Lots to think about this week in P4b!

In maths we have been learning adding hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands. It has helped us to develop our understanding of place value.

We have learnt about the early life of Mary Queen of Scots. She became queen when she was 9 months old and she moved to France when she was 5 because King Henry VIII was destroying villages and castles in England and Scotland. She married Francis, the Prince of France.

In Science we have been thinking about Energy and renewable energy sources. We know that wind power, solar power and hydroelectric power are all sources of renewable energy.

Can you name these sources of renewable energy?

renewable energy

P7a taught us in their assembly that we should never give up and have a positive growth mindset. What a valuable message at the beginning of the year. Thanks P7a!

Our pupil of the week was Jason for learning about big numbers.

Our table of the week is the yellow table with 320 points!

Article 28 – the right to an education.

Update from P7b

In writing this week we continued to write in the style of a biography.  We used our imagination to create a biography about our future selves.  This links in with our future aspirations context for learning as we wrote about things we had achieved in our lives.

On Wednesday a maths teacher from Bathgate Academy came into our class to carry out some place value and addition activities.  One activity we completed was an addition puzzle that joined together to form a hexagon.  We had the option of choosing mild, spicy or hot addition sums that meant we could challenge ourselves appropriately.

For Golden Time this week we chose from different activities in the P6 and P7 classes.  The options included; baking, games from home, free art, hama beads, outside games, ipads and Wii.  We all had great fun and are looking forward to trying different activities.

Class Dojo Winner- Meadow Friel

Table Winners- Mysterious Six

Pupil of the Week- Viggo Savage

RRS- Article 28- Right to an Education


Thanks to everyone who came along to meet the teacher – we had lots of positive feed back and just a wee reminder on Class Dojo – we are not using it at the moment, but are instead using our peg system which the children came up with.  Everyone starts the week with 5 minutes Golden Time and earns a further five minutes each day. When a pupil’s behaviour choice is deemed inappropriate they are given a warning and move their peg to challenge that choice. They are given support in class to improve.  If they choose not to improve then they move another peg and don’t earn that days Golden Time.  Everyone with complete Golden Times earns a sticker for our Golden Club.

We have had a busy week with getting our photos taken, attending p7 assembly and welcoming Mrs Dunbar who came into our class to get to know us. We also found out about a man called William Wallace and how he became involved in the SWOI.


P2A’s week

This week in P2 we started our new topic of Mr Potato Head and his senses.  We had fun making our Mr and Mrs Potato Heads and they will help us with our challenges!

In writing this week we wrote about Mr Potato Head losing his eye sight and who would help him.  Well done to the Star Writers Luke, Hollie and Elena who wrote lovely sentences about his adventure.

We have been busy practising our mental maths with adding our numbers up to 20 and we are getting faster at the answers.

Miss McDougall is delighted that some people are nearly on Step 2! Excellent news 🙂

Achievements this week…

Pupil of the week-Luke

Emily has been learning to ride her bike without stabilisers

Archie went up to level 4 in swimming

Kyle is moving up to a red belt in Tae Kwon Do

Eva is nearly on level 4 swimming

Luke is getting his level 5 test for swimming

Teigan is moving onto level 3 in swimming

Hollie is trying hard at her dancing

Emma is on level 3 in dancing



The Rainbow Fish

This week in Primary 1B we were reading the story “The Rainbow Fish”.

What happened in the story?
Noah – The octopus told the Rainbow Fish that if he kept being bad then nobody would play with him
Jacob – The Rainbow Fish wasn’t being very nice to the other fish
Kyle – The Rainbow Fish was sad because he didn’t have any friends
Caitlin – He had no friends because he was being rude to them. He told them he wouldn’t share his scales with them
Emma and Hamish – The starfish told the Rainbow Fish where to go to find the octopus
Hamish – In the end the Rainbow Fish got lots of friends because he gave every fish in the whole entire sea one of his shiny scales and left only one for himself

In Expressive Arts…
Noah – We coloured in a picture of the Rainbow Fish
Ava – We decorated them
Kyle – We used some gems and sprinkles and big buttons
Miss Wilson thinks our pictures of the Rainbow Fish are beautiful and we are going to put them on display in the classroom so everybody can see our wonderful work.

