Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 24.4.17

This week was a bit strange in school as we missed our Primary 7s, who were away in Oban.

We were talking about continuing our growth mindset with our learning and spoke about what we were most proud of this week:

Brandon – “I am proud of finishing my tricky word challenge.  Mrs Mansfield had to make a new challenge for me!”

Griffin – “I was happy when I did my tricky word and reading assessment”

Breaghannon – “I’m proud of learning about stranger danger when we use a computer”

Millie – “I’m proud of practising my sounds”

Teigan – “I tried my best with tricky words, I didn’t know them all”

Max – “My writing was good this week.  I am proud I used my sounds”

Ellie – “I’m proud of my learning in drama.  I learned the song for Celebrating Success”

Rio – “I am proud that I tried my best to learn halves and quarters”

Poppy – “I liked when we learned the dance and the song for Happy Sun High, I am proud I learned it”

Leila – “I am proud of my maths.  I could find halves and quarters of a shape”

Cameron – “I am proud of learning the words of our song”

Rory – “I am proud that I learned a new game, it is called Disco Tig”

Regan – “I’m proud of learning Disco Tig.  I tried my best not to get caught”

Keegan – “I’m proud of everything, I am really happy that I did my writing by myself”

Leah – “I’m proud that I am going to be a big sister”

Emily – “I tried my best to think of moves in Disco Tig”

Liam – “I have worked really hard this week to get my writing better”


We thought the best bit of this week were:

  • PE with Mrs Mansfield, we played lots of games and practised throwing and catching a ball
  • We did PE outside as a special treat with the PE students and Mrs Mansfield, it was fun
  • Watching Hector’s World video to teach us about staying safe online.

Primary 2/1

(Please note that Homework is due in on Tuesday next week as we are on holiday on Monday – I hope you have a lovely short break!)


This weeks highlights.

Dadirayi: Learning our celebrating success song and the actions to go with it.

Robyn: I enjoyed learning about measure.

Demi – Leigh: I liked maths and doing the song this week.

Caitlin: I liked outdoor PE and doing the races.

Kayleigh: I enjoyed learning about the Scottish Parliament.

Olivia: I enjoyed learning the song.

James: I liked doing Minecraft to build the Scottish Parliament.

Mya: I liked doing Minecraft and doing the Scottish parliament.

Evie: I liked doing outdoor PE.

David: I liked outdoor PE.

Evan: I liked doing teamwork with Aaron on Minecraft.

Leia: I liked doing the song.

Kaitlin: I liked yesterdays PE.


Noah – We had to put the right pictures into the right seasons
Gracie – The pictures were all jumbled up and we had to sort them
Hamish – We had to stick them in the right places
Josh – We had lots of pictures and they were all jumbled up

Ava – We put cotton wool in cups and then we put seeds in them and put water in them. We left them and took them home
Josh – They are called cress plants
Ava – We are doing an experiment. One cup is having lots of water and lots of sun
Caitlin – Another cup is having some sun, the temperature has to be right and we have to give the plant some water once a day
Josh – One cup is in the cupboard and is getting no sun, it’s too hot and it’s getting no water
Miss Wilson – We will see what is going to happen to each of these plants and compare them!

Lewis – We were sorting healthy foods and unhealthy foods into the right plates. Cookies are not healthy because they have chocolate on them. Chocolate is not healthy
Hamish – The green plate was the healthy plate, the orange plate was the foods we have sometimes and the red plate was the unhealthy foods we have as a treat
Josh – The red plate was full of treats

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Class M’s busy week

Class M have been practising reading aloud to Class G. We focussed on using a clear voice and having an appropriate pace. we also made sure we showed them all the pictures and tried to use an interesting voice in our reading.


Yolie – I reading a book about find the teddy bear with Logan. He liked it.

In music we chose a Summer themed tune as we having been having some nice sunny weather. We were practising keeping a beat and choosing some instruments that matched summery sounds.

Adam – I liked doing music, even though Aiden was very noisy. We are making a song about Summer.

