Igloo fun in Class M!

This week Class M have spent a lot of time preparing for the Christmas Fayre. Firstly we were the production team, and made all the items to sell. Then we had to price the items and make sure we were going to make a profit.

We are really looking forward to selling all our hard work and hope that everyone will come along on Saturday between 10 and 12.

Caitlin “this week we made an igloo for the christmas fayre and we made baubles and we put glitter on them.This week we had PE and miss muirhead came to PE with us for the first time in forever.”



Aiden “We have beeing busy this week.Class M have beeing makeing an igloo out of milk bottles. also makeing baubles my one was BOWSER!!!!.


Dylan: “We’ve been making an igloo for the Christams Fayre. It’s in the Gym Hall. It’s made out of milk bottles. The glue gun sticks the milk bottles together. I made a bauble. We had to design it.”


Adam: “I had lots of fun building the igloo this week and it was really funny when there was a leak and Dylan had to fix it! It was funny because he didn’t know which one it was leaking.”

Joe: “We’ve been making an igloo and it’s awesome! I’ve not been inside it yet. At the fayre it costs 50p to go inside and get your photo taken”


Other news from our week:

Dylan: “At swimming I done a mushroom in the swimming pool. You have to bend your knees and curl up on top of the water. Then you sink. This week I helped to build an igloo out of milk bottles. I liked using the glue gun. The igloo is awesome! Come along to the Christmas fayre and you can get a photograph inside the igloo for 50p!”

Callum: “I enjoyed snack this week. It has been great. I have tried pineapple. I like cheese and ham on my toast or sandwich. This is yummy. I made Christmas bags for toys to go in. I made 2. They will be on sale at the fayre. They are really cool.”

Yolie: “At the swimming pool I wore goggles in the little pool. I was kicking my legs under the water. I was good at it. I like it under the water.”

Liam: “I have been swimming in the swimming pool, it was fun. This week I got a certificate for trying hard in the lunch hall. I done super singing at Get Together and am looking forward to the Christmas fayre.”

This week in P5b…

What a busy week we have had………………………………

I enjoyed reading The Twits, the class novel. Archie

I enjoyed maths because we were taking away tens and ones, it was fun. Callum & Paige

I enjoyed learning about the Jewish festival the Passover. Kamron.

I enjoyed the Home Learning 5 minute mental maths frenzy! Steven

I learned how to use co-ordinates by playing a Treasure Hunt game with Archie and I won! Noah

I learned that the Jews used to put lamb’s blood above their door to keep away danger. Harry

I learned my 3 times tables in maths. Tobin

I enjoyed making glaciers using marshmallows, chocolate sauce and porridge! Gary, Mark, Aiden, Jack & Lewis

I enjoyed going to Mrs Drummond’s class to practice the Christmas songs. Lauryn & Emma

I enjoyed learning about Didbook. Fiona

I enjoyed learning about co-ordinates and playing the Treasure Hunt game with Dasha. Michelle

I enjoyed the chocolate geology because we were allowed to eat the marshmallows and chocolate sauce! Jordan & Stacey

I enjoyed the co-ordinates game becuase it helped me improve. Gabriel

I enjoyed doing maths because I learned my 3 times tables. Dasha

I enjoyed maths because in my Maths Journal I made a maze and I had to collect gems of different colours and count them. Casey

I enjoyed playing Exhaustion in PE because it was all about stamina and see who could win! Murray….. and guess who won?!

I enjoyed writing Part 2 of our Alien Adventure! Skye, Katie & Robyn

I enjoyed reading The Twits because I thought it was funny when the monkeys and birds stuck all the furniture on the ceiling. Luca

I enjoyed learning the Tongue Twister. Cameron….give it a go……

If two witches were watching two watches

Which witch would watch witch watch.

I enjoyed reading because I’m improving! Colin

I enjoyed reading The Twits because I thought it was funny when the monkeys and birds stuck all the furniture on the ceiling. Luca

Have a great weekend!

Primary 4/3

Busy week…

We have written our letters to our penpals in New York. We look forward to our replies.

We are loving practising the Christmas Carols for the church service. We have worked exceptionally hard on our reindeer frames for the fayre. They cost £1 only !

Maths has been challenging this week …working on fractions and large numbers and patterns in numbers.

In Literacy we planned our letters then tried our very best to write it out neatly to send to New York. We were also developing our listening and talking skills with Miss Davidson.

French is becoming easier to order our lunch and sing a few songs. Next week we are going to look

at the weather in French-Le temps !

