P2A’s week

We have been working hard on learning our adding up to 20.  Miss McDougall is very impressed with her classes adding skills.

We have been busy bees practising our handwriting, finger spaces and capital letters this week.  Our writing this week was all about a firework and we drew super chalk drawings and paintings.

Our Dragons and Dolphins group moved up a reading stage.

We had a Tae Kwon Do taster session and we loved practising our high kicks and punches on the pads.

Achievements this week

Ellis won a copper swimming medal

Murray won the Butterfly Trust Christmas Card Competition and will be getting his photo taken for the Curiour.

Farrah moved up to level 4 in swimming

Charlie won a Bunny Rabbit Hunt

Sophie moved up to level 2 in swimming

Tamsyn won a competiton to find the dressed up rabbit

Samuel won a skateboard trophy

Wee done to new step 3 people- Evan, Kai, Sophie,Lucas, Brooke, Charlie and Callum.


P1a’s 1st Big Balbardie Blether!

Today we went to our first Big Balbardie Blether (BBB). We were in different groups according to our House Teams and most of us went to different classes and teachers. Whilst we were there we had to chat about Golden Time and Golden Club.

Our first question was “Why do we have Golden Time?”
-You get to bring in a toy (Lois)
-Because you have been good (Rheagan)

Some of the other things we thought about doing during Golden Time were:
-Having a party (Kyle)
-Going to a fun fair (Lily)
-A disco (Akasha)

We then talked about getting into the Golden Club and the different events there are for rewards for pupils who get into it. We thought of some new ideas for Golden Club Events. Some of these were:
-getting presents (Ehan)
-bring in your own toys (Brandon)
-make ice cream (Orlaith)
-make our own biscuits (Elena)

All of the results from the BBB will be collated and shared in class. We really enjoyed talking about Golden Time and The Golden Club and are all hoping to get into The Golden Club by Christmas time!

-Miss Wilson & Primary 1a


Blog 6/11/15


This week we have been learning about our place in the world. We have been learning about the countries that make up Great Britain and the major cities that belong to England and Scotland. We now understand that Blackpool, Manchester and Newcastle are not in Scotland!


In maths this week we have been learning about positional language, angles and directions. We know that 90 degrees is a quarter turn, 180 degrees is a half turn and 360 degrees is a full turn. We have been learning to turn clockwise and anti-clockwise in degrees. We have had great fun learning about the positions of a compass including the tricky NE, NW, SE and SW points.


We have been writing a spooky story this week. We have to use descriptive words and phrases and try to build suspense. Rowan wrote a particularly good story which showed she understands how to build suspense.

Here’s an excerpt –       ‘……..she tried to break free but it was too late, it already had put metal chains on her. Suzie’s throat was sore from screaming. The beast dragged her into a cave……..’    We are all excited to hear the full story when it is finished.

We also wrote poems about our favourite place in Scotland here’s an example –


Eating delicious food in the car

Watching the lovely loch

Climbing steep hills

Feeding cute ducks

A place where I feel happy and calm

Linlithgow will always be my wee piece of Scotland

By Eva


On Tuesday we went to the handball festival at the sports centre. It was a great morning and we all had a fabulous time. Lots of us were able to identify the skills that we learned with Mr Jeffries that helped us when we were playing handball. Here are some pictures –





Have a great weekend!!!

Busy week in P5b

This week in P5b we have been learning and enjoyed……

How to draw fireworks. Katie & Casey

Adding tens and units. Callum

I enjoyed the Handball festival.  Archie, Jamie, Mark & Jordan

I enjoyed doing the grid references in mapping.  Gary

I enjoyed using co-ordinates to find things/places on a map.  Noah

I enjoyed the BBB.  Harry, Steven & Aiden

I enjoyed looking at the Atlases.  Fiona & Michelle

I enjoyed linking our maths to our fireworks (radial symmetry).  Tobin

I enjoyed topic work.  Dasha

I enjoyed saying what we liked about Christmas with Mrs Drummond.  Katya & Robyn

I enjoyed researching the towns and villages in West Lothian.  Cameron & Kamron

I learned how to do my hundreds, tens and ones.  Paige

I enjoyed doing the radial symmetry in art. Jack

I enjoyed going to Mrs Drummond’s class and learning about the birth of Jesus and when Mark said, ‘back to the future,’ instead of ‘back to the studio!’ Everyone laughed.  Luca

