Parts of a plant

This week we have been learning more about parts of a plant and we watched a video that told us lots of information about why plants are important and what we can use them for.

THREE very interesting things that we can use plants for are:
1. Plants provide oxygen. If there were no plants in the world we would not be able to breathe!
2. You can grow cotton plants that we can make clothes from.
3. You can use trees for shade which is very important in the hotter months.

We also learned about 4 different parts of a plant. These are:
1. Petals
2. Leaf
3. Stem
4. Roots

We got to make our own plants and next week we are excited to get to label them! Here are some pictures of us making our own flowers…




Article 28: The right to an education

Class O’s Learning…A long week and a Short Week!

I have been learning about parts of the body especially the eyes and face. I can name the different parts of the eyes. I drew a picture of my face. I talked about my feelings when I grow up and become a teenager.  I enjoyed swimming yesterday. Everyone had to swim underwater and go through the hula hoops. We were also beginning to learn the breast-stroke. It was tricky. You had to swim with frog legs!

by Caitlin


I learned about parts of the body. I enjoyed learning about the heart and how it works. I really enjoyed investigating a murder on a construction site. The digger and spades were great to use to dig up the bones.

by Cary


I learned about the heart and how it works. You will die if your heart stops beating. I have been learning the two times table in Maths and I am good at it.  2 x 11=22.  I wrote a story about the crime scene in the playground and another murder on a construction site. I enjoyed investigating the murder by digging up bones and dressing up as a construction worker with a yellow vest and hard hat.

by Adam


I had an amazing week in Belgium with p7. My favourite part was the chocolate factory. I learned lots about the Wars and the War graves. This week I have enjoyed writing about a crime scene and a murder.

by Geordie


I have been learning about money in Maths this week. I have been learning about the combinations of coins that make £1 –  100 1pence coins make £1 – 50 2pence coins make £1 and 2 50pence coins make £1. I have enjoyed writing about a crime sence. I enjoyed being a detective and investingating what happened. It was fun digging in the sand to find bones. It was a human!

by Josh


A very different week for p7b…


Last week was very different for everyone in p7. Some of us went off to Belgium and those who stayed behind had a very interesting week.


Finlay: “My favourite thing was going to the indoor water park called Sun park De Haan. I liked that the water was heated.”

Paul: “My favourite part of Belgium was going to the Passchendaele war museum. It showed us lots of things like guns, food and trenches from World War 1. I liked looking at all the historical things.”

Lauren U: “My favourite part of Belgium was the war day. One of the things we did was go to the Menin Gate and took part in the Last Post Ceremony. I found it really interesting.”

Antonia: “My favourite part of Belgium was sharing a room with Olivia because she was fun to stay with and we’re good friends.”

Emily: “My favourite part of Belgium was going to Plopsaland. It’s a theme park which has lots of characters and rides. I liked it because the Anubis rollercoaster was fun.”

Chloe: “My favourite part of Belgium was visiting the clogmaker. He showed us how to make clogs using wood and axes and knives.”

Lauren C: “My favourite part of Belgium was getting a rest after a busy day most days.”

Kendal: “In Belgium I shared a room with Lauren and Lauren. It was fun because it was never quiet and we had lots to talk about.”

Adam: “My favourite part of Belgium was going to the beach at night because me, Nathan and Cameron built a massive sand hill so we could jump off of it.”

Fun week:

Taylor: “I liked trying different types of chocolate with Mrs Waddell. We tried white chocolate, dark chocolate, peanut chocolate and even chilli chocolate. I didn’t think the chilli chocolate was very tasty because it was spicy.”

Ellie: “My favourite part of the week was Friday because we got to have a cup of tea in the staff room. I also liked doing my work experience with the office staff.”

Declan: “I liked going swimming because it was fun and we learned how to dive properly.”

Kai: “I enjoyed everything about the week especially going swimming twice.”

Jay: “I enjoyed doing the work experience. I worked with Mr Jeffries, Mr Barton and Miss Allan. I enjoyed playing basketball with Declan and Billy.”

Kyra: “I enjoyed going swimming. I also enjoyed making the burgers and I asked everybody in the office if they wanted one.”


P6s Hogwarts School of Science – The First Experiment

Today we were learning about separating materials. We had to first of all decide what we could use to separate different kinds materials for example we would use a magnet to separate steel and copper nails. Once we looked at how to do this we then got to work making our potions.

After that we were given plastic bottles which Mrs Hay cut in half for us. We then had to put filtering paper inside. Then we were shown the different materials which were: coffee, hama beads, glitter, sand and rice.  We had to put some of each material in a small cup and then put some water over the top.  We then poured this mixture in to the bottles and waited to see what would happen.

Mostly the water turned brown but some were still quite light at the end. We then took some photos of our finished potions.

