Rocket Blast Off!

Class G have had a fun week. We have been building rockets as part of our storyline in Space. On Monday we were learning about Robert Burns and we compared a poem is Scotts and English. We also had to follow instructions in Scotts. It was fun! The class have been working on our times tables. We are great at the 10 times table.


Jake – I was learning to count to 100 in tens and the ten times table. It was a piece of cake.

Gabriel – I liked doing the ten times table. I liked everything. I enjoyed the 25th January because we learnt all about Robert Burns.

Lewis – I enjoyed listening to James and the Giant Peach. We had to draw the not very nice aunties.


David – I liked building my rocket.


Pod Squad Blog!


This week we had the first ever meeting of the Pod Squad. We meet every afternoon in the Pod. We are Jay, Greig, Paige, Freya, Jamie, Dyllan, Mrs Mallin and Mr Berginis.

This week we have focused on decorating the Pod (look at our cool Pod sign above) and getting to know each other.

Paige: “The Pod is the best place to be because you get more help and support and it helps you learn more stuff.”

Greig: “It helps with your learning because there’s not as many people to distract you.”

Freya: “The Pod is better for learning because there is less distraction and I can concentrate more.”

Jay: “It helps me to learn because there are no distractions and it is more fun.” 

Mrs Mallin: “This week has been good fun getting to know the rest of the Pod Squad.”

Mr Berginis: “I have really enjoyed this week because we have started learning about how to work together as a team and we have had some successes already.”

Jamie and Dyllan are absent today but we look forward to them sharing their thoughts in next weeks blog post.

We also worked together to create our Pod Charter. This will help us identify the actions we need to do to make sure we all get our rights. Here it is below.


A Victorian School Day in P5b

All present and correct first thing in the morning.



Oh Skye – how dare you write with your left hand during our handwriting lesson!



An object study on the potato – not finding it too exciting Luca?



At least we were allowed to break for lunch – bread, cheese, apple and cake. Mmmm, not bad!


We enjoyed our Victorian school experience but aren’t sure we’d like to do it every day. Mrs McClafferty, is that a laptop I see?!


From the Blog Post Box:

I wouldn’t like to be a Victorian child because…

…it was boring.                   Cameron

…schoolchildren got hit by the cane or belt and had to wear the dunce’s hat.            Jack

…you had to work long hours if you were poor.                 Jordan

…you would look stupid in front of your friends if you had to wear the dunce’s hat.               Katie

…you wouldn’t have any electronics.                Noah


Pupil of the Week: Mark

P5b Poetry Winner: Casey


Article 28

You have the right to a good quality education.



We are busy planning and learning about dinosaurs.  Did you know that a dinosaur is only a dinosaur if…

  1. It must have lived during the Mesozoic Era
  2. It must be a reptile, although not all reptiles are dinosaurs. Lizards are reptiles, but they are not dinosaurs.
  3. Its legs must be located below its body, as opposed to sticking out from the sides like the legs of a crocodile
  4. It must have lived on land. There were lots of other reptiles that lived at the same time (plesiosaurs have flippers and lived in water and in the air like the pterosaurs).

We have also been thinking about what it might be like if dinosaurs lived today.  Hollie thinks they would kill us all but Keegan thinks they would be pets and we would walk them on leads.


Playing Rounders in the ARB

Adam: “The rules of rounders are:

There are hitters. There are fielders.

The hitters hit the ball. The feilders try to get the ball and give it back to Mr Jeffries or tig a person from the other team when they are running.

If you are a hitter and you go on a spot you are safe.

If Mr Jeffries gets the ball or someone gets tigged, they are out. No points!

It is a very good game. I was good at being a feilder because I went close to  where people hit the ball, this meant I could catch the ball quickly. Aiden was close to the batter too. We made a good team.”

Cary: “I played rounders at playtime this week. I didn’t enjoy it because some people on my team didn’t know the rules. Cody was a good teammate. He followed the rules.”



