Welcome back everyone from P3/2 !

This morning we returned to school after the Easter Holidays….We had lots of fun during them.

Here are our comments today :

Aaron-Ben came over to my house and we played with Skylander figures and the xbox 360. It is good to be back at school.

Mia-During the holidays my mamo and muffer ( danish for gran and grandad) came to visit me from Denmark.

Demi Leigh- I went to my gran’s and my aunt’s and played with my cousin.

Connor, Liam- We played on our Xbox 360.

Suvi- I liked going to a posh hotel in Glasgow and watching a concert.

Robert- I was seven in the holidays !

Megan-I went horse riding on Sparky.

Erin-I met new cousins and we went to Landmark in Aviemore for the day.

David- I played with my cousin.

Oliver-I went to Linlithgow and had a huge ice cream !

Sam-I went to London by aeroplane and stayed for five nights. I went up on the London eye.

Sophie-Ava and Erin came to my house for the afternoon…We had an awesome lunch !

Charlie- I went to Blackpool and I stayed at my aunty Lana’s friends house. I went to the Pleasure Beach and I got to go on all the rides.

Ava- For my brother’s birthday we went to Pirate Golf.

Ben W-  I went to my dad’s house and I played my i pad.

Ben M- I went to St Andrew’s and had a really good time and went to a great swimming pool which had flumes and three different diving boards !

Emma- I went to Portugal and went swimming every day. I had a lot of fun !

Sophia-I went to a hotel in Malta. There was a mini disco every night. I went swimming every day.

Isla-We went to Ireland by the ferry and  the car.

Alfie- I went to a hotel in Crieff and in the hotel was a cinema and swimming pool. The rooms were really  nice.

Jason- I got a present sent from my Aunty Fiona who lives in New Zealand. It is across the world !

Holidays are now over and we are looking forward to lots of new learning in class especially Volcanoes  and our class novel Invisible Stanley.


We have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way.

Happy Easter from P4m!

Stacey: I enjoyed NYCOS because we learned how to read music notes in a fun way!

Gabriel: My favourite part was practicing the songs for our Easter service this morning!

Archie: My favourite of the week has been getting to go outside to play games like football.

Colin: I enjoyed practicing Easter  spelling words this week.

Harry: I liked dividing by 5 in maths.

Michelle: I enjoyed writing about facts and opinions about the Vikings.

Gary: I liked working out an Easter egg problem in problem solving.

We hope everyone has a lovely Easter and a wonderful break! 🙂


P4g highlights!

Our highlights of the term by P4g

Sophie – I enjoyed doing the Viking project. It was really fun!

Noah – I enjoyed making a Viking shield.

Alanna – I enjoyed the Vikings and making my shield.

Eva – I enjoyed learning about the Vikings because we got to do a project on Vikings houses.

Tom – I enjoyed doing my project with my Uncle Euan.

Harvey – I enjoyed learning about the Vikings burials.

Lennox – I enjoyed going on the trip to the Scottish Museum to learn about the Vikings.

This term has been a really busy term with a lot of really exciting learning. It started with learning about Scotland through The Broons cartoons. We then moved onto learning about the Vikings. We looked at lifestyle in Viking times, their exploration and invasion of the United Kingdom and their different traditions, including their Gods and Goddesses.

We are looking forward to better weather in the new term and all our exciting new topics, including Around the World in 80 Days!

Have a very Happy Easter and enjoy your holiday!

P6s – Happy Easter

There have been lots of exciting things going on today for Easter. We had a good morning at church hearing all about the Easter story and singing our songs.  Sasha, Emma B, Emma T and Katie did a great job with the strings group. We are all very impressed by their talents.

Well done to Katie who won the school Easter colouring competition today.

We also had lots of fun today at Golden Time making Easter bonnets. They were very creative and we had lots of great ideas. Aaron and Shaun won with their Easter bunny bonnet.



We hope everyone has a lovely holiday and we are looking forward to another exciting term ahead!

Class O’s Evaluation of Term Three

Class O have been very busy baking, having a birthday party for Cary, going Out and About to the café and reflecting on term 3 this week.

Josh: I really enjoyed the Highland Games Art competition this term. I researched things that are important to Scotland. I drew the Forth Rail Bridge. I used charcoal and practised my shading. I chose to draw this because I liked the diamond pattern and shape of the bridge.

