Welcome to P4b!

On Tuesday we were really pleased to welcome the children back to school and to see our BRAND NEW classroom!
We have talked a lot about how to make school a safe, happy and enjoyable place for everyone in P4b. We have also talked about all the things we are looking forward to during the year. These are the things we are looking forward to!
Annie – being in the front playground
Olivia – drama, PE, art and science!
Ruby-Anne – being in a new classroom
Holly – being upstairs
Aaron – having a new classroom
Brandon – being in the front playground
Shaun – going outside with our class
Jamie – dojo points
Liam – PE
Eva – reading more chapter books
Florence – Science
Noami- being in the front playground
Rory – learning about the Vikings
Dylan – meeting new people
Kaycee – going on school trips
Ellie-Rose – more maths!
Charlotte – Science
Brooke – Art
Ellie – making new friends
Kyle – Science
Orla – art and Drama
Lewis – improving my reading
Alistair – outdoor PE
Max – science
Hannah – making new friends
Jay – having new teachers
Bryce – having a new classroom
Alfie B – maths
Owen – Art
Jackie – bringing in toys from home
Alfie L – maths
Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Collings are really looking forward to a fun and fantastic year!
Table of the week – orange with 550 points! Well done!


Monday was an inset day so we(the pupils) all started P7 on Tuesday 22nd August 2017.

Here are our first week comments:-

Rowan-It was nice meeting Mrs Aitken again and seeing our new P7 timetable

Alanna-I really enjoyed it

Jennie-I enjoyed seeing my buddy again

Rhia-I enjoyed Maths- I found it fun and I learned a lot

Lucy M and Ciaran-We liked the “shorts” story writing

Lennox-I am enjoying being in P7

Scott and Ashleigh-We liked PE this morning

Ross- I liked doing Maths

Paul,Samantha and Lucie-We liked meeting the art teacher

Cole and Brooklyn- We enjoyed P7 this week. We enjoyed writing a letter to the Personal Trainer

Tom and Sophie-We enjoyed meeting the buddies again

Liam and Harvey-We enjoyed doing Art today

Dyllan-I’ve had a great time in P7 this week

Jack,Sam and Kirsten- We liked the Maths Assessment

Ty-I enjoyed meeting Mrs Aitken again

Zoe-I liked drama this week

Yasmin and Naomi-We liked cooking for Golden Time this week

Caitlin,Holly and Kate-We liked how we did Art this morning- it was about butterfly wings

Eva- I liked looking after my P1 buddy this week



Have a fantastic weekend Primary 7A


Meet the teacher Wednesday 30th August

Drama Wednesday 30th August

Assembly Thursday 31st August

PE and Art Friday 1st September






A warm welcome to everyone to P6A!  We have really hit the ground running with our learning this week and have got straight into maths where we have been spending money and giving change.  We have also worked on our mental maths playing Tin Can Alley, Skittles, Hoopla and Guess the Number.

We have also been learning how to count in Spanish, compiled our Class Charter and started learning about the Rainforest.  Phew! With such a busy week we could do with a holiday……..



What a great start to the new school year!

We have been doing lots of little activities about getting to know each other along with  some maths and language as well. We are all finishing the week feeling great!

Katie – I liked the maths

Ross – I enjoyed making my name poster

Rory- I enjoyed writing this week

Luke – I enjoyed music

Tamsyn- I enjoyed music

Ellis- I enjoyed circle time and talking about what I did at the summer

Brooke – I enjoyed the ‘all about me’ activity

Ammie-Leigh – I liked storytime

Zara- I liked doing ‘all about me’

Callum- I enjoyed writing

Jodie- I enjoyed playing the drums

Blaire- I enjoyed creating my folder

Arran- I enjoyed making my name poster

Donna- I liked music

Ruby- I liked coming back to school

Erin- I enjoy our morning circle songs

Kai- I enjoyed the morning circle

Murray- I enjoyed the writing

Farah- I enjoyed writing about my holidays

Cameron- I enjoyed the music

Niamh- I enjoyed playing the drums

Mia- I enjoyed playing the drums

Nathan – I have had a good week back at school


We are all looking forward to the weekend! Have a good one 🙂


Fabbydabbydee in P2b!