Charlie – I followed the Summer songs rhythms by using the musical instruments. I liked the maracas it sounded like the Mexican men with sombreros.

David – I’m playing with the musical instruments. the xylophone makes a funny noise like trrrrrr….!

Dylan – We were playing Monopoly last Friday. Charlie won the game.


Class O

Class O have been looking at information on Scottish authors and recognizing if facts were true or false. Our dictionary skills  are improving and we are more confident in using a dictionary. In maths we have focused on quarters using concrete material to help. We are all looking forward to hearing about all the fun that Catlin had in Oban this week.



Cody – I  looked at information about a Scottish author. I then had to look at a passage and tell if the statement was true or false about the author. Started to put words in alphabetical order. Also looked at quarters in maths and used cubes to help me. I also completed a spring acrostic poem with Mrs Gray.


Cameron – I have managed to complete my work tray jobs by myself without help from the adults. I found a word in the dictionary with no help. In maths I was doing quarters. I looked at what happens in Spring and completed a poem with Mrs Gray.


Liam – I had fun looking at what happens in Spring with Mrs Gray. I enjoyed sensory fun with Mrs Wilson there was lots of lights a fan and we read books.


final morning at Oban

Beach bonfire

At the bonfire we got to play and toast marshmallows,we buried Mrs Aitken in the sand. We had a tug of war and group 3 won the tournament. We had lots of diffrent activities like football, rugby, the swings,walking in the shallow water and ball games.

Packing up

It’s our last morning in Oban and the bus leaves at 11 o’clock today and we will be going home to Bathgate .

We had to strip the the beds this morning and take our cases down to the car park .

The experiences

We had alot of fun at Oban and we enjoyed it alot. We enjoyed all the activities even though some were very cold and muddy. We enjoyed the food and the rooms with our friends.

We thank the staff for their help and they were  nice to every single pupil in Primary 7.

time to go home …

written by Zoe and Aaron

Oban day 4.

Tired this morning we all ate breakfast chatting quietly! That was following a very late night after swimming and chips…

Today some of us did coasteering, orienteering, canoeing and bushcraft(they are away all day!) or climbing.

Weather today is quite windy so the water looks choppy ! It is also a bit sunny too which is nice….

Lunch time for us today ranges from cheese, jam, tuna or ham sandwiches. We also have an apple a chocolate biscuit and a bottle of water. We can choose from about 4 flavours of crisps.

activities will commence again at 2pm !

written by Emma, Sarah and Rebecca

Update from the Canadian unicorns

Yesterday we went canoeing and shelter building. Some of our highlights include:

*working in teams in the canoes

*helping and encouraging each other to build our shelter

*drinking hot chocolate and eating lunch in our shelters

*learning to create a fire with strikers and cotton wool.  We nowknow that fire needs fuel,oxygen and heat to ignite.

Today we went coasteering and rock climbing at Ganavan beach.   We enjoyed walking and jumping into the freezing cold water with other people and conquering fears by climbing rocks.

Tonight we are looking forward to a quiz,swimming and a chippy!

Speak soon,

Valerija and Oliver

Mr Jeffries’ group update from Oban

This morning after an amazing breakfast we headed out with Mrs Aitken’s group to do canoeing and bushcraft .When we arrived we got in to groups of three for canoeing.

We canoed along a loch to a tiny beach where we landed successfully.There we split in to our two groups and made shelters pretending we had been ship wrecked and our group’s shelter won -yippee.We ate our lunch in our shelters feeling like explorers.Then we got into groups of four to make fires, we made our fires with cotton wool and a flint.That was really fun.