Ava,Robert, Oliver-We liked making the reindeer frames for the Christmas fayre

Sophie- I liked writing to my penpal Emily in New York

Mia, Sophia, Alfie G. -We are proud we are  now in the Golden Club

Erin, Sam- Our penpal is Jayden . We liked writing to him

Lauren- My penpal is Logan I liked writing a letter to him

Emma- I liked making the poster to advertise the Christmas fayre

Megan, Suvi- Our penpal is Jasmine. We liked writing to her.  We can’t wait to get a reply

Connor, Teighan- Michaele is our penpal .We liked writing to him

Jess- I was a quality audience for the P1 Nativity. It’s good

Denholm-My penpal is Zen. I liked writing to him. He looks good in his photo

Kiara, Gemma- Cosmic Yoga is fun

Jason – I can’t wait to learn more about the weather especially looking at New York’s weather

Liam- My penpal is Quinn. He wrote me a good letter first

Alfie B. -I am proud I am on step 4

Euan – My penpal is Mason. I liked writing my letter to him




Kiara- sentences

 Alfie- Words



School Fayre Tomorrow Saturday 28th November 10-12

Shared start Wednesday 2nd December 9.15am

Please remember your props for the Christmas story for Monday with Mrs Waddell







Mary Queen of Scots in P4a

Primary 4a
This week we have been busy learning about Mary Queen of Scots
Charlie – She got her head chopped off
Lotte – She was executed in London
Grace – Her cousin was Queen Elizabeth I
Ben – She was born in 1542
Mya – When Mary was born her dad died a few days later and that meant that she should be Queen of Scotland but because she was so young someone important took over until she was old enough
Annabelle – Henry VIII wanted his son to marry Mary which would mean they would rule England and Scotland. Mary got sent to France to stop that from happening.
Cameron – She married Prince Francis of France. Then he died of an ear infection.
Aaron – Mary came back to Scotland. Everyone was happy that she came back. Mary married another man called Lord Henry Darnley.
Evan – Lord Darnley gets killed in a fire.
Mya – Mary had a baby called James.
We are going to learn more next week!

p3/2 What the children say…

Islay:I am happy that I am Pupil of the Week. At Balbardie I like doing maths

Ross:I got class dojo

Zara:I enjoyed adding hundred in maths

Campbell: I enjoyed Friday. I like to do my review jotter and Golden Time

Catriona: I like upstairs down stairs sums

William: I liked writing in my review jotter

Murray: I liked making Christmas tree for the Fayre

Katie:I liked making the things to sell at the Fayre


Numeracy Skills in Class O


Class O have been using a variety of media and resources this week to support us in developing our Numeracy skills. We have been using board games, paper games and interactive learning to build our number knowledge, turn taking skills and problem solving.

Callum: “I enjoyed using Cool Maths games to help me develop my problem solving skills. Some of the tasks are quite tricky and require good knowledge.”

Liam: “Dominoes was a fun game. It was helping me with my adding. Run is a game that I played to help me with my estimation.”

Jamie: “I enjoyed helping Mrs O’Neill search and test new Maths apps for the iPad to help us further develop our Numeracy skills indpendently. We were also able to find a couple of French apps to help us with our French counting.”

Cody:” I played dominoes with Jamie. He is very good at it, but we both managed to win a games each. We high-fived at the end for good sportsmanship.”

Cameron:”This week I was a peer supporter. I was helping Yolie recall her addition facts through playing dominoes and dice games.”

Yolie: “I was learning about money and adding. I played dominoes with Cameron. Cameron won but i didn’t mind. It bwas fun.”

Our visit to the library

We were very lucky this week as we were invitied to the library as part of Scottish Book Week.

We had to listen to three stories, Never Tickle a Tiger, Moonlight School and Wanted.  We then had to vote for our favourite story and say why we liked it.  Our favourite story was Never Tickle a Tiger.

All of the primary one boys and girls were lucky enough to get a goody bag fills with lots of fun things, including the story books.


A big thank you to Roseann at the library.110_2561 110_2574


We have been busy making our Christmas Stockings to sell at the Fayre tomorrow.  For some of us it was our first go at sewing and we learned how to do the blanket stitch. Look out for them tomorrow – no Christmas decor is complete without one!

In Science this week we looked at chemical reactions and found out what a catalyst is.  We looked at the Mentos/Cola experiment and found out why there is such a big fizz – feel free to ask us and we will explain how it works!

Finally we saw our mythical creatures from our writing come alive in 3D clay on Tuesday.  We had lots of fun sculpting our figures and can’t wait for them to dry so that we can paint them. Mrs Hay visited us in the middle of this and she was very impressed.

We are now gearing up for a busy couple of weeks in the run up to Christmas, with lots of different activities. Ho Ho HO!