P2b have had a great first week back and here are some of the things we have been learning about and what we have thought about…

Caitlin- We have been learning about more 2d shapes!

Noah- We have been learning to count up in 2’s.

Gracie- It’s been a great week back!

Ava- We have been learning the alphabet and practicing our handwriting.

Lewis- We have been adding numbers together.

Maksim- We have been revising number bonds to 10.

Evie- we have been learning number bond to 20.

Kaiden- We have been learning about growth mindsets.

Matthias- We were writing about what we did in the summer holidays.

Reiss- We really like our new teacher!

Kyle- We were also learning about our needs and wants and spoke about our rights as a child.


We hope you have a great weekend and  a gentle reminder ‘Meet the Teacher’ is next Wednesday 30th at 6pm!


This week has been our first week in Primary 3A. Here are some of the things that we have enjoyed this week and some things that we are excited about learning this year.

Luke – I am looking forward to learning more Science.
Charlotte – I am looking forward to learning more about our Rights.
Hollie – I am looking forward to Writing.
Akasha – I am looking forward to doing some Writing.
Archie – I liked when we were learning about making clean water.
Sarah – I am looking forward to Golden Time.
Artjom – I am looking forward to exploring more animals in the playground.
Maddison – I like Big Maths.
Daniel – I am looking forward to learning more Science.
Jude – I am excited for my day off school tomorrow.
Elena – I am looking forward to school trips.

Article 28: We all have the right to a good education.


In P3c we have been very busy. In literacy, we have learned about The Twits, and we have learned to use adjectives and similes. In Maths we have started to investigate Place Value and in our other learning we have learned about our rights and made a class charter themed on the Xbox and the school’s new behaviour system.

These are our highlights:

Archie: Circle and Triangle maths

Eden: I liked reading in the library

Nina: I liked seeing Mr Cunningham and maths

Marley: I liked playing with the Lego and the cars

Luis: I liked reading The Twits

Sophie S: I liked decorating our Xbox controllers

Jess: I liked doing writing this week

Kayden: I liked painting the Xbox

Lily: I liked seeing Mr Cunningham

Harris: I liked being here for the first week

Sophie M: I liked seeing Mr Cunningham and maths

Isla: My highlight was seeing Mr Cunningham

Grace: I liked reading The Book With No Pictures

Keegan: I liked seeing Max in school

Max: I liked seeing Kayden and Keegan


Everyone has worked really hard this week and it is lovely to meet you all properly!


Mr C

Star Writer – Isla Speedie for her story on Mr Twit’s Beard

Feels good to be back

In Class Star this week we were making a time capsule.  We were doing an ‘all about me’ sheet,  it was very fun.  And we were making a hand print and seeing how tall we were. Adam was 1 centimeter taller than Cody. We were doing Idioms and ‘Idiom of the week’.


Cody- ‘I had a great week back at school and learning about idioms’. My Idiom was ‘you’re barking up the wrong tree’.

Adam – I liked doing idioms and seeing how tall I am.  I liked doing the hand prints to check how much I grow over the year.

Cameron – I enjoyed PE and Idiom of the week, It was challenging because it was new to me.  We’ve done lots of fun things this week.

Yolie – I sat with the Primary 7 class for assembly.  I got to sit beside Casey and Mrs Miglis talked about the School Champion.  I played tig and run away with the Primary 7 girls.

David – I have enjoyed playing outside.  I wrote an ‘All about me’ sheet to put in a time capsule.

Jayden – I liked doing the Idioms.  My Idiom was ‘Burning the midnight oil’ that means staying up really late. It was tricky to begin with.  I got to meet my new integration teacher Mr Reid, he is a cool teacher.

Can anyone tell me what this Idiom means?

‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’

Have A Great Summer!

We have all had a great last week.  Everyone in this class has reached the Golden Club.  We all had a great time.  Miss Garland had far too much fun on the bouncy castle and slide.  We all loved the event and had so much fun.  We also have had a wee birthday party this week.  We played some party games.  We all won a prize.  We are enjoying our last day.  Gabriel and Logan enjoyed going to church.  We hope you all have a fantastic holiday.

Gabriel – I have enjoyed the Golden Club event.  I liked the slide and the bouncy castle.

Logan – I liked going to church.