We had a great day.

written by Kiera and Ellie

Education Scotland Visit – ‘The Gingerbreid Mannie’

Education Scotland is the national body in Scotland for supporting quality and improvement in learning and teaching. We were very pleased to welcome them to Balbardie PS recently to share our fabulous work on Scots language and performing arts, led with huge enthusiasm by Mrs Innes who teaches Expressive Arts across many of our classes. Congratulations and thanks go to Mrs Innes (and her supporting team) and of course a massive well done to our star pupils. We are very pleased to share this with you:
At the end of last term we had a visit from one of Education Scotland’s team, as our school has been recognised for its work in relation to the Scots language.  The Scots language being regarded as a minority language, and as such is part of the Scottish curriculum.
The children in Mrs Aitken’s class performed their bite sized musical, ‘The Gingerbreid Mannie’ and also sang their warm up songs, ‘Heid, Shooders, Shanks and Taes’ and ‘The Shoogly Woogly’ as well as singing, ‘Last Night There was a Murder in the Chip Shop’.   To say that they were awesome truly does them justice.   Confident individuals who demonstrated success in their learning about the Scots language and where it fitted into Scotland’s story.
The feedback and report given to the school was superb, and we are justifiably delighted with this.
The full class performance was recorded, and I asked that the DVD be made available to parents, should you want one.  This will cost £2.00 to cover the cost of making the DVD.   Letters with a tear-off slip to order  a DVD will be available shortly. Please return the slip with the money for your copy.
Yours sincerely,
Edi Innes
Expressive Arts Teacher

Day 2: Morning News from MIss Holwill’s Group

So today in Oban we went Gorge walking it got cold (Liam turned into a motor bike as he was chattering so much).  It was fun, it was good.  Gorge walking is walking up a river using the stones to climb over, slide down, jump off.  We slipped so much and David was floating away at one point. Callum turned into several differnt animals and demostrated his wide range of accents to get us through it.  Viggo started steaming when he got back on the bus.  Daniel was the cheif pool finder.  Isla sang songs to entertain everyone and managed to find lots of ways to make Louise laugh.  Lucy loved it…sliding 🙂

Madeleine got cold but kept with us and Casey kept Miss Holwill safe.


By David and Liam


Day 1: Afternoon Miss Holwill’s group news

This afternoon we went Coasteering.  First of all it was fun and enjoyable.  Basically you walk along the coastline, on the rocks in the sea, to get to a point and then you jump into the sea.  As a warm up we walked to an island.  At one point we were walking really close to the edge and the sea kept splashing up on us as it was bouncing of the rocks.  The jump at the end was very deep….a top tip don’t trust the barnicles.  It was cold but Miss Holwill heard lots of this is the best activity every and its amazing.

After dinner we had the Stramash Great Egg Challenge.  It consisted of lots of fun team races and challenges.  At the end we were all given scores which we exchanged for materials to create a hard protective case for an egg and we named it ‘Timmy the Talking Tube and the Holy Pine Cone’.  We then put them through a series of challenges, Timmy got to the second challenge where unfortunatly he met his fate with a flag pole.  RIP Timmy.


By Daniel and Viggo.


The HomeSquad consists of the P7 pupils who are in school this week and we thought it would be fun to update you on their exciting experiences.  Yesterday, we went to Beecraigs and took part in orienteering.  There was great team work, problem solving, getting wet in the snow and then enjoying the sun!  The children were great and made our school proud.

Reiss – ‘I enjoyed making the bridge across the bank of the river – we worked in a team and solved problems.’

Kiera – ‘I liked the open air.’

Willliam – ‘I enjoyed making the stretcher, like an ambulance uses.’

Louisa – ‘I enjoyed all of it!’

Brooke – ‘I enjoyed making the stretcher and the bridge from wood.’

Ramsay – ‘I liked when we had to help people cross the river from the other side, and making the stretcher.’

Zoe – ‘I liked how I just got over the bridge instead of being nervous about crossing!’

Connor – ‘I liked building the bridge using team work.’

Ben – ‘All of it was fun!’

Day 2: Morning News from Miss Holwill’s Group

Hello from Oban!!!!!!

In our group today we climbed up a large mountain of rocks and used our fabulous team, The Awkward Fam, spirit!!!

Isla managed to fall and swing like the monkey she is and Louise and Madeleine made it to the top!

Viggo embraced his inner mountain goat while Liam shot to the top and Callum used his Can Do attitude.   

Casey and Lucy climbed and helped each other find hand and foot holes.

