Expressive Arts in Class M

This week we have been enjoying lots of expressive arts activities. We thought about who is in our family and created our own family trees. We found out everone’s families are different.

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Joe – I was painting a hand.  First one was green, blue. I made a mistake with the third one.


In spelling we also got creative by spelling out our words in paint.

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In literacy some of us have been creating our own fact files of topics we are interested in. We are researching, taking notes, finding interesting and important facts, and typing our finding on the computer. We hope to share our fact files with other classes once they are finished.

Cary – This week I hope I get extra time on the computer so I can look at Star Wars Images. I like droids better than robots, they are much cooler. I am going to make a fact file avout the AAT-1.
Dylan – My fact file is about The Simpsons. Homer says ‘D’oh!’ I started it because I found a picture. I don’t know what I will write next.



P2A’s week

This week in our dungeons and dragons topic we have been making a senses book about dungeons-we really liked sharing our ideas with each other.

With Miss Owens we had fun designing our Medieval costumes for our knights, princesses and soldiers. Have a look at our funky costumes…we have displayed them in class.

In our maths work we started a new topic-length and we measured various items in our classroom to see what ones were shorter and longer.

We practised our editing techniques this week when we copied out our Trapped Dragon stories.  We are trying hard to put capital letters and full stops correctly into our writing.

We learned a new game in P.E with Mr Jeffries called The Bear game and we had fun learning the rules.

We continue to practise our words and actions for the P2 show.

Achievements this week

New step 3 person is Nathan

New step 4 person is Kaycee

New step 5 people are-Lucas, Jodie, Lily, Charlie, Evan, Kai and Sophie

Maisie and Tamsyn came 3rd place in their golf competition

Evan got his red stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Kaycee is now a yellow belt in Judo



What a great week!

We have really stretched our brains in maths this week. We have been going over all the strategies we have learned when using the four operations. We are able to identify what skills we need to transfer to certain maths contexts. We are working hard to use this knowledge to set the success criteria for certain maths learning outcomes. We have also been learning how to calculate the perimeter of a shape.

Ty – if it is a rectangle you can times by two

Sam – there is a length and a breadth in each perimeter

Lennox – if the shape has lots of sides then you can add two sides at a time then add them all together at the end

Our writing has been exhausting this week as well! We asked if we could have sheets of paper that we could write an imaginative story on. Mrs Drummond says she has learned a lot from us doing this. Some of the pupils who don’t enjoy writing are now asking if they can continue their writing at golden time. We have used this piece of writing to develop our self-evaluation skills and we all have a post it note that we have used to bullet point things in our writing that we could improve as our stories continue.

Brooklyn- the post it note really helped me. I enjoyed doing that.

Rowan- we had to pick part of our writing to re-write using the post it note to make changes and I am describing things better now.

New Lanark

On Tuesday we went to New Lanark with P5b. We had an amazing time.

Cole – it was really cool because the man told us that they had the longest river.

Lucie T- I liked the Annie McLeod ride because I learned more about her.

Here are some pictures from our day at New Lanark-

New Lanark 001 New Lanark 004 New Lanark 008 New Lanark 011 New Lanark 014 New Lanark 015 New Lanark 019 New Lanark 032 New Lanark 036 New Lanark 038 New Lanark 039

New Lanark 041

Have a great weekend!!

Becoming palaeontologists in Primary 1a

As part of a home learning task, all the Primary 1 teachers asked the pupils to create a dinosaur project. The boys and girls could create their project however they wanted. This could be shown in a display box, arts and crafts, an information board, or however you liked! Miss Wilson was so impressed that every single boy and girl brought in their project and every single one was fantastic. The children had to present their project to the rest of the class and had to answer questions, such as:
– How did you make your project?
– Who helped?
– What did you learn whilst creating your project?
– What would you change about your project next time to make it even better?

Here are some pictures of some of our projects:







Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

P7 Sleepover

Last night we had a sleepover at school.

When we arrived we had a chat, chose our sleeping spots and played outside. After that, some of us chose to watch a movie while others played the Wii or coloured in.

Mr Berginis made up a quiz. We worked in teams of four to try to answer the questions. The teachers won 🙂

At 9:00 chips arrived from Gerry’s. We ate these in the dinner hall- they went down a treat!

We chose to watch Monster House. After the film, some of us drifted off to sleep while others had a long, long chat!

