P1L – Week beginning 18th of May.

This week in phonics we used coloured sounds to spell keywords and completed cut and paste activities to help us learn new spellings.

Phonics c+p1

Phonics c+p2

In the afternoon, we played a temperature game of “Hot, hot, cold, cold” to guide people when looking for lost treasure. Ruby-Anne and Mia did very well searching high and low!



We were successful growing cress seeds in class so we completed a “Cress Plant Diary” to record all of the things we used.


Cress plant2

We let our imaginations run wild with our P7 buddies this week when we thought about the question – “Where in the world would you like to go to see a rainbow?”.
We came up with some great ideas –
Cameron – “Morrisons because they have lots of Lego”.
Rory – “Australia because my Granny used to live there”.
Mia – “Houston, USA because my Nana lived there and I played in her pool”. (Mia’s buddy chose Japan).
Lucas – A farm on a starry night.
Alistair – “I like Glasgow because it has loads of Lego shops and it is a lovely city”.
Kyle – “McDonalds because I get a toy with a ‘Happy Meal’”.
Keilija – “Tesco because I can see a rainbow in the car park when I leave”.
Ruby – “I would like to go to Wonderworld because of the fun slide – I was there for a birthday with Brooke”.
Annie – “The little park, up the hill and past the nursery because it is always nice and sunny”.
Jamie – “I like Glasgow because it has lots of Lego shops”.
Liam – “The fire station at ‘Legoland’ because it has lots of fun things”. (Liam’s buddy chose Jamaica).
Charlotte – “I would choose Disneyland because Anna and Elsa would be there”.
Brandon – “I would choose Blackpool for the funfairs”. (Brandon’s buddy chose Japan).


Bye for now from P1L. 
“Article 13 ¬– You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing and writing”.

Class M’s Week!

This week class M have been busy enjoying some time in their new classes. Some of the children enjoyed a visit to the five sister’s zoo!

Here are their comments on this week!


Jayden – My favourite thing this week, visiting the zoo. I saw rabbits, monkeys and meerkats. I stayed in the cool, as it was hot and roasting. my favourite thing was looking at the animals and touching. I liked the swing park, it was  fun.

Gabriel – Mrs Laing gave me good news, I went to the primary 1, 2 and 3 playground for longer playtime. At swimming, I made big splashes and said uh oh!

Joe – I was in primary 4, 5 and 6 playground for longer playtime. I was playing with Geordie, at Rat Battle, it is a shouting game. I played with Cameron with the giant ball, we threw, caught and punched the ball. It was good fun.

Dylan – My favourite day was the zoo. I liked the lemurs because they climb up trees. The rat was white. I held it to my body. It was soft.

Lewis – On Thursday I went to the zoo, the zoo is fun. I looked at the animals and played in the park. I touched a rat, it felt soft.

Jake – I went to the zoo and played in the park. I pretended I was captain Hook. I made a new friend. We had a picnic.

Yolie – Yesterday I went to the zoo. I liked the zoo. We went on a bus trip.


On Wednesday we went to our new P4 classes for a whole day. Some of us have Miss MacIntyre and some of us have Miss Mowat. In p4a we had circle time and we played some games to get to know our new teacher. We wrote about our school and what we enjoy about school. In P4b we played games to get to know our teacher and each other. We also did writing but we had to apply for what job we would like in the class. We did a treasure hunt in the classroom to find out where different things are kept. We are really looking forward to Primary 4.

We have bee learning about a healthy diet. We need to eat the correct proportions of food so we have a healthy, balanced diet. We designed menus for Augustus Gloop to help him lose weight. We then matched these foods on to the eatwell plate to make sure he would get a balanced diet.

Article 24: Right to a healthy, nutritious diet.




This Wednesday was move on day. We went to our new Primary 4 class and met our new teacher. We had a great time and can’t wait for next year.
‘Miss Mowat’s class were making booklets, played bingo and drew a portrait.’ – Olivia
‘We went a scavenger hunt so we know where everything is in the classroom. We played some games in circle time.’ – Rachael
‘Miss MacIntyre’s class was good. We did maths where we learned about area. We drew around someone’s foot and counted the boxes to find the area.’ – Grace
‘In Miss MacIntyre’s class we had circle time. We learned everyone’s names and said welcome to the people beside us.’ – Reece

Here are some things we are looking forward to next year:
‘Playing in the front playground.’ – Kaitlin
‘Making new friends and meeting the new teacher.’ – Millie
‘Having a new topic.’ – Grace
‘Learning new facts.’ – Eva


We have been learning about evolution and adaptation in P5d. We have finished creating our new species and designing habitats for them to live in. Here is some of our work …

Kari  – I created a new species called a Catara. It lives in the Rainforest.

