Category Archives: Rights Respecting Schools

The Science Lab

We have had a very exciting week in P1h.  We have a bug lab with microscopes, petri dishes and magnifying glasses.  We love looking at all the bugs and material under the microscope.  Murray loves the lab.


We have also been learning about the water cycle.  We watched a video and learned that there is not a shower in the sky.  Water is heated by the sun and it evaporates turing the water into gas.  When it is high in the sky it gets cold, condensation, making clouds.  When lots of water drops come together it rains or snows, precipitation.  We also watched this happening in a bowl.





Ellis thinks he would like to be a scientist when he grows up.

P4m 20.4.15

Cameron: This week I have enjoyed learning about lots of different countries in the world from our new story book- “Around the world in 80 days”

Gary: I liked constructing different objects from London (the city that Phileas Fogg began his journey) with my group.

Luca: I enjoyed going outside to play with my friends

Noah: I liked practicing my spelling this week using lots of different strategies

Steven: I enjoyed making a palace guard in my group for art

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Fiona: I liked learning about tally marks and bar graphs in maths

Jack: I liked our last day of NYCOs because we got to play lots of games like categories.

Article 31: we have the right to play and rest

What’s the time Mr Wolf?

We have had a busy first week back at school with lots of new things to learn about.

In maths we have started to learn how to read a clock, we are all whizzes at this and are really enjoying it.  Miss Holwill has said we can wear our watches to school if we like.

Miss Holwill is also trying to teach us how to tie our shoe laces.  It is very tricky by Kai has got it 🙂

We have started our new learning context of Gardener’s World by looking at the Seasons and thinking about the weather.  We are all very excited about the sunny weather, in fact we have run out of suns for our weekly weather chart 🙂



Welcome back everyone from P3/2 !

This morning we returned to school after the Easter Holidays….We had lots of fun during them.

Here are our comments today :

Aaron-Ben came over to my house and we played with Skylander figures and the xbox 360. It is good to be back at school.

Mia-During the holidays my mamo and muffer ( danish for gran and grandad) came to visit me from Denmark.

Demi Leigh- I went to my gran’s and my aunt’s and played with my cousin.

Connor, Liam- We played on our Xbox 360.

Suvi- I liked going to a posh hotel in Glasgow and watching a concert.

Robert- I was seven in the holidays !

Megan-I went horse riding on Sparky.

Erin-I met new cousins and we went to Landmark in Aviemore for the day.

David- I played with my cousin.

Oliver-I went to Linlithgow and had a huge ice cream !

Sam-I went to London by aeroplane and stayed for five nights. I went up on the London eye.

Sophie-Ava and Erin came to my house for the afternoon…We had an awesome lunch !

Charlie- I went to Blackpool and I stayed at my aunty Lana’s friends house. I went to the Pleasure Beach and I got to go on all the rides.

Ava- For my brother’s birthday we went to Pirate Golf.

Ben W-  I went to my dad’s house and I played my i pad.

Ben M- I went to St Andrew’s and had a really good time and went to a great swimming pool which had flumes and three different diving boards !

Emma- I went to Portugal and went swimming every day. I had a lot of fun !

Sophia-I went to a hotel in Malta. There was a mini disco every night. I went swimming every day.

Isla-We went to Ireland by the ferry and  the car.

Alfie- I went to a hotel in Crieff and in the hotel was a cinema and swimming pool. The rooms were really  nice.

Jason- I got a present sent from my Aunty Fiona who lives in New Zealand. It is across the world !

Holidays are now over and we are looking forward to lots of new learning in class especially Volcanoes  and our class novel Invisible Stanley.


We have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way.

Happy Easter from P4m!

Stacey: I enjoyed NYCOS because we learned how to read music notes in a fun way!

Gabriel: My favourite part was practicing the songs for our Easter service this morning!

Archie: My favourite of the week has been getting to go outside to play games like football.

Colin: I enjoyed practicing Easter  spelling words this week.

Harry: I liked dividing by 5 in maths.

Michelle: I enjoyed writing about facts and opinions about the Vikings.

Gary: I liked working out an Easter egg problem in problem solving.

We hope everyone has a lovely Easter and a wonderful break! 🙂


P4m Viking assembly!

We have had so much fun this week preparing for our assembly!! Thank you so much to those who helped and were able to come along to see it. Here are some photos from the whole experience for anyone who was unable to come. We hope ‘Do you want to be a Viking?’ will remain stuck in everyone heads as much as it is in ours! 🙂  100_1334 100_1333 100_1316 100_1317 100_1318 100_1311 100_1306 100_1308 100_1314 100_1303 100_1301

Enjoy your weekend!

