Au revoir de P3/2

Busy last week from P3/2….

We have had memories and book talks and PE and singing and some special pupils of the day and a great sunny Sports day and fantastic sports boys and girls and an amazing Talent Show….

Ava- I loved the Sports yesterday. I was the P3  girl overall winner

Ben M- I m looking forward to the summer holidays. I m going to Sherwood Forest next week…

Charlie, Sophia-  We are looking forward to hearing the judges comments after the Talent show

Oliver, Connor, Robert- We liked Charlie and Ben W ‘s  talent show performances

Mia- I liked getting my trophy from Sports Day. I was the P2 girl’s champion

Erin, Lauren- We can’t wait to go into P4/3

Alfie, Sam- We are excited about the holidays because it is our birthdays as well

Jason- I hope my talent performance goes well. I am called The 4 2 5 Singer

Isla- I am looking forward to P4a with Miss Macintyre and seeing my friends

Liam- I am looking forward to the summer holidays

Suvi- I am looking forward to celebrating my brother’s birthday in the holidays

Emma- My talent was drawing and I liked drawing a fox on the board

Megan- I am looking forward to my talent performance with Erin

Aaron- I am looking forward to the summer holidays as I am going to Spain

David- I am excited about going to Spain for the summer holidays

Ben W- I am looking forward to going to the caravan for the summer holidays

Sophie- I am looking forward to going to the Black Isle for one week of the summer holidays


Have a fantastic summer P3/2

Mrs Aitken


Reminder-Church service Friday 9.30am








Primary 1w making their own gardens!

As part of a home learning task, our class had to make their own garden. The children brought in their gardens today and had to give a class talk and describe WHAT they used, HOW they made their garden and WHO helped them. The gardens were beautiful and it was clear that a lot of effort has been put in. Thank you to everyone who helped and was involved.

Here are some pictures of our beautiful gardens in Primary 1w:














Here are some children’s favourite parts of other children’s gardens:
Eva – I really liked the see-saw in my garden
Lucas – I liked Max’s garden because I liked the lavendar plant
Lewis – I liked putting soldiers in my garden
Kaycee – I liked the dumper truck in Max’s garden
Donna – I liked Tamsyn’s pots because they look very nice
Anna – I liked the seashells in Tamsyn’s garden
Tamsyn – I liked my cat that was in the water
Maisie – I liked my dog when he jumped in the paddling pool
Farrah – I liked the dogs in Maisie’s garden
Katie – I liked Tamsyn’s because it sounded like “In the night garden”

P6s Magical Mystery Tour

P6s would like to thank all our friends and family who came along to support us today with our assembly. We had a fantastic time and really enjoyed taking a magical mystery tour through our P6 year. We have learned so many exciting things throughout the year and this brought it all back to us.

Here are some pictures of our fantastic performance:

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P4m w/b 15.6.15

Tobin,Michelle, Darja and Gary: We liked learning how to measure the perimeter of 2d shapes this week.

Jamie, Noah, Archie, Stacey and Katya: We enjoyed using lots of different strategies to practise our spelling words. We especially liked making paper chains and using the play dough.

Katie and Lauryn: We liked writing this week. We were learning to use persuasive language to write about school uniform.

Jack, Jordan and Cameron: We enjoyed using our learning from previous weeks to make up our own games during outdoor P.E.

We have also been learning about our 5 senses this week. We carried out 5 experiments to test the reliability of our sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. We have also enjoyed learning from each other  through some very interesting class talks and we loved going to the Golden Club event!


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This week we measured and designed a scarecrow. We used materials, jewels and more for its clothes. Some people did girls and others did boys. They all looked fabulous!

In writing we did a recount of what we enjoyed in primary 3 we wrote about our friends, learning and our achievements.

Have a nice weekend,

By Rachael and Grace

Article 28- Right to an Education

Summer is coming….

We are looking forward to Summer in Class B.  We have been learning that farmers grow fruit and vegetables.  We like fruit!  We taste fruit at snack time everyday.  We have been learning that some fruit is turned into something else like juice.

Farmers plants seeds.  The seeds need water and sun to grow.  Jake

We have watched our cress heads grow!  The cress is growing quickly!  We will be able to taste our cress soon.    The cress in the dark is growing but it is yellow and doesn’t look nice to eat. The cress seeds with no water are not growing.

