We have great news in P3B!

Alistair won the ‘Star of the Month’ award in Drama in school and Olivia won the award for the ‘Most Improved Dancer’ at the Steps Dance School.

Well done and congratulations to both of you!

Here they are with their Trophies.100_3517

Senior Choir – update

Some information for the weeks ahead!
Choir will still be on on Thursday 24th November. I understand that primary six pupils have their show in the evening and may not wish to attend choir because of this.
Diary dates – On Wednesday 14th December, 10 primary seven choir members will attend Tesco’s annual treat at The Royal British Legion. We will leave the school at 1.45p.m. and return at 2.45p.m. Those involved will be given letters and should wear their shirts and ties for this, as well as something that shows the brightness and spirit of Christmas e.g. Santa hats, hairbands etc.
We will be recorded by WLC on Thursday 15th December in the afternoon. Choir members should wear shirts and ties, if possible, for this occasion.
We will sing, along with The Junior Choir, at the end of term service on Wednesday 21st December.
Choir members are invited to meet me at Morrisons on Thursday 22nd December at 10.30a.m. We will then sing for about 40 minutes. Thereafter, choir members should be taken home by a named adult. Pupils should wear Christmas colours, hats, hairbands, jumpers – as long as we look part of the Christmas season!
(Letters for all of the above will be issued shortly.)

Guest editors from the blue table…..

Guest Editors this week are children from the blue table.
Ben –I enjoyed SRA.
Louie – I enjoyed making the bottle cars.
Dani- I enjoyed maths with Mrs Mackenzie.
Callum – I enjoyed doing 2D shapes in maths.
Hayley- I enjoyed RME because it is challenging.
Jaime-Lee – I enjoyed making the Pudsey because it is FUN.
Lucy- Katie- I enjoyed PE because we did gymnastics.
Rose- I like outdoor P.E because we are playing hockey.
Katie- I enjoyed outdoor P.E because we played hockey and I scored twice.
Emily- I like P.E because we do gymnastics.

Thanks blue table for your work on the blog this week!

From Mrs Collings

The children worked really hard on finding shapes around the building as we started our work on 2d shape. These are some of the photographs they took with Mrs McFarlane on their shape hunts!

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The children also worked really hard trying to make balloon powered cars. Despite our best efforts, we really struggled to get any of the cars to work and we’ve discussed the different design flaws and the ways in which can improve our design.

The children have also been working hard to make their activities for the stall for the christmas fair. More details to follow……..

Pupil of the week – Ben for using all the key features of a cartoon strip to retell Emerald the Alien’s story.

Table of the week – with 940 points

Article 28 – the right to an education

Children In Need

We have had a very busy week preparing for our assembly which was a great success. We have been organising Children in Need for the whole school.  We have been collecting and sorting orders, organising a raffle and making posters.  We have also been practising for our assembly.  We all really enjoy our song ‘We Can Do Good’.  Another fun activity we have been doing this week is a science experiment making slime which can go hard and soft.  It was great fun.


Shea – I enjoyed playing with Toy Story toy.

Erin – I liked singing our song at assembly.

Logan – I enjoyed making top hats.


Cameron – I loved making slime. It was disgusting.

Gabriel – I enjoyed making slime. The slime was hard and soft.



This week we started our new Context for Learning all about China. We shared what we already know about China and questions that we would like to find the answers to. We have already learned some facts about China. The population is around 3.4 billion and the capital is Beijing. We looked closely at a map of China and worked in teams to locate as many places and surrounding countries on the map as possible. Manga art and comic books are very popular in China. We looked at examples of Manga art and created our own characters using the common features of Manga art, such as big eyes and small noses and mouths. We then used the characters to create our own Manga comic strips. Did you know they read the comics from the right to the left?

On Wednesday some S6 pupils from Bathgate Academy came to the school to practise some carols with us. We will be performing these carols with other children from primary school sin Bathgate on the 14th of December at Bathgate Academy.

Today we all dressed down for Children in Need. The ARB did a fantastic assembly about Children in Need and they have put a lot of work into raising money for the charity. Thanks for organising the raffle!

See you next week!


We had a very adventurous week!  For our writing we got stranded on a deserted caribbean island and found a treasure chest.  We are busy writing about and cant wait to share them with you on didbook.

We are trying hard to learn out times tables and really need your help!  The next time we are in the car can you test us?  We have agreed that we need to learn them and every opportunity is a learning one – so please help us!

We finished off the week getting into the Christmas spirit by preparing for our Christmas enterprise – which we hope you will enjoy at the Fayre.


Have a good weekend!


