Class O go Out and About


This week Class O went on their last Out and About trip to the cafe for this year. It is Geordie, Josh and Nathan’s last ever cafe trip becasue they are moving on to hogh school. We all enjoyed a lovely lunch together, where we used our independence to order and pay for our food.

Caitlin: This week we have been making hearts becasue we were learning all about the human body. We also went to the cafe for lunch on Out and About on Wednesday. I had a cheese and ham toastie with carrot cake for pudding. I had Coca Cola to drink.

Josh: On Wednesday we went to the cafe. I really enjoyed having my lucn there instead of a t school. I had a burger and chips to eat. It was yummy. I tried really hard with my Out and About target.

Nathan: I really enoyed having my last slice of chocloate cake on Out and About. I have enjoyed develping skills to help me do this in the furture.

Geordie: I had lots of fun at the cafe. I was sad too becasue it was my last time there with Balbardie as I am going to high school after summer. I will still go there with my mum sometimes. I can order and pay by myself now.

Cary:We went to the cafe this week for Out and About. We were practising ordering and paying for food by ourselves. I had fish and chips. It was delicious!

Adam:I really enjoyed going to the Coffee Club for lunch during Out and About. This was to help me learn about ordering and paying for food. I was able to do this independently. I chose burger with tomoato sauce and chips with brown sauce to eat. I also had a glass of Fanta.

P1w Assembly – Friendship

Today we had our class assembly! We decided to talk about what it takes to be a good friend. We made a friendship recipe and asked everyone in P1w what to put inside.


We then told the story of The Orange Crayon. In the story, none of the other crayons like each other! Then they draw a picture altogether and they turn into really good friends. The crayons looked fantastic!


Next we told everyone about our Friendship Tree. We have blogged previously about our friendship tree and it is nice to see it growing every day with more and more friends being added.

We are great friends in P1w to each other and everyone else! We hope we taught you more about being a good friend.

Have a lovely weekend and please be safe if you are walking with the procession tomorrow 🙂

Article 29:Your education should help you to use and develop on your talents and abilities.

Fantastic Farm Food!

This week we have been learning about what foods come from farms.  We had a farm shop and a farm cafe in sensory room.  We discovered lots of different foods come from farms.  At our farm cafe we tasted lots of food.  We thought they were delicious.

“We had lots of food to eat.  The farmer grew wheat.  Cakes and rolls and bread have flour from wheat in them.  Farmers grew strawberries for our jam” Jayden

“We had milk, cheese and yoghurts.  They come from cows.  Yoghurts and cheese are made of milk.” Gabriel

“We were in the farm cafe and the farm shop.  I tasted a roll and jam and milk.  Ham is from pigs.  Milk is from inside cows.  Rolls are from wheat that farmers grow” Joe

“Farmers plants seeds” DavidIMG_0354 IMG_0355 IMG_0361

Fabulous Fractions!

This week in Primary 1w we have been learning about fractions. We have already been learning about division and sharing and we understood that there was a link between division and fractions. When learning about dividing and sharing, we discussed pizza slices and sharing these with a friend. We know that if there are 2 people and 8 slices of pizza then we get 4 slices each. We also now know that this would be HALF of a pizza.

We completed a listening task and chatted about a whole pizza (1), half a pizza (1/2) and a quarter of a pizza (1/4). Here are some pictures of us completing our work:







Article 28: The right to an education

It’s June at last… ( p3/2)

We have been learning so much this week. Who are you proud of ?

Sophie- I am proud of Ben being star writer.

Isla-I am proud of Sam’ s art. He called it “Flowers of beauty ”

Mia- I am proud of Ava’s art. She called it ” Pink and white roses”

Jason-   I am proud of Megan for being a good friend.

Alfie- I am proud of Aaron because he plays with me in the playground at break and lunch.

Sophia- I am proud of Suvi for her reading ” Greyfriars Bobby.”

Oliver- I am proud of Lauren when she was special person.

Demi Leigh- I am proud of Emma’s art work this week. It was called ” Fantastic flower fun.”

Liam- I am proud of my own art work this week. It was called “Roses in a vase.”

Megan – I am proud of my art work this week. It was called  “Magic flowers. ”

Sam- I was proud of Isla’s volcano work this week.

Connor- I am proud of Alfie for being an excellent friend to have at school.

Erin- I am proud of Oliver for being special person.

Suvi- I am proud of art work. I called it ” The rainbow colours in the flowers”

Charlie- I am proud of Sophie ‘s art work. It was called ” Pink and white flowers.”

Emma- I am proud of Jason’s art work ” Flower fun.”

