All posts by Mrs Laing

Summer is coming….

We are looking forward to Summer in Class B.  We have been learning that farmers grow fruit and vegetables.  We like fruit!  We taste fruit at snack time everyday.  We have been learning that some fruit is turned into something else like juice.

Farmers plants seeds.  The seeds need water and sun to grow.  Jake

We have watched our cress heads grow!  The cress is growing quickly!  We will be able to taste our cress soon.    The cress in the dark is growing but it is yellow and doesn’t look nice to eat. The cress seeds with no water are not growing.

Class B were experimenting with fruit as part of science.  We wanted to make ice-lollies and ice-cream using fruit.  They will keep us cool is Summer.

We ate ice-lollies.  It was sweet.  It was delicious.  They had been in the freezer.  David

Here are Jayden’s instructions on how to make ice-lollies.

1.  You need orange juice and apple juice.

2.  Put the juice into ice-lolly moulds.

3.  Put the lid on.

4.  Put them in the freezer.

5.  Wait for the ice-lollies to freeze.

6.  When they are frozen taste them!


My ice-lolly was orange.  It was so tasty.  It cooled me down.  Jayden


We made banana ice-cream.  We cut the bananas and put them in the freezer.  They went very frozen.  When they were frozen we put them in a food processor.  It was very noisy.  The bananas turned soft.  We put them back in the freezer.  The bananas turned into ice-cream!  Lewis

We tasted the ice-cream.  It tasted delicious!  Gabriel

Fantastic Farm Food!

This week we have been learning about what foods come from farms.  We had a farm shop and a farm cafe in sensory room.  We discovered lots of different foods come from farms.  At our farm cafe we tasted lots of food.  We thought they were delicious.

“We had lots of food to eat.  The farmer grew wheat.  Cakes and rolls and bread have flour from wheat in them.  Farmers grew strawberries for our jam” Jayden

“We had milk, cheese and yoghurts.  They come from cows.  Yoghurts and cheese are made of milk.” Gabriel

“We were in the farm cafe and the farm shop.  I tasted a roll and jam and milk.  Ham is from pigs.  Milk is from inside cows.  Rolls are from wheat that farmers grow” Joe

“Farmers plants seeds” DavidIMG_0354 IMG_0355 IMG_0361

Class O’s Learning…A long week and a Short Week!

I have been learning about parts of the body especially the eyes and face. I can name the different parts of the eyes. I drew a picture of my face. I talked about my feelings when I grow up and become a teenager.  I enjoyed swimming yesterday. Everyone had to swim underwater and go through the hula hoops. We were also beginning to learn the breast-stroke. It was tricky. You had to swim with frog legs!

by Caitlin


I learned about parts of the body. I enjoyed learning about the heart and how it works. I really enjoyed investigating a murder on a construction site. The digger and spades were great to use to dig up the bones.

by Cary


I learned about the heart and how it works. You will die if your heart stops beating. I have been learning the two times table in Maths and I am good at it.  2 x 11=22.  I wrote a story about the crime scene in the playground and another murder on a construction site. I enjoyed investigating the murder by digging up bones and dressing up as a construction worker with a yellow vest and hard hat.

by Adam


I had an amazing week in Belgium with p7. My favourite part was the chocolate factory. I learned lots about the Wars and the War graves. This week I have enjoyed writing about a crime scene and a murder.

by Geordie


I have been learning about money in Maths this week. I have been learning about the combinations of coins that make £1 –  100 1pence coins make £1 – 50 2pence coins make £1 and 2 50pence coins make £1. I have enjoyed writing about a crime sence. I enjoyed being a detective and investingating what happened. It was fun digging in the sand to find bones. It was a human!

by Josh


The Vikings Are Coming!

As you know, Class 2 are learning about The Vikings. We learned that The Vikings came to Orkney in Northern Scotland. We’ve been looking at photographs of the Orkney coastline to get an idea of what The Vikings would have seen on their approach to Orkney.
We looked at pictures and were able to spot some interesting features such as…

‘the smooth shiny sea’ Liam

‘the sharp grass’ Aiden

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At Art we have been learning to create texture. We painted beautiful pictures of the Orkney shore line and named our work ‘The Vikings Are Coming!’ Our challenge was to use a range of objects to create texture in our paintings. We spoke about how the land features would feel if we were to touch them, and tried to create texture using printing techniques.

‘Texture makes your pictures smooth. You can make it smooth by using materials such as Lego, paint and even a rolling pin’. Cody

‘I tried to create rocks using a wood chip this made a rough texture. I used my finger and Lego bricks to create the sharp grassy texture’. Aiden

‘I used rough material, the texture brush and the sponge roller to paint the jaggy rocks’. Cameron

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We are looking forward to sharing our art work at the Balbardie Art Exhibition.

