Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 20.3.17

This has been a particularly busy week for P2/1.

On Monday we had our P1 photograph, then on Tuesday the P2s had the dress rehearsal for their show ‘Caterpillar Boogie’ – the P1s were very lucky and got to go and watch the rehearsal and thought they were fabulous. After that, on Wednesday, was our class trip to Dynamic Earth followed by the P2s show on Thursday! Today we are having lots of fun for red nose day!  We are all very tired after a busy week but can’t believe we only have one week left of school before the holidays!

Here are the best bits from our trip on Wednesday:

Cameron – “I liked seeing the magic time travel bit”

Regan – “I liked the time machine as well, it was a bit scary”

Rio – “I liked touching the cold ice”

Breaghannon – “The time machine was my favourite bit”

Rory – “I liked the bus journey because I liked the adventure”

Griffin – “I liked the earthquake bit and the 4D film”

Leila – “I liked when we got to wear special glasses to watch the film.  A giant scorpion jumped out the film”

Teigan – “I liked when I had the glasses on”

Emily – “I liked the ice bit, it was very cold”

Millie – “I liked the volcano bit, it gave me a fright”

Leah – “I liked the bus bit the best”

Poppy – “I liked everything!!”

Keegan – “I liked when we went on the aircraft and the giant rhino came”

Brandon – “I liked the bus journey because it was fun”

Max – “I liked the ice bit and when we got to see the jumpy film”

Liam – “I want to go back to Dynamic Earth, it was lots of fun”

Ellie – “I liked the rainforest bit with the animals that moved”

Jonah – “I liked the ice bit and learning about  the animals that live in the cold”

Marley – “I liked going on the bus, and the ice bit and I really want to go back there”


Assembly Time

On Friday we presented our last ever assembly on our learning about World War Two.  We all had lots of fun and we hope you did too!  Below you can see some pictures from the day!

In art we looked at propaganda from WW2.  Propaganda is biased information to promote a point of view .  We made our own propagana art. We enjoyed thinking of our own catchy and influential phrases. Here is an example:  if you want them to be free, make them evacuees.

In Heath and Wellbeing we were exploring the term ‘compassion’.  We then made cards for some people who we feel compassionate towards.  For example, someone gave their mum a card stating I will do the dishes for the whole week. We enjoyed doing this task and we hope that if you received a card you liked it!

Class dojo winners : Meadow and David

Table of the week :Team bones




Maksim – We did number lines to 20, 30, 50 and then to 100.
Hamish – We glued on dinosaurs and fossils to make it like snakes and ladders.
Noah – We needed to count and write the numbers.
Josh – We made snakes and ladders by gluing dinosaurs on and their tails.

Emma – We were writing lots of facts about dinosaurs from ‘Andy’s dinosaur adventures’.
Jacob – A fact I remember is that a pterodactyl can fly in the air.
Caitlin – Pteranodons eat fish.
Maksim – Pterodactyls are very noisy.

Hamish – On Wednesday we had our mums and dads come to see our learning.
Josh – At Shared Start we had some games out and we showed all of our mums and dads how well we have been learning.
Ava – We had mild, spicy and hot things to do.
Gracie – Mild, spicy and hot things are there to challenge ourselves.

Evie – We were trying to make an explosion and to make a volcano and it spread out in the whole playground.
Emma – All of us were in a circle and looking to see what would happen.
Josh – We used the paper as a funnel and it broke the bit of paper when it exploded.
Max – We had Diet Coke and put mints in it and that made it explode down the hill.

Evie – We were trying to make dinosaur fossils with cotton wool buds.
Matthias – First, we practised putting the cotton wool on the pictures so we could then put it on the black paper without the picture.
Hamish – We stuck them onto the paper after we practised.

P3/2 have been learning in different ways

We learn on our own, with a partner, in small groups or as a whole class.

We do this in Maths, Literacy, IT, PE, Drama, Art, Music and RME.