Here are some of our highlights:

‘When Mr Jeffries and Mr Welsh sneaked outside to make silhouettes at the window.’- Mhairi

‘Staying up all night and only getting half an hour sleep!’- Josh

‘The fake spooky story from Mr Welsh.’- Catherine

‘Abby and Mr Jeffries put the manikin in Lisa’s bed!’- Mhairi

‘When the lights turned on at two in the morning.’- Sasha

‘When Mr Jeffries put music on in the morning.’- Teigan and Emma B

Pr 6A

Apologies for no blog last week as we were at Bathgate Academy for the Tuesday cast rehearsal!
Louise felt nervous because I got confused on my entrance – but Mrs Innes explained what had happened!
Lexis felt really good about getting the whole show finished. From her point of view it is looking good!
On Monday afternoon we had an extra practice and concentrated on facial expression and speech.
Ellie – we know lots about the Christian Easter festival. We know and understand about Palm Sunday, The Feast of the Passover, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Isla – we completed our persuasive writing pieces and have begun imaginative writing.
Scott – The Hexagons are learning how to multiply a decimal by a multiple of ten.
Kiera – The Pentagons were multiplying and dividing decimals.
Louisa – I was counting in tens this week. It was fun!
Today we reviewed our learning of Spanish numbers 1 – 12. Louise was the teacher for part of the lesson.
In art Wassily Kandisky inspired our work. We used pastels and crayons.
We didn’t go to the Academy today but will now go on Tuesday. Letters have been issued.

Class G’s Italian restuarant

Class G have had great fun this week making pizza. We made this all from scratch and compared it to a shop bought pizza. Everyone preferred having their own homemade pizza. We have also been writing a pizza recipe for our own recipe books.   We have had fun in expressive arts playing with the ribbons. We have also been continuing with our newspaper.


Lewis – I enjoyed doing drama and getting stickers for it.


Gabriel – I had great fun at my trip. I went to Callendar House to learn about the Romans.


Jake – I liked making pizza. It was delicious.


Cameron – I liked doing my work.


David – I liked making pizza. I put tomato, cheese, ham and peperoni on my pizza.


Logan – I liked making a cheese pizza. I liked eating it.


Jayden – I did a backflip in the water. I really enjoyed swimming. I have done jobs. My favourite job was making pizza.


Pod Squad Blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Derri’s Delightful Blog

My blog this week is about unicorns 


1) A unicorn is the Scottish national creature.

2) There was a Lascaux unicorn witch had two horns.

3) A gang of unicorns is called a blessing.

4) There is a belief that if you place a unicorn horn on a injury  it heals it.

5) The unicorn is usually depicted a large horse.

Freya’s Blog Party

This week is going to be about emojis .


Here’s 5 of my favourite emojis 💩.

1😍😘loved it means that you are loved .

2 nerdy because I am a nerd .

3😂happy its so awesome 😂😅

4 😭sadness it’s the only emotion that makes you feel better about yourself .

5😲 hurt its really not that good.

Jamie’s Football Facts

I am doing my blog on Manuel Neuer.


1. His full name is Manuel Peter Neuer.

2. He was born in Germany.

3. He was the best keeper in the world.

4. He plays for FC Bayern.

5. He was the man of the match in the world cup 2014.

Jay’s Dino Facts

I’m not around this week but I look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.


Dyllan’s Mega Blog

My blog this week is about the greyhound.


1. Greyhounds are the fastest breed of dog.

2. They can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.

3. Queen Victoria and king Henry vlll kept greyhounds.

4. They are the only dogs known in the bible.

5. Most greyhounds can’t sit down. 

Paige’s Awesome Blog

I’m not around this week but I look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.


James’ Racing Blog

This week my blog is about motorbikes.


  1. Motorbike racers have died in races.
  2. Motorbikes can go 185 mph.
  3. The first motorbike was made in 1894.
  4. The first motorbike invented was sold in 2010 in Las Vegas
  5. Motorbike have big engines.

Greig’s Amazing Info

I’m not around this week but I look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.


Article 13 – Children have the right to find out things and share what they know


What stayed with you this week ?

During a week at school we are learning lots of different facts and strategies to help us .

We have thoughts about what has stayed with us this week….

The Easter songs-Oliver,Jess, Mia,Lauren,Sophia

Dividing in Maths-Liam,Robert


The Matilda newspaper report-Sam,Alfie B. Megan

Making a powerpoint on Scotland-Denholm.Alfie G

Making a powerpoint on Scottish cities-Sophie,Kay

Making a powerpoint on Scottish landmarks-Suvi,Jason,Euan

Making a powerpoint on Scottish animals-Ben

Stories with a twist at Drama-Kiara,Gemma,Emma, Ava

Shared start-Teighan

I am sure there will be other things aswell ….

