Category Archives: Whole School

Celebration Assembly Friday the 15th of May and Friday the 22nd of May

Please enjoy this week and last week’s remote celebration assembly.  Well done to all the pupils who are working hard at home and to all our parents for supporting their children with the work that has been set by our teachers and support staff.  You have been outstanding with your creativity.  Well done: Miss Clarkson.

2020_05_15 Assembly remote learning

2020_05_15 Assembly remote learning 2020_05_22 Assembly remote learning

P2/3 Maths – Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning boys and girls

For maths today i would like you to refer to the math games highlighted in your weekly grid.

Game 1 – get 2 dice, roll the dice with a partner or on your own and multiply the number you see on the dice by either 5 (triangles and squares) and 2 (circles).

Game 2 – get a set of domino’s or make your own set of domino’s from paper. When playing, every time you place a domino down, you must multiply the end of the domino that is not against another piece by your designated times table.

Game 3 – play snap with a partner. When snap is called, multiply the number on the card by your designated times table.

If you feel confident with your times table that you have been working on, try and play these games with the 10 times tables.

Have a great day everyone, stay active and stay safe.

Miss Hamill 🙂 

P2/3 STEM 12/05/20

Hello again everyone. This afternoon I would you like you to have a look at this video and then try to complete the quiz at the end to see what you have learned.

Your second task for this afternoon is to go on a Scavenger Hunt and use your senses to find out 5 things that you can see, hear, touch and smell (taste will be hard but if you can think of anything I would interested to know). You could do this while on your Daily Mile and write down or draw a picture of what you come across.

Miss McLuckie

P2/3 Maths – Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all getting on well with your times tables work this week. I have received some excellent work via email.

Before starting your work today, have a listen to these times table videos. Can you keep up with it?


Triangles and squares- focusing on the 5 times tables, play snap with someone in your house. When a ‘snap’ happens, multiply the number on the card by 5. Then, log onto topmarks and play mental maths train for 10 mins focusing on 5x table.

Circles – focusing on the 2 times tables, play snap with someone in your house. When a ‘snap’ happens, multiply the number on the card by 2. Then, log onto topmarks and play mental maths train for 10 mins focusing on 2x table.

Have a good one everybody

Miss Hamill 🙂Â