Category Archives: Whole School

P2/3 Word Boost – Friday 1st May 2020

Good morning boys and girls

Welcome to the lovely month of May/Mai, lets hope the sun starts to come out soon!

I hope you have enjoyed your space theme, today is the end of the topic. Monday and Tuesday you are all on holiday therefore there will be no blog posts until Wednesday.

Word boost this week is Shoe Shoe Baby. I have attached the definitions for parents, the worksheet that can either be printed or completed from a screen into the jotter provided and a YouTube link to listen to the story.

The aim of word boost is for the children to learn new WOW words that they could use in everyday dialect and writing.

I hope you all have a lovely long weekend. Keep safe.

Miss Hamill 🙂 



P2/3 Literacy – Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning everyone,

This morning remember to take part in #PEwithJoe, stay active and workout!

For literacy today, I would like everyone to read 10 pages of their chosen book. Have a think about what you think is going to happen next? What do you predict ?

  1. Where are your characters going next?
  2. What is going to happen?

Write your prediction down in your jotter. Read the next 10 pages. Were you right?

Miss Hamill 🙂 

P2/3 Maths – Tuesday 28th April 2020

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and had a good day yesterday.

Triangles – I would like you to complete one page of subtraction sums in your jotter. Remember to set out your work neatly and use a ruler to draw your lines. Triangles Subtraction Activity

Squares – I would like you to complete one page of subtraction with missing number sums in your jotter. Squares Missing Number Activity

Circles – I would like you to complete one page of subtraction from 20 sums in your jotter. Circles Subtraction from 20 Activity

Remember you can send me over your hard work via email!

Miss Hamill 🙂 

P2/3 French 23/4/20

Hello again boys and girls. I thought we could do a little bit of French this afternoon. I would like you to practise the days of the week and months of the year – can you teach a partner how to say them in French?

Days of the week song –

Months of the year song –

Next I would like you have a look at this powerpoint and have a go at the activities.

French 23.4.20

Have a lovely afternoon, Miss McLuckie

P2/3 Maths – Thursday 23rd April 2020

Hello everyone,

It has been so lovely to speak to everyone that I have had to chance to so far, more phone calls will be getting made today 🙂

Maths today involves a little bit more jotter work for some and a little bit more Sumdog for others.

Triangles – i would like you to complete a second page of your addition to 100 sums followed by 10 minutes of Sumdog.

Squares – i would like you to complete a second page of your addition to 50 sums followed by 10 minutes of Sumdog.

Circles– i challenge you to make you own set of domino’s out of paper and play domino’s with a member of your family, however, when you are playing, you must add up both numbers on your domino before placing it down. Take pictures and let me see your domino games!

Have fun boys and girls.

Miss Hamill 😀 

P2/3 ART – Wednesday 22nd April 2020

I am loving this space theme boys and girls! Are you?

Todays art activity is something I think everybody is going to enjoy. Your task today is to create your very own alien!

You can use any resources that you can find in your house(with your parents permission of course) including toilet rolls holders, paper, pens, paint, string, googly eyes, anything you wish!

Think about what you want your alien to look like? What colour will it be? Does it have 5 eyes? How many heads does it have? Whats it name? What planet is it from?

I am very excited to see your designs, remember you can send them over email to me or upload them to twitter!

Miss Hamill 😀