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Meg – My species is called a Hufflepuffbabbit. It lives in the forrest.

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We have also been learning about food chains and the inter dependency of humans, animals and plants for survival.

Christopher – a food chain or food web will always begin with a green plant

Polina – the lion is at the top of the food chain because it does not get hunted by another animal

Ryan – if one animal becomes extinct it affects the whole food chain

James – plants are the only producers

Daniel – a consumer is something that eats other plants and/or animals

Evie – a human is a consumer.


There goes another very interesting week! Two weeks to go…..


P1L Transition Day

On Wednesday P1 spent the day in their new P2 classroom. Below are some comments about what they enjoyed.


“I enjoyed making a picture” (Cameron).

“I liked making a robot, giving him a name and hearing a story about a robot” (Keilija).

“I made a rainbow fish” (Liam).

“I enjoyed drawing fish with my fingers and paint. Also making my own tiara” (Brooke).

“I enjoyed writing” (Charlotte from the nursery).

“I enjoyed making a rainbow fish” (Brandon).

“I liked meeting Miss McDougall” (Mia, Brooke and Shelbi).

“I liked lunchtime and playtime, writing and rainbow fish” (Charlotte).

“I liked seeing Miss Boyle and playing with the toys” (Jackie).

Down in the garden

Today was our class assembly.  We were sharing all of our learning about plants and minibeasts.  We really enjoyed being the stars.  We had worked hard to learn our lines and the songs.  We enjoy singing the songs aith the actions.  We all liked our costumes.  But maybe best of all was seeing our family and friends and having juice with them.

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A big thank you to Josh, Ray and Lisa for helping us!

P2bg enjoy the sun!

It has been great to see the sun this week and has linked in perfectly with our Weather topic. We learned about what the sun is and why we need it here on Earth. We discussed ways of keeping safe in the sun and we all know why this is very important. We made posters to tell others what they can do to stay safe in the sun.
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June 2015 167

June 2015 166

June 2015 165

Lucas told us that the sometimes the sun is shining in his front garden and then it moves to his back garden. We know that this is because the Earth is moving and is at different angles to the sun at different times of the day. This led to us discussing why our shadows are not the same size and in the same place for the whole day. We learned that shadows are made when light cannot travel through an object. We measured shadows at different times of the day. We found out that our shadows are shortest during the hottest part of the day, between 11am and 3pm.

June 2015 158

June 2015 157

June 2015 156

June 2015 164

We have enjoyed learning about the sun and we hope the sunny weather continues for the next 2 weeks of term. We can wear sun cream and bring a hat to school to help protect us in the playground on sunny days.

Article 28 The Right to an Education

Move on day!

We were all very excited on Wednesday to go to our new classes and meet our new teachers! Here are some of the things we learned and some of the things we are looking forward to in Primary 2…

Jodie – I am looking forward to learning Tricky Words in Primary 2 and the new home learning we will be getting!
Farrah – I am looking forward to making lots of stuff
Katie – I am looking forward to learning about the sea and the Amazon!
Hannah – I liked it when Mr Jeffries said “Welcome to the PE hall, Primary 2”
Shaun – I am looking forward to meeting my new friends
Lewis – I liked learning about “The Rainbow Fish”
Eva – I liked learning more about caterpillars in Mrs Gallagher’s class
Anna – I liked learning more about Elmer the elephant
Max – I liked home time!
Maisie – I liked making models with the pipe cleaners in Miss McDougall’s class
Tamsyn – I liked doing pointillism in Primary 2
Kaycee – I liked learning about The Rainbow Fish and more about mermaids when we were learning about pointillism.

We all had a fabulous time in our new classes and are really looking forward to going into Primary 2 after the summer! Miss Wilson is really going to miss all the children in our class!!!!

Article 28: The right to an education


Quite a short week this week, with the holiday and our moving on day.  We all loved being in P7 and are really excited by our new duties.  We have talked a lot about being responsible and being good role models as we go into P7 – all eyes are on us!

We carried on with solving equations this week and are getting on top of it.  We decided they are a bit like mysteries – and we all love a good mystery!

