P6s Sports Elective

On Monday afternoons P6 and P7 children go to Bathgate Sports Centre to do different sports that they would like to get better at. Some of the sports include football, dance, futsal, badminton, swimming and athletics. Also some of us stay in school to do Musical Theatre with Mrs Innes. We are doing the play ‘Grease’ and we are going to perform it at the end of the 10 week session. We are going to audition on Monday coming for different parts. I would like to be Kenicky or Danny because I love singing!

by Josh C


Here are some pictures from the Sports Centre:


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P5m Victorian Assembly.

Article 29 – Right to develop personality, talents and interests

Congratulations to everyone in P5m for a wonderful assembly.   The children all worked really hard and were really enthusiastic. I was very proud of each one of them. Thank you also to Mrs Drummond for helping with the singing.

Here are some of our thoughts on the assembly…….

I enjoyed the biscuits, they were yummy and I stole one and didn’t get caught! Don’t tell Mrs McFarlane! Jessie!!!!

I enjoyed all the songs in the assembly. Ella

I enjoyed singing the Street Children song. Sarah

I enjoyed getting dirty and learned more about the Victorians. Roan

I learned how to dance and sing songs. Louisa

I enjoyed the assembly and singing and seeing my mum and my sister. Ellie

I enjoyed the biscuits after the assembly. I also enjoyed wearing my costume. Olivia

I enjoyed the assembly because I loved our funny costumes. Gemma M

I learned so much about the coal miners and I enjoyed my lines. Clara

I enjoyed learning the songs at the assembly. I also enjoyed seeing my mum and dad afterwards. Scott

I enjoyed the assembly because I got to wear a bandage and got to keep it afterwards. I learned lots about the Victorians as well. Annie

Congratulations again P5m!


Our favourite lessons this week have been: presenting our Viking power points, problem solving in maths and creating Mother’s Day gifts! 100_1235100_1244 100_1246 100_1247 100_1248 100_1249 100_1250 100_1252

We have now heard most of our groups, with a few left to hear next week! We worked really hard on these and some groups even created songs and quiz’s to make them extra special. Each group completed a peer assessment sheet for each presentation including a best part of the presentation with some advice on how to improve it next time.



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We worked really hard in our groups to complete problem solving tasks with Mrs Clark on Thursday!


We loved creating special Mother’s Day gifts- we hope you enjoy them!!


Article 28- right to an education.

Article 13- right to find out things and share with others by talking, drawing and writing.


P3b’s Learning Log

This week we have been sharing information about our Egyptian projects that we worked hard on at home. There are lots of different projects such as; PowerPoints, information booklets, scale pyramids, Egyptian mummy cases and a head dress for a pharaoh. We love looking at each other’s projects and learning new facts. Miss Bollen says thank you to everybody for working so hard!
In French we have been learning vocabulary for different parts of the body. We can now sing head shoulders knees and toes in French! We are very good at playing Simon says French too.
Today was Red Nose Day and we got to dress up in something red or something silly to raise money for Children in Need. We had great fun designing a funny face for red nose day. It’s a competition so we can’t to find who the winner is!
Have a nice weekend,

Article 28- Right to an Education
Article 1- All Children have Rights

Class M Out and About

This week we were very excited to go on our first Out and About for a while. We went to the library to see if we could find some Egyptian books for our topic. We all agreed it was a fun outing.

Joe – I was lookign at the Jurassic Park book in the library.

Gabriel – I was reading my book in the library.

Dylan – The library was very good.

Lewis – We have been learning about library books. I take a book home and bring it back when I have read it.

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In maths we were learning about pyramids. We made a pyramid from a net.

Yolie – I was making a pyramid. I put sand on it.

David – Sprinkling sand on to the pyramid.

Jayden – I made pyramid and put some Egyptian writing on it.

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****Class M home learning question.

Can you remember how many triangles and squares there were in the pyramid?

Red Nose Day

P1L had lots of fun making funny faces for Red Nose Day!  After making our funny faces and looking at some famous funny faces on the ‘Red Nose Day’ website, we drew one for a competition.  We’re looing forward to Miss Henderson sharing some of the winning funny faces next week!


Primary 3/2’s Assembly

Our Assembly today was fun-Erin, Sam, Charlie McDowall, Oliver, Mia and  Sophie

We liked the Just like a Roman song -Robert

We liked all the songs- Alfie and Liam

We liked performing the songs-Jason and Aaron

We were excited doing the Assembly- Connor and Isla

I liked saying my words about men wearing tunics -Megan

It was great seeing our family and friends- Suvi, Emma and Ava

We liked learning all the words and songs for our Assembly-Ben and Sophia

We liked the Roman songs we learned- David and Lauren

I liked the Empress song the best- Charlie Davidson

What a fantastic Assembly… Well done everyone who helped with costumes and who also helped with the powerpoint on the day… It was a great success !108_2164 108_2165 108_2167 108_2168 108_2169 108_2171 108_2172 108_2173





Class O get Creative!