We had fun making our potions and putting the mixtures together. I enjoyed waiting to see what colour the water would turn.

By Ross and Josh.


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What have we been learning P5m this week……

Even though it has been a short week, we have still learned lots of new things…..


We have been learning all about the different parts of the flower. Kiera H & Clara

We have been learning personification! Geo

We have been learning about different types of ways of displaying data….line graphs, pictograms and bar charts. Zoe

We learned the song Circle of Life. Freya

We have learned how to read a line graph.  Lexis

I learned a new parachute game.  Louisa

We have learned about different types of graphs in practical maths.  Madeliene

We learned how to create pictures out of collage.  Isla

I learned a dotted crotchet on the violin.  Scott

I learned how to improvise with jazz music on the double base. Lexis

I learned how to play Coulter’s Candy on the violin.  Jessie & Isla

We learned how to write similes. Kiera H


Have a great weekend!





This week we started our new topic from Farm to Fork. We read the story Farmer Duck. This story is about a lazy farmer who told the poor duck to do all the work. The duck was really sad. One day all the other animals crept under the farmer’s bed and chased him away. We will be using this story as a stimulus for other lessons throughout the term.

We learned about different buildings and features on a farm. We then used what we learned to design our own farm on a map. We used a key to show our buildings/objects on the map.

For writing this week, we wrote an acrostic poem on the word ‘Farming’. We used the letters from this word to describe a farm. Here is Jessica’s work:

Fields are on a farm.
Animals live on a farm.
Rabbits hop in the farm.
Milk comes from cows.
Inside is the farm house.
Never forget to feed the animals.
Goats eat grass in the farm.

Yesterday we completed an experiment to discover substances that dissolve. We tested coffee, salt, sugar, flour and pepper. We mixed these materials with 100ml of water and stirred 20 times to make our experiment fair. We discovered that coffee and sugar dissolve whereas salt, flour and pepper don’t.

Have a lovely long weekend,
Miss Bollen and P3b

Article 28- Right to an education

P4M- 27.4.15

We have had a busy week of learning in P4m….

In maths we’ve enjoyed learning how to collect information and display it using frequency tables and bar graphs. We are loving our new topic- Around the World in 80 days. We have spent the week in the city where Phileas Fogg began his Journey- London- learning all about important landmarks and how to make our way around London Underground using a map! We have also enjoyed writing imaginative stories about a Night at the London History Museum. Our performance for Celebrating success is coming along nicely- we hope to see you there to share our success together! We are excited about our swimming trip next Wednesday after the break.

Enjoy the long weekend 🙂


Article 28- the right to an education


Belgium update 5

Just back from an emotional and interesting day discovering Flanders Fields. The Ypres area we visited was the scene of some of the heaviest fighting of WWI and over 500,000 soldiers lost their lives in this 8 mile area.

Our first stop was Tyne Cot Cemetery where we paid our respects to the 12,000 Allied soldiers buried there. Next we visited the artefacts and exhibits at Passchendaele Memorial Museum and made our way through the underground tunnel system. We then sat in the sun and enjoyed our packed lunches before taking some time at the Balbardie tree to plant our crosses, hold a minute’s silence and read our letters of thanks to the fallen soldiers.

In the afternoon we visited the German Langemark cemetery and compared it to the Allied Tyne Cot cemetery. We then visited the Bayernwald trenches at which point the heavens opened and the rain began to pour which only helped to create a realistic setting. Next we had frites for dinner and munched them along with our rolls and juice in the town square in Ypres while some chose to enjoy ice cream instead.

Our final stop this evening was Ypres where we watched the nightly last post ceremony at the Menin Gate which holds the names of 55,000 soldiers who died but were never found during WWI. Liam and Lauren took part in the ceremony and did a fantastic job of representing the school as they laid our wreath.

Time for bed now and Plopsaland in the morning before beginning our journey home.


This week we have started to learn about the farm. We looked at different types of buildings on a farm and designed a farm for Farmer Duck. We had to design a map of the farm using a key. We have also been learning about the different types of animals on the farm and their uses. All animals are there for a reason. For example, we use dairy cows for their milk which we can drink or use to turn into cheese. Most farm animals provide us with food. For example, we  use beef bulls for our beef burgers and mince for spaghetti bolognaise.

In art this week we have been continuing to learn about portraits. We created portraits of farm animals but they were all mixed up! Some had cow skin, a pig nose and a goats horns!

In science we have been learning about germs and how they spread. We watched a video which explained to use that germs enter our body and start to multiply which can make us ill. We can try to stop germs by washing our hands and trying not to have too much contact with someone who is sick. We found it quite hard to understand germs though as we can’t see them. We have conducted a science experiment to see what happens to a potato that has germs on it. We have one potato which has not been touched by anything. This is called the control. One potato was rubbed on the carpet, another in soil and the last was rubbed on someone’s hands. We will look at the potatoes next week to see what has happened.


