Welcome Back Class G!

Welcome back everyone!  Class G have had a great Christmas and New Year and we are all happy to be back at school for an exciting term.  This week we have managed to complete a lot of work in Literacy.  We wrote thank you letters to Santa, started our reading books, learnt about the oo sound and wrote about New Year and our hopes for next year.

GC – I liked being back at school.  I liked making the oo igloo.


EM – I like the igloo.  I used marshmallows.


SW – I like writing on the IPad.


LS – I liked writing a thank you letter to Santa.


First week in 2017

We hope everyone had a great  Christmas holiday and a good new year.  We are looking forward to our last two terms at Balbardie!

This week we looked at four different religions practiced in China.  They include: Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and the Four noble truths.

Here are some facts we learned:

‘Yin and yang comes from Taoism.  This religion is about balance and harmony.’- Meadow

‘Buddhism started in India.  The story about the first Buddha is similar to the Christmas story.’- David

‘ The first Buddha was a prince.  He was ‘enlightened’ and wanted to end all suffering.’- Viggo

We learned that mandalas are significant pieces of art in Buddhism.  We followed a step-by-step process to create our own. A mandala is a piece of art where people can look into their soul and express themselves.  Each mandala is unique.  Common features of mandalas are floral and geometric designs with lots of colour.  We will complete our mandalas next week and upload a picture for you all to see our fantastic art work.

Have a good weekend,


Article 28- Right to an Education


Budding artists in P1b

Noah – “We had to gather materials off of the ground like plants and leaves and then we made pictures”

Hamish – “We made faces”

Emma – “We made them on the ground in the playground and we made them with sticks and other materials”

Lily – “We made cheery faces”

Gracie – “We went outside to use the things we found to make pictures”



Caitlin – “We have also been learning about the letter j”

Zara – “We have been learning about adding and taking away”

PUPIL OF THE WEEK: Kyle Pettigew for writing a wonderful story about his Christmas holiday!

Most Valuable Player: Hamish Roden for outstanding performance, focus and kindness in P.E.!

Class M’s Christmas

Class M would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. We were all excited to share our news from over the Christmas holidays when we returned to school.

Joe – I went to the Christmas market in Edinburgh. I went on 26 rides. My favourite was the climbing frame and second was the maze.

David – I love Christmas. Christmas has got lots of presents. I got Now 95. At New year I played downstairs with Mum. I stayed up late and said Happy New Year to everyone.

Aiden – I was playing football over the holidays.

Yolie – I got make up and bracelets and I had lots of fun.

Adam – I like Christmas. I got good presents. I got an Xbox One S.

Dylan – For Christmas at my Dad’s I got an Xbox One S.

Mrs McLean – I enjoyed spending lots of time with my family over the holidays and eating lots of yummy food!


Senior Choir

A huge, ‘THANK YOU’ to all who sang at Morrisons on Thursday 22nd December. We have raised £170.83 towards our costumes fund!
There will be no choir on Thursday 5th January and from 12th January choir will continue until 4.30p.m. – we will begin working on our end of year musical. More details to follow!

Christmas is coming in P3/2

Have a fantastic Christmas everyone and see you in 2017…

here are our comments:-

Zara- I liked story writing about “the forgotten present”

Harris,Ross,Rory- We liked the Christmas church service today

Sophie M.- I liked singing the songs at the Service

Grace,Lily-We hope you all have a Merry Christmas

Florence,Niamh,Sophie S,Nina,Jess-We liked the pantomime this afternoon Sleeping Beauty

Luis,Archie,Dylan-We liked singing at the pantomime this afternoon

Katie-I liked acting the songs at the pantomime

Isla- I ‘m looking forward to Christmas

Eden- Thank you Mrs Aitken and Mrs Spence for the present and card




Merry Christmas from P1b

We have had a very nice last week in Primary 1b.