Children in Need Day

Today was Children in Need Day. We presented our assembly to our parents, visitors and some of the classes. The adults were very proud of everyone for speaking clearly and confidently.

Afterwards we took our visitors to the lunch hall and enjoyed the yummy snacks we had prepared earlier in the week.

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Adam: I liked wearing the Pudesy onesie. It was cosy and warm. When we got to the hall where we could eat I had to take it off half way because I was too hot. I enjoyed all the snacks except the cookie. The marshmallows were so chewy in my mouth.

Joe: We played guitars at assembly. The guitars are blow up guitars.

Yolie: Mum came to see me. I played piano.

David: I’m sitting next to Mrs McLean. I sang we can do good. Put your hands on your hips.

Dylan: I had words to say , I enjoyed saying them. I was happy my mum was there.

We hope you enjoyed our performance and thanks again for all the donations!

Learning sounds in P1b

This week we have been learning more sounds and words!

Noah – We have been learning “x”
Kyle – We’ve been learning “z”, like “zig zag” and “zoo”
Maksim – We were blending these sounds together
Hamish – We have been learning “b” as well
Emma – We also learned “t”
Caitlin We’ve been learning “p”
Noah – We were blending sounds using the carpet mats
Hamish – We have learned yellow tricky words “no”, “go”, “so”
Caitlin – On the SmartBoard we played a zoo game

We used the blending mats to pull down sounds to make words and then we had to write a sentence using these words. Miss Wilson was so impressed with our sentences that we wrote!




Article 28: We have the right to an education

P2A’s week

We had a fantastic Children in Need day and the classroom was taken over by lots of Pudsey bears and Blush bears! We all looked fab! Well done and thank you for raising money for this charity.


We have been busy making Santa lists and hot chocolate reindeers for the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 26th of November.  We are selling them at this price…£1 for the reindeers and £1 for the Santa lists.  If you wish to buy beforehand you can 🙂

We have been learning about the 50p coin and counting in 10p’s and 20p’s up to £1.  We found it a little tricky so will be keep practising our coin work.

Achievements this week:

Rosie has been practising her roly polys

Archie has now managed to learn the butterfly stroke at swimming

Luke, Lois and Emily have been practising pool gymnastics

Kyle and Daniel continue to work hard at Tae Kwon Do

Daniel has earned his dark blue stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Well done to everyone who is now on step 3,4 and 5

Pupil of the Week-Daniel



A week in P3/2


I was Star writer for my story I am a volcanologist- Zara

We liked watching the film about Pompeii and planning our story about it aswell-Rory,Niamh

We liked planning about Pompeii.At the end Pompeii was burnt to the ground- Archie,Dylan,Harris

I was Star Writer and it was fun writing it about being a volcanologist-Nina

I liked learning about volcanologists-Isla


I liked working on times tables-Sophie M., Grace

I liked working on number patterns to 100-Lily

I liked doing the laminated times table sheet-Ross

CONTEXT FOR LEARNING-violent volcanoes

We liked pretending in the Science lab-Jess,Katie

I liked pretending to test the rocks in the Science lab- Sophie S.


We liked dressing up for Children in Need-Eden,Eva

I liked ARB’s Assembly this morning-Florence

I liked watching ARB’s Assembly -Luis

I was dressed in my Pudsey suit today-Noah


Zara-Star Writer for Primary 3

Nina- Star Writer for Primary 2

Step 4

Eden, Jess, Zara, Niamh, Rory, Sophie S, Archie, Isla

Pupil of the week


and finally welcome Florence to our class 🙂



CHRISTMAS FAYRE SATURDAY 26TH NOVEMBER 10-12 MIDDAY-Please join us if you can 🙂







Primary 1 show lyrics


Song 1 – Tapping Away

  1. Tapping away, tapping away,

We’ve tapped all night and we’ve tapped all day.

Tapping away, tapping away

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy, tapping away.

Tapping away, tapping away,

We’ve tapped all night and we’ve tapped all day .

Tapping away, tapping away,

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy tapping away.

  1. Working away, working away,

We’ve worked all night and we’ve worked all day.

Working away, working away,

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy working away.

Working away, working away,

We’ve worked all night and we’ve worked all day.

Working away, working away,

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy working away.

  1. Tapping away, tapping away,

We’ve tapped all night and we’ve tapped all day.

Tapping away, tapping away

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy, tapping away.



Song 2 – Sniff, Snuff!

  1. Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff.

Poor old Rudolph is feeling rough,

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff!

  1. Now he wants a rest, sniff, snuff

Now he wants a rest, sniff, snuff!