I enjoyed doing the poem about our favourite place in Scotland.  Gary & Archie

I enjoyed starting The Twits.  Fiona

I enjoyed the 5 minute frenzy.  Noah & Gabriel

Have a great weekend.






Forget texting folks – use Owl Mail!  Thats what we did this week when Professor Albertus Dumbledore invited us to join Hogwarts School of Science.  We all accepted and have already started finding out about soluable and insoluable substances.  We had great fun carrying out lots of experiments and recording our results so that we can put them all together in a Scientific Report.

We have started rehearsals for our show and have been working with Ms Logan who is a professinal choreographer!  We impressed her with our moves and she was delighted to see none of us have two left feet!

Have a good weekend!

News from Primary 3

We have been very busy this week in Primary 3.Here are our comments :

Maisey,Katie-We have been learning about Pyramids in Egypt

Emily,Jaime-Lee, Emma-The Egyptians buried the mummies in a tomb

Dani,Ben,Rose-We’ve been learning about Tutankhamen

Jason,Summer-In PE we have been playing the Bubble game

Guy,Callum,Nathan,Hope-This week we were practising our Assembly song

Charlotte,Louie,Lucy,Hayley- We’ve been doing French with Mrs Aitken-bonjour and

ca va !

Aryan- We’ve been learning 2d and 3d shapes in maths

Jacob-Sphinx guard Pharoah’s pyramids

Isaac-I know shapes can have 5 corners

ARTICLE 28- I have the right to an education

Have a super weekend !

Mr Cunningham









Vesak Festival Fun in Class O

Class O have been learning about Buddhism this week as part of our Fesitival Fun learning journey. We have been researching beliefs, traditions and festivals.
We have enjoyed a variety of role play and art activities. Can you tell?


Cameron: Vesak is the festival og light where people decorate their houses and the street with candles and lanterns. I enjoyed making a colourful square lantern.

Cody: Dressing up as a monk and pretending to meditate was fun. I learned a huge number of interesting facts about monks and their daily life. However, I would not want to be one in real life becasue they do not get a lot to eat.

Liam: Buddhists worship the Buddha. They put pictures and statues of him in their houses. You have to take your shoes off when you talk to him.

Yolie: Buddhists believe that you must use kind words and not tell lies.

Callum: Buddhists live in all kinds of homes like everyone else, but some Buddhists choose to have a small shrine area in their house. This is a quiet place where a Buddhist can be alone to focus on their religious belief and practice meditation. I really liked prentending to meditate in the shrine room we made in sensory room.

We hope you enjoyed our reflections about Buddhism and Vesak (the festival of light). Over the next few weeks we will be learning about other world religions and important festivals.

P3/2 A short but busy week.

In p3/2 somethings have continued similar to before the October holiday and there has been some changes. Mrs Gallagher has moved to a new job and we wish her well.  We enjoyed learning with Mrs Gallagher and have also enjoyed learning this week with Mrs Clark. We are all very proud of our learning. This week everyone worked hard to write upstairs downstairs sums. We found it helped us to understand adding ones to ones, tens to tens and exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten. Most people choose to answer the sums we have been learning to write. We did well. Our new class novel was a great hit and we wrote our own personalised version of chapter 2. Our art work was superb too. Using only a pencil, we drew a variety of lines to draw tree. We surprised ourselves with the quality of drawings. This term we plan to learn about food chains and the environment through the context of the sea, At the assembly on 4th December we hope to show our sea learning. We have already worked with a partner to make mini walls displays to show our knowledge of food chains.

