A1/P1 ‘Spell’ing 27/05/20

Good afternoon A1/P1. I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather we are getting.
Here is a ‘spell’ing task you can do outside in the sun or indoors. All you need is some empty bottles, water, food colouring if you have it and a bowl for your cauldron.
You can use the examples on the pictures below or create your own spell sheets. Then all you need to do is write the sounds on the bottles and help your child pour the sounds together to make their spell words. You could even add some glitter to your water for a sparkly potion.
This is a fun activity to help develop their spelling and phonics knowledge. Having the kids help pour the water and screwing the lids is another great way to help develop their fine motor skills.
I hope you all have fun creating you ‘Spell’ing potions and I look forward to seeing all your pictures.

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