We have been learning the sound “y”. Here are some words with “y” sound in them:
Hamish – “yum”
Lily – “yoghurt”
Josh – “yuk”
Zara – “yes”
Caitlin – “you”

We have been doing some Maths in our Christmas booklets and are very excited to take these home and keep them!

This morning we were at the Church and all sang beautifully!

We are going to the pantomime very soon to see the show “Sleeping Beauty”. We cannot wait!

We hope you have a lovely Christmas holiday and Santa has put you on the nice list. Have a great holiday!

P7b end of term highlights

We have had a busy second term in P7.  Here are some of our highlights during this time:

‘I liked doing the manga art.  I really liked drawing the big eyes on our characters.’- Meadow

‘I enjoyed going to the poppy factory.  I enjoyed learning about WW2 and making the poppies.’- David

‘I enjoyed going to the Academy.  I liked the treasure hunt because it was fun finding out facts about what we are going to learn.’ – Emma’

‘I enjoyed making a diorama which was a setting to one of our stories.’- Iona

‘I liked building one tenth of the great wall of China (to scale) with Lego.’- Callum D

‘I liked doing our comic strip writing.’- Aiden

‘I enjoyed writing our Halloween stories.  We had to describe the setting.’- Polina & Zoe

‘I liked rehearsing for Jack and the Beanstalk.’- Meadow

‘I enjoyed writing the imaginative Christmas story where we had to include 1o words chosen by us.’ – Millie

‘I enjoyed the Christmas party.’- Evie & Ryan

‘I enjoyed making products for the Christmas fayre.’- Lucy

‘I enjoyed doing a survey to see what to make for the Christmas fayre.’- David

Good luck to Aiden (aka Pokemon Go Kid) in his new school.  We will miss you!

Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🙂



Primary 2/1 Blog – the Last Blog of 2016!!

We have enjoyed our short week in the lead up to the Christmas holidays and have been thinking lots about what Christmas means for other people.  We were talking about how not everyone celebrates Christmas in the same way and how lucky we are to be spending time with our families this festive season.

I think I am lucky this Christmas because:

Poppy – “I get to spend time with my family”

Griffin – “I get a tasty Christmas dinner that my mummy and daddy cook for me”

Breaghannon – “I get extra cuddles from my family”

Teigan – “I get to try new things, I like Breakfast with Santa the best”

Ellie – “People are kind and buy me presents”

Rory – “My mum and dad let me open presents in the middle of the day and I like doing that”

Emily – “Santa visits me and I spend time with my family”

Marley – “I get to make crafts with my mummy”

Liam – “I might get to see Santa, that would be lucky”

Keegan – “I get to spend time with all of my family”

Rio – “I get to see my dad”

Leila – “I like spending time with family, on Christmas Eve I can see my friends”

Jonah – “I have lots of brothers that love me”

Brandon – “I like spending time with my family and going to the cinema on Christmas Eve”

Cameron – “I spend time with my family”

Millie – “I get to spend time with my family too”

Max – “I have the best teacher at school and I get to have a holiday”

Regan – “I have the best friends at school and the best class”

Leah – “Santa gives me the presents that I really want because I am on the nice list”


We had a chat in circle time about what we hope Santa will bring us for Christmas.  Here is the thing we are hoping for the most:

Teigan – “I would like a train”

Cameron – “A teenage mutant ninja turtle thing that has a slide”

Rio – “A dinocharger would be cool”

Griffin – “I would like an ipad”

Poppy – “I would like Trollz”

Leila – “I hope I get an American girl doll with blonde hair”

Jonah – “I have a big Dumbo, I would like a small Dumbo”

Marley – “My favourite will be Pokemon cards”

Ellie – “I would like Paw Patrol Pups”

Keegan – “I hope Santa brings me Pokemon cards”

Liam – “I would like Dinosaurs”

Emily – “I would like an American doll too.  I want it to have an ice cream van”

Brandon – “The number one thing on my list is a Transformers Fire House Headquarters”

Breaghannon – “I would like Paw Patrol jammies to go to bed in”

Leah – “I would like a Hatchimal”

Millie – “I would like an American girl doll, the ice cream one”

Max – “From Santa I would like an iphone”

Regan – “I have lots of things but I would like a castle that is already built”

Rory – “Presents that I like opening is what I would like”


From Primary 2/1.