Class B were experimenting with fruit as part of science.  We wanted to make ice-lollies and ice-cream using fruit.  They will keep us cool is Summer.

We ate ice-lollies.  It was sweet.  It was delicious.  They had been in the freezer.  David

Here are Jayden’s instructions on how to make ice-lollies.

1.  You need orange juice and apple juice.

2.  Put the juice into ice-lolly moulds.

3.  Put the lid on.

4.  Put them in the freezer.

5.  Wait for the ice-lollies to freeze.

6.  When they are frozen taste them!


My ice-lolly was orange.  It was so tasty.  It cooled me down.  Jayden


We made banana ice-cream.  We cut the bananas and put them in the freezer.  They went very frozen.  When they were frozen we put them in a food processor.  It was very noisy.  The bananas turned soft.  We put them back in the freezer.  The bananas turned into ice-cream!  Lewis

We tasted the ice-cream.  It tasted delicious!  Gabriel


This week we are going to take a wee wonder down memory lane as we remember our highlights in p6.

Josh – It’s gotta be our Harry Potter potions in science.

Ava – Loved the creative storywriting!

Sophie – Everything Harry Potter!

Emma – I liked doing the mythical creatures.

Sam – I loved the Space topic, and Olivia.

Megan – Olivia!

Taylor – I liked learning about the Caribbean Island – I wanted to go there.

Adam – My best thing was creating my best story ever!

Erin – I liked all the art we did.

Eve – I liked doing all the science experiments.

Lily – the Caribbean

Lucy – I liked the makey-makey music.

Well done to Rachel, Cameron and Eve on being successful in their applications to be House Captains.  We are really proud of you!

All that is left for us next week is our Sports Day and our Church Service because ….we re all going on a summer holiday….

P1L Trip to Botanic Gardens

On Wednesday, Primary One went to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. Lots of fun was had by everyone and lots of interesting information was given.

Here are some of the things we enjoyed about the trip:

“We liked seeing the baby ducks, they were cute” (Jamie, Alistair and Brandon).

“We learned about SWAF – Shelter, Water, Air and Food” (Charlotte).

“I liked the monkey puzzle tree, it felt soft and spiky. The monkeys can’t climb up it so they have to wait for the fruit to fall off it” (Cameron).

“I liked playing all the games; ‘teddy bear tig’ was fun” (Ammie-Leigh).

“We saw a really big tree with massive leaves” (Zara).

“We liked being on the bus” (Lucas and Liam).

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Primary 1 Class Trip to the Botanic Gardens

This week Primary 1 went on their trip to The Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. We explored the gardens and learned many new things about nature! We learned a secret code – SWAF. This stands for:
Animals (and people) need all of these things to survive.

The first thing that we did on our trip was have a nice snack and learn about SWAF.


Next we played a game where some children were little brown bears and everyone else wore a coloured band. The coloured bands represented the colours of SWAF. The little brown bears had to get all 4 colours in their “den” to win!



We then saw lots of lovely ducks and lily pads!


We were so excited to find a hidden message in one of the trees. Our group leader Tricia read it out to us. It said that there were bears in the garden and they had left clues as to where we could find them. Here are some pictures of us finding the clues…





When we had finished our bear hunt we found that we were back at the start and there were bears eating our lunches!!



We enjoyed our “Teddy Bears Picnic” and the weather was beautiful for sitting outside.

Finally, we were given a SWAF pack to make our own SWAF islands in a group. We had to make sure that our island included:
Here are some pictures of our islands…





We had a fantastic time on our trip and here are our favourite parts:
Farrah – When we were eating our lunch with the teddies
Jodie – I liked when we were watching the ducks swim
Tamsyn – I liked it when the teddy bears were eating our lunches
Hannah – I liked it when Aaron said the teddy bears ate his lunch and he was angry
Archie – When we were on the bus
Donna – When we were making our SWAF islands
Max – The bus was really fun
Alfie – I loved looking out the window on the bus
Anna – I liked playing the little brown bear chasing game
Lewis – I liked playing “rock, paper, scissors” on the bus
Holly – Playing with Lewis on the bus
Lily – When we were singing songs on the bus
Erin – Playing the little brown bear game
Eva – I liked singing the songs on the bus
Lucas – I liked finding the teddy bears
Shaun – Seeing the teddy bears eating Aaron’s lunch!
Maisie – My favourite part on the trip was going on the bear hunt
Arran – I liked going home on the bus
Dylan – I liked playing with my friends at lunch time
Katie – I liked the picnic because my teddy was sunbathing
Kaycee – I liked it when we were on the bus
Aaron – I loved the entire day!