Adam: I have really enjoyed joining Class O and making lots of new friends. PE is great fun, but tiring. The adults make playtime really fun. Tig is great to play, especially when Mr Jeffries comes down to play. I made a rainforest in a box, which I was proud of. I had lots of colours and animals in it.

Caitlin: We have been Out and About to lots of places this term. We have been to the library, the cafe, the trenches and the pet shop. I enjoy going Out and About. I like going to the café the best.

Geordie: I have been very busy as a House Captain and p7 this term. I enjoyed meeting and greeting the VIPs at the Opening Ceremony for the new hall. I also helped with the Easter raffle and Red Nose day events. I started the sports elective and chose badminton which is great fun. I am looking forward to going to Belgium next term.

Nathan: I really enjoyed the rainforest topic. I used a variety of resources to research monkeys. They are one of my favourite animals. When we went to the pet shop I was very intrigued by the tropical fish. They were very colourful.

Cary: I have enjoyed using lots of different resources to do activities. I don’t really like messy things, but I tries hard. I liked going to the library and the café.

We hope you all have a fantastic Easter break!


We took part in Autism Awareness Day this week and learned lots of interesting things:

Lewis : I learned that children with Autism prefer to have quiet classes and not have overly-colourful wall displays.

Adam: Children with Autism have smaller classrooms and can work in wee booths instead of at a group table.

Ava: The colour for Autism is blue and the symbol is a piece of a jigsaw.

We have also been learning about Easter around the world and enjoyed making our biscuits in Spanish.

We would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and hope you all enjoy a well-deserved break.





Autism Awareness Day

Today is Autism Awareness Day and all the children in Balbardie Primary School wore blue to celebrate this day. It was very funny going to the Church Service this morning wearing all blue! We have really enjoyed our last day of school before the Easter holidays and are all excited for the time off!!

We watched a video made by the ARB children and staff and really enjoyed being taken on a tour of the classrooms and learning more about what Autism is. We also really loved the task where we had to see what was the same as our classroom and what was different.

We noticed some of the things that were the same were:
-We have a visual timetable of our day too
-We also have a sticker chart
-We have our own trays
-We have a weather chart

We noticed some of the things that were different were:
-We don’t have our own individual timetables
-We don’t have a monthly calendar with all the events on it
-We don’t have very quiet classrooms!

We all really enjoyed learning more about Autism and we all feel like we know more about the children who have it. We worked with an elbow partner to think a little about what makes us unique and special like children who have Autism. Some of the things that make us unique are:
-I play with my friends and they make me feel special (Kaycee)
-I like playing my zombie games on Xbox (Lewis)
-I have lots of friends (Erin)

We are all unique and different and that’s what makes each one of us special 🙂

Have a lovely Easter break and we hope you don’t eat too many Easter eggs!
-Miss Wilson & P1w

Learning in P2g

We have had a busy week, and it’s only Tuesday!  We’ve been working very hard at solving maths problems, by finding missing numbers in addition number facts. We’ve used counters, bears, number lines and our fingers to help us find the missing number.

Teighan: ‘It was hard but I managed because I used a number line.’

Alex: ‘I got better because I practised and I liked writing down my answers.’

In English we learned about using interesting words to make our sentences ambitious.  We also used story cubes to help us come up with interesting stories:  we drew our stories and shared these with our elbow partners.

Euan: ‘It was Christmas and it was a really good day because everyone got a scrumptious dinner with each other.’

Gemma: ‘I’m going to have an excellent Easter because I’m going to find lots of blue and green chocolate eggs.’

I am very proud of how well our P2s are learning – what a brilliant class!

Have a very happy Easter boys and girls!

Article 28-Right to an Education

Easter Story

In Class B we have been learning about the Easter story.  We enjoyed listening to and discussing the Easter story with Miss Robertson.


Miss Robertson set us an Easter story challenge!  We had to find the hidden eggs, crack them open and read the part of the Easter story that was hidden inside.  Once we had all of the pieces we placed them together in the correct order.


We’re looking forward to more Easter activities this week.

Have a nice holiday!


P4m Viking assembly!

We have had so much fun this week preparing for our assembly!! Thank you so much to those who helped and were able to come along to see it. Here are some photos from the whole experience for anyone who was unable to come. We hope ‘Do you want to be a Viking?’ will remain stuck in everyone heads as much as it is in ours! 🙂  100_1334 100_1333 100_1316 100_1317 100_1318 100_1311 100_1306 100_1308 100_1314 100_1303 100_1301

Enjoy your weekend!