Class 2 Discover the Vikings

We have started our new topic. We were archeologists searching for clues about what our new topic would be. We found some pottery and a helmet. We discovered we would be learning about the Vikings. We are very excited about our new topic!

We want to learn different things about the Vikings.

Aiden would like to know where the Vikings got the horns for their helmets and cups.

Liam would like to learn about Viking weddings and funerals.

Cody and Dylan want to know about the weapons Vikings used and where they got metal from.

Cameron is looking forward to learning about Viking houses and the food they used to eat.


Class 2 have been learning about Christianity. This week we have been learning about Christian worship. We have been learning about the different things that you can find inside and outside of the church building.

‘You can pray to God at church. You can also pray in a graveyard or in your bedroom or lots of other places but I think Church is the best place to pray.’ Dylan

‘A church is a building where Christians come to pray. Some are big and some are small’. Liam

We turned our sensory room into a church and enjoyed learning more about church, prayer and how to behave appropriately in church.

Jamie was able to make comparisons between churches and mosques.
‘In a mosque you have to take off your shoes but in church you don’t have to take off your shoes. On the top of a mosque you sometimes see a crest and on top of a church tower you sometimes see a cross.’ Jamie

We enjoyed learning about stained glass windows. Some churches have plain windows whilst others have colourful stained glass windows which tell stories from the Bible. The boys in class 2 made beautiful stained glass windows.

‘I made a colourful stained glass window’. Liam

Cameron and Cody enjoyed learning why some clocks on church towers are blue and would like to find out if you know why this is. Please put your answers in the comment section below.

Class 2 and 3 get Christmas Creating!

This week in class 3 we shared an afternoon with class 2.
We were in groups of 2 or 3 doing a silver circle.
There were four stations on our silver circles.
The theme of our silver circle was “Chirstmas!”
The class 3 children tell you more about it below:
Geordie: “We worked with class 2 to make lots of things to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We made bracelets, badges, penguins and reindeer bags. I think I am going to make picture frames to sell too. In the rainbow room I build an igloo. I am really enjoying watching ‘The boy in the striped pyjamas’ Its GREAT! We are watching it to help us learn more about our WW2 topic I was glad Bruno met a friend, I cannot wait to watch more!”
Josh: “This week I enjoyed listening to the Harry Potter novel, my favourite part in the book so far was when the troll escaped. I also enjoyed watching a movie all about WW2. From watching the DVD I have learned that WW2 was a cruel time in history. I went to p7 during class 3’s Christmas afternoon, in p7 I was learning about propaganda used in the war.”
Cary: “We made Christmas things such as little penguins with Christmas hats or ear muffs, I really enjoyed it. We also made a few other things like little badges. We made these things to be sold at the Christmas Fayre. There will be lots of beautiful things to buy so if you can, come along on Saturday 29th November! My favourite part of the week was when a cat came into the playground. I got to pat it, but I made sure I washed my hands afterwards to keep the germs away. I am looking forward to watching the DVD next week about the war. It’s really good and interesting, I really like it.”
Callum: “I enjoyed everything this week! We were learning about Evacuees during WW2. On our Christmas afternoon Nathan and I build a model igloo with the bricks in Rainbow Room. When I was making a reindeer bag with Mrs O’neill I gave her a fright by turning myself into Rudolf. It was so funny! I enjoyed making a model of an Anderson Shelter using junk, I worked with Miss Robertson to do it. I had really great ideas. I am looking forward to enjoying more days at school.”
Caitlin has been in class 3 this week until 12.30pm she tells us all about her week below:
“We have been playing dominoes at maths mission. Last week’s maths mission was to draw pictures that represent number for us to play dominoes. Our pictures were World War 2 themed. I liked it because I like playing dominoes.”
“In maths I am learning how to divide. I think this is a bit hard.”
“Next week I am looking forward to doing things for the Christmas Fayre.”

RME in Class 2

Religious and Moral Education

In class 2, we have been learning about Christianity.

‘Some Christians believe God made the world’. Dylan

We painted pictures to show what happened on the days in the story of Creation. Dylan enjoyed painting day 2, when Christians believe God created the sky and the sea.

We have been reading some Christian stories, including ‘The Good Samaritan’. After reading the story, the boys in class 2 re-told the story in their own words using props. We discussed why we thought Jesus told this story.

‘There was a walking man who was travelling, robbers hurt him, and two men didn’t help him. The Samaritan did.’ Dylan

‘So that other people can be thoughtful like the good Samaritan’ Cameron

‘Because he wanted people to be kind to others’ Cody

The boys in class 2 drew great pictures of their special friends. We have been writing about our special friends and what makes a special friend. We also created recipes with ingredients for friendship. Some of our ingredients include: laughter, caring, kindness, fun, honest
Liam wrote about his friend Caitlin.

‘Caitlin is my special friend because I love her we play ring a ring of roses’. Liam

Jamie and Cameron had lots of fun in the Rainbow Room building a house and garage!