Category Archives: P1

P1 Monday 1st June – Numeracy

Hello again everyone!

Join in with the regular Monday Fischy Music assembly.

To warm up let’s try a different song to practise counting down from 100 to 1.

  • Today’s activities have been set on Study Ladder
  • 1st June  – Subtraction from 10
  • Remember to do the Tutorial first, then 2  Practice activities
  • Now make your own spinner like the one shown in the activity sheet – you can make it from a circle of card and make it as colourful as you like, push a pencil through the middle and spin!
  • If you would rather you could make card/paper squares and write the numbers on them, put them in a bag or a box and try a “lucky dip” instead
  • Next use your spinner/lucky dip to  copy and complete the subtraction calculations in your jotter

  • To finish off have a go with this Subtraction Game

Mrs Topping

P1 Monday 1st June – Literacy

Good morning everyone and Happy June! Can you believe that it’s the first of June already? Hope you all managed to enjoy some sunshine over the weekend.

Kick start the week and June with Joe.

Remember to have a drink and a wee rest before beginning Literacy.

Today we are going to revise the th sound.

  • Sing along with the Jolly Phonics song and do the action.
  • Pretend to be a rude clown and stick out your tongue and say th, th
  • The th sound can be heard in 2 ways

  • th is the cheeky sound – try not to get it confused with f – you should feel your teeth on your tongue when you say th
  • Watch and listen to this clip to help with the 2 different th sounds

  • Now find the th pages in your Jolly Phonics workbook and draw and colour 4 pictures using the th sound – remember the th sound can come at the start or the end of a word e.g. thin      bath
  • Trace then write the th sound underneath
  • Now think of 6 good th words and write them out 3 times in your neatest handwriting on the other side of the page
  • To finish Literacy tasks this morning an activity has been set for you on Education City
  • Click on:

  • Find P1 Literacy Folder
  • Complete The Three Paths activity

I will check back in with you before numeracy.

Mrs Topping


A1 and P1 Health and Wellbing Tasks 29/05/20

Hi there boys and girls!

Let’s have a break from working this morning and listen to David Walliams read today’s story:

For health and wellbeing today we are going to be focussing on being healthy.  I know you have all been keeping your body healthy by doing your PE with Joe every morning so today we are going to be thinking about keeping our minds and hearts healthy.

I want you to go onto Storyberries website and read the story called ‘The Inside Book’ by Mathew Griffiths:

This story focusses on the different feeling you may have about Covid-19.  Please spend some time talking about how you feel or have felt during Lockdown.

Now, I would like you to draw a picture to show your boldest memory of Lockdown.  Write a sentence or two underneath to describe this memory.  Think about what you have been doing while at home and how you have felt.  Remember boys and girls, it is so important to talk to others about your feelings.  Remember that there are always people who want to help you when you are feeling down.  I would like to take another opportunity to thank all of the parents and carers for all your hard work supporting the children throughout this difficult time.  You are doing a great job everyone and we miss you all so much!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Bryce

A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 29/05/20

Good Morning boys and girls!

Let’s do our PE with Joe nice and early before it gets too hot:

Remember to drink lots of water when you exercise, especially when it is so hot.  Now let’s get ready for literacy this morning by singing a song:

Please look at pages 18 and 19 of the ‘Exciting Learning Opportunities’:


First, let’s talk about stars… Where and when will you see them? Use this as an opportunity to enrich your language and to
have conversations.

Now we are going to learn some facts about stars.  Using the internet, can you find out a new fact about stars.  Write down your fact in your jotter.

Next, make your own stars.  You can do this any way you like. You can draw a picture or do some cutting and sticking or you could even use a star shaped cutter to make stars out of play dough or biscuit dough.

Why not create your own rocket ship  to fly to the stars? You could make this from old boxes, plastic containers, scrap materials and other bits and bobs you can find. Cutting, creating, designing, imagining and inventing are all great learning opportunities. Where will your rocket ship travel to? Will there be a count down… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off?

Your last task is to write a short story about your journey into space on the rocket ship you have created.  I cannot wait to see what you make at home this morning!

Remember to send me in some photos!

Mrs Bryce

A1 and P1 Numeracy Tasks 28/05/20

Hi there!

Before Numeracy, lets cosy in and listen to David Walliam’s story time:

Now it is time for Numeracy and today we are learning about months of the year:

Now… log on to your Education City account.  I have assigned you some tasks within the ‘Months of the Year’ folder for you to complete.

Lastly, I would like you to write out all of the months of the year and next to each month, I would like you to draw a picture of something that reminds you of that month.  You might want to include your birthday, a special celebration, a change in weather or a special memory that you have.

Have fun!  Miss Robertson will be posting an Oral Narrative task after lunch then I will be back around 2pm for food technology and yoga!

Remember to email me if you have any problems or even better… email me pictures of your hard work!

Mrs Bryce

A1 and P1 Literacy Tasks 28/05/20

Good morning boys and girls!

Who is ready for PE with Joe this morning?

Now it’s time for our reading tasks.  Let’s see what Unicorn and Haggis have in store for us today!

First, watch the video and Join Ena as she learns all about different characters in books with Unicorn and Haggis.

Next, read the book ‘See Yourself’ with a family member.  Talk about the pictures and what is happening in the story.

Now… Unicorn and Haggis want you to “image you’re the hero who set the village free! See yourself in every book, what person will you be?”

Lastly, I want you to draw yourself as a hero and write a short story to tell us all about it.  What brave thing will you do?  Who will you help?  What will you be wearing?  Use the last page of the book to help you.

I cannot wait to read your stories!

Mrs Bryce

A1/P1 ‘Spell’ing 27/05/20

Good afternoon A1/P1. I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather we are getting.
Here is a ‘spell’ing task you can do outside in the sun or indoors. All you need is some empty bottles, water, food colouring if you have it and a bowl for your cauldron.
You can use the examples on the pictures below or create your own spell sheets. Then all you need to do is write the sounds on the bottles and help your child pour the sounds together to make their spell words. You could even add some glitter to your water for a sparkly potion.
This is a fun activity to help develop their spelling and phonics knowledge. Having the kids help pour the water and screwing the lids is another great way to help develop their fine motor skills.
I hope you all have fun creating you ‘Spell’ing potions and I look forward to seeing all your pictures.

P1 and A1 Wednesday 27th May – French

Bonjour les enfants!! Espérons que vous avez apprécié votre déjeuner!

Good afternoon children! Hope you enjoyed your lunch!

Let’s continue with the days of the week in French.

  • What vocabulary can you remember from last week?
  • Here is a wee reminder


  • Work through the power point below – ask a family member to help and remember to click on the speaker icon to listen to the French vocabulary

Days of the week 27_05_20

  • Finish off by playing some days of the week games on Linguascope

  • Username: bbps
  • Password: french
  • Click on ELEMENTARY Level (Pink)
  • Click on the French flag icon
  • Then choose SEMAINE (last option in column 1)


Mrs Topping and Mrs Bryce