Here are our comments:-

I like Drama as we are learning The gingerbreid mannie in Scots. I am the gingerbreid mannie !-Katie

We like doing the Caterpillar Boogie. We are gardeners-Isla,Luis,Harris

I got Pupil of the week for giving 100% in all areas.I felt really happy-Eva

We like doing Maths because it gives us more knowledge. Just now it is Mental Maths-Jess,Eden,Dylan

I can’t believe that Mrs Innes said I am going to be chatting to Education Scotland about The Gingerbreid mannie-Grace

The Gingerbreid mannie is in Scots and it is so hard to do!-Florence

I like being the narrator in The gingerbreid mannie-Niamh

I like getting Star of the month from Drama with Mrs Innes. I got it for my solo singing in The Caterpillar boogie-Lily

I like doing PE with Mr Jeffries on a Monday. We played Cops and Robbers today-Ellie

I liked growing cress with Mrs Spence last Wednesday-Zara

Today we were playing Tunnel Tig at PE-Rory

I like doing Art with Mrs Spence. I loved Jolomo sketching and painting-Archie

I like being Narrator one in The Gingerbreid mannie-Ross

I like being an animal in The Gingerbreid mannie-Nina

I am enjoying being a rainbow bird in Caterpillar Boogie-Sophie S.

I liked getting a new workbook for Maths. I did some dividing in it -Max

I like my part in The gingerbreid mannie as a narrator-Kaycee

I like Caterpillar Boogie-Noah





Please send costumes in if you haven’t already !

Thank you







This in primary 5 our highlights were.


We have revised our addition strategies.

Robyn: we used column method.

Emma: we looked at partitioning and I enjoyed word mayhem.

Evie:I learned how to compensate, I liked that, it makes it easy.

Caitlin: I liked counting on.

Sophie: I liked doing the word mayhem because it was fun.

Evan: I liked making my own strategy for compensation by subtracting from one number and adding to the other.


We finished out kidnapping stories this week.

Grace: I liked ending my story about how we escaped.

All the stories were fantastic and we had 8 star writers. Lotte, Erin, Annabelle, Sophie, Logan, Freddie, Jessica and Harry. The class voted Sophie’s and Annabelle’s as the best stories.


Demi Leigh: we watched Oliver and I liked doing my Victorian poster.

Dadirayi: I liked the movie and I enjoyed everything about it.

Leia: I liked watching Oliver and I liked the character Bullseye.

Erin: I liked PE because we voted for the three games we got to play. We played football, hockey and basketball.

Kayleigh: I enjoyed watching Oliver, I liked Oliver.

Olivia: I liked everything this week.


Happy 10th Birthday to Dadirayi this week.


Class M

This week Class M were very lucky to have a visitor come to class. Her name is Joanne and she works for the council’s

waste and recycling department. She will be visiting our class a few times to do some exciting activities with us. This week she showed us how to make our own sheets of paper out of old paper. It was very messy, but very fun! We have lots of good photos that we will hopefully be able to post next week.

Dylan – I made compost from apples, egg shells. I also made paper from recycled paper.

Joe – We were doing topic work with Mrs Dunn we were making paper. It was easy to make. I enjoyed it.

Charlie and David also enjoyed some other activities this week:

David – We were throwing bean bags with pictures of food, tins and paper on them into the right bin.

Charlie – I like swimming, it was super fun. it was the first time I had swimming lessons at school. I got a certificate for doing so well at swimming. My Mum said “I am so proud of you”.


What an exciting week this has been!
This week we learned about road safety, especially related to safe parking. We talked about parking safely away from the school, not parking in front of other people’s driveways and also about parking further away and walking to school as this is also a way to get extra exercise in! We then designed posters for the competition.
We also designed stamps for the Royal Mail competition based on what Christmas means to us.
On Wednesday we went to Deans Community High School for the Dance Festival. It was really fun because we got to watch lots of other children perform their dances. They were very good. We performed our dance as well and got lots of compliments! We received a certificate of participation and got a trophy to bring back to school. Mrs Ghafoor is very proud of us!

We also started to research about the gods and goddesses found in Ancient Egypt – They had over 2000!

Week ending 17th March!