P4b wb 18.1.16

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Brodie, Ava, Aidan, Robbie, Kelsey, Baillie, Sophie and Freya: We enjoyed breaking and making electrical circuits this week. We were learning how to draw electrical circuits and investigated what materials conduct electricity.

Daniel, Arran, Cameron and Karys: We enjoyed having a leaving party for Kai’s last day.

Emma and Finn: We enjoyed reading our class novel- the BFG.

Demi, Keira and James:  We enjoyed reading- we were looking for new and exciting words in our reading books!

Rachael, Isla, Grace and Lucy M: We enjoyed drama this week. We were learning to use role play and freeze frames.

Eva and Olivia: We enjoyed doing Scottish dancing this week. We were learning the Dashing white sergeant.





Playdough fun in P1c

This week P1c have been enjoying learning more about the dinosaurs with Mrs Laidlaw. The children made dinosaurs from playdough and have been enjoying the playdough ever since. It is a popular big start activity and today we did some phonics work together, including making the first initial of our names.

alphabet letters

This week we also learnt some more scottish words with Mrs Collings when we read ‘Jordan’s New Jaiket’. Mrs Cosgrove read us the story and we had to translate it for Mrs Collings. We made some of our own new jaikets for Jordan too!

In maths we have been learning the days of the week, the months of the year and about our daily routines. Soon we will be learning about clocks and telling the time.

We are also learning about how to stay safe when we are working on our tablets and on pcs. We know we shouldnt give out our real names and should never give our school or home address.

We are trying to make sure that we use appropriate french greetings so please greet us with ‘bonjour’ or ‘salut’ and we will try to do the same. In the evenings we say ‘au revoir’ or ‘a demain’ and on a friday we wish everyone a ‘bon weekend’!

Article 28 – the right to an education.


Here is some of our learning from this week:

• In PE this week we have been learning the Dashing White Sargent and Strip the Willow for our Burns Supper next Monday.
• We have also been exploring Scots language and wrote a Cinderella play script in Scots! (Miss Bollen was very impressed with our work!)
• This week in drama we continued practicing our Cinderella panto and performed it in front of Primary 1.
• In maths we were learned to identify different types angles and were reminded how to measure and draw angles using a protractor.

We are looking forward to our Burn’s Supper and ceilidh next week.

Have a great weekend,

By Emma T and Josh

Class dojo winners- Liam, Leon and Lewis
Pupil of the week- Liam

RRS- Article 28- Right to an Education

Lots of learning in P4/3

We have busy this week learning new Scottish words. We also found we could watch the building of the new Bridge at South Queensferry ” The Queensferry Crossing” with a live webcam..How exciting is that ? We felt like we were witnessing history in the making !

Our story writing this week was about being zoologists and finding Scottish animals and taking them back to the zoo where we worked…some wrote about the grey seal and the red deer and lots of others…

Here are our comments :-

I liked making the fact file about the puffin-Connor

I liked  researching the white tailed sea eagle and then making the fact file-Sophia

We liked researching the red squirrel and making the  fact file-Megan,Emma

We were researching the golden eagle-Euan, Liam

I liked making the poster of the highland cow.I had researched it for home learning-Sam

I liked learning about all the different Scottish animals-Kay

I liked my new reading book” Kim and the shape dragon”-Jason

We liked PE…. we were dancing this week-Mia, Erin, Lauren

We liked singing one of the choir songs”Bonnie wee Jeanie McColl” to the class-Sophie, Alfie G and Ava

I liked listening to Alfie, Sophie and Ava singing “Bonnie wee Jeanie McColl”-Suvi

We liked fast Maths this week….we were doing times tables -Kiara, Jess, Teighan

I was a finalist on Monday for the Scots Poetry competition-Denholm

I liked drawing and painting the Forth Road Bridge-Alfie B.