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Time is flying by!

We can’t believe how fast our days are flying in. One minute it’s big start and the next it’s home time, that’s how it feels anyway!


This week we have been learning to write a letter. We pretended to be the young Mary Queen of Scots, who had been sent to live in France, writing a letter home to her mother. We used a writing planner to help structure our work. Here is an example of the opening paragraph of  one of our letters-




We have been continuing to practice our recall of the times tables and feel we are getting better. On Monday we were consolidating what we have learned about rounding numbers. We have also been learning how to tell the time in 5 minute increments.

Mia – I am finding it easier to tell the time

Connor – I am enjoying rounding numbers

Suvi – I feel more confident with telling time

Campbell – I am enjoying rounding number to 100


We have been learning about the time when Mary Queen of Scots was sent to France to live so that she would be safe from King Henry.

Jason – the four Marys’ went with her but got sent to live with nuns

Denholm – in France she liked horse riding and she learned to play the harp

Euan – she played with her cousin Elizabeth and the king’s son Francis

Amy – she learned to play the Lute


We had a great time learning rhythms…

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Have a great weekend!

We loved…

We loved Story writing this week. It was following our class story about a very hungry hat that nibbled your hair. We look forward to hearing who are next week’s star writers. In Maths we loved activities about large numbers using playdoh and the 100 square to support our learning. We have also been practising the Big numbers song aswell as singing French songs.

As it was wet we did Cosmic Yoga in class instead of Outdoor PE. That was such fun !

Here are our comments:-

Niamh-I loved Maths when I was completing the worksheet on large numbers

Ross, Rory- We loved Maths aswell when we were on the ipads

Archie, Eva- We loved story writing. It was about a very hungry hat !

Eden- I loved rainbow writing in my Home Learning

Katie- I loved potato printing in art this week

Grace- I loved when we sang the songs in french

Jess, Nina, Lily, Sophie M., Isla- We loved Golden time this week

Max- I loved PE this week

Zara- I loved drama this week

Sophie S., Noah -We loved cooking for Golden Time this week

Harris, Luis- We loved the P7 assembly today

Dylan-  I loved being Star Writer this week

Well done to…

Noah-Pupil of the week

Dylan-Star Writer P3

Lily-Star Writer P2

Table of the week is still to be announced !

Have a super weekend everyone

Thank you for coming to Meet the Teacher this week. It was a pleasure to meet you.




Class M’s week

This week we started our new LAC topic in class. All about materials. We were able to sort different objects from school and home into what materials they are made from. Then we all did a material hunt around the school. Adam found a rubber band which he was very pleased about.

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Here are our other highlights from the week.

Joe – I was doing art at Armadale. It was charcoal, it’s black. I drew mountains.

David – I did reading. I read ‘Where’s my teddy.’

Adam – Today we got orbies/aqua beads. We are waiting for them to grow. We think they will be done at lunchtime but it might take a whole day. 😉

Yolie – I like to go messages to Mrs Welsh. I go to the office. I got a sticker for my chart. I didn’t go in any classes.


This week in P5B we have been learning about the Scottish wars of independence.

Evan: we have learned John Balliol and Alexander III and the Scottish wars of independence.

Ben and Emma: Alexander III fell off his horse and died.

Dadirayi: Alexander III only had one granddaughter and she was Margret the Maid of Norway.

Emma: She was arranged to marry Edward II who was Edward I son.

Kayleigh: We learned that Alexander III wife died in childbirth.

Annabelle: Alexander III was born on the 4th September 1241.

Leia: he fell off a cliff with his horse, broke his neck and died.

In our literacy lessons

Annabelle: In our writing we made superheroes.

Charlie: we wrote instructions on how to defeat superheroes.

Mya: We swapped with a partner, first we made our own superhero then swapped and planned how to defeat our friends hero.

Emma: My superhero was a horse with wings.

We also wanted to mention that

All P5 that are going to Lowport are looking forward to it ALOT!!!!