One of the changes we have is P.E times: outdoor Tuesday(Mrs McClafferty),  indoor Wednesday(Mr Jeffries)

Lots of children in p3/2 have earned lots of dojo points this week and Mrs Clark is very proud and happy with her new class. The classdojo have been doing strange things this week so we cannot keep track of totals. We hope the dojos will be working well next week and we can have a dojo points winner. As this week was a short week we did not take our homelearning jotters home but we did think at home about what we were going to write at writing time and thinking about it before we wrote helped us as we wrote. We also found counting counting on in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s much easier than counting back so we thought practicing would make us better at counting back.

Pupil Comments

Lucas & Ross : Maths was challenging but I enjoyed writing upstairs/downstairs sums.

Katie: Big Maths. I enjoyed checking answers to identify the facts I need to practice

William: being super. I was proud of my work.

Spencer:The French colour game was good.

Amy: I enjoyed having a new teacher

Pupil of the week : Alex (imaginative writing)

Primary 3’s news

Primary 3 have had a great first week of school. We were all glad to be back in school and it was exciting to hear about all the fancy places that some of us had been.

We have been learning lots of exciting new things like WOW words which we practiced by writing our very own spooky stories!!! They made Mr Cunningham very frightened reading them. Some of the classes stories were so good that they even went to show Mrs Aitken, well done Katie, Lucy, Charlotte and Hope.

In maths we started learning all about shapes by playing shape bingo and shape pairs. Unfortunately the weather was not nice on our outdoor PE day this week so P3 had a Just Dance musical statues game in the classroom instead some of the moves were fantastic.

To finish off the week we had special Golden Time. We looked at the different sense and our fine motor skills, we tried really hard not to get green and purple spaghetti all over the room.

Highlights of the week !

Highlights of the week:
Connor – I have loved storywriting as we had to write a spooky Hallowe’en story
Suvi – I really liked doing Tae Kwon Do. It was fun to learn how to do the kicks and punches
Mia – I loved climbing on the climbing frame in PE and Queenie Quennie was a fun game to play. I also did the splits on the mats and a cartwheel off the horse!
Sophia – I had fun this week at Tae Kwon Do. I enjoyed doing the round house kick!
Sam – My favourite part of the week was Tae Kwon Do too. I enjoyed running up and punching the punch bag
Kiara – I liked creating the Hallowe’en poster. I drew lots of pumpkins and wrote the heading ‘Trick or Treat’
Gemma – I liked doing PE this week because we got to choose our lesson as we collected the 5 fireballs! I choose the climbing frame!
Emma – My highlight of the week was Tae Kwon Do as it was really fun and I have never done it before
Megan – I learned new things at Tae Kwon Do this week, it was fun!
Lauren – I enjoyed PE this week we got to play lots of games
Euan – I enjoyed absolutely everything this week!

P4b wb 26.10.15

We have enjoyed being back at school this week, learning and experiencing lots of new and exciting things!

In maths this week:

I enjoyed learning how to subtract- Olivia

I enjoyed learning the 3 times tables- Cameron

I enjoyed learning about greater than and less than symbols- Isla

I enjoyed practising the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables- Millie

In our contexts for learning we have enjoyed taking part in several activities for Halloween and Autumn:

We liked creating Halloween and Autumn pictures- Lucy R, Brodie, Emma, Aidan, Breanna, Robbie, Grace, Keira, Lucy M

We liked creating masks this week- Rachael and Karys

We liked making a Halloween craft during Golden time- Demi and Finn.

I enjoyed P.E with Mr Jeffries- Daniel

We also really enjoyed assembly this week- we got to listen to many talented musicians in the school! 100_1913







Hope you all enjoyed the October holidays!

This week we have been consolidating our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. We can now all identify the different types of triangles by looking at the length of the sides and the size of the angles of the triangle. We are now going to be learning about symmetry.