Talking about reading(!) we are now choosing our own novels until the end of term, and summarising and discussing them in class.

We have also made the most of the good weather by taking our learning outdoors and practicing spelling, maths and doing some art.

Have a good weekend, hope the weather stays good!


from P6H


Snape’s Potion Class – P6s

This week we were part of Snape’s Potion Class. We had to test different materials to find out which ones would have the biggest chemical reaction for our potion. We tested salt, aspirin, baking soda and sugar in water and then in vinegar. We found that aspirin and baking soda both reacted the most but the biggest was with the vinegar and baking soda which flowed over the top of our cups! To complete it we added some food colouring for effect!

Here are some pictures of us doing our investigation:

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Also this week we have started preparing for our P6s assembly on Friday 19th June. You should have received your invitations by now 🙂

The best bit of our week so far was on Wednesday when we got to become Primary 7 for the day and meet our new teacher Miss Bollen.

P4M w/b 1.6.15

This week we have been working hard on our CEM tests. In between testing we have enjoyed learning lots of other things!

Tobin, Fiona, Murray and Luca: we enjoyed painting  a Cherry Blossom Tree as part of our learning about China.

Gary, Noah, Dasha and Michelle: we liked learning about area in maths. We can now find the area of different shapes.

Emma: I enjoyed choir this week as we got to watch a performance of Greece.

Lauryn: I liked handwriting this week. I think my writing is getting much neater.

Gabriel: I enjoyed the class talks this week. We learned about Japan and American sports.




This week in class we have been exploring money. We looked at coins beyond £1 and had the opportunity to count and make different coin collections. We had lots of activities to practise this including; bingo with Miss Bollen, games on the iPad and stamping specific amounts into money bag templates. We also looked at different coin combinations to make £1 and made a toy shop booklet which illustrated this.

In writing we used the Ipads to research a farm animal of our choice. We made notes under given headings then transferred the information we collected into fact files. We learned lots of new and fun information!

Enjoy the long weekend,
Miss Bollen and P3b

Article 28- Right to an Education

CEM testing

This week in P4g the children have been working really hard on their CEM testing. In between times, they have had a some fun with PE, art and some Health and Wellbeing as well as ensuring that they were really quiet for their classmates when they were doing their CEM tests.

Lots of the children enjoyed the CEM testing. They interviewed each other about the week.

Caitlin enjoyed the colouring in and the CEM testing – Sophie

Lucy enjoyed the CEM testing and the little bit of round the world in 80 days – Zoe

Harvey enjoyed the CEM testing – Ciaran

Lucie enjoyed the CEM testing this week – Yasmin

Eva enjoyed the spelling test – Lucie T

Kirsten enjoyed the CEM testing week because it was fun.

Ross enjoyed the maths cause it was easy and hard at the same time – Lucy

Lucie enjoyed using the netbooks – Kirsten

Ciaran enjoyed CEM testing – Harvey

Tom enjoyed drawing in his activity book – Rowan

Jennie enjoyed the reading test- Eva

Brooklyn thought the CEM testing was fun – Rhia

Rowan enjoyed the attitudes test cause it didn’t go on forever! – Jennie

Sophie enjoyed the CEM testing, especially the spelling one – Caitlin

Ciaran enjoyed the CEM testing maths – Jack

Kate enjoyed all of the CEM testing – Brooklyn

Zoe liked doing the CEM testing. She liked clickng the faces and dots – Megan

Rhia enjoyed the CEM testing cause it was fun – Kate

Noah thought the maths was fun – Ty

Holly enjoyed learning loads of stuff in CEM testing – Alann

Sharing Equally in P1L

This week one of the things we were learning to do in Maths was to divide.  The children were fabulous at sharing out pretend sweets and compare bears or counters equally.  Below are a few photos from one of our activities.




Enjoy the long weekend.

P2g reflections

As we prepare for our move on day visit to P3 we have been thinking about what we have enjoyed about being in P2 this year, here are some of our responses:

‘I love Maths in P2.’ Amy
‘I like my teachers in P2.’ James
‘I liked the P2 show.’ Joshua
‘I like reading, writing and maths.’ Lucas
‘I liked learning new things, especially about weather.’ Jess
‘I just like learning.’ Alex
Euan, Kiara, Sofiye and Skye all liked the trip to Stirling Castle.

Next Wednesday we will spend a day in P3 with our new class and teacher.