We have been learned the sh sound in phonics. Carly

We learned oo in phonics. Holly

We learned f in phonics. James

We were learning about ankylosaurs. Alex

We were learning th in phonics. Amber

We made a fish in phonics for f. Oliver

We learned that flower starts with f in phonics. Shannon

We looked at a dinosaur timeline – during the first period there were plesiosaurs, during the second there were stegosaurus and during the third there were velociraptor (my favourite dinosaur because it can go really fast!)

We learned the tricky word love. Ellis

We learned how to count dinosaurs to 20 and write the numbers. River


Pupil of the week: Mia McGreevy for writing excellent sentences and including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops!


Class G Go Green!

We started our new topic this week.  We have been looking at Reduce Reuse Recycle!  We have been learning about what we can recycle in the different rooms in our home.  We really enjoyed the cartoon about recycling and all joined in the discussion on the PowerPoint.  We have also been sorting materials into the correct bins which was quite tricky as there are so many things we can recycle.  We particularly liked talking about recycling to make compost.  Next week we will attend our workshop at Dynamic Earth which is all about recycling.  We are so excited.  We have also been looking at acrostic poems in Literacy and we learnt 2 new sounds.  Our sounds this week were er and ng. We are really enjoy phonics and do so well with all our phonics work.  We have also continued to work on our targets at swimming and we are doing great!   Here is what Class G would like to say this week:

Jake – I loved swimming.  I like the floats.

Shea – I liked recycling rubbish.

Erin – I liked going into the big school.

Gabriel – We have been practising going under water.

Logan – I liked swimming.  I can swim with one noodle.



We have had another busy week in P2B.

We have been practising lots and lots for our Caterpillar Boogie show and we can’t wait to perform it next week! Butterflies should remember their skin-coloured tights if they haven’t already brought them in and Caterpillars should remember their face paint permission slips.

In maths we have been partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and units. We particularly enjoyed sharing this learning with our parents and carers at our Numeracy Shared Start. It was lovely to see so many parents/carers on Wednesday morning.

We have been finding out about life in a castle this week and have explored some of the jobs people had. Lots of pupils in our class would liked to have been a brave knight who rode on a horse and protected the King and Queen. Some others would have liked to have been the King or Queen wearing luxurious clothes and eating lovely food. Funnily enough, not many were interested in being a servant once we found out that servants had to sleep on the cold, stone floors huddled by the fire to keep warm.

In French, we have been learning the names of the colours and have been learning a song called ‘Arc en Ciel.’ It is about all the colours of the rainbow.

This week’s achievements:

Well done to Elise who was our Pupil of the Week for working well with others.

Tiana and Grace Q have been working very hard on their solo singing part in our show.

Esther moved up swimming level.


Viking Feast ?!

This week our class talks were completed with Hayley and Callum telling the class about Viking Gods and a general talk about the Vikings.
Dani –I liked Callum’s talk because it didn’t give us too much information all at once. His information was well separated out.
Elliot – Hayley had a really good, loud voice.
On Tuesday we went to a Benchball Festival at the Sports Centre. We were put into 4 teams and played a lot of other schools. It was fun. We won a lot of our games and got a certificate to show that we had taken part in a fair and sporting manner.
On Thursday we made Viking bread and Viking mead (non-alcoholic!). The bread was made with two different types of flour, water, salt and butter but no yeast so it was a bit more like an oatcake. The mead was made with water, apples and honey.

Jack – The mead was nice.
Luke – The bread had a weird texture and tasted of nothing.
Maisey – I liked the bread because I liked the taste of it.
Elliot – I liked the bread because it was different to normal bread.
Jason – I liked the drink because they added honey into it. The bread tasted a bit like porridge.
Jacob – warning do not smell the bread!
Dani – I might try and make it at home.
Luke – I liked the drink because it tasted of apple juice.
Pupil of the week
Isaac for his enthusiastic approach to our Viking context for learning.

Table of the week – with 790 points (it was very close this week with blues winning by 10 points!)

Other Achievements
Elliot got his orange belt in kick boxing.
Jaime – Lee is going to a dance competition on Sunday.
Guy achieved his red belt in karate.
Ela, Aryan and Dani reached the Golden Club.
Callum achieved his black belt in karate.