I liked getting into the Golden Club-Oliver

Article 12


Congratulations to Oliver and Jason for reaching Step 5


Jess for reaching Step 4…Well done boys !

Have a super weekend

Mrs Aitken 🙂

P2A’s week

This week we have been busy practising our assembly with the microphone.  We have been busy making fish, stars and snowplanes. Thank you to all the parents/carers that were able to join us.  We had a great time, we hope you did too.

Next week we will be busy looking at our Scotland topic and watching parts of Brave.

Achievements this week

Farrah has been horseriding and was given a rosette

Arran has been helping his Dad set up his train set

Pupil of the week for 15th January


Pupil of the week for 22nd January

All of P2A for a great assembly, I am proud of you all


Becoming artists in P1a

This week in Primary 1a we were very excited to learn about a new art technique – mosaic pictures!
We put lots of bits of tiny paper on our pictures (Teigan)
If we were not finished, we put them to dry on the drying rack and will get to finish them at Golden Time! (Akasha)
It was almost like printing with your finger, but we used little bits of paper instead (Kyle)
It looked like a smashed picture and like we were fixing it up again (Rheagan)

We really enjoy learning different art techniques to make pictures – Miss Wilson thought they looked beautiful.

Article 28: The right to an education

P6 B

Movie Mania!


This week we started work on our movies.  We have been tasked as part of our Learning Across the Curriculum to make a five minute movie.  It is a critical skills challenge which involves lots of different learning.  We need to use our IT, Art, Writing, Maths and Co-operative Learning skills.

Viggo – I think they are going to be pretty good.

Aidan – I think we will learn skills for life.

Callum D – it is pretty fun learning!

Aaron – I like being on the netbooks typing it.

Maths this week carried on with mental maths and angles.

Brooke – In maths we have been using games to recall times tables, work out angles and improve all our mental maths skills.  It was really fun!

Jamie – We used compasses too and we were quite on point with it…..

James – there is no point to that joke Jamie!

Work is ongoing on our show and we are having a ball!  We are busy right now designing our scenery.

All in all we think life in P6 is pretty good!

Have a great weekend!


Primary 4a Blog

This week we have been busy learning:
Aidan – We have been learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh and we made some of his art. I think my work is pretty good.
Dadirayi – In our topic we have been learning about electricity.
Ben – We have learning about circuits and what symbols to use when drawing them. Electricity can come from static, lightning, and animals such as electric eels.
Aaron – I figured out how to make a circuit with three things in it!
Reece – We have learned that chalk, rubber, wood and plastic are insulators which means that electricity does not flow. We learned this by experimenting with different materials. Conductors which means that electricity flows are metals.
Leia – We also learned to drum this week. We learned about high and low pitches. You play a high pitch by using your finger tips on the edge and a low tone by using your whole hand in the middle.
Grace – We learned to copy different rhythms such as tea and coffee and lemonade.

Choir News

The Junior Choir will complete the Scottish songs on Monday. We have chosen to learn more about the Disney Songs! We will begin some of them on Monday too.

The Senior Choir – A reminder that the next two Fridays (29th January and 5th February) the choir will be joining the primary seven classes for their pantomime performances. Any child who can’t come to choir will leave at the end of the normal school day on these Fridays.


Last week’s Dojo winner was Lucy – well done!

Look at what we’ve done this week –
Cameron and Connor – This week we made Powerpoint presentations about Electricity. Cameron’s was about transformers and electric circuits. He found this interesting. Connor’s was about electric fields and electric shocks. Connor enjoyed doing this work.
Scott – In PE, we have been learning Scottish Country Dancing – this we learned The Dashing White Sergeant. This was great fun!
Keira B – In story writing we wrote a biography about Rabbie Burns. We used the i-pads to research information about him – this helped us a great deal.
Lexis – My spelling group has been working on compound connectives – words like sideboard!
In performing Arts – The Rocky Monster Show is going to be fantastic! This week we have completed Act 1. We are now beginning to move forward to Act 2. In class, we are beginning to use our art and design skills to prepare the scenes, programme and DVD covers. After school on Thursday the rehearsal will be all the soloists and the Superbs!