Article 13- We have the right to find out and share information with others.


We have had another busy week. Here are some of the new things we learned…

This week in class we listened to the story of Moses. We were interested to learn that the story is set in Egypt. We head that for his safety, baby Moses was left in a basket next to the River Nile in Egypt and he was found by the pharaoh’s daughter! We used what we learned to create a story map explaining the key events in the story.

Last week we wrote a newspaper report about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. This week we redrafted our work by rewriting our stories, adding more detail and fixing some of our mistakes. We are really proud of our work and can’t wait to put it in our profile jotter.

At Milk and story time we listened to the story Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne. We carefully examined the illustrations. We then discussed how each character was very different and that the illustrator used various colours to reflect their personality and mood. We then chose one of the characters from the book and deigned a new front cover based on that character’s point of view. We were able to explain why we used certain colours/images. Some of us used bright colours and the sun to show that Smudge was happy whereas others had dark clouds, storms and dead plants to show that Smudge’s Dad was miserable. Miss Bollen was very impressed with our work.

Today we had a party for Miss Moran’s last day. We danced and played some games- it was great! Thank you to Miss Moran for all of her hard work and helping us learn!

Miss Bollen and P3b

Article 28-Right to an Education

Class M visit the cafe

This week we went to the cafe as part of our Out and About programme. Before we     went we discussed how to be safe when out in the community. The adults were pleased with our behaviour.

There were lots of nice treats for us to choose from in the cafe, and we all got to order our snack and pay for it at the end.

Here is what we said about our trip:

Lewis – We went to the cafe. I was eating chocolate cake wih rice krispies and a glass of milk. I was giving the lady the money to pay for my food.

Yolie – Chocolate cake at the cafe. I liked juice in the cafe.

Dylan – I had rice krispie cake. It was good. I ate it all up! I paid for my cake and juice all by myself.

Jake – Cafe, yummy chips! It’s delicious.

Joe – I ate a cake with the jam in the middle at the café. It was great.

Jayden – I love café Yum Yum and I loved the coconut cake.

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Our other highlight of the week was fun week at swimming. We got to play with the big floats. The adults were singing jelly on a plate and then tipping us off the floats!

Gabriel – I was swimming on the floats with my goggles on.

David – I was going under the water with my goggles at swimming.

Primary 4g includes an Easter challenge!

This week in Primary 4g we have been working hard on work for our profile jotters.

We wrote a report about Viking burials. Vikings were buried with their best belongings. These might be weapons, shields, jewellery and household tools. – Ty

Vikings believed that when they died they went to Valhalla, their heaven – Eva

Vikings only went to Valhalla if they died in battle. The Valkyries took them. If they died, not in battle, they went to Neflheim. – Sophie

The Vikings sometimes took their animals with them to the afterlife. – Ciaran

A rich or important Viking who had died would be sent into the ocean in a boat which was then shot by a fiery arrow. Poor Vikings were buried in hole in the ground with stone all around it.- Lennox

The Vikings believed that they needed to take food for their final journey. They took meat, seafood, fruit and vegetables, cheese, bread, cider, wine and beer – Eva

In Maths, we designed and painted a symmetrical Viking shield.

Here we are with our shields.



In problem solving we had to solve an Easter egg problem.

We had to buy an easter egg for £6. We could pay with any combination of a £5 note, £2 coins and £1 coins.



Can you find all the different combinations? If you can, write them down to show them to Mrs Collings and if you are the first person from your class to get the answer right, you will win a prize!

Remember Mrs Collings isn’t in on Mondays………


In P.E. we played basketball and we got to try scoring baskets. It was fun! In basketball we also played benchball.

In P.E. I scored a basket. It was tricky and I was pleased! – Alanna


And lastly…….

Well done to Liam, Tom, Eva, Noah and Abbie who joined the Golden Club this week! (picture to follow!)





Come and visit Egypt. It is awesome!


We have been creating leaflets all about Egypt to try and get people to go there on holiday. We used colorful pictures and big writing to attract people’s attention. We also used headings and included information about different sights to see in Egypt.