Caitlin: This week we have been learning more about the rainforest. We have been researching endanngered animals. I learnt that the rainforests are being destroyed, which means animlas are loosing their homes. I made a rainforest in a box by drawing, painting and making animlas.

Geordie: I really enjoyed making rainforest art. I have been learning to use shape, colour and pattern. I like working independently.

Josh: We have been learning about endangered animals and making a rainforest in a box. I am going to make a snake to go in my rainforest. White tigers are an endagered animals. They are hunted. There are only about 400 left in the world.


This week we have been learning about Egyptian Pharaohs. We looked at a timeline to see who ruled when. Here  are some facts:


  • Hatsheput was a female pharaoh but she wore a beard so people would respect her. (Kayleigh)
  • Tutankhamun was only 9 when he went on the throne and he died at the age of 18. (Cameron)
  • Akenhaten banned all G0ds apart from Aten. (Baillie)


We also handed in our Egypt projects this week. They all look fantastic. We have began sharing them in class and will look at them in more detail next week.


Here are some examples:




In art this week we looked at a technique called pointilism. It is a picture made out of many dots. We used felt tip pens this week. We are going to try using paint and bubble wrap too!

Article 28: Right to an Education

Article 29: Right to Developing Skills and Abilities



Pupil of the Week: James

Table of the Week: The Mummies

Class Dojo: Finn Henderson




Once again we’ve had great fun!

This week we were learning about different types of poetry. Mrs Drummond was really impressed when we were learning about Limericks and we were able to make links with other areas of the curriculum that helped us with the composition of our limericks. Here’s one we made up as a whole class –

There was an old man in a boat

Who could not seem to keep afloat

His boat filled with water

He threw out his daughter

And in jumped a frog and a goat!

In maths we are still developing our skills in working with money. The triangles can add decimal money with confidence now! The pentagons have been working on money problems with a calculator and the hexagons were using the four operations to solve difficult money problems.

Music this week was great fun. We used glockenspiels, xylophones and body rhythm. We are now very confident in recognising and repeating rhythmic patterns.

We have been working with Mrs McKenzie in health and wellbeing to learn about internet safety. We know not to share personal information over the internet and to tell an adult if anyone asks for information from us. We are also aware that we should show an adult immediately if anything dangerous or threating appears on the screen.

Have a great weekend folks!!!


Group work in P1h

This term we have been learning how to make group work successful.  These are the skills we have practiced:

Get into our groups quickly and quietly (we played a game of ‘Peas in the pod’ to learn this skill)

Remember to get everything you need (we made biscuits to learn this skill)

Organised (we all help to make the ship but we all have a n individual job too)

Use whispering voices (we played hunt the thimble and Chinese Whispers to learn this skill)

People’s name (we learned that people will help you better if you say their name first)

Stay with your group until you are finished (One time Miss Holwill sent our timekeepers away so we did not finish our job in time)

This week we used our group working skills to share our learning of pirate ships.  Miss Holwill was very impressed with our group working skills and thought our ships were very special too. Here are the photos…108_2154108_2162108_2157108_2155108_2163108_2158108_2161108_2159article 13

Our week in p7b


This week we have been learning about the Yanomami tribe who live in the Amazon rainforest.

Callum: “We learned that the Yanomami live in a yano which is a big dome without a roof in the middle. It is made from sticks and logs from the forest.”

Lauren C: “The yano can have over 100 Yanomami people living in it and each family has their own section.”

Jay: “In the afternoon the boys go off hunting with the men. The boys hunt lizards for practice and the men hunt things like monkeys for food for the tribe. A hunter doesn’t eat anything they themselves have killed out of respect for the animal.”

Lauren U: “In the afternoon the girls do different chores with their mums, sisters and their aunts. They collect food from their garden such as manioc and bananas. They go into the forest to collect Brazil nuts and caterpillars.”

Isla: “They eat this thing called manioc. They have to squeeze the juices out first or else it is poisonous. It is a bit like a potato with a rougher skin.”

Finlay: “We learned that there is less and less of them because goldminers are coming into the forest and passing on diseases to them or even shooting them.”

Kendal: “We learned that every time a Yanomami cuts down a tree they beg for its forgiveness or they believe a star will fall out of the sky.”

Antonia: “We learned they sleep in hammocks that they make themselves. This is to keep them off the ground because things like driver ants or other creepy crawlies will get them.”

Declan: “The hole in the middle of the yano is there to let the smoke out from the fires and also to let in air and sunlight.”

Who has impressed?

Chloe: “The Cool Capybaras table impressed me by winning table of the week and breaking the run of five in a row that the Swaggy Sloths had.”