This week we have been learning how to split numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. We have been very good at identifying the value of digits in numbers.

We have been learning that the wind is moving air and that there are different words to describe the strength of the wind. We were really keen to find out more about extreme weather conditions after finding out about hurricanes and tornadoes. We thought about some questions we wanted to know the answer to and we will be researching using the internet next week to see if we can find the answers. Here are some of the things we want to know more about:

‘Where was the worst flood in Britain?’ Kay
‘Why are there not hurricanes and tornadoes in Scotland?’ Sofiye
‘What kind of weather do they have in the jungle?’ Alex
‘Where do hurricanes happen?’ Jess
‘Why do bush fires happen?’ Euan
‘How does thunder happen?’ Skye

Amy, Kiara, Hannah, Alex and Sofiye are very excited about being flower girls in the procession tomorrow and Euan, Murray and Campbell will be on our school float. Gemma, Spencer and Teighan are also walking with the school. We hope everyone has a great day at the procession tomorrow and has a lovely holiday on Monday.


Hi everyone!

In maths this week we have been learning about function machines and equations.  We have really had to use all our mental maths skills and have been sharing our learning with each other.

Rachel – I liked learning about function machines, I am now really good at it but you have to know your times tables as well and counting.

Emma – I really like equations, I enjoy maths in p6.

Eve – I liked learning about function machines and equations because it was something I caught onto really quickly.

In Art we looked at texture and used our new skills to create wands for Harry Potter.

Adam – My wand is called ‘The Dragon Choker.’

Lucy – Mine was called ‘The Paintbrush’.

Carter – I made ‘The Dragon Slayer!’

We are going to use our wands next week in writing to create magical stories.

We also shared our stories from ‘Danger Night’ and scared Mrs Haddifon!

Good luck to Rachel Ava at the procession and Happy Newlands Day to everyone!


Our week in p7b



In health this week we have been learning about drugs:

Paul: “I’ve learned that drugs are classed depending on how dangerous they are. They are class A, B or C. For example heroin is class A which is the most dangerous.”

Isla: “There are three main groups of drugs which are hallucinogenic, depressant and stimulants which all have different effects.”

Emily: “I learned that most illegal drugs can kill you the first time you use them.”

Lauren U: “I learned that depressant drugs make your heartbeat go slower and they slow down the speed of messages between your brain and body.”

Nathan: “I learned that cannabis is illegal in the UK but is not in Holland and they sell it in cafes.”

Jay: “Dealing illegal drugs can get you a prison sentence of between 14 years and life. Being caught with illegal drugs can give you four years in jail.”

Flyn: “Not all drugs are illegal, for example paracetemol. However you have to be careful with them and follow the instructions or they can be harmful. Some illegal drugs might be prescribed by a doctor too.” 

Reading Routes

This week we have been learning about figures of speech:

Declan: “I’ve learned what a metaphor is. It’s when we say one thing is another thing. An example would be ‘give me a hand’ which isn’t actually asking the person to cut their hand off and give it to you.”

Chloe: “I’ve learned what repetition is. That is when an author repeats a word over and over to highlight that word.”

Harry: “I learned about personification. That is when we make something that isn’t alive sound alive. An example would be ‘the wind was howling.’ “

Lauren K: “I learned that a simile is when we say that something is like something else and we have to use ‘as’ or ‘like’. An example would be ‘the bird was as colourful as a rainbow.’ “

Adam: “We also learned about alliteration which is when you repeat a sound or letter at the start of words. An example would be ‘Peter pepper picked perfect pickles.’ “


We’ve been learning all about decimals:

Lauren C: “The link between fractions, decimals and percentages is that they are all ways of describing part of something.”

Antonia: “After a decimal point the further to the right you go the smaller the amount means. The place value columns for decimals are tenths, hundredths and thousandths.”

William: “For numbers after a decimal point you have to remember t say them individually and not as one number.”

Kendal: “To change from a fraction to a decimal you can use a calculator and divide the numerator by the denominator.”

Who has impressed?

Paul: “Adam has impressed with his art this week. He has taken his time and made it really neat.”

Lauren C: “The netball team impressed me because we were unbeaten for most of the games.”

Jay: “I’m impressed with everyone and the level of effort they have put into their Aztec god work in art.”

Mr Berginis: “I was really impressed with the p1w assembly this morning. I loved the songs and the crayon sketch was a great way of showing how to be friends.”


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