In maths we have been learning to measure using metres and centimetres. We went outside to draw pictures using chalk and measure them. We even drew round Miss Elliot!

We finished looking at all our projects. They are fantastic. The winners will be announced next week!



Table of the Week: Sphinx

Class Dojo: James and Mya

Drama Award: Ellis

Rights Respecting School Award: Kayleigh



This week we have learned lots about Florence Nightingale and how she has made conditions in hospitals much better for us in the present day. We used the BBC Victorians website to find out some information then we took the quiz and we answered all the questions correctly and got a gold award certificate! We wrote a story about a night on the ward with Florence.

In maths we have been multiplying by100 and 1000 and after the lesson last week about multiplying by 10 and 20 we picked this up quite quickly! We continue to work on two and three step problem solving and are becoming much better at identifying which of the four operations we need to apply to solve the problem.

We began our class talks this week. We have had some wonderful presentations. It has been super to see just how talented we all are. We have to listen when someone is presenting and record whether they are well prepared, giving eye contact, what has impressed us and anything we think could be improved upon.

Using the drums some of us accompanied P4m with a song in their assembly. Once again the talent in P5d is shining through!!!

I would just like to thank all of you at home who helped your kids with their presentations …..I know sometimes it can feel like the homework is for you not them!!! I really do appreciate your support!

This time next week…..

P1L Highlights of the term

We had a discussion about some of the things we are enjoying about our learning this term.

Please read below the children’s comments:


“I love using the Ipads and playing in the house corner” (Charlotte).

“Playing with the cars” (Alistair).

“I enjoy taking-away in maths” (Ruby-Anne).

“I like phonics, I know sounds like sh, j and qu” (Shelbi).

“I like drawing pictures” (Charlie).

“I like reading in my group” (Keilija).

I liked learning the ‘p’ sound” (Brooke).

“I like gym with Mr Jeffries, playing toilet tig” (Liam).

“I like home learning” (Zara).

“I like phonics, I know sh and s” (Owen).

“I enjoy drawing pictures” (Callum).

“I like phonics, I know sh, m and s” (Jamie).

“I like learning our sounds, maths and making a parrot” (Ammie-Leigh).

“I liked the class treasure chest talks” (Mia).

“I like phonics” (Cameron).

“I love drawing pictures!” (Kyle).

“I love drawing pictures too!” (Lucas).

“I enjoyed our treasure chest talks” (Ruby).

“I enjoy playing at school and having Mrs Laidlaw as my teacher” (Annie).





Primary 1w’s Highlights of the week

We have had such a great week that we couldn’t pinpoint just one thing to talk about! We decided that it would be nice to tell everyone our highlights of our week. Some of these are:
-Making bunny rabbit hats with our buddies and doing Art (Jodie)
-Making the Easter bunny with its tail sticking out (Katie)
-Watching Primary 2’s ‘Honey’ rehearsal
-Seeing the ‘Honey’ show and learning new sounds in Phonics (Eva)
-Going to The Hub (Shaun)
-Watching Primary 4m’s Assembly and learning more about The Vikings (Lewis)
-Going to Phonics and learning the sound “sh” (Arran)
-Learning initial sounds in Phonics “tr”, “sc”, “gr” and “pr” (Max)

Our class did fantastic this month and got lots of certificates! Here are a list of the children who got a certificate and what they got it for:
Primary 1 MVP – Donna Forsyth
Drama Pupil of the month – Katie McFarlane
Following our class charter and keeping others safe in the playground (RRS) – Max Taylor

Note from the teacher: Primary 1 Learners Journey Jotters (pink) are going home today and once you have filled out the achievements at home page (at the back) and the Highlights of the term page (blue) and sign this, please return by 1st May. Thank you!

Easter-tastic and Busy Bees in Class O

Class O have been very busy with their learning this week. We have been concentrating hard on our Literacy and Numeracy, as well as learning about Easter and doing Easter crafts. There was a mischievous character who cut the heads off Mrs Laing’s daffodils, ate our chocolate egg and left footprints!


Caitlin: This week was big float week at swimming and I really enjoyed it. We have been making Easter Hats and cards with Mrs Henderson. I really enjoyed doing these as well.


Josh: I have been learning about coins and adding money this week. I was using real life problems to help me. I have also been learning how to collect data and put it into a graph. This is quite tricky. I really liked making an Easter card with Mrs Henderson. Someone cut the heads off Mrs Laing’s dafodils and we had to investigate who did it.