                                           What has stayed with you this week ?






This as been a busy week in P3.

Maths: In maths we have experienced multiplication and money. We looked at the 2,5 and 6 times table. We also found out how to add up and take away money to get change.

Isaac: I liked doing money because I learned that when I get older I can do money properly.

Jacob: I liked learning about money it was interesting.

Guy: We were learning about money and how much change we get back. I liked that I could see the till and get the answer.

Callum: Money because you can buy things with it and become a shop keeper.

Hope: I liked it because we learned more about money.


Lit: This week our favourite thing in literacy was that we got to go outside to do spelling.

Aryan: I liked it on Monday when we went outside when we did our spelling with chalk and magnetic letters.

Emma: I think it was nice because we got to learn new words in spelling.


LAC: As well as all that we have squeezed in some other learning too. We have practiced French phrases for the weather, painted our own pictures in the style of Quentin Blake and listened to the Easter story.

Lucy: I enjoyed writing different parts of the Easter story.

Jason: We could drew lovely pictures

Maisey: Jesus comes back to life.

All in all we have worked super hard this week and we even had time to try a construction challenge.

Emma: I liked this week it was really fun.59a2a162b10708e55bb7b1393ce3a6412db566a4_13df163dd109_b67513763db7 ae3492ea947f601b899419e49d1b8928c8a98730_14e26b52ff8f_4a213ad2ce14 d6524550bc4ab2f6b38343688d6649eff938fd79_be3f87697b41_1d909526885c IMG_0984


Lights! Camera! Action! Yes it is nearly showtime and we are all very excited!  We all have our costumes, props and know our lines.  Our dancing is amazing and well….so is our acting!  You are in for a great show and we are sure you are all going to enjoy it! We can guarantee some proud parents – so bring your tissues folks…….

We have been working on persuasive writing this week and have had to research and write an arguement for or against one of the following:

Are footballers paid too much?

Should Homework be banned?

Are Pop Stars good role models for children?

We had lots of interesting (and differing!) opinions which you can see in our jotters at our parent consultations.

Next week after the show we have the Hockey and Basketball Festival.  Please ensure you have returned your child’s EE2 or they won’t be able to leave school.



From P5b’s Blog Post Box:

We had a great time at New Lanark. I liked…

 …the Annie McLeod ride because it told us all about her life and what her job was like.             Noah


…the Harmony video because it was as if she really was from the future and now I know even more about Robert Owen and the mills.         Gabriel

…the Annie McLeod experience because of the holograms like the silent monitor. I liked learning about water power.         Robyn


…the Annie McLeod ride because the story was great and the holograms were amazing. I also liked the amazing scenery because there is a stunning waterfall and the woodland is beautiful.     Fiona


..the amazing site of New Lanark. The schoolroom was also fantastic. I loved doing drill!           Skye

…the schoolroom because I enjoyed Mr Smart and Mr Hardacre’s art lesson.          Michelle




Pupil of the Week: Harry

Class G Printing

It was a busy week in class G. We are continuing to type up our articles and carry out our interviews. Don’t worry if we have not seen you yet. We are very busy with the paper and will see you soon. We have also been making Mother’s Day cards and planets using balloons.  Here is what we have liked this week:


Cameron – I liked swimming lessons.

Jake – I liked my school lunch. It was awesome.


Gabriel – I liked drama. I liked when we were doing the gingerbread man but now we are being sleeping bears in drama.


Logan – I was in the big pool for swimming. It was fun.

David – I did some drawing with Miss Muirhead. I stuck feathers on my picture.


Jayden – I was watching James and the Giant Peach movie. It was great.


Lewis – In drama we are doing wakey wakey sleepy bear. It is good fun.


Class G Printing

It was a busy week in class G. We are continuing to type up our articles and carry out our interviews. Don’t worry if we have not seen you yet. We are very busy with the paper and will see you soon. We have also been making planets using balloons and we have been making Mother’s Day cards.  Here is what we have liked this week:


Cameron – I liked swimming lessons.

Jake – I liked my school lunch. It was awesome.


Gabriel – I liked drama. I liked when we were doing the gingerbread man but now we are being sleeping bears in drama.


Logan – I was in the big pool for swimming. It was fun.

David – I did some drawing with Miss Muirhead. I stuck feathers on my picture.


Jayden – I was watching James and the Giant Peach movie. It was great.


Lewis – In drama we are doing wakey wakey sleepy bear. It is good fun.


We love reading because…..