RRS: Article 28: Right to an education

Article 24: Right to be safe, clean and healthy.

Enjoy the long weekend!



We are all feeling a little sad this week as we said farewell to a very popular member of our class.  We enjoyed a farewell party and there were a few tears as the bell rang!

We have been doing Science experiments this week and are learning a lot of new vocabulary to help us. We have also been learning our song for our Celebrating Success performance, and we think you will like it……

We are looking forward to our wee break, and we will be back next week refreshed and ready to learn!

April Showers!

This week we started learning our song for celebrating success. It’s top secret but we are enjoying it!

Mrs Collings is very pleased with our problem solving in maths. We have done really well!

We looked at the Matterhorn in Switzerland and followed Phileas Fogg across the Mediterranean to Africa!

We have been learning about the body. I know that my fist is the same size as my heart. – Yasmin

We have been learning about our lungs and our heart. If we run, our heart beats faster because your body has to work harder to get more oxygen – Eva

In P.E. we had our last week of basketball and we played some games. I scored one basket – Alanna

We got new reading books from the library and from the corridor. Mine is called the Tortoise with the cracked shell – Ty

My book is Greyfriars Bobby and I really, really like it – Abbie.

We are also really listening to the class talks. Today Noah and Rowan told us about Japan and Paris. They were both reall interesting and we learn a lot about these places.

We are looking forward to a long weekend!

Poetry in Class B

Class B have been learning to write Kennings Poems.  We enjoyed reading lots of examples and trying to figure out using the clues what the poems were about.  For our poems we have been writing about animals. During our poetry recital next week, we will try to read out our poems using a clear voice.  We’re looking forward to listening to the poems and trying to work out what animal the poem is about.

Do you know which animal these Kennings poems are about?


A sea walker.

A people nipper.

A snip snipper.

A sideways walker.

A shell wearer.


A meat muncher.

A throat tearer.

A jungle ruler.

A bone breaker.

A good sprinter

A vicious biter.

A meat sniffer.

P2bg news

This week in P2bg we have reflected on what we have learned this week. Here are some of our responses:

‘The 10 times table.’ William
‘How to make a prayer mat.’ Tanatswa
‘New games in PE.’ Euan
‘I learned la tete is your head in French.’ Ranna
‘About the festival of Eid.’ Jess
‘Before and after numbers to 100.’ Alfie

We started our new topic – Olaf’s Coat (weather). We watched a clip from the film Frozen and discussed why Olaf wanting to experience summer was not a good idea. Next week we are going to carry out an experiment to see if a Olaf wearing a coat will help him to stay Frozen. Most of the class don’t think this is a good idea but Miles thinks the coat will stop him from melting. We are excited to see who is right.

Have a lovely holiday weekend!

Article 28 – The Right to an Education

P6s – Another week in Hogwarts

We have had another great week turning our classroom in to Hogwarts.

We painted wall panels for our display to make it look like the Great Hall and started to make Harry Potter themed letters to go above them.

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In Maths we have been learning about area and perimeter. We were given areas of different magical shops on Diagon Alley and we had to create a map to display these.


We have also been building on our team working skills. We had to work together to design a broom for our first year at Hogwarts that was no longer than 1 metre. We then had to include 3 exciting parts that no other group would have. We had great fun making the brooms and worked really hard to make sure that everyone in the group was taking part.


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Budding artists! (some of us laughed..)

This week we were learning more about the 4 seasons in the year. The 4 seasons are:
1. Winter
2. Spring
3. Autumn
4. Summer

We wanted to showcase our learning by making beautiful seasonal pictures. Here are the steps that we took:

1. The page was divided into 4 and we had to get a pencil and draw around our hands to make it look like trees. We coloured these in brown because that is the colour of the branches and trunks on trees.
2. Next we used the technique of pointillism to match the trees to a season. We chose appropriate colours to match the seasons, for example, we used white paint to make it look like snow in the winter season.
3. We did this for all the seasons and we made sure that we added lots of detail to our pictures to make sure that it was clear what season each one was.







The Science Lab

We have had a very exciting week in P1h.  We have a bug lab with microscopes, petri dishes and magnifying glasses.  We love looking at all the bugs and material under the microscope.  Murray loves the lab.


We have also been learning about the water cycle.  We watched a video and learned that there is not a shower in the sky.  Water is heated by the sun and it evaporates turing the water into gas.  When it is high in the sky it gets cold, condensation, making clouds.  When lots of water drops come together it rains or snows, precipitation.  We also watched this happening in a bowl.





Ellis thinks he would like to be a scientist when he grows up.

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