In 5B we are using Class Dojo as our system to gain entry to the golden club. To earn a step takes 10 points so for entry to the golden club you need 50 points! After that we are aiming to gain entry to the 100 club which is a VIP party at the end of the term that only people with 100 points or more can get in to. I will send log in details home for you to see your child’s account. I will not however be responding to any messages sent via the messaging service.


Meet the Teacher


You are invited to attend our ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening on Wednesday 7th September between 6pm and 7pm. Our staff will provide an overview of the year ahead and provide information regarding home learning, planned excursions and key learning experiences planned.  Each session will last approximately 25 minutes and run twice to allow parents to attend two separate classes if required.  If you have more than two classes to attend, please get in touch and we will make arrangements for you to receive the necessary information.

The first session will start at 6pm and the second session at 6.30pm.  Please come in the main entrance of the school and go directly to your child’s class. We look forward to seeing you there!

Image result for meet the teacher

Class O



Caitlin – I enjoyed making my character with Mrs Spence and i enjoyed doing writing with my intergration.

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Jayden – Class library is my favourite job. I love to read books and sit on the caterpillar bean bag it is so comfortable. I was using dominoes for my times table. I picked a dominoe and added the numbers together then multiplied that number by 2 it was good fun. I used a whiteboard to help me get the answers.

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Liam – I like drawing at my new work station. I have three activity baskets, they have numbers on them 1,2 and 3. It is quite at my work station. I like to read in the library room. I sit on a comfy couch  to read my books.


Cameron – I built a model out of connect. The small one was a character, it had one eye, arms and legs and the big model was the boss. The boss could do lots of things.


Cody – I like to use the dark den when I have i-pad. I have been using different strategies to help me with my maths work.




What a busy week!
This week we learned about how water has a skin. We added soap to ‘stretch’ the skin so that we could make bubbles. We had lots of fun playing with our bubble mixture outside. We made bubbles using our hands, straws and loops.
In maths we are learning to improve our mental maths by using Big Maths. The questions are really easy but we found it was a lot harder to do them all in 30 seconds!
Bye for now.

Busy week in P1A

We have had a very busy week in P1A.  We have been learning the sounds ‘m’ and ‘c’ and tricky words ‘I’ and ‘the’.  In numeracy we have been counting to 10, ordering numbers to 10 and writing numbers to 10.  We have been learning about friendship and read the story Room on a Broom.  We wrote stories about who we would have on our broomsticks!

Pupil of the week: Jude for always doing the right thing, working hard and always having a smile on his face.

Playground certificate: Ellis for being a kind friend in the playground.

Here are some pictures of us working hard!

Oliver and Ellis ordering numbers to 10.
Oliver and Ellis ordering numbers to 10.
Mia and Olivia ordering numbers to 10.
Mac is very pleased with his number formation.
Mac is very pleased with his number formation.
Olivia and Ed worked hard to order numbers to 10.
Olivia and Ed worked hard to order numbers to 10.
Jude, Ada and Aileigh worked well together ordering numbers to 10!
Jude, Ada and Aileigh worked well together ordering numbers to 10!
Amber is very proud of her work!
Amber is very proud of her work!
Concentrating hard!
Concentrating hard!
Practising writing the letter 'c'.
Practising writing the letter ‘c’.
Busy making a 'c' cow!
Busy making a ‘c’ cow!

Quel temps fait-il?

This week has been a week of weather and has certainly helped us with our French! We’ve had rain, sunshine, warmth, clouds and wind!
This has been our first full week and we have started learning lots of new things.

In literacy we are learning about Mary Queen of Scots, who was born nearby at Linlithgow Palace. She was the third child of Mary of Guise and James V of Scotland.

In maths, we have been learning about place value and adding numbers. We have also been revising our knowledge of telling the time. We played time bingo using analogue times and clocks. We are all really good at using o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and are moving onto using 5 minute intervals which will mean we are never late!
In Music with Mrs Drummond, we learnt about rhythm and beat. We had a lot of fun clapping and clicking.
Have a lovely weekend and we hope the weather is nice for the Kirkston Park festival.