Charlie – I loved the party.  I won a Star Wars prize.

Jake – I liked the bouncy castle.  I didn’t go inside.


HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We decided that this week’s blog theme was to talk about our favourite part or favourite thing about Primary 1:

Zara – I love Golden Time
Lewis – My favourite thing is the Golden Club and the big trampoline
Marcus – I like my pink jotters
Lily – I liked meeting my P2 new teacher
Hamish – I liked making new friends
Emma – I like colouring in
Evie – I like getting into the Golden Club
Rose – I liked getting into the Golden Club
Taylor – I liked learning about butterflies
Ava – I love Golden Time and writing in booklets

Best of luck to the Primary 7 boys and girls. They have been fantastic buddies to the Primary 1 children and we wish them all the very best in their futures. They will be very missed!!

Happy holidays from P3/2

Happy holidays everyone from P3/2

Here are our comments:

Nina-I enjoyed Disney Land and I was excited to come back to school for the last 2 days to see my friends

Jess-In nearly two weeks I am off to Majorca…It will really good fun as I will be going swimming

Eden-I am excited for my holidays I am going to Menorca the same time as Jess. I am looking forward to going to the water park

Lily-I am excited because I am going to Little Mix Concert tonight with Grace

Dylan- I am looking forward to going to my dad’s to see all my friends

Grace- I am super excited to go to Florida in a week

Kaycee- I am excited to go to Sri Lanka in the holidays

Florence- I am excited because I am going to Turkey

Ross-I am looking forward to going to Ibiza in the holidays

Archie- I am looking forward to Florida in the holidays at the same time as Grace

Eva- I am looking forward to Zante in Greece

Sophie S.-I am looking forward to Blackpool maybe next week

Niamh- I am looking forward to the holidays. I don’t know where I am going yet

Katie- I can’t wait to got to Spain and it is right next to the beach. There is also a swimming pool

Luis- I am going to Benalmedina….I can’t wait

Ellie- I am looking forward to making slime today

Isla- I am looking forward to Belgium and the slide in the swimming pool

Thank you everyone for all the lovely gifts.

Thank you for letting me teach your children this year…it has been an absolute pleasure since August 2016 until June 2017….

Have a fabulous summer P3/2…

Stay safe and see you all as P3s or P4s in August with your new teachers 🙂

Our final blog from P3a!

Here are some of our favourite things we enjoyed most in P3!

Farrah-Going to Mill Farm

Ammie-Leigh- Writing about Ancient Egypt

Tamsyn- Our assembly about Ancient Egypt

Ellis- Listening and watching other people’s show and tells.

Samuel- Learning about how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.

Luke- Planting and growing lettuce

Erin- Celebrating Success!

Blaire- Making our handprint sunflowers

Sophie- Learning maths especially times tables.

Lily- Learning about place value and time.

Brooke- Art and celebrating success.


We hope you all have a fantastic summer and we will see you all in the new term 🙂



Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 26.6.17

Our favourite thing about P2/1

Jonah – “I’ve learned lots in maths this year, I am proud of myself”

Emily – “I learned how to use phonics to read and write”

Poppy – “I have enjoyed counting, I really like the songs we do”

Cameron – “I have enjoyed PE this year”

Rio – “I liked when we made role play into a castle and got to wear crowns”

Rory – “I liked playing with new friends in the playground at break and lunch”

Breaghannon – “I like choosing my Golden Time”

Marley – “I have enjoyed stations, my favourite is construction”

Teigan – “Mrs Mansfield has been my favourite bit this year”

Millie – “Learning how to do bubble writing and other art things too”

Griffin – “This year the thing I have liked the most is when I get to draw and learned how to colour in properly”


We have had a fantastic year in P2/1 and are really looking forward to what P2 and P3 have in store!

Thank you for helping us to grow



(A note from Mrs Mansfield – I would like to say a huge thank you to all parents and carers for your continued support this year.  It has been a pleasure getting to know your children and they are a credit to all of you.  I wish you all a lovely and relaxing summer!)

Our favourite thing about P1…….

My favourite thing about P1….