(A note from Mrs Mansfield – I would like to thank everyone for your kind Christmas gifts, I am really looking forward to opening them on Christmas day.  I hope that you all have a lovely festive period, full of Christmas cheer, and get the opportunity to ‘recharge your batteries’ before the start of Term 3.  Thank you for your continued support, I look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year!  Merry Christmas!)

It’s beginning to look at a lot like Christmas…

Last week was so exciting in primary 3A.  This is some of the things we got up to…


In writing we created our very own Christmas story all about an Elf helping other people at Christmas time.

With Miss Holwill we wrote about what would happen if everyone in our family forgot about Christmas.



We started our maths with our number talks – we really enjoy this as it gets our brain working hard!

We carried on with adding 2 two-digit numbers and have started adding this mentally in our heads.

We also worked out more strategies to add numbers together through partitioning and splitting numbers.

We had different activities to work on this such as; maths jigsaws, worksheets and games.

Christmas lunch and Christmas Party! 

On Wednesday we had our Christmas lunch with Miss Owens in the dinner hall- it was very yummy!

We then had our Christmas party in the afternoon and had lots of fun dancing and playing games like ‘Pass the Parcel’ and ‘Corners’.   We got very excited when we were singing ‘Jingle Bells’ because Santa came to visit and we were very lucky to receive a present from him.


Golden Club!

Some of us were very lucky to attend the Golden Club event on Friday where a magician came to our school.  The magician was very good and he had lots of good tricks and was very funny.





This has been a busy week.

We learned about adjectives and how they are describing words. We were very god with identifying adjectives.
We built on our knowledge of 3D shapes to build 3D shapes using the ‘map’ for 3D shapes. These maps are called nets. We made cylinders, pentagonal pyramids, cubes, cuboids and cones. We decorated our 3D shapes and then hung them on our tree as baubles!


Don’t they look great?!

We have been learning about different styles of poetry and this week we were trying to write rhyming poems. This was very hard and we didn’t quite manage this task. We did learn how to rhyme words and could find lots of different rhyming words. We may try again later on in the year!

We had our Christmas lunch on Wednesday and our Christmas party. We had lots of fun and played different games. We had biscuits, popcorn, sweets and juice in between our party. The best part was when Santa came to Balbardie! We sang Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer and Jingle Bells and he gave us a present. We loved it!

We have been learning about Global Warming and how it affects all of us. We learned about recycling and the different bins we can use in school for recycling. We made special cards to put above the bins which show you what you can put in the different bins. They are colour co-ordinated to make it easier.



Youcan see the posters in action around the school!

Festive Fun in P1b

We have had a whirlwind of a week in Balbardie Primary School! Here are some of the exciting things we have been getting up to:

We have had a cheeky visitor in our class! ELFIE!!…








She has been very naughty, but has given us lots of great missions to complete each day. On Wednesday our mission was to listen to the teacher and help in the classroom. We helped by cleaning up the paint Elfie spread all over the tables! On Thursday our mission was to be kind to others as some children were being a bit rough with Elfie the day before. Our mission today was to say one nice thing (at least) to someone else. Elfie has been checking that we complete our missions and has been so pleased. We are excited to see what else she gets up to whilst she is here!

On Thursday it was our Primary 1 Christmas Party…









We played lots of fun games, danced to lots of fun music and even got a visit from Santa!! We were so excited and he was very kind to bring us all a present. Everyone was very polite and said “thank you” to Santa – we are hoping we are all on the nice list.

