares – Page 1 of your addition to 50 sums (attachment below)

Circles – complete addition to 20 worksheet in jotter (attachment below)

Remember you have an addition challenge to complete on Sumdog before the end of the week!ย 

Have a good day

Miss Hamill ๐Ÿ™‚

Addition to 100 – Triangles

Addition to 50 – Squares

Addition to 20 – Circles

P2/3 HWB – Monday 20th April 2020

Well boys and girls, I bet there has been a lot of fantastic work done today in all of your households.

Our last activity today is to being a mini project that you are in charge of. Your last task is to create a Kindness Journal. You can make your journal by folding bits of A4 paper in half and creating a booklet, you can create it on Microsoft Word, you could even create a video recorded journal. In your journal, I am looking for you to record things that you have done throughout the day that have been kind, that may have helped someone in your house, that may have made someone feel good. At the end of the week, i will ask you to share some of your kind acts that you have done throughout the week. Parents can either send these to me via twitter or via email in the form of word documents or pictures when the time comes.

Your first task is to decorate your journal however you like.

I can wait to hear about all the wonderfully kind things you have all been doing.

Miss Hamill ๐Ÿ™‚

P2/3 Maths – Monday 20th April 2020

Moving onto our maths next.

This week, we are all going to be revising and working on our addition skills and strategies.

To begin maths today, i would like everyone to log onto Sumdog and complete the ‘addition challenge’ that has been set for each individual group.

Secondly, all groups should head to the topmarks website and look for the Blast Off game and click on ‘counting on & back’

Triangles – 30-99 counting on

Squares – 0-30 counting on

Circles – 0-20 counting on

Miss Hamill ๐Ÿ™‚

P2/3 Literacy – Monday 20th April 2020

Today’s literacy activities will be focusing on our spelling and the introduction of some new words based around our new topic, Space.

I would like all the groups to investigate their new words either individually or with the help of a parent/carer. Try and use the dictionary or research online what your words mean.

Secondly, I like all group to choose 2 spelling activities from your new grid and complete these in your jotter.

If you find out any new interesting facts about space whilst doing your research, I would love to hear them. Comment below.

Miss Hamill ๐Ÿ™‚


Master Minds week 3 spelling

Bright Sparks week 3 spelling

Genius Gems week 3 spelling

P2/3 Welcome Back!

Hello P2/3,

Firstly I would like to welcome you all back to learning at home and I hope you have all had a lovely Easter Holiday. The sun has definitely come out for us all.

First things first this morning, lets all get active with Joe Wicks at 9am. Monday is our PE day so lets make sure we are all keeping healthy and moving our bodies.

Secondly, I have attached your work grids for this week. One for the triangles and squares, and one for the circles. There are lots of activities on there for you to do. Each day myself or Miss McLuckie will be posting some activities that we would like you to complete along with the resources you may need to complete the activities.

Finally, every 2 weeks all of your activities, learning and spelling words will be based on a mini topic that has been previously suggested in class. This week and next week, all of our learning will be based on SPACE!

Look out for your literacy tasks being posted at 9:30am.

Miss Hamill ๐Ÿ™‚

Triangles and squares grid week 3

circles week 3 grid