Poor old Rudolph has had enough,

Now he wants a rest, sniff, snuff!

  1. Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff.

Poor old Rudolph is feeling rough,

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff!


Song 3 – Odd job Reindeer

  1. He’s an odd job reindeer looking for work

He won’t let you down and he won’t shirk,

His bright green nose lights the way,

Oh, Ralph the Reindeer, all together now – Ralph the Reindeer.

  1. He’s an odd job reindeer, saving the day

And he’ll be happy to guide the sleigh

His bright green nose lights the way,

Oh, Ralph the Reindeer, all together now – Ralph the Reindeer.

  1. Instrumental
  2. He’s an odd job reindeer looking for work

He won’t let you down and he won’t shirk,

His bright green nose lights the way,

Oh, Ralph the Reindeer, all together now – Ralph the Reindeer.


Song 4 – What could Ralph the Reindeer do?

  1. What could Ralph the Reindeer do?

He was in such a stew

Because he hadn’t got a clue, how to fly.

  1. Everyone was feeling grim.

They were all fed up with him,,

Because he hadn’t got a clue, how to fly.

  1. What could Ralph the Reindeer do?

He was in such a stew

Because he hadn’t got a clue, how to fly.

















Song 5 – Please get well again soon

  1. We’ll sing you a song to make you smile,

To make you smile, to make you smile.

We’ll sing you a song to make you smile

Please get well again soon,

Please get well again soon!

  1. We’ll sing you a song to make you smile,

To make you smile, to make you smile.

We’ll sing you a song to make you smile

Please get well again soon,

Please get well again soon!

  1. We’ll sing you a song to make you dance,

To make you dance, to make you dance.

We’ll sing you a song to make you dance,

Please get well again soon,

Please get well again soon!

  1. We’ll sing you a song to make you dance,

To make you dance, to make you dance.

We’ll sing you a song to make you dance,

Please get well again soon,

Please get well again soon!






Song 6 – Start at Number 10

  1. If you want to learn to fly,

Start at number ten!

If you want to sail up high,

Start at number ten.

If you want to touch the clouds,

Stand up tall and shout aloud,

Start to count at number ten.

  1. If you want to teach the stars,

Start at number ten.

If you want to fly afar,

Start at number ten.

If you want to touch the clouds

Stand up tall and shout aloud,

Start to count at number ten.


Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! LIFT OFF!


Song 7 – It’s Christmas time

  1. Off we go, off we go, up into the sky!

Off we go, off we go, flying way up high

It’s Christmas, Christmas, Christmas time,

It’s Christmas, Christmas, Christmas time,

And in the morning you will find,

Presents for you!

(Repeat whole song)



Sorry that the music can’t be attached to this blog.  Due to licensing we are unable to share the backing tracks.

Any problems please let us know

Primary 1 team

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 14.11.16

Hi everyone!
This has been another great week!


The best bits of this week have been:

Emily – “Pudsey day because we get to raise money to help other children”

Cameron – “Making hot chocolate reindeer for our class enterprise”

Leah – “Dressing up to help raise money for Children in Need”

Max – “A dragon arrived at imagination station.  We called him Sparky”

Jonah – “learning z in phonics – I liked making a zoo”

Rio – “Practising for the school show.  I know my line”

Brandon – “Getting to build a castle at the construction station”

Breaghannon – “Making hot chocolate reindeer too!”

Ellie – “Sequencing the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears'”

Rory – “Learning about Pudsey day”

Teigan – “Listening to the story of Goldilocks and doing the voices”

Keegan – “Everything.  It has been a good week!”

Marley – “Pudsey day and my t-shirt”

Leila – “Dressing up and even getting to come to school in our pyjamas”

Poppy – “Making a map of Fairyland with our p7 buddies”

Griffin – “meeting my p7 buddy and my class. I like p1”

Regan – “Buddy time was my best bit too because I liked using my castle book”

Millie – “Pudsey day because I got to dress up”




Primary 2/1

Clas O Children in Day

Well Children in Need 2016 is finally here! Class O have been extremely busy this week with final preparations for today. There have been a variety of things going on behind the scences like collating fundraising totals and making powerpoints, as well as rehearsals of our lines and song words for our assembly today.
Children in Need is a charity that does lots of things to support many families in not only Scotland but in West Lothian too. We hope we can do good and make a difference.

Here are our highlights:

Liam: I loved dressing up as Pudsey.

Calitin: I liked helping with the computer and music.

Cameron: I was a super helper when selling raffle tickets.

Cody: Dressing up as a ‘Cool Dude’ was amazing!

Jamie: I created the powerpoint and calcuated the goods sales.