Adam: I enjoyed writing my spelling words in messy things this week. The playdough has been fun becasue we now have it as a choose tray. The silly string was fun. It was messy!


Geordie: It was a very busy week in Class O. Everyone has worked so hard. Some mysterious things happened in the class when we were upstairs. The flowers were cut and the egg was eaten. I enjoyed investigating how and who did this.

Our week in p7b


We’ve had a very busy week in p7b.

At Christmas time we sent off gifts and cards to members of the army and navy. We received some letters back and on Wednesday we had a visit from John Patterson who serves in the Navy.

Kai: “It was fun because he told us all about his work. For example he told us that he was an engineer and he fixes engines on ships.”

Taylor: “He told us about some of the things which happened on the ship such as when one of his friends fell off the boat. They had to go to alert stations and save him.”

Lauren U: “He showed us his medals and he got one for the Queen’s Jubilee and healso got one from serving in Iraq.”

We learned about rainforest technology:

Isla: “Technology is the solution to a problem. A lot of people think it has to involve electronics but it doesn’t.”

Adam: “An example is a blowpipe. They use it to help them get animals for their feast. They use them because they are quieter than guns and they won’t scare off the animals. One of the tribes we looked at was using four metre long blowpipes.”

Antonia: “Another example is the way one of the tribes uses the trees to build treehouses. They use branches to make the floor and the walls and a special type of leaf to make the roof. They used an iron wood tree as it is the strongest.”

Ellie: “I found out that the higher they build the treehouse, the better because it helped them stop other tribes attacking them. They also built them high to avoid the floods in the wet season.”

Isla: “We learned that they can’t get drinking water from the river so they find a plant called a bromeliad which they can use for drinking water and for washing.”

Lauren U: “I learned that they use a special type of rope to climb trees to get honey for their families. They also use smoking leaves to try and pacify the bees.”

Lauren C: “When they go fishing they use Barbosa powder to make the fish confused. They swim round in circles and the hunters can easily spear them. The powder comes from the Barbosa plant and gets mashed up.”

Callum: “When children are trying to catch tarantulas, they use a long stick to poke the hole and make it come out then a thicker stick to hold down the body while they grab the legs. They then wrap it in a leaf so they can carry it and they cook it over the fire. When it makes a whistling noise it is ready. They add seasoning like chilli to make it taste a bit better.”

This week we have also been learning about deforestation:

Jack: “Deforestation is when people are cutting down or burning down trees in the rainforest and this releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Every day an area the size of New York City is being destroyed.”

Chloe: “The people are cutting down trees to get paper, soya to feed animals, palm oil for products like chocolate and also so people can goldmine.”

Harry: “People are against deforestation because it is killing a lot of animals. They are also killing innocent people who live there like the Yanomami and Tairona. It is also destroying the Ozone layer with all the carbon being released. We will also lose the medicines which are in the rainforest.” 

Antonia: “My opinion on deforestation is that I don’t really care if it happens or not because I’m not living in the rainforest. In the future I might be against it once all the trees have gone.”

Lauren U: “I’m against deforestation because it destroys the homes of animals and makes them extinct and some of them haven’t even been found yet.”

Lauren C: “I’m against deforestation because if you cut down trees it lets out all the carbon and if there are no trees left then we could all die.”



Our favourite things about term 3…

Here are our reflections on what we liked….

  • PE because we got to be the teacher (MH & BD)
  • PE…I’ve enjoyed the different travelling (EF)
  • Learning about pirates, especially the food (AL)
  • PE….moving object and the bubble game (JM)
  • Collecting our fireballs in PE (KB)
  • I like running in PE and skipping (ND)
  • Golden Time as I get to bring in my toy (NM)
  • I am proud of my reading (SC)
  • Playing games with Mr Jefferies (EB)
  • Floating and sinking (RB)
  • Phonics because I work with different people(BD)
  • Being a scientist and doing floating and sinking (RG)
  • I am very proud of my reading (JW)
  • In drama I like following the leader (OHT)
  • Golden time (OR)
  • Number work, take away especially (BC)
  • I like all the different activities in phonics (BES)
  • Dance has been fun with the ribbons (KB)
  • Floating and sinking (EF)
  • Dancing the ribbons (AD)

The photos are from drama




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