This week we wrote scary stories. We had to think about what makes a good scary story. We decided that a good scary story has detailed description, suspense, interesting characters and the author creates atmosphere by setting the scene and using the five senses to describe what is happening. The author also describes the character’s feelings to help us relate to the character. We wrote some fantastic scary stories which you read…if you dare….

We also created a picture of a creepy, old house using what we have been learning about perspective. We started by painting the sky and then used black card to build up a silhouette of a house, trees and bats to create a creepy scene.

Our buddies have also been learning about 2D shapes this week. We helped them to create a pumpkin picture using different 2D shapes. They had to name the shapes and count how many they had used. This was great fun!

Congratulations to Rachel and Craig from our class who gave a fantastic musical performance at assembly this morning. We wish them the best of luck in the Rotary Young Musicians Awards next Friday.

Hope you all have a nice weekend!


Primary 6A

This week we read part of the script for our primary 6 musical, ‘The Rocky Monster Show’.   We have also had the chance to add our names to the audition lists.  This morning, Pamela Logan our dance choreographer, came in to school and we started our first dance session.

Hard work, but fun!

In Learning Across the Curriculum we have been invited to Dumbledore’s School of Science.  Our class groups are the four houses, and we had our names in the sorting hat to be given our new groups.  We introduced

Mrs Innes to what will be our class song for this block of work!   We gave Mrs Mallin a rendition this morning – she loved it.  This will definitely form part of our class assembly!

In maths, the Hexagons and Pentagons have been working on finding fractions of quantities – this proved tricky for some.  The triangles found their multiplication work a bit tricky, but they have had a lot of success with learning all about it this week.

Our writing saw us completing a diary entry that had to be in the first person, in the past tense and to have a ‘chatty’ style.  Some of us had so much to tell our diary that we didn’t get it finished!

Cooking started with Mrs Jamieson and three of our class had fun in the kitchen yesterday.

Our first week back…

This week we were lucky enough to have a visitor who taught us some Tae Kwon Do.

Sophie S liked punching the pillow (pads).

Luke and Max enjoyed kicking the circles (pads).

Grace M and Sara thought the stretching was a good idea.

Artjom thought we made lots of good suggestions about how we could be courteous.

Sophie M liked the punching.

Archie M and Fearne liked both the kicking and punching.

We all know that we are only allow to punch and kick during special lessons.

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In number work we have started looking at adding.

Hollie says adding is bringing two numbers together.

Keegan say you can put a circle round the picture to help you to remember to count everything when you are adding.

Artjom likes  ‘Add-em’ the monster.

Shape pumpkins and pointillism!

This week we have been learning more about the technique “pointillism”. We remember that pointillism is when you can use the point of your finger to paint with. This week we used this technique to make some spooky bats! Here are some pictures:


First, we had to get our apron on (Isla)
Next, we got a bat stencil (Kyle)
Then, we put one finger at a time into the paint so that we didn’t mix the colours (Lily)
Next, we had to use the pointillism technique to paint around the bat stencil (Orlaith)
Finally, we washed our hands and put our pictures on the drying rack (Teigan)

We also made some fantastic shape pumpkins with our buddies! Here are some pictures:



First, we were given a bit of orange paper and black paper (Scott)
Then, we drew a pumpkin shape on the orange paper and cut it out (Lois)
Next, we cut out shapes from the black paper and used glue to stick them on the pumpkin (Ehan)
Finally, we counted what shapes you had used and wrote it on the back of our pumpkins (Luis)

We have been learning during Assembly this week to be safe if we are going out Trick or Treating this weekend. Have a lovely weekend and a Happy Halloween!

Article 28: The right to an education

Class M have had a great holiday!

This week we returned to school after the October holidays. A few of us had been on holiday and were excited to share where we had been.

Dylan: “On the October holidays I went to Berwick Caravan Park. I saw Miss Robertson. She was on her holidays.”

Joe: “I went to sea houses and went to soft play. I had lots of fun.”