Robert- I am proud of my art work this week-” A  rainbowy bunch ”

Lauren- I am proud of Erin’s art work “Flowers”

Aaron- I am proud of Ben Marr and Robert ‘s maths work.

Ben Marr- I am proud of Sophia and Mia  for being fast runners at PE.

David – I am proud of Charlie and Connor for their good work.

Mrs Aitken- I am very proud of everyone for their hard work in all areas of the curriculum. I am also very proud of Home learning activities completed so well.


Special Persons this week are Lauren, Sam and Jason

Star writers are Ben Wilson, Megan and Erin

Rainbow girls  are Mia and Lauren













Miraculous Moments in P5m

Today P5m managed to capture one of Nature’s miracles on camera – a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis!

We have nurtured five of these little creatures from tiny caterpillars and have been fascinated by their development.

On Friday, after a naming ceremony, we shall release them into the wild. Let’s hope their first day of freedom is bright and sunny!

P3b Week beg 25.5.15

This week in school we continued to learn about fractions. We learned to recognise tenths. We know that the top number tells us how many pieces there are and the bottom shows how many altogether. We completed a quiz to identify different fractions then completed an activity in our jotter. We completed this task well 

In writing we wrote a recount about our trip to Mill Farm. This had to include an introduction, three events from the day and a conclusion. We also included our feelings/thoughts on the day. Miss Bollen was really proud of our efforts.

In topic, we learned where different food comes from. We looked at food packaging and found countries on a map. We found that some food comes from Scotland and other food comes from countries very far away. Mrs Jamieson came to our class and let us taste a selection of fruit and veg. We also tasted vegetable soup. We recorded our likes and dislikes. Rachael commented, ‘I liked the soup that Mrs Jamieson made! It was really nice- I had two cups of it!’
Bye for now,

Article 24- Right to Nutritious Food
Article 28- Right to an Education

China bound!

This week in P4g we have followed Phileas Fogg to China!
We learned how to paint using Chinese brush painting techniques. We had a variety of colours and we painted cherry blossom trees – Harvey
We wrote about the Giant Panda. I found out that a panda is the symbol of peace in China –Sophie.
I learnt that when Pandas are just born they are pink and hairless. They quickly become cute and cuddly –Cole
I learnt that when the pandas are pregnant they are pregnant for between 3 and 5 and a half months – Lucie T
There are less than 1000 pandas left in the wild – Jennie
In 1984 Pandas were named as an endangered species – Megan
We played Chinese games called Five stones and Chasing the Dragon’s tail – Kate
We played Chase the Dragon’s tail and the person at the head of the dragon had to catch their tail. The body of the dragon was made up of at least 10 classmates all joining together with hands on shoulders -Noah
We also played a few games of Chinese whispers. Each time the sentence was changed a lot from how it started! – Sophie
Megan brought us some beautiful Chinese objects to look at.
I liked the Chinese wall hanging – Lucie T


We found out about Chinese symbols. The symbols are used as words e.g. China, happy, sun, earth – Lennox

I found out that at festivals the Chinese make dragons and they like to dance with them – Eva

We made our title for our topic – Jennie

What stuck with you and your partner this week? 25.5.15 P4m

Gary and Lauryn: I learned how to use Venn and Carroll diagrams. I enjoyed cricket in outdoor P.E and spelling: they were both really fun!

Mark and Steven: I enjoyed learning fractions in maths. I enjoyed Cricket in P.E.

Colin and Katya: We both enjoyed learning about India this week. We got to design out own Henna patterns, it was really fun!

Harry and Fiona: We enjoyed tasting Noah’s Indian food he brought in for his class talk. It was very tasty!

Luca and Lewis: We enjoyed writing about the story of Ganesh.

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Chocolate Lollipops!

We have been busy linking lots of learning together in P1h this week.  In Health and Wellbeing we have be learning about the Eatwell Plate.  It sorts food into different groups and shows us how much of each we should eat to be health.  We have also been learning about plants – different parts of the plants, pollination and the lifecycle.  We have a herb garden in class.  On Monday Niamh’s mum came into to school and we made chocolate lollipops.  Chocolate is in the ‘treat’ section of the Eatwell plate so this means we should only eat a little of it to be healthy.  Niamh’s mum poured a little chocolate onto our plate and then we could add the different flavours to it.  We could choose from…..

*dried strawberries

*dried bananas

*bee pollen








Ellie-Rose ‘I liked watching the chocolate going hard’

Jay, Ross & Alfie  ‘I liked making the lollies’

Evan ‘I added the dried strawberries and bananas’

Sandra, Blaire, Orla, Olivia & Brooke ‘I loved the mint’

Ellis ‘The chocolate tasted a little funny to me because it wasn’t very sweet’

Niamh & Noami ‘I liked eating it’





A huge big thank you to Niamh’s mum from all of us!