Article 28: The right to an education

Golden Club event by P2bg

On Thursday we were at the Golden Club event. There were 4 activities for us to enjoy – bouncy castle, soak the house captains, ice lollies and inflatable slide. Here is what we had to say about the event:

‘I liked soak the house captains and the ice cream.’ Jess
‘I liked the ice lollies.’ Denholm
‘I liked the terror slide.’ James
‘When Catriona and I went down the slide she was sitting on my knee, it was funny.’ Teighan
‘I liked bouncing down the slide.’ Alfie
‘I tried to do a 360 down the slide.’
‘I liked the terror slide.’ Hannah

It’s great to be in the Golden Club and we are all going to try hard to get there again in Primary 3.

Article 28 – We have the right to an education.


This has been another busy week in P5d.

We have been learning to calculate and represent a fraction as a percentage. We were all quite confident about this task as we had already touched on this earlier in the term when Mrs Drummond took a ‘backwards’ approach to teaching fractions, percentages and decimals. We all agree it has helped!

We have also been learning how to interpret information displayed on a graph or table. The tricky part of this was reading the question properly and being able to use a key.  Mrs Drummond agrees that we are all very good at this now!

We have been looking back on the different things we have learned in language over the year. We were then given a passage to up-level. Mrs Drummond asked us to impress her by using personification, similes, adjectives, adverbs, connectives and interesting words. We were all successful!

On Thursday we recorded information about the lifecycle of the plants that we have been growing in class. We had to sequence the process the plants have gone through and state why we think our plants did or did not grow well. We also had to discuss the plants we experimented with. Some had no water, some had no light and some were deprived of both. Growing the plants and experimenting this way really helped us to understand about photosynthesis because when we just talked about it we found it difficult to understand.

This week we had our Golden Club event in school and those of us who attended had a fantastic time!

This time next week …….


This week Primary 1 had their class trip to the Botanics.  Here we explored the gardgens to learn about what animals need to survive in the wild – S.W.A.F. (shelter, water, air & food).  We hunted for clues and played lots of games to learn about each part.  At the end of the day we built an island to show everything we had learned.

109_2388Learning about SWAF109_2390

Hunting for clues109_2399

Our ‘bears’ finding everything they need to survive.  They could only have one of each so they did not use up all of the forest’s resources.

Below our finished islands.

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This is what we thought:

Ellis – I liked making the food for the animals.

Ellie Rose – I liked making the animal food too. We had a fire in ours. It was a project.

Orla – I learned about SWAF. It keeps you alive. My favourite bit was the squirrels.

Sandra – I liked seeing the three teddies.

Blaire – I liked seeing the grey squirrels.  They were eating nuts.

Kai – I learned how to stay still if I want to see wild animals.

Samuel – I saw hedgehogs under the trees.

Evan – I liked walking through the gardens. I saw a red spider mite on a tree.

Jay – I liked seeing the squirrels climbing up and down the trees.

Jamie – I saw purple flowers and they were beautiful.

Rory – I saw squirrels playing games.

Alexander – I saw blue, red, white and orange flowers that smelled really nice.  I saw roses too.

Alfie – I saw a bee collecting pollen from the flowers. It takes it to its’ home and makes it into honey.

Ross – I learned how to make islands out of food for animals and wood and leaves. I used a stick to make a flag.

Niamh – We played a game pretending to be a bear. We wore a coloured band and all the colours were the SWAF. It was fun.

Murray – I saw squirrels going up and down trees. They were in a big garden.

Brooke – I made a little village out of sticks and string and flowers.

Bryce – I liked having a picnic lunch. There were lots of trees and squirrels there.


Hello from P3/2

What a busy second last week we have had….