Not to forget that Primary 1 had their Christmas Show Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. The teachers and staff at Balbardie PS were so happy to hear all of your lovely comments. The children did a fantastic job and should really be proud of themselves.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and are excited about our final short week in school next week. Church service is on Wednesday at 9:30am and we hope to see you there!


9 sleeps until Christmas!

We have been very busy the last two weeks. Last Wednesday we had our first visit to Bathgate Academy. We explored the school and the different departments during a treasure hunt activity. We worked in teams with some sixth year pupils to find the answers to questions about the academy. We all really enjoyed the visit and are now more excited about going to high school.

We were back up at the Academy on Wednesday to practise for the concert. We enjoyed our day even though we had to spend some time outside as the fire alarm went off! Some of us went back at night to perform the Christmas songs to family and friends. They all had a great time and they gave a great performance.

In maths the Pentagons and Hexagons have been learning about different multiplication strategies including partitioning and doubling and halving. The Decahedrons have been learning how to solve multi-step problems including all four operations.

In writing this week we had a challenge to write a Christmas story using 16 specific words. We came up with a list of words as a class. Most were Christmas themed but we also had to try and include platypus and caterpillar!

Last night we had out Christmas party. We enjoyed having the DJ there and spent the night dancing. The buffet was great and we stuffed our face with pizza and sausage rolls! Thanks to everyone for helping to organise the party.

We are all excited for Christmas and are looking forward to the Pantomime next week!


Class Dojo: Lexis

Pupil of the Week: Ellie

P6a 16.12.16

Samantha: I enjoyed making a poster advertising my business for a Christmas party. We needed to work out the profit and work with a budget.

Sophie:  I enjoyed writing a play script of the Christmas Story. I liked adding in character directions and stage directions.

Zoe: I enjoyed learning about percentages and fractions to manage costs for my Christmas party business plan.

Ty: I enjoyed play script writing.

Tom: I liked helping out with the power point for the P1 show.

Eva and Abbie: We liked seeing the magician for the Golden Club event.


Our last guest edit of the year

Blog post guest edited by yellow group
This week we have been making Christmas stuff. This is what we liked this week

Charlotte-I liked making the Christmas stuff
Hope-l liked making the Christmas stuff
Luke-l liked the p.e obstacle course
Nathan-l liked making the shape snowmen
Jacob-l liked making shapes
Jack-l liked p.e
Emma- l enjoyed my yummy Christmas dinner
Katie-l enjoyed making my square based pyramid snowman
We made these 3d snowmen from shape nets.

Isaac-l enjoyed making the snowmen shapes
Emily-l liked p.e
Rose-l liked doing p.e
Lucy-l liked doing p.e
Aryan-l liked maths and learning about 3d shapes
Aryan made this dodecahedron from regular pentagons. We think it is pretty awesome!
Maisey-l liked doing the tables tests and doing the cards
Dani-l enjoyed decorating all of the Christmas things
Louie-l liked decorating my folder
Hayley-l liked the book report
Jaime-lee-l liked practising my spellings
Elliot-l liked making cards for my family
Callum-l enjoyed doing 3d shapes
Special person is… Katie
Pupil of the week – Hayley
Table of the week – blue table with 430 points
From Mrs Collings – It’s been a busy week and the children are very much looking forward to the weekend. We hope it is restful and peaceful for you all!
Article 31 –the right to an education

Christmas has arrived in P1a

We have had a very festive week in P1a and it has definitely been the busiest week so far…..

The Golden Club event was really fun.  Ada

We learned 2 new tricky words, by and one.  Alex

I enjoyed the Golden Club event because the magician was funny.  Emily, Holly and Ellis

I enjoy Golden Time.  Amber

I enjoyed the Christmas dinner.  Oliver

I liked the Christmas show.  Jack

I liked learning the y sound and the song. Mac

I enjoyed performing in both the Christmas shows.  Jude and Aaron

I liked the magician when he did funny stuff.  Aileigh

I enjoyed the Golden Club event.  Carley

I enjoyed the Christmas dinner.  Olivia S, Megan, James

I love school.  Shannon

I like doing the work.  Max

I enjoyed the Christmas party and winning best dancer with Megan and Holly.  Justin

Thank you to all the parents for their continued support!