Daniel climbed numerous times to the top and David was pushing himself to do his best

The boys found a nice Mountain throne to sit on.

Thank you weather gods for blessing us with sun, we shall write again soon xx

Writen by Isla Ross and Louise Kirk

Tuesday Oban P7s

Morning update:-)

Mrs Aitkan’s group went orienteering  ,great fun went in lots of ditches and laughed lots.

Just had our lunch and heading out shortly to go gorge walking.

Miss Holwill’s group have been climbing and this afternoon they are going costeering.

Miss Elliot’s and Miss Bollen’s group are away canoeing and bush craft for the day.

Mr Jeffries’s group have been gorge walking and look pretty cold and they are orienteering 

A Busy day so far

written by Jessie and Gemma

Day 1 at Oban -P7s

We had a good and safe journey to Oban we had a  stop at the green welly stop.When we arrivied in Oban we had a meeting with the staff they explained what we were going to do.  Once we had settled into our rooms the staff took us for a walk around the area.  As a warm up we took part in team challenges.  We were trying to untangle ourselves after we had all joined hands randomly.  Dinner was brillant!  After we went climbing up hills, dodged cows, saw Mull and then rolled/skidded/fell/laughed and walked down.  Only a few scratches.  Once we arrived back we had a chance to get used to our rooms, had a little supper and then went to bed.  We can’t believe how much we have done already..looking forward to today’s activities – anyone fancy gorge walking?


By Christopher and Jamie

Reflecting on our first week back!

We had a fun but busy first week back last week in P3a! These are some of the things we got up to…

Firstly we did some snapshots of our Easter holidays to help us in our writing.

We also learned about exclamation marks and where we use them in our writing.  We are looking forward to putting them in our writing to show where someone may be shouting, to add expression and to show surprise.

We described our favourite character from our class novel ‘Mr Stink’ and used words and pictures to say why we liked them.  We are really enjoying reading Mr Stink!

In maths the pentagons and pyramids were working on their 8 times tables and we were using strategies such as drawing an ‘array’ and using ‘repeated addition’ to work the answer out.

The spheres were working on the 4 times table and testing their problem solving skills with a range of questions.

Nathan got a new reading book and has been practicing reading new words and did very well!


Table of the week – Brooke, Ammie-Leigh, Callum and Murray.

Dojo winner- Farrah

Maisie won a first place medal and second place medal in golf!

Charlie and Murray have been learning new moves in Karate.

We are starting our new topic about Farming this week and look forward to sharing our learning with you!






Welcome back after the Easter break P5. This week’s blog tells you about our holiday highlights and what was good about coming back to school.

In the holidays we had lots of eggciting adventures:

Mya – I went to Caitlin’s house and we made chocolate cake.

Demi – Leigh – I went to my aunties house, watched a movie and my sister was there too.

Leia – I climbed Ben Ann, it was nice at the top.

James – I went to Edinburgh Dungeons.

Dadirayi – I went with my cousins to Hot Flames and I liked the chocolate fountain.

Isla – I liked seeing my sister in the hotel.

Evan – I liked going to Harry’s house and seeing his puppy.

Ava – I loved going alpaca trekking, I got to walk an alpaca.

Annabelle – I went to Mill farm and I loved going on the Go-Karts.

David – I liked going to the cinema and I saw the Boss Baby.

Aaron – I went to my Dads I woke up at 5.54am and played the Xbox.


Our first week back school has been busy too. This is our highlights.

Emma – I liked PE because we are doing teamwork games.

Grace – I enjoyed playing Minecraft and building the Scottish Parliament.

Caitlin – I liked doing measurement in maths.

Evie – I liked learning our celebrating success song.

Erin – I liked writing this week on How to Trap a Dragon?

Sophie – I liked the first day of school because I was bored during the holidays.

Olivia – I enjoyed seeing all my friends and Mr Cunningham again.

Kayleigh – I enjoyed writing about how to trap a dragon.

Logan – I liked writing.

Robyn – I liked learning about the Scottish Parliament.

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