Article 28 – The Right to an Education
Pupil of week – Maisey for contributing to class discussions.
Table of the week – Yellow

P2A’s week

We have had a busy full week in P2. We have been busy making our class charter and making up our class charter rules to help us this year.

We started off our reading groups this week and were very excited to find out our new reading books and what groups we would be in.

In maths work this week we have been busy writing and practising our numbers up to 100 using our new maths games.  We love using Ant picnic to help us to sequence our numbers.

We are looking forward to starting our senses topic next week and Mr Potato Head is going to help us learn about them.

We look forward to seeing you at Meet the Teacher on Wednesday 7Th September at 6pm.

Achievements this week

Well done to Elena for Pupil of the week and Kyle for getting a Tae Kwon Do trophy




P6a 2.9.16

Rhia: I enjoyed learning to count forwards and backwards in hundreds.

Lucie: We were learning to sketch self-portraits. I enjoyed it because I like working on my art skills.

Kate: We were researching Olympic athletes and I enjoyed making a poster with a partner.

Tom: I enjoyed searching for space words in the dictionary.

Jennie: I enjoyed learning about Ramadan and creating a power point and quiz.

Special person this week: Zoe

Our week in P1b

We have had a very busy week in Primary 1b. Here are some of the things we have gotten up to!…

Hamish: “We have been learning about shapes and numbers as well as learning the sounds m and c”
Lily: “We have been learning Writing”
Taylor: “We have been writing about Room on the Broom”
Gracie: “In Room on the Broom the dragon tries to eat the witch!”
Jacob: “We have been learning numbers”
Caitlin: “And we have been going to stations in class to take turns. I like the tricky words”
Evie: “I like colouring”
Matthias: “I like learning stuff on the tablets”
Noah: “I like when we draw”
Kaiden: “Learning letters”
Kyle “Learning numbers”
Emma: “We have been learning on the tablets and playing different number games”
Maksim: “I like to play the tablets and I like to draw”
Reiss: “I like to play with the play-doh and the iPads”
Lewis: “I like playing with the puppets and with my friend, Max”
Zara: “I like to play with the Room on the Broom colouring pictures”

Article 28: We have the right to education

Hello from P7b

It has been a busy first full week in Primary 7.   Here are some of the things we learned/enjoyed this week in class:

For writing this week, we completed a biography about a person who inspires us.  First of all, we researched facts about our idol and then took notes on a planning template.  We then used our notes to form a biography in our own words.  We learned that features of a biography includes;  written in 3rd person, past tense, chronological order, headings and key events and dates.

In art, we chose inspirational quotes to encourage other pupils.  We turned this into pop art.  We looked at the colour wheel and chose contrasting colours for our backgrounds to make our quotes stand out.  Here is an example of one of the quotes we used:

‘success comes in cans, not in cannots.’

In maths we learned about different properties of 3D shapes.  We learned how to identify the number of faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes.  Today we learned a special rule- to calculate the number of edges, you can add the number of faces and vertices then subtract two.  We also learned some new shape names such as octahedrons and  tetrahedrons.  We also learned the definition of a prism.


Rights Respecting Schools- (Article 28) Right to an Education


What a great week!

We have all really settled well into P4a and we are ready for a great first term. We have been discussing how a positive mindset influences how we learn and will make this the focus of our assembly next month.


We have been learning about the life of Mary Queen of Scots and have used this as a focus for our writing this week. We used a writing planner to record the facts that we needed. We then used the planner to help structure a newspaper birth announcement.


We have been learning how to use loop cards to help with our recall of the times tables. We will record how long it takes us to complete the loop each time and gradually get quicker. We have been consolidating what we have already learned about telling the time and are ready now to begin learning about ‘past’ and ‘to’ and understand 5 minute intervals.


We are very lucky to Mrs McKenzie to teach us in Health and Wellbeing. This week we were discussing what strengths we have and here are some of our comments ..

Jason – my strength is acting

Mia – thoughtful

Robert – good at art

Ranna – singing and dancing

Lauren – singing and gymnastics

Euan – helpful


We had great fun creating a time line of the events that lead to Mary Stuart becoming Queen of scots up to the time she was executed….

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Have a great weekend everyone!

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