*It helps us to find answers to our questions

*helps me to learn words

*we have favourites

*it helps us with our own writing

*we can read stories in different languages

*we can do it with our friends

*we love going on adventures


This week we are starting to bring in our favourite stories from home to share with the class….we can’t wait 🙂

P3/2 Division, Mothers’s Day

Mums are you even prouder of your child when you read your Mother’s Day story? With such lovely mothers it is not surprising we have such lovely children in p3/2. We had a busy week writing about and drawing our mums.

We  entered an Edinburgh Fringe poster competiton. We looked at previous winning posters, identified what made them stand out then used this knowledge when designing our own poster. This strategy we try to use continually. Identify what works and improve.

We learned about division this week and because we could link it to what we knew about multiplication we were pleasantly surprised at how easy we found it. The previous knowledge that helps includes knowledge of: equal groups, arrays, numbers line, pattern, skip counting and multiplication tables. We spotted that similar to addition and subtraction facts having a link, multiplication and division facts are linked. We made number triangles and wrote out the number sentences we could make from them.

Busy week ahead

Shared start on Tuesday.

Roman trip to Callandar House on Wednesday.

Roman homelearning project are starting to arrive in class and the children have reported the fun they have had in doing them. Remember the learning intention was to have fun research and recording learning related to Roman Britian. The focus was the process not the product so don’t feel pressured to have a model, speech or object at the end. Focus on the fun in learning.

Keeping Safe and Healthy in P5b

Internet Safety
This week we started a new project in HWB about internet safety. We watched a video which taught us about online safety and what can happen if we do not use the internet safely.

We learned that….

-we should never give away personal information on the internet to people we do not know.

-if someone asks to meet up with us we should tell an adult.

-we should limit our use of the internet because there are lots of other fun things that we can also do with our time.

-we should never send any pictures of ourselves to anyone who we do not know.

-we should keep our passwords private and only share them with a trusted adult if we think we might forget them.

-we all really enjoy using the internet to play games and for research but it is important that we know the warning signs that tell us when we might be getting into an unsafe situation.

In outdoor hockey this week we were learning how to tackle. We learned that there are two types of tackles in hockey-the jab tackle and the block tackle. We now know that one of the most important rules to follow when you are tackling is to make sure that your hockey stick does not come into contact with the other person’s hockey stick. This was really tricky!


From the Blog Post Box:

I aim to improve my ………………. by………………………………… .


reading                                by putting expression in my voice.            Robyn


handwriting                       by practising it in my Writing and Journey Jotters.            Gabriel


swimming                           by being more focussed.                               Cameron


decimals                              by practising at home.                   Michelle


4 times table                      by practising with my mum.                        Katya


Pupil of the Week: Michelle

P4b 29.2.16

Demi, Grace, Aidan, Robbie, Emma, Keira, Sophie and Lucy R: We loved baking at Golden time- we made truffles and biscuits.

Arran, James, Freya, Breanna, Isla and Eva: We enjoyed yoga this week- it was fun!

Daniel and Kelsey: We enjoyed dress down day.

Ava: I enjoyed reading this week- I liked silent reading.

Millie: I liked P.E this week- we played basketball.

Brodie: I enjoyed our new reading book- Hank Zipzer!

Liam: I enjoyed golden time on Friday.

Olivia: I liked NYCOS this week- we were learning about rhythm.

Baillie: I really enjoyed milk and story- I like our Novel Nelly the Monster Sitter.

Finn and Rachael: We enjoyed using the ipads at Golden time.

Karys: I enjoyed making Mother’s day crafts this week.

Lucy M: I liked played connect four at Golden time.




Sky Studios

Yesterday we went a school trip to Sky Academy in Livingston.

When we arrived the split into four teams and each of us had a different role. The roles included; reporter, editor, script writer, camera operator, producer, director, eye-witness and expert.

These roles require different skills such as; team work, creativity, hard work, communication, time management and problem solving.

We made a news report about cyber bullying. We learned facts about this topic and then split the news report into four sections. Team 1 introduced the report, team 2 reported within a ‘school’, team 3 were eye-witnesses and team 4 interviewed someone on the issue.

Here are our favourite parts of the day.

‘Watching the report back.’ – Liam

‘Watching programmes in the cinema room in the comfy seats.’- Travis

‘Getting to dress up.’- Leon

We got to take a copy of the report home to show our parents. Overall, we had a great experience!

RRS- Article 28- Right an education

Article 19- Right to be protected prom being hurt

Article 29- Right to develop talent and abilities







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