Our Assembly was on Friday 20th November we worked on it about France and the French language..here are some photos of us !100_2825




IT’S NEARLY TIME100_2837 100_2839
















Thank you everyone for being a fabulous audience at our Assembly. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.100_2867 - Copy

From Mrs Aitken and P4/3



Come to Balbardie on Sat morning 10-12 and you can buy some of the lovely decorations we have been busy creating. We have been practising giving change as a homelearning task so we are looking forward to using our money skills on Saturday. On Wednesday Miss Davidson read a story about a pigeon and we drew the main ideas. We then use the pictures as a plan to write the story using our own words. We did well once again.

Money, money, money in P1c!

This week we have been learning about money. We have been learning about the different coins that we can use and we have been buying things from Mrs Collings’ fruit basket. We have also thought about the different ways we can make 10p using the smaller silver and bronze coins.

We continue to practice our Nativity songs and are learning about going on and off the stage.

In science we have been learning about how the earth moves around the sun and how it spins (but we don’t get dizzy – Jess). When the earth turns slowly, we get day and night time. Day time is when we are facing the sun. Night time is when we are not facing the sun.

In art we started decorating our candles for the Christmas fair. We are going to finish them off next week. With our buddies, we made posters for the Christmas fair.

We have also been talking about babies and the care that they need. We have thought about the things we need to have in the house when a new baby arrives. We also thought about questions that we have about babies.

Lots of children have been working hard to move up the Steps towards the Golden Club.

Our pupil of the week was Keira for being a kind and thoughtful member of P1c.

Article 28 – The Right to an Education.
(Pictures to follow)


Ramsay’s highlight of the week was his audition for the primary six show.  It was Zoe’s highlight too.  We will know at 12.00 today what parts we have got – great excitement!

In drama we used our audition scripts and were designing costumes and the set for  our show.

In PE we are continuing our gymnastics work.  We focussed on balance, rotation and flight.  We did headstands and different gymnastic balances.

In LAC we completed science experiments on friction.  We made parachutes out of paper, string, paper clips and cellotape.  We had a competition to see which one was the slowest to land.  We have finished our owl pictures and we wrote our letters to Hogwarts accepting our positions.   We also completed our newspaper articles about Harry Potter.

In Maths we are focussing on time.  Ramsay enjoyed this work and found it easy!

In RME we are continuing to learn about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.  We now know the difference between a menorah and a hanukkiah.  We were set a challenge to find out the name of the middle candle, which is larger or smaller than the other eight. It is called the shamash.

In Health and Wellbeing we are focussing on learning about drugs awareness.  This week we were learning about how to say, ‘No’ if friends asked us to try them.  We said what we would rather do than take drugs.  We know that there are illegal and legal drugs.

Zoe Dunbar and Ramsay Horn


P4b wb 16.11.15

Olivia, Millie and Keira: We enjoyed maths this week.

Demi, Brodie, Robbie and Isla: We enjoyed learning about Mary Queen of Scots this week!

Freya and Rachael: We enjoyed French and RME this week.

Daniel: I like finishing my story about recycling this week.

Eva and Breanna: We liked reading and spelling this week.

Lucy R, Kelsey, James and Aidan: We enjoyed P.E. this week.

Lucy M: I liked watching P4/3’s assembly on France.

Grace and Arran: We liked writing in our review jotters and reviewing our next steps.

Ava: I liked our shared Golden time this week with P4a and P4/3.




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Pupil of the week – Caitlin

Table of the week – Buzzers

This week we have been concentrating on verbs and adverbs. Lots of us have found adverbs very tricky! We did a fun activity where we had to all write a verb on the board and then we had to go around the class and each person had to choose a verb from the board and give an adverb to go with it. We all found this really useful and everyone now feels more confident.


We are planning a three stage imaginative story about an alien who visits Scotland. When we write up our story we will apply what we have learned about verbs and adverbs, nouns and adjectives. We will also use rely on what we have been learning about the Scottish landscape and climate to make our story more detailed and interesting.

In maths we have been learning about vertical multiplication. We have discussed what we have already learned about addition and subtraction that might help us with vertical multiplying. We revisited these concepts before starting the multiplication and it helped lots us to make connections about carrying and decomposition. This links with the work we are doing on metacognition and intelligence.

Chocolate geology!!!

We used an egg to show what the inside of the earth is like. The egg was hard boiled then cut in half. The yolk represented the core, the white represented the mantle and the egg shell represented the earth’s crust.


We cut into a crunchie and the inside reminded us of igneous rocks then we cut a slice from a caramel wafer and that represented sedimentary rocks with all its layers. Finally we placed a curly wurly into a sandwich bag and sat on it. After about quarter of an hour the heat and pressure from our bodies had changed the shape of the curly wurly and this represented metamorphic rocks which are rocks that are changed by heat and pressure. Here are some pictures –




Have a great weekend!

This week in P5b….

This week in P5B we have enjoyed learning about lots of different things….