Article 28 – the right to an education

Better late than never……

Here is all our learning from last week………another dinotastic week.

We were learning about the Stegosaurus.  Shannon

We have been learning about the Velociraptor.  Jude

We were learning different ways to travel around the room.  Holly

We were learning how to skip in outdoor PE.  Ellis

We were learning to cut out dinosaurs and put them together.  Alex

We were learning the tricky words love and once.  Jack

In phonics we were learning the sound ‘th’.  Ada

We were labelling the different parts of the dinosaurs.  Aileigh

We used clues to guess the different dinosaurs. River

Pupil of the week:  Aaron Swan for his enthusiasm in our dinosaur topic…..he is an expert!!! He says he going to make a real dinosaur come alive!!!



Class O

Cody – I played monopoly w3th Jamie and I was getting my luck threw in by Jamie as he had a hotel on mayfair and park lane! I also learnt about the secret annex in windyknowe, tbh I actually enjoyed a subject for once! Mostly because we played a 3d exploring game on it and me and ben did it in the hall and when it was time to go home a kid asked us ‘Dude, Are you playing hello neighbour?’ LOL!


Jayden – I have went to spelling to p5b all by my self like independent. I have made milk bottle elephant it was so evil and bad LOL! I have also done some red eyes to make it evil you have to make a trunk and mouth then legs and also eyes and ears to decorate.

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 13.3.17

We had a lovely time this week at the shared start on Wednesday.  Some of our parents were able to come along and we shared songs and games we have been using to help us with our maths.
A few parents have asked about the links for the songs, all of the songs are available on youtube by searching for ‘count in tens’ or ‘counting songs’.

We spoke about how important it is to share our learning with people from home.  This is why we think sharing our learning is important:

Breaghannon – “Because it is nice to share good news that I have been learning”

Liam – “I like to make games at home too”

Max – “They might want to do more learning games at our house”

Poppy – “We can share our learning because the adults can help us learn”

Emily – “We might help the adults to learn too”

Ellie – “Because it is nice to share your learning and so the grown ups know what we have been up to at school”

Teigan – “I like to tell people about what I have done”

Jonah – “Because we can all be happy about what we have learned”

Rio – “It is important so that your mums and dads know what we’ve been doing”

Leah – “Because our mummies and daddies aren’t with us and they might miss us”

Rory – “It is important to tell your mum and dad what you have been doing at school, to show that you have been doing hard work at school”

Keegan – “Because the grown ups want to know what you have been learning at school”

Brandon – “If we do something good at school you might want to tell people in the house about what you have done to make them happy”

Millie – “Because grown ups want to know the important things we have been learning to help at home”

Marley – “Mummy likes to know what busy jobs I’ve done”

Griffin – “Because you can maybe do some extra work at home on your phone or on your ipad”

Leila – “It is good to tell your mum and your dad about your school to keep us safe”

Regan – “Your mum and dad might miss what you’re doing at school because they’re grown ups so they’re not at school”

Cameron – “Because they might want to know what you have done at school”


Highlights of the Week

  • Shared Start with our mummies and daddies
  • Playing with our friends
  • Getting to watch the P2 practise show – Caterpillar Boogie
  • Writing stories with the class
  • The new games in class – the eggs and connect 4 are the best

The Easter Eggstravaganza

This is our first house challenge! We are so eggcited! We are not yolking about this.

We would like you to decorate an eggcelent hard boiled egg with an eggy name e.g Eggward Scissorhands, Eggo Batman (Thanks to Mrs spence for those names.) The eggs and their eggy names need to be in school by the 27th of March and we will collect them from your teacher. 1st place will receive 1,000 house points, 2nd will receive 500 and 3rd will receive 250.

Good duck (because ducks lay eggs!) Let the fun begin, we hope you don’t get scrambled about this!

From the House Captain Team-Clara McCallum, Louise Kirk, Scott Aitchison, Polina Derugina, Rebecca Notman, Aaron McNicol and Mrs Spence 🙂 Get cracking!

P6 Basketball Festival – Reminder

Image result for basketball P6A and P6B will attend a Basketball Festival at Bathgate Academy on the morning of Tuesday 21st March.