P5m’s news this week…..

Our news this week…


In school…..

I learned about fractions and percentages. Gemma M

I enjoyed maths

We went to a rugby festival and played tag rugby and sharks and fishes. We never got to play rugby because of the rain. J Roan

I learned how to play rugby. Geo and Ellie

Cameron enjoyed getting soaked at the rugby festival and Casey enjoyed watching Hetty Feather after the rugby festival.

Clara didn’t enjoy the rugby because she felt sick. L

I have learned about food chains and webs. Sarah

Zoe enjoyed the Food Fight game.

I liked when the caterpillars went into the net. Ben

I am looking forward to Sports Day! Declan

I have learned how to play Slurs on the violin and learned how to play Ode to Joy. Lucy

I have enjoyed learning ‘Chicken in the Kitchen’ on the violin. Thank you Jessica for teaching me. Isla


Outside school…

On the Gala Day I am walking with Funky Fitness. After that I am going for a barbeque at my best friend’s house. I have another barbeque this Saturday. Jessie

At gymnastics I learned how to do a straddle shoot ½ turn! Annie

I am excited about doing the bars for the first time at gymnastics! Kiera B

At gymnastics I learned my compulsory level 5 bar routine. Olivia

I enjoyed practising for my dance exam. Madeleine

I found out that my cousins and my Auntie and Uncle are coming up from England to stay for the summer holidays! Lexis

I am going to Belfast on Friday because Glasgow Warriors (the team I support) are in the league final! Scott

Congratulations to Zoe Dunbar who recieved a certificate and badges from Girl’s Brigade for excellent attendance.   Well done Zoe.


And the good news is….

It is only 30 days until the summer holidays! Kiera H

Have a great weekend!











This week we have been learning all about where food comes from. We looked at the packaging of food to find out where different foods come from. We then searched for the country using the i pads and had to draw it on a map. We found bananas from Ecuador, raspberries from Spain and oranges from Egypt.

On Thursday Mrs Jamieson came and told us about some more types of food. We tried different foods from Scotland and some from other countries. We had special potatoes from Jersey which were delicious. Most people liked bananas and strawberries! Our least favourite food were tomatoes. We gathered information on what the class liked and disliked. We then used a pie chart and a bar graph to display the information.

Today we have been learning how to prepare food properly. We discussed how to keep ourselves healthy by preparing food properly and safely. We made our own sandwiches which were tasty!




Class Dojo: Kayleigh

Table of the Week: Sheep Dogs and Tractors

Out and About

Class B have enjoyed their Out and About experiences this term. We learn and demonstrate many different life skills when we are out and about learning in the community. Recently we went to the swing park! We were all able to demonstrate how to travel safely, and we know not to touch dogs that we don’t know. We had great fun playing in the swing park!


Congratulations to all of the pupils in Class B as they were all Star Writers this week!

A special well done to Aiden who won the Road Safety Poetry competition!

Class O’s Busy Week


This week we had two move on days. I met me new teacher and new members of the class. We have been getting things ready for starting back. I enjoyed making a new Choose chart. I am looking forward to going to the cafe for Out and About next week. I am going to have fish and chips for my lunch. (Cary)

I really enjoyed swimming this week. I was swimming through a hoop under the water forwards and backwards. I had to hold my nose to stop the water going up it. It was great fun making the window displays for the Gala day. I am very excited about the Gala day becasue I am going to be carrying the banner. (Adam)

I particularly enjoyed the smoke workshops with p7 this week. I am really looking forward to Sports day and Out and About to the cafe next week. (Geordie)

I am really looking forward to Out and About next week. We are going to the cafe for our lunch. This week I have enjoyed swimming becasue we were all at the deep end practising our swimming. (Caitlin)

Our week in p7b


Over the past three weeks we have been working with visitors from the Tobacco Education department at West Lothian Council. We have learned lots of information to help us make informed decisions about smoking. Here’s what we’ve learned:

Chloe: “You can go deaf and blind if you smoke because of the chemicals in the tobacco.”

Kai: “Your tongue can go yellow and so can your hair because of tar in the tobacco.”

Jay: “Your veins can also turn black because of the tar working its way through your body.”

Lauren U: “There are over 4,800 different chemicals in one cigarette!”

Paul: “If you smoke it can take ten years off your life!”

Jack: “The bit at the end of the cigarette is called the butt. The proper name for it is the filter and it is supposed to clean the tobacco before it goes into your mouth. Our experiment proved it doesn’t though!”

Nathan: “The nicotine is the part of the cigarette which makes it addictive.”