Demi Leigh, Ben M, Connor, Aaron, Erin, -Our favourite thing this week has been the Golden Club event

Sam-I enjoyed throwing the wet sponge at the head boy Liam at the Golden Club event

Isla, Suvi, Charlie, Megan, Oliver, Robert- We liked everything this week

Mia- I liked Road Safety today with Mrs Hay

David- I liked making the ice cream sundae at cooking this week and I loved eating it

Ben W-My favourite thing was getting to the Golden Club for the last 5 minutes

Emma- I had fun on the bouncy castle at the Golden Club event today

Lauren, Ava, Sophie- We enjoyed the Golden Club event when we were playing on the slide

Sophia- I liked having a strawberry ice lolly at the Golden Club event

Liam – I liked the terror slide and the bouncy castle at the Golden Club event

Alfie- This week I enjoyed being at PE with Mr Jeffries. We got our fireballs and we are a great class for remembering our PE kit 🙂

Jason-I liked doing the work about favourite times in P3/2


What fun at the Golden Club event we all had.

Well done P3/2

Enjoy your weekend

Remember to return your Review jotters with the highlights page filled in, thank you

Mrs Aitken



All children have a right to play and join in a wide range of activities






Some news we want to share…….

2 weeks on Sunday I’m going to start learning bowls at the bowling club! Lexis

I am having a birthday party in the summer holidays and it’s only 9 days until the holidays! Kiera H (Yes! Says Mrs McClafferty)!

I am so excited for the Grease show for choir and musical theatre! Madeleine

I enjoyed being a judge in P5m’s Got Talent! Scott ( and he’s great at the Chicken Dance)

I might be getting a dog for my birthday and my birthday is on the very last day of school.  Zoe

This week I enjoyed doing the talent show.  Olivia

This week I enjoyed the talent show.  Me, Olivia and Clara entered and came joint second! Ella (Well done girls)

I enjoyed the talent show and all of the excellent acts.  (Louise)

On the 19th October – 23rd I’m going to Centre Parcs and I enjoyed being a judge on the talent show. Roan

In the talent show me and Ellie came joint second doing gymnastics.  Kiera B

I’m going to the cinema in the summer holidays! Andrew

I can’t wait until 23rd of June as it’s my little brother’s birthday. Ellie

I enjoyed the talent show and at the end of my performance I did a belly flop! Freya (Ouch! Sounds sore)!


The pictures of the talent show are great! Well done to the winners Isla and Lucy!


Totally Talented P5m

Thank you to all who made today’s Talent Show such a success – the fantastic acts, the hilarious judges, Casey and Kiera for counting and verifying the votes and of course – our ever enthusiastic audience.

Enjoy the memories.


Article 29

Education should develop our

personalities and talents to the


Phonics in P2g

Today we learned about the ‘oo’ digraph in phonics.  We used cheerios and hula hoops to create the ‘oo’ sound.

Here are some thoughts from the children:

‘This was the best phonics ever because we got to eat the sounds!’ – James

The hoops helped me to write the ‘oo’ words because the look like o’s’ – Kay

‘I thought it was really fun because I could eat my phonics’ – Miles

‘I liked it because we’ve never done this before and I really like cheerios’ – Alfie

Let’s hope you remember more than just the taste of the ‘oo’ sound, boys and girls!




The Best Bits of P6s

This morning we all had a think about our best bits of P6s. There seemed to be a common theme…

Ross: My best part of P6 was when we did Olivia, Grease and when I got my buddy.

Emma B: My best part of P6 was when me and Sasha sang ‘If There’s a Star’ in Olivia and I also enjoyed getting in to Golden Club.

Becky: My best part of P6 was when in term 1 we had a balloon party on a Friday and Olivia.

Kerry: My best part of P6 was when I walked on stage at Olivia. I was proud.

Shaun: My best part of P6 was when we done Olivia and we did Art.

Erin: My best part of P6 was when we done Olivia and when I got in to Golden Club.

Kelsey: My best part of P6 was when we had the Olivia party.

Ava: My best part of P6 was when we performed the show ‘Olivia’.

Liam: My best part of P6 was when I did the football tournament.

Robbie: My best part of P6 was when I got in to the Golden Club.

Josh: My best part of P6 was when we done Olivia and Grease.

Travis: My best part of P6 was when I was in the Olivia show. The best song was ‘Good Times’.

Leon: My best part of P6 was when I learned how to divide with higher numbers in Maths.

Sasha: My best part of P6 was when we went to Dynamic Earth for our school trip.

Lisa: My best part of P6 was when we done the curtain call for Olivia.

Teigan: My best part of P6 was when we walked out on stage at Olivia and saw all the people clapping for more.

Katie: My best part of P6 was when we done our P6 show Olivia and my favourite song was ‘Charity Rag’.

Ray: My best part of P6 was when we did Olivia.