Another busy week for us!

Class O go out and about and try some baking!


Callum “Baking was great. It was fun moulding the coconut ice into shapes.”

Liam “I didn’t the taste of the condensed milk, but i like the coconut ice. When I blew the icing sugar made smoke!”

Cody “This was a fun job but I didn’t like some of the smells and the feel of the mixture.”

Yolie “We used cocont and icin sugar to make sweets. They tasted nice.”

Cameron “Baking was very messy. The icing sugar was everywhere. It was fun!”

We enjoyed going Out and About this week to research inventions and the Victorians. We were also able to look at the children’s books.


Callum “I found a few interesting books at the library. My favourite one was one all about the history of gaming.”

Liam ” It was faun at the library. I found a book all about the Victorians.”

Cody” I enjoyed reading a book with cameron and callum.”

Cameron “I was very excitied becasue I found lots of Diary of a Wimpy Kid books!”

Yolie “There was lots of books at the library. I read a Frozen book.”

Liam, Yolie and Adam share their news.


Adam: “I liked swimming this week because it was very fun. I learned how to swim when I tried very hard.

I liked making pikatu on the SMARTboard, outlining him and drawing him. I have nearly finished him.”


Yolie: “On Tuesday I went to the big playground because I wanted to play with other girls. I liked the big playground. To go to the big playground again I need to stop running away from the adults in school. I have been trying hard with this. At Get Together I got a certificate for trying hard. It made me feel excited!”


Liam: “I painted a character in the sensory room. My character was my favourite from Super Paper Mario, that is a game. I used colours red, yellow and blue. Today I went to the library. I read books and got some books for in class.”

New pupil in class G – from Space

We have a new pupil in our class. He is called Nine and he is an Astronaut.


This week class G have been working really hard on their Context for Learning which is focussed on space. We have been building our character who is called Nine and have also been planning our space rockets which he will travel in. We have also been working on tens and units, 3D shapes and addition in Numeracy. In Literacy we have been learning about newspapers. Class G are looking forward to building the rocket ship which he will travel in.


Gabriel – We made Nine. We made paper Nine and model Nine. Nine is awesome.


David – I sat with Miss Garland and we had fun with the playdoh. I also liked doing work on the IPad.


Jake – I got to work with new toys with Miss Fiddas. I don’t know how many but they were good. They were mystery toys.

Class G go into Space!

This week Class G started their new Context for Learning – SPACE! We are using a storyline approach so the class have been creating characters to use in this. We made our own characters and then had a vote to see which one will be our main character. Logan’s character called Nine came first. In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning how to make bread. We made our own bread and compared this to shop bought. Most people preferred the shop bought but we think it is because Miss Garland is not a very good cook.

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Gabriel – I liked learning about space and doing my KWL grid saying what I would like to learn.

Lewis – I enjoyed making my character. I called him Archie.

David – I was off school. I liked baking cakes with mum.

News from 1B

We have had a busy start back to school…we are already learning  about lots of new things.

One of the activities we are enjoying lots is learning Scots.  We love the story of The Gruffalo and at the moment we are reading it in Scots, we are trying really hard but sometimes we forget and say our favourite lines in English not Scots.  Our favourite words are tod, hoolet and hoose.  We also learned a poem in Scots and recited it to the class.  Miss Holwill was very impressed as some of us were a wee bit feart but she couldn’t tell.


We are learning how to make sure we get the right amount of change in maths.  Our P6 buddies have been helping us and making it lots of fun.


We are also learning all about electricity. We carried out experiments to learn about static electricity and have even been make simple circuits.  Next we are going to learn how to stay safe around electricity both indoors and outdoors.


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