Jayden: I was good at counting the money. I can do this by myself now.

Thank you for your support all your generous donations!



After consolidating our learning about verbs we have been learning about adverbs.

Ranna – adverbs describe verbs

Euan – jumping (verb) quickly (adverb)

Alex – run (verb) slowly (adverb)

In our writing this week we have been focussing on using interesting adverbs to describe verbs. We have also been trying to start a sentence using an adverb.

Suvi – Quickly I ran away.

William – Slowly we started to take off.

Ranna – Silently I read my book.

Jason – Swiftly we ran across the road.


This week we have been learning about the decimal point and adding and subtracting money. As well as the written method we used coins to give change.

Megan – you have to remember to put in the decimal point

Lucas- you have to use the pound sign

Ranna – I think it’s easier to work out change using the coins

Expressive Arts

Over the next few weeks we will be taking a look at different artists

This week we were learning about the style of Vincent Van Gogh. We looked at some of his most famous paintings then had to recreate ‘Starry Night’ We discussed the picture before choosing the right colour of chalks we would need then we had to make sure we used the same flowing line style that Van Gogh used. Here are a couple of our pictures –




This week in P.E. was fun as we have been learning about moving in flight using gymnastics moves. The ultimate goal was to be able to perform the move and land securely on two feet.

Alex – the ‘bravery test’ was part of the gymnastics and it was fun because we had to stand up and fall back onto a big squishy mat

Teighan- I liked it when we had to jump as far as we could and land securely then we had to place our bean bag down as a marker

Have a great weekend!

P7b Learning Log

This week we began our new context for learning ‘Exploring China.’  We started by sharing our previous knowledge and discussing what we would like to learn throughout the topic.  We started by finding out general facts about China including; the population is 1.35 billion, Mount Everest is in China and Nepal, there is no alphabet-they have characters instead and the capital city is Bejing.  We then worked in groups to complete a map activity where we filled in major cities and surrounding countries.

We also learned about manga art.  This is a popular type of artwork popular in Asia- particularly China and Japan.  We have seen manga art before in Pokemon, Dragon ball and Anime. Key features of manga art include; large eyes, big heads, tiny noses and mouths, small bodies and spiky hair.  We used manga to create our own characters.

This morning, we used our manga characters to create a comic strip.  Our comic strips had to include; caption boxes, thought and speech bubbles, onomatopoeia, and a plot with our created character.  We learned that there are different types of speech bubbles. For example, a jaggy speech bubble shows someone is shouting whereas a dotted speech bubble means that the character is whispering.  We thoroughly enjoyed this activity! 🙂

Last week’s pupil of the week- James

Table of the week- Mysterious 6

Class Dojo winner- Meadow



What a wonderful week in P3A


Primary 3a have been super busy over the past couple of weeks…


In reading we have been showing our understanding by writing about the characters in our reading books and we have been sequencing our stories too.

We have also been learning all about connectives so we can stretch our sentences to make them longer.


The pentagons and pyramids have been learning how to add on 11 and 9.

The spheres have been learning about adding multiples of 10 to a two-digit number.

We enjoy our stations in maths as we get to do lots of different activities.


Our topic this term is all about weather and we are really enjoying it so far.

We have learned about different types of weather and also learned about the seasons in the year.

We all made an acrostic poem all about weather which is going up on our display wall outside our classroom.

We made a collage using different materials to show seasons of the year.

We really enjoyed learning about extreme weather and watched a video of a tornado!


Our new step 3 people are Arran, Charlie, Erin, Lily, and Samuel- well done!

Arran received a certificate for golf!

Maisie won 5 golf medals!

Cameron also won a golf certificate!

Charlie is starting boxing classes soon and Samuel has been building a castle in mind craft.

Ellis got his second stripe in Tae Kwon Do and he is also our finalist going through to the talent show!







Junior Choir

Wow!  What wonderful and talented children I have the pleasure of working with!

This morning the children of the Junior Choir sang in front of their peers at the 3 school gatherings where they did a fantastic job!  They confidently and successfully sang ‘See the Poppies’ which splits into 2 part singing in the middle – not an easy task!  A huge well done to all the choir members, I am really looking forward to challenging you more and more to develop your singing skills!  See you tomorrow at choir practice after school.


Mrs Mansfield

Senior Choir

Many thanks to all who attended our Showcase on Thursday after school. The children enjoyed performing, and I had many say that they enjoyed being in the audience.
Today we participated in the Remembrance Assembly – well done to all, especially Scott and Jennie who were given readings at the very last moment!
We will now begin working on our Christmas selection.

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