Writing about Pokémon….Jack

Learning about sharing and caring…..Justin

Doing maths and learning how to add…….Shannon

Learning about dinosaurs….Holly

Playing with friends and enjoying the fun at Golden Time….Carley

Learning how to make toast……Jude

I enjoyed playing with my friends…..Aileigh

Learning about how to wash your hands……Olivia

Learning to count to 100…..James

Doing press-ups at PE….Oliver

I liked playing with Justin outside…. Mac

I enjoyed buddy time because I liked to see my buddy…..Mia

Learning how to grow a plant…. Amber

Buddy time because you get to see your buddies…..Ada

I enjoyed Golden Time and when we went to Dynamic Earth…..River




BYYYYEEEEEEEE! Have a fabulous summer!

Have a great summer!

Our highlights of the year by P4b!

This year has been a really busy one in P4b and we would like to share some of our highlights with you.
Katie – I’ve enjoyed STEM this year.
Jay – I was really happy to win P4bs got talent.
Hayley – I enjoyed Maths doing times tables.
Jack – I liked getting into the Golden Club.
Louie – I enjoyed learning about Mary, Queen of Scots.
Emma – I enjoyed doing Celebrating Success. I was very pleased to get an award.
Jacob – I liked doing energy because we got to make circuits.
Callum – I think P4b was my best year so far in school because it was really fun.
Rose – I liked STEM this year because we made spaghetti towers and got to eat the sweets afterwards.
Isaac – I was pleased to come 3rd
Aryan – I liked doing the quick fire competitions in Maths with Mrs Mackenzie.
Emily – I really enjoyed the golden club event.
Ela – I enjoyed starting school in Scotland.
Jason – I enjoyed doing chimney sums and bus stop sums.
Rayen – I liked Golden Time because it’s the first time I’ve done it.
Guy – I enjoyed doing spelling so I can get better at it.
Lucy – I liked getting MVP.
Jaime-Lee – I made a challenge in P3 to use capital letters and full stops and I think I’ve improved.
Maisey – I enjoyed making the Viking shields.
Skye – I enjoyed everything. I especially enjoyed Maths doing times tables.
Nathan – I enjoyed the assembly because I was a blacksmith.
Luke – I liked doing the swimming assessment.
Elliot – Getting my first certificate at Celebrating Success.
Charlotte – I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.
Ben – I really enjoyed making 2d shape people and animals.
Table of the week – green
Pupil of the week – Emma for carrying out excellent personal research as part of her diorama project and using this to contribute effectively to classroom activities.
Mrs Mackenzie and I would like to thank you all for your support over the year. We would also like to wish you a very happy summer holidays!

A New Puppy!

It has been a very exciting week in Class G.  Miss Fisher has just bought a new puppy called Stanley and he is a Cockapoo.  He was very cute and very friendly and everyone loved clapping him and giving him treats.  We also had our last out and about this week and as a special treat we went to Kelly’s.  It was great fun at the ice-cream was delicious.  It was Gabriel’s assembly this week with primary 3/2 and we were all excited to go and watch him.  He was fantastic.  Well Done Gabriel.  Here is some comments form Class G:

Erin – This week I went to Kelly’s ice-cream parlour.  I had a vanilla ice-cream cone. It was delicious.  I liked walking in the fresh air.

Shea – Miss Fisher’s dog.  Black dog.  I tickled the dog.

Gabriel – I liked Kelly’s.  It was fun.  I had vanilla ice-cream.

Logan – I enjoyed Kelly’s.  I had bubble gum and chocolate flavour.

Jake – I liked the puppy.  It is cute.


P7 have had a busy couple of weeks. Last week we had our Careers Fayre. We would like to thank everyone who volunteered to come along to talk to us about their job. We had a great time speaking to people about their jobs and asking them questions which we created in class. This has helped to have a better understanding of the skills and qualities required for different jobs. We also got some freebies such as a water bottle and a sharpener!

We all really enjoyed our visit to our new schools. We are all excited to start our new adventure after the Summer. Gemma M enjoyed science as it was new and interesting. Lucy loved P.E and Olivia really enjoyed maths. Cameron and Geo got lost as they were moving around the school but they still had a brilliant week.

Next week is our last week at Balbardie Primary School and we are all looking forward to the Risk Factory on Monday. Casey is really excited about the Oscars party on Thursday. Lexis is really looking forward to the netball vs pupils game on Tuesday.

Have a good weekend!

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