All posts by Miss Hart

Lowport Adventures!

What a time was had a Lowport Outdoor Education Centre by those in A1 and A2!  We started off by getting suited and booted in our waterproofs and life jackets for canoeing on Linlithgow Loch.  It wasn’t the easiest of activities but we gave it a great go and worked our paddles hard to travel across the water.  After some refreshments we got our harness’ on and began to Rock Climb.  Some of us were a little scared by the height of the walls but each time we tried we got a little further.

Dinner was delicious and even described as 5* by some.  We enjoyed the evening sun at the park, running around and playing on the swings.  All were tucked up early and fast asleep before long.

In the morning we had a hearty breakfast, got our wellies on and went on an Adventure Walk around Beecraigs.  This was no ordinary walk though, we trekked through trees, wadded through rivers and streams and even crawled through tunnels filling our boots with freezing cold water!

We all had such a great time and thought it was the best place for a sleep over with our friends! We already can’t wait for the next time!

Unquestionable questions!

Today A2 were asked to think about questions they did not know the answer to.  We are going to put them up on the wall in school and see if anyone can add any more to it.  Some of them are very interesting questions and we have pointed them out.  Do you know the answer to any of them? Let us know if you do!

A1 and A2 explore the world of Science!

What a trip we had!  A1 and A2 spent the day at the Glasgow Science Centre and had an absolute ball.  We learned lots of things about how the body works including inflating lungs and pumping blood round the body.  We explored electricity and how there are lots of different ways to make it. Our favourite part had to be the optical illusions – the tricks that can be played on our eyes was something quite amazing.

We finished our trip with a workshop in the Planetarium.  This was to finish off our learning about Space and the Planets.  We enjoyed star gazing, travelling through space, landing on Mars and looking at the stunning views from the Space Station.

Here’s a selection of our photos! It was so difficult to decide which ones to show!

The works of art you’ve all been waiting for!

We have now finally finished our master pieces with our very own handmade paint brushes made of sticks, leaves, grass and nature.  Our paintings are of nature including trees, hills, grass, apples, flowers and some of us are always hopeful for a blue sky!

We hope you like them.  We were surprised at the results and how well our paint brushes worked! They have now been displayed in our Outdoor Classroom.

A2 get creative outdoors!

A2 have been busy learning in the Sensory Garden and the Outdoor Classroom this week.  Our job was to find some interesting objects and then use them to create a picture.  We had everything from a chef cooking a chocolate cake to a character called ‘Leafy’ in a boat.  We spent some time writing imaginative stories to match our pictures – definitely something to have a read of!

We were then tasked with the job of creating and making our own paint brushes.  We searched high and low for different materials like sticks, grass and all sorts of leaves.  You’ll just have to watch this space to see the art we created with them!

A2’s 100th Day Homework Challenge!

A2’s 100th Day homework challenge is to write a ‘Bucket List’ of 100 things they want to do in their life.  They can be big things like learn to drive, buy a house, visit New York or they could be little things like read a whole Roald Dahl book or watch a sunset.  Or they could be anything in between! Pupil’s can be as creative as they like with their list!  It’s due in next Friday on the 100th day – 2nd February! We can’t wait to find out what’s on your list!

Don’t worry the staff in A2 will be involved as well! Wonder what they will put on their list!?

Stay posted to find out! Maybe some of them we could try and do in class.

A2 – 100 Day Homework

Treasure Island in A2

For book week, A2 were reading ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis Stevenson.  We enjoyed reading all about the different pirates and the adventure the main character, Jim Hawkins had.  We really enjoyed all the learning experiences we took part in from team work in escaping treasure island and back to the ship with only 3 crates and a couple of planks (thankfully no one had to walk the plank!) to detailed pen drawings of our own treasure maps. We were really proud of our display we created and sharing it with parents during our turn for the pop up book cafe.