Aaron: My best part of P6 was when I did my part in Olivia.

Mhairi: My best part of P6 was when we did Olivia because it was really fun.

Lily: My best part of P6 was when we done Olivia. The best part was the curtain call.

Abby: My best part of P6 was when we done Olivia.

Emma T: My best part of P6 was when we done the curtain call in the Olivia show.

Anais: My best part of P6 was when we done Olivia because I had a speaking part and it was fun practicing for it at the Academy.

Jamie: My best part of P6 was when we did the Olivia show because my mum thought it was funny. My best part was ‘Good Times’ because I had fun.

Eva: My best part of P6 was when we were practicing for Olivia then we got to perform it. My favourite part was the curtain call.

Lewis: My best part of P6 was when we went to Dynamic Earth.

P4m W/B 8.6.15

This has been a short but exciting week! We liked sharing our news from the long weekend and hearing what everyone did at the shows and the Gala day. We have been continuing with our class talks and have learned all about Hong Kong, India, Japan and America! It was very clear that everyone who presented put so much effort into preparing their talks.  We had a great day meeting our new teachers for Primary 5. We loved going to our classroom up stairs and being given the responsibilities that Primary 5 classes are given.  Some of us even got stickers for showing excellent behaviour throughout the day. Through our learning about Road Safety we used role play to explore the dangers that we are faced with on the road. In the pictures we are role playing a reporter interviewing someone who has hurt their leg in a road traffic accident. We are looking forward to next week to learn about what to do if a road traffic accident happens.

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Week beginning 1st of June from P1L.

Ruby and Shelbi were busy finding sounds in the “Sounds Caterpillar” this week.


The class were very good at blending paint gradually to colour rainforest parrot wings in darkening shades.





In phonics we matched six pictures to the words “map”, “sit”, “sack”, “mat”, “cat” and “cap”.

Phonics c+p2

With “cat” and “mat” being two of our keywords, we decorated our own mat and then glued our cats to sit on top.



We are excellent at completing colour and shape pattern sequences now. Here are some shapes and t-shirts we have completed.

Colour + shape1

Colour + shape2

Colour t-shirts1

We studied the four stages in the lifecycle of a honey bee this week. It starts its life as an egg, just like a caterpillar.

In “Circle-time” we had to think carefully about the choices within these questions.
Would you rather…ski or ice-skate? – Charlie said “Ice-skate because I’ve done it before and it was fun!”
Would you rather…draw on paper or a chalkboard? – Owen said “On chalkboard because your hands can get all messy that way”.
Would you rather…go on a surprise holiday for 2 weeks or choose a holiday place to go to for 1 week? – Rory said “I would go to Kenya for 1 week because I have never been before and I would like to go there”.
Would you rather…live without music or live without TV? – Lucas said “without TV” – most of agreed to that one.
Would you rather…jump into a pool of marshmallows or a pool of jelly? – Zara said “A pool of marshmallows because the landing would be soft”.

Hope you all have a good week – from P1L. 
“Article 12 – You have the right to give your opinion”.

P1L – Week beginning the 25th of May.

We are becoming very exact highlighting our keywords in phonics lessons and we had fun playing bingo – we had two winners that found all the words on their sheet.




We also practised writing our keywords in boxes to help us remember where sounds appear in words and we used “rainbow writing” for our keywords inside hot air balloons.



For our “Garden topic” work we identified the four stages in the lifecycle of a butterfly and then wrote about each stage in as much detail as we could.

Butterfly Lifecycle1

Lifecycle descriptions1

During “Buddy-time” the Primary 7s helped us to understand division by following sharing instructions on mats with plasticine. Then, our Buddies gave us lots of help with the “Division Race” game as they could tell us half of a number.

Division Race1

We were learning about time in maths. We discovered that finding “o’clock” times are easy when we look for the big hand at 12 and then the little hand for the hour.


The class used individual clocks to practise reading times with their buddy.


Time 1

We wrote super stories set in the rainforest. We described some very friendly and exotic animals and insects. We also had to remember that each sentence starts with a capital letter and finishes with a full stop.

Rainforest trip1

Ruby made a great job of using some letter templates during free play.


Jackie making lovely necklaces and choosing a “Frozen” jigsaw.



Keilija working on her drawing skills using grids and then with her finished design.



Owen rearranging some shapes to make interesting designs.



Bye for now – from P1L. 
“Article 29 – Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities”.

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