Antonia: “Taylor has impressed me because she has been much more focused on her work this week and concentrated better.”

Kendal: “Lauren C has impressed me because she has helped out with the p6 show.”

Callum: “Declan has impressed me because he is always so kind to people in the playground and always lets people join in his games.”

Harry: “Kai has impressed me this week because he done excellently in the team challenge yesterday where we looking at animals and their survival skills.”

Emily: “Olivia impressed me by helping out with the p3/2 Roman assembly.”

Adam: “Kendal has impressed me because she didn’t give up with her maths and now she understands it better.”

Mr Berginis: “I’m very impressed with how much resilience and hard work the class has shown during our fractions topic. They have tried their very best to learn all of the different skills.” 


Class B love P.E!

The boys in Class B really enjoy P.E time! We have been working hard to improve our balance, co-ordination and object control. We had lots of fun participating in the balance and control obstacle course! We all made sure to land on our feet and to bend our knees on landing to help stay steady.  The boys tried really hard to complete the course and to improve their performance each time.
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During our game, we try hard to follow the game rules and demonstrate good sportsmanship.

We also help to look after the P.E equipment. We take care when using the equipment and help to tidy up at the end of our P.E session.

‘It’s great, I really really like P.E.  We have been learning about balance’.  Jamie


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It’s SHOOOWTIME!! Yes, rehearsals are complete, costumes are ironed, and we are ready to put on a fabulous show for everyone!  We have had an amazing time putting the show together and have learned a huge variety of new skills covering Numeracy, Literacy, Science & Technology and Expressive Arts. As Olivia is a mash up of other musicals we have learned about them all, as well as people like George Bernard Shaw, and plays like Pygmalion. We are even writing and producing our own films using all the skills we have learned this term. Get us!

Mrs Stutt joined us for a Mental Maths lesson this week and we showcased our mental addition skills – something that we are practicing a lot of, and getting better at.  Also our Sports Elective started this week and we had a ball!  We talked about it during circle time and we all agreed that it is a resounding success and a great opportunity for us to improve our skills in our chosen area.  In fact, we loved it!

So all in all, a great week for 6H – with an even more exciting week to come!  See you at Olivia!

Solar Eclipse


West Lothian residents are being warned to stay safe when witnessing the solar eclipse on Friday, 20 March 2015.


As the most significant partial eclipse of the sun in Scotland since August 1999, many local residents are expected to view the astronomical phenomenon. West Lothian is predicted to witness a 93% eclipse, starting from around 8.30am and lasting until around 10.45am, with the maximum eclipse at approximately 9.35am.


Looking directly at the sun is dangerous and can result in serious eye damage or blindness. To protect your eyes, please do not ever stare at the sun, even during a partial eclipse.


Follow the Dos and Don’ts of the British Astronomical Association’s Solar Eclipse Safety Code at www.britastro.org/eclipsesafety, such as making yourself a pinhole projector with two pieces of card to view the projected image of the sun rather than looking directly at it. Children should be supervised at all times.


P4m 2.3.15

This week we have been very busy researching and creating Viking power point presentations. In groups we have researched different areas of the Vikings and next week we will present our work to the rest of the class.

Mrs Ghafoor has challenged her maths class to test out the board games that they created last week and to decide which ones were the best. The class really enjoyed playing these games because they were their own creations- we are still to decide which games are the best ones!  Miss Mowat’s maths class had great fun practicing their times tables using a netbook game called table mountain.  We are continuing to really enjoy learning about symmetry- we used mirrors to help us find a line of symmetry in 2d shapes and some of us were challenged to find more than one line of symmetry!

We are continuing to enjoy NYCOS on Tuesdays and have learned so many musical activities and games so far. Wednesday’s bake sale was great because we got to  buy and eat cakes and help raise money for the p6 Olivia show.

Lots of us enjoyed practicing our spelling words in different ways this week- especially using the playdough to make the words. For world book day we wrote book reviews about our favorite books and we also enjoyed writing about our trip to the Museum last week. Miss Mowat and Mrs Clark are so impressed with how hard P4m have worked this week! We hope you all have a great weekend 🙂



Class M

I went to Armadale school on Monday. I have been learning about Ancient Egypt the same as in Balbardie. – Joe

We pretended to be Egyptian Mummies in the sensory room. We wrapped each other up in toilet roll. It was fun. – Jayden

I have been doing maths and PE in Primary 1 and it was Yellow Friday. – Gabriel

We have a new boy in Class M his name is Dylan.- David

I got wrapped up in toilet roll. Jake wrapped me up. I couldn’t see but I liked getting wrapped up. – Lewis

I was being a Mummy, Jaypden put paper over me. I liked being a Mummy. – Yolie

I moved class. I went to PE with Class M. – Dylan

I like Lewis. I am making him a Mummy. It was fun. – Jake

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