Finlay: “Out of the 4,800 chemicals, there are 69 main ones which can kill you.”

Harry: “The tar in a cigarette is exactly the same type of tar as the tar on the road. Your body is moist and warm so the tar is runny while the tar on the road is hard because it is exposed to the air.”

Flyn: “I learned that smoking can give you all different types of cancers such as lung cancer, brain cancer and breast cancer.”

Emily: “One of the chemicals in a cigarette is carbon monoxide which is different from carbon dioxide.”

Ellie: “Second hand smoke can also affect the animals and pets who live in your house.”

Olivia: “Smoking can make you unfit and unhealthy because it is harder for the blood to move around your body and your lungs don’t work as well as they should.”

Antonia: “If you smoke while you are pregnant it can cause deformations for the baby. Also, the addiction to nicotine can pass to the baby.”

Taylor: “If you smoke it can affect your teeth by making them orange. It also makes them rot and fall out.”

Lauren K: “There are trace amounts of the same chemicals which are in bleach and nail polish remover. If you smoke then these are going into your body.”

Lauren C: “People who smoke 20 cigarettes a day spend around £2500 a year on it!”

Callum: “It can destroy the cilia which is the small hairs in your throat, nose and ears.”

William: “The smell from cigarettes can go everywhere and make your clothing, car and house stink.”

Isla: “When you smoke in the car with the window open, this doesn’t mean the smoke is leaving the car, most of it stays in.”

Kendal: “If you smoke a cigarette and it looks like the smoke has disappeared…it is actually still there, you just can’t see it anymore.”

Who has impressed?

Jay: “I was impressed with everyone in the Potted Sports team. We won for only the second time in 30 years!”

Lauren U: “Kendal has impressed me by winning the JRSO poem competition.”

Lauren C: “The netball team impressed me by getting second in three tournaments.”

Paul: “Harry has impressed me because in P.E. he scored the most goals.”

Antonia: “I’m proud of Taylor because she has picked up percentages really quickly and gave 100% effort!”

Mr Berginis: “I was really impressed with the standard of writing the class did in their profiles this week and I also thought they were great at helping their p1 buddies with their mini beast projects.”



Loads of Learning in P1L!

Firstly a huge well done to Callum for winning the Park Smart competition.  We are all super proud of him.


Here are some of our comments about this week’s learning:

“We learned how to play tunnel tig with Mr Jeffries” (Callum, Charlie, Owen and Liam).

“We learned how to say names of colours in French” (Keilija).

“I can write instructions – How to make a cheese sandwich” (Rory).

“We were learning about role-play with Mrs Innes” (Zara).

“I love learning with Mr Jeffries – jogging” (Brandon).

“I learned how to tell the time” (Shelbi).

“I know how to count up to 30” (Annie).


Shared Start 26.5.15

This week we were very lucky to have some mums and dads come into our class for Shared Start to see what we have been learning about.

We have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods and one of the tasks was to sort out foods into the right category. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a great story to understand more about healthy and unhealthy foods! We watched a video of the story which we all really enjoyed 🙂


We have also been learning to put the days of the week into the right order and this really helped us when sequencing the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.


-Sports Day will be held at Balbardie Park Tuesday 2nd June and will start for Primary 1 at 10:45am
-P1w assembly will be held in the new gym hall Friday 5th June beginning at 9:20am

Article 28: The right to an education

What stayed with you this week in P3/2 ?

We have been very busy in class this week. Here are our comments :

Oliver, David- We liked when our mum came in to Shared start. We were working on the symmetry area and Where in the world food activity.

Charlie, Alfie, Ben W. Connor, Ben M. Robert, Lauren, Aaron- We enjoyed the new game in PE ” Time bomb tig ”

Sophia- I liked my mum and dad coming to Shared start. I was on the scrambled words. I got stuck on grapefruit, sunflower and orchid !

Sophie- I enjoyed playing dodgeball at PE today with Mr Jeffries.

Ava- I enjoyed my mum coming in to class for Shared Start. I did the Symmetry activity. I did the cat face picture.

Emma, Isla- We enjoyed the symmetry work where we had to colour the butterfly in to show symmetry in nature.

Suvi, Erin- We like doing the story plan for A day as a volcanologist, taking a robot to help gather samples sounds fun.

Megan – I like learning about the food pyramid and making a healthy packed lunch.

Jason- I like the class talks. Megan’s and Lauren’s stood out.

Mia- I like being star writer for the apple story.

Demi Leigh- I liked Shared start and I was completing the scrambled words.


Congratulations to Mia, Ava and Alfie for being our Star Writers this week.

Well done Oliver for being our Special Person yesterday and Charlie for being today’s Special Person.


Article 13

You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way.






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