Adam: “I went to Spain. It was really fun but I was really hot. I liked the hotness at first but then I got fed up with it. I was at my Grandad’s house.


On Thurday we went Out and About to look at the different businesses around Bathgate. We used tally marks to keep count of each type of business.

Adam: “I had fun counting all the shops. There was loads of cafes.”




Dylan: “This term at school I am looking forward to my birthday! I’m going to be 10!”

Joe: “Last night I went to a Halloween party with Boy’s Brigade. We played a balloon race, hockey and we dooked for apples! I dropped a fork and got an apple!! I was dressed up as a Zombie.”

Cary: “Being back at school has been fun. I am looking forward to our new topic about Electricity as I am interested in circuits.”


Class O Reflect on Learning

Class O have been very busy developing skills. They have been working hard on team work and collaboration. They have enjoyed challenges that involve working together and sharing ideas and resources. They have been very successful learners!
Here is what they have enjoyed:

019 (3)
Cameron: I was working with some pupils from Class O to design and make a model. we worked toegther. We were practising sharing and listening to each other’s ideas.

012 (2)

Jamie: Toothbruching has been fun. We have been developing our skills in keeping healthy so we have been brushing our teeth after snack.

Callum: Wow! Tooth brushing is great. Even Mrs O’Neill and MIss Waddell brush their teeth. It leaves mu mouth feeling refreshed after snack.


Liam: We have been learning to measure using lots of different things. We measured things inside the classroom and outside in the playground. We were learning how to calcualte the area of a shape too.

Cody: I really enjoyed measuring and calculating area in the playground. It was fun, bt quite tricky too becasue it was a big space to measure.

Yolie: I was measuring lots of things this week. I am good at measureing. It was finding out how big shaoes are.

P4b 16.10. 15

What a great week we have had in p4b!

Eva: I thought P.E was amazing this week!

Lucy R: P.E was so fun!

James: I enjoyed learning about food chains and the movie afternoon was amazing!

Rachael: I enjoyed the church service, learning about food chains and watching a movie this week.

Emma: I liked learning about food chains this week.

Arran: I liked lots of things this week! I liked learning about food chains because it was fun. I also enjoined dividing by 5 and watching a movie.

Millie: I enjoyed learning what animals eat in a food chain.

Robbie: I enjoyed learning how to divide by 5, what food chains are and I liked watching the movie.

Sophie: I thought dividing by 5 was lots of fun.

Keira: I liked learning about food chains because I like animals. I also learned what animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Demi: I enjoyed learning about different kinds of food chains and habitats.

Lucy M: I enjoyed practising my 3 and 4 time tables.

Finn: Learning how to divide by 5 was really fun.

Freya: I liked dividing by 5 because it was fun.

Grace, Kelsey and Daniel: We loved watching a movie because it is the best movie ever.

Enjoy the October holidays! 🙂

Article 28: we have the right to an education.

Article 31: we have the right to play and rest.


Holidays are here :)

We have had a very busy first term and we are now looking forward to the October holidays…

We are looking forward to playing with friends-Sophie, Sam, Alfie G.

We can’t wait to play with friends-Oliver, Euan, Robert, Alfie B.

I m looking forward to going to Lego Land-Sophia

I m going to England. I m looking forward to that-Megan

I can’t wait to go to Egypt- Connor

We’re looking forward to having a break !- Jason, Emma

I ‘m looking forward to going horse riding and dancing- Kiara

I ‘m looking forward to going to my friend’s house -Ava

I ‘m looking forward to going to my daddy’s tonight- Teighan

I ‘m looking forward to my gymnastics-Suvi

I’m looking forward to going to my nanna’s house in England-Lauren

I ‘m looking forward to seeing my little sister all day :)- Gemma

I ‘m looking forward to my birthday-Jess

I ‘m looking forward to going away in the caravan-Denholm

Have a fantastic holiday everyone !

See you back in school on Tuesday 27th October 2015


Wednesday 28th Taster session of Tae Kwan Do 10am



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