Category Archives: A1

Tuesday 24th March

Good Morning A1.  How are we all feeling today?  Well done to those who completed their study ladder tasks yesterday.  If you didn’t manage to get onto study ladder yesterday then you can still log on and complete your numeracy task today.

For your literacy tasks this morning, please see the attached visual timetable.  Hope you have fun learning at home this morning!  Now go and get your PE kits on so you are ready to join in with P.E with Joe!

2020_03_24 Literacy Timetable

Good afternoon A1

Hi everyone, hope you are all keeping safe. As we have been looking at light and dark I have attached a little activity for you to try and make stick puppets to make shadows on your wall.

Science Experiment

If you can get out in the sunshine (if we ever see any) can you try to make shadows outside. Think of how to make them bigger and smaller and if you can make them disappear altogether.

If you can take some photos and post them on the Blog or on Twitter we would love to see them.

Stay safe and have fun everyone!

Miss McLuckie

A1’s Apple Crumble

A1 have enjoyed being back to school this week and have been super busy harvesting apples from the sensory garden. Last year we only had enough apples to make a pudding or two. However, this year we have had so many we decided we would love it if you would help yourself to a recipe sheet and a bag of apples when you are next in the school and treat yourself to some homemade apple crumble – yummy!

Lowport Adventures!

What a time was had a Lowport Outdoor Education Centre by those in A1 and A2!  We started off by getting suited and booted in our waterproofs and life jackets for canoeing on Linlithgow Loch.  It wasn’t the easiest of activities but we gave it a great go and worked our paddles hard to travel across the water.  After some refreshments we got our harness’ on and began to Rock Climb.  Some of us were a little scared by the height of the walls but each time we tried we got a little further.

Dinner was delicious and even described as 5* by some.  We enjoyed the evening sun at the park, running around and playing on the swings.  All were tucked up early and fast asleep before long.

In the morning we had a hearty breakfast, got our wellies on and went on an Adventure Walk around Beecraigs.  This was no ordinary walk though, we trekked through trees, wadded through rivers and streams and even crawled through tunnels filling our boots with freezing cold water!

We all had such a great time and thought it was the best place for a sleep over with our friends! We already can’t wait for the next time!

Winter Ready Activities

If the school is closed due to sever winter weather, please choose from the following documents to complete the relevant tasks at home.  Have fun with your learning! We can’t wait to hear all about it!

2018_01_17 General snow activities

2018_01_17 P1 Snow activities

2018_01_17 P2 Snow activities

2018_01_17 P3.4 Snow activities

2018_01_17 P5.6.7 Snow activities

2018_01_17 Winter activities