I enjoyed listening to the P3/4 assembly.  Colin & Jordan

I enjoyed doing the maths maze and practising the 3 times tables. Gary

I enjoyed art because we learned how to draw like Quentin Blake.  Katya

I liked art because I enjoyed drawing.  Mark

I enjoyed chocolate geology because we made mountains from Oreos. Cameron & Paige

I enjoyed doing the 3 times tables because I didn’t know them before but I have started to know it.  Harry

I learned to paint with water colours.  Stacey

I liked it when Mrs Davidson came in and learned how to draw using a shape. Aiden



Money madness!

We have been learning about money in Primary 1a this week.

Lily – We have been taking away money and adding up money.
Kyle – That means we are learning to take away, add and use money all at once!
Orlaith – We have been learning about playing “money bingo”
Elena – You are not allowed to cheat at “money bingo”
Luis – You have to get all the money on the boards
Isla – We were learning about how to make the same amount of money using different coins
Tiana – We were using more than one coin




We are looking forward to learning more about money next week. We cannot wait to do some shopping in the classroom!!

Article 28: The right to learn and be educated


Well we have been busy busy busy this week! First of all we were set challenges in maths by Tiny Tempah, Chipmonk and One Direction – and we certainly showed them!  We used a variety of strategies that we have been learning to solve the problems, and although Tiny Tempah had us thinking really hard, we certainly showed One Direction that maths is our direction, by solving their problems as a team!

In Technology this week we used iPads to help us design our 3D mythical creatures from our Writing.  We can’t wait to start sculpting our creatures to make our own scenes for Harry Potter.

This week also saw us auditioning for our school show, and by the time you read this we will know what parts we all have.

We also have  pupils in 6B on Step 4 and Step 5 in our Golden Club Challenge and as if that wasn’t enough we also got extra Golden Time for working super hard in class this week! Mrs Haddifon said everyone of us put in great effort and she is very proud of us all!

GO 6B!!

Class M

In science we have been learning about batteries. We found out that it is a chemical reaction inside the battery that gives us the energy. We made our own fruit batteries using a lemon to light a bulb. The acid in the lemon reacts with the copper and zinc.

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This week it was very windy outside and we had lots of fun with the leaves in the playground.


Adam: “It was really fun at playtime because the wind made a leaf tornado. The leaves went everywhere when it stopped!

Dylan: “In the playground there were lots of leaves. We played a game with the bucket blast buckets. The aim of the game was to stop Callum from taking your leaves. You had to run away from him. I liked the game. This week I created my own Didbook profile. I have my own email address and made me own password. When I log in to Didbook it says “Hello Dylan” I think this is good.


Joe: “Me and my friend from Armadale Primary were playing with the guitar and telling jokes. He made me laugh. We made decorations for the Christmas fayre for our writing. We had to write instructions on how to make a bauble. It was fun!”

Cary: “This week I have enjoyed making some shapes out of nets. I’ve made a 3D triangle and a 3D rectangle. I like cutting them out and trying to figure out how they go together.”

Super work in Class O

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Wow! It’s been a busy week in Class O. As well as continuing on our Festival Fun learning journey by learning about Hinduism this week, we have now started to learn about Scotland a long time ago by researching Mary Queen of Scots. We have also been keen to learn about shapes, tiling and symmetry. Some of us have been working on our group work skills and using Maths games to help us learn how to use our Maths in different ways.

Callum “It was interesting to find out that Mary Queen of Scots became queen when she was just a baby. This was very unusual. To begin with, I thought I had made a mistake in my research but it is true. “

Cody “I enjoyed the story of Rama and Sita and finding out why Diwali is called the festival of light. It translates as row of lights and this is how Rama helped finds his was home with Sita when he rescued her.”

Jamie “All beliefs have similar symbols. I created my own Hindu symbol.”

Cameron “Queen Mary was the queen of Scotland and the queen of France. I am looking forward t finding out more interesting things about her.”

Liam “Hindus give each other presents and sweets during Diwali…just like Christmas!”

Yolie “I was making patterns with the shapes. I was trying to see which ones tile and which ones don’t.”

Onesie Power in Class G!!!!!

Class G have had a fantastic and busy week. Our favourite day was Children in Need on Friday as we all got to dress down or wear our onesies. Here are our comments for this week:


Jayden – On dress down day I was dressed up as a minion.


Lewis – On Friday it was dress down day. I was dressed as Pudsey. Mr Welsh has the same onesie as me. So did Mrs Mallin.


Gabriel – I had a Pikachu onesie on for dress down day. I liked wearing my onesie.

Logan – I had great fun with the micro machines. In context for Learning I got to make things with magnets.

Jake- I liked playing the Wii at choose. We used magnets and I made things.

David – On Friday I wore my black onesie for Children in Need.

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