This week in our Christmas Around the World topic we looked at Japan and we learned how to make an origami Xmas tree.  It looked really tricky to do!

We made lovely moving Santa models and the boys from the 2/1 class joined us for this activity, we had lots of fun 🙂

We have been busy practising our mental maths this week and we are getting faster at our maths challenges 🙂

P2A would like to wish all the parents and carers a Merry Christmas and we hope you have a lovely holiday!

Achievements this week

Teigan has reached level 4 in swimming

Kyle has raised £20 in the READATHON 🙂

Lois has raised £10 in the READATHON 🙂

Eva has reached level 5 in swimming

Akasha has reached level 2 in swimming

Pupil of the week :- Sam


Junior Choir

Another huge well done to the members of the Junior Choir, and another proud moment as teachers for both myself and Miss Owens.

On Thursday we were recorded for West Lothian Council and did a superb job singing in two part harmony for both ‘It was on a Starry Night” and ‘Away in a Manger”.

Remember: Choir is ON after school on Tuesday for the last session of the year – new letters will be issued the first week back informing parents/carers of future rehearsals.


Thank you for your continued support!


Mrs Mansfield


Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 12.12.16

We are getting in the Christmas spirit this week and have been learning about Christmas traditions.   Here are some of the ways that we celebrate Christmas:

Teigan – “I put a tree up”

Leila – “I celebrate when Jesus was born”

Rio – “I help to make Christmas dinner.  We have steak pie”

Keegan – “I decorate my Christmas tree.  The best bit is the tinsel”

Liam – “I put the star on top of my tree, it is a tricky job”

Marley – “Santa comes and we leave out a present for him”

Breaghannon – “We make Christmas cake.  It is yummy”

Griffin – “Santa comes and give presents, I give presents too”

Poppy – “I learn about wen baby Jesus was born”

Regan – “I make Christmas pudding.  I like the wee ball bits that I get to eat”

Millie – “The way I celebrate Christmas is talking about baby Jesus”

Max – “The elf comes to my house, he is a bit naughty”

Cameron – “I get presents for other people”

Rory – “I buy presents for other people, that is being kind”

Ellie – “I learn about baby Jesus and tell people”

Emily – “I celebrate baby Jesus’ birthday with my family”

Jonah – “I sing songs about Jesus”

Brandon – “I go to Church at Christmas time”

Leah – “All my family come round and they watch me open my presents.”


The best bits of this week have been:

Teigan – “Making the handprint reindeer”

Rio – “Our P1 show was the best!”

Marley – “I got to watch the P1s in Ralph the Reindeer.  I liked the songs”

Poppy – “The Christmas party was fun, I won a prize”

Leila – “I liked the party too.  Santa came and gave me a present”

Keegan – “Making the reindeer was lots of fun”

Millie – “The Christmas party was great.  Every bit was the best bit”

Liam – “Seeing Santa at breakfast with Santa”

Griffin – “Writing Christmas cards for my class”

Regan – “Being Santa in the P1 show was the best”

Breaghannon – “I liked my pretty dress at the Christmas party”

Max – “Doing our review jotter and thinking about Christmas”

Cameron – “I liked the review jotters too”

Rory – “I liked the Christmas party, I got a prize for being a good dancer”

Ellie – “I liked being in the P1 show, the best bit was when we sang our songs”

Emily – “I liked the Christmas party”

Jonah – “I liked writing about Christmas this week”

Brandon – “Golden Club was great. The magic tricks and the magician had the same name as Pete the Dragon”

Leah – “The party was the best bit of the week” 116_3098 116_3101 116_3106 116_3109


A huge well done to our Primary 1s!!  They were all excellent in the P1 show this week and we are all very proud of them!!



Primary 2/1

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