We expect this to be a valuable experience for our P6 pupils who will have the opportunity to have fun and compete against teams from schools in our cluster. With the festival less than a week away, please can we ask you, if you have not already done so, to return your child’s permission slip, EE2 form and £1 towards our transport to their class teacher, asap?

Thank you for your co-operation – we look forward to sharing our experience here on the school blog!


From Balbardie to the Barracks

P6B have been taking part in a whole school effort to design, create and send Easter cards to our service men and women in Iraq, Brunei, Afghanistan and on HMS Middleton.

Before beginning our cards, we explored and identified common Easter themes, including animals, symbols, colours, objects and stories. We then discussed different ways we could design and create our cards and shared ideas in small groups.

The end results were colourful and creative cards which the children worked hard to complete. Murray was awarded ‘Pupil of the Week’ for his particular, and very creative, effort.

We hope the service men and women enjoy receiving them as much as we did making them!


Two Weeks of Learning in P7b

Week beginning 6.3.17

This week in p7B we were focusing on our World War 2 context for learning especially the home guard. We learned what their purpose was to defend their local area.  Originally they didn’t have proper guns they had wooden replicas until America sent guns over, but unfortunately we had the wrong kind of ammo.

On Monday we took part in a drama work shop where we were spilt into groups and were all assigned tasks.  Our drama was performed in front of the p5s as well as parent/carers.  This taught people how to stay safe on the internet.

On Thursday Emma Davidson and Viggo Savage took part in a rotary quiz to represent Balbardie and they placed 4th. we are all very proud of them .

Have a nice weekend!

Evie and Meadow

Week beginning 13.3.17

This week in P7b we have been putting lots of effort into our assembly practice and we have been working hard to perfect it. Our assembly will be on the 17th of March at 9:10 am and we are very excited to show you. We hope you will enjoy it and learn loads, you can also join us for a nice tea and coffee, maybe a biscuit have a chat with your child too!!!

In writing we wrote an assessment piece. It was an imaginative story. The teacher gave us a topic- it had to be war related- we all quite enjoy writing (for the first time J.) We hope the teacher thinks they are impressive and at a good standard for going up to S1.

In topic we are learning about WWII and what it was like (It sounds tragic.) We started learning about Evacuation and The Blitz. We found out that Blitz was German for Blitzkreig which means Lightning War. Children had to take their gas mask, some clothes and some memories from their house.  They got a train out to the country and they lived with strangers if they didn’t have any relatives to go and lived with. Children may have enjoyed it because the cities were obvious places that the Germans would bomb.  During the nights of the Blitz everyone got next to no sleep because of the sirens and they had to run to the Anderson Shelter or their Morrison Shelter. London was attacked for 57 consecutive nights. Anyway that’s enough about the war!

Some winnings in our class!!

Class Dojo: Aidan and James

Table Of The Week: Team Bones

Have a nice week!!

David & Ryrie!!






Last week was a very exciting week in P3a…



In maths we were all working on estimating and rounding numbers on a number line.

We know now that estimating is like having a rough guess.  We carried out activities when we had to guess how many glue sticks, pencils etc we could fit in a bag and then actually count how many we did fit in.  Some of us had the opportunity to go around the school and find more objects to estimate.



We have been learning our lines for our assembly and have been practising our singing and acting during this.  We have also been doing more work on analysing texts by answering questions about a passage.  We are getting really good at this!



In groups last week we worked really well together to make pyramids out of sugar cubes.  Some cubes were really tricky to stick but we did our best and they look really good.



Murray received a trophy for P.E.

Pupil of week last week was Charlie and this week is Lily.

Callum reached Step 4 and Lucas made it into the Golden club!

Charlie is now a white belt in Karate.

Luke has reached the last level in swimming.

Donna is now on step 3 in swimming.

Ellis has a yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Evan received his grading in Tae Kwon Do and is now a red belt.

Maisie received 1st place in a golf competition.

Ruby won a drawing competition.

Kai is also a yellow belt in Taw Kwon Do.

Sophie is now on level 5 in swimming.

Callum won a medal at football.



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