Article 13- We have the right to find out and share information with others.

Our favourite things about term 3…

Here are our reflections on what we liked….

  • PE because we got to be the teacher (MH & BD)
  • PE…I’ve enjoyed the different travelling (EF)
  • Learning about pirates, especially the food (AL)
  • PE….moving object and the bubble game (JM)
  • Collecting our fireballs in PE (KB)
  • I like running in PE and skipping (ND)
  • Golden Time as I get to bring in my toy (NM)
  • I am proud of my reading (SC)
  • Playing games with Mr Jefferies (EB)
  • Floating and sinking (RB)
  • Phonics because I work with different people(BD)
  • Being a scientist and doing floating and sinking (RG)
  • I am very proud of my reading (JW)
  • In drama I like following the leader (OHT)
  • Golden time (OR)
  • Number work, take away especially (BC)
  • I like all the different activities in phonics (BES)
  • Dance has been fun with the ribbons (KB)
  • Floating and sinking (EF)
  • Dancing the ribbons (AD)

The photos are from drama




Shared Start was fun in Primary 3/2

Thank you everyone for making our Shared Start a success this morning. We loved singing the song  Just like a Roman …. We loved being dressed up in our Roman costumes too. The food was interesting…olives, soft cheese, tomatoes, dates and crusty bread with honey as well as brown bread…a fun feast ! Orange juice was the drink on offer…

Activities to choose from were:_

Margana-the phrase was” Vesuvius has erupted ”

Use chalks to make  a volcano picture


Design a menu for a Roman feast on a scroll


You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way.


Reminder:- Honey Performances Friday 27th March for Primary 2s- 9.45am or 11.00am

Next week:-  Parents Evening Tuesday  6-8.30pm and Wednesday 4-6.30pm

Trip to Callendar House Wednesday

Church service Thursday am -wear blue for Autism

Data handling with our buddies

In maths we have been learning about data handling.  We have learned how to record results using tally marks and how to draw a graph to show our results.  We can also read our graphs to answer questions.  But we wanted to carry out a survey, so we ask our buddies for help.

On Thursday we paired up with our buddies and learned lots.  Firstly, with our buddies we came up with a question and thought carfeully about what choices we were going to give (we remembered to have an ‘other’ option).  Then we all went to a class to carry out our survey and recorded our results.  When we got back to our class we had to make a graph and answer questions.  We found working out the differnce between the answer with the greatest and fewest votes tricky but our buddies were great teachers.  Everyone was very impressed espically our buddies who thought we should be in P2 🙂

We had a great time and a big thank you to our buddies and the classes we visited.

article 19

Lots of different learning activities in Primary 3/2

This week we have learned lots …

I was Pupil of the week and I was given my certificate at the Assembly- Isla

I liked learning about money- Liam

We learned lots at Primary 3b’s Assembly-Sophie, Erin and  Demi Leigh

Outdoor PE this week was great- Ava, Oliver, Robert, Aaron and Ben

We liked learning about Pompeii and how the town got destroyed by the volcano Vesuvius- Suvi,Charlie, Sophia, Mia, Alfie, Sam, Lauren and Charlie

Indoor PE was excellent- Connor, Jason and Megan

Our Shared start is on Wednesday morning…we are having a Roman feast…Come and join us !

P4M- WB 16.3.15

Aidan: “My favourite thing was learning about commutative law for dividing in maths”.

Michelle: “I liked outdoor P.E because we were working on our team work skills”.

Gabriel: “I liked learning how to divide with remainders in maths”.

Callum: “I enjoyed practicing my words in 3D using play dough because it was fun”.

Casey: “I liked making our Viking shields for our assembly because we got to create our own designs”.

Harry: “I enjoyed learning our new Viking song for our assembly and have become much better at it now after practicing it”.

Miss Mowat and Mrs Clark are so impressed with our home learning Viking projects! They are all absolutely amazing and it is clear how much effort has been put into them. Well done! 🙂

Article 13- the right to freedom of expression.

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Our favourite lessons this week have been: presenting our Viking power points, problem solving in maths and creating Mother’s Day gifts! 100_1235100_1244 100_1246 100_1247 100_1248 100_1249 100_1250 100_1252

We have now heard most of our groups, with a few left to hear next week! We worked really hard on these and some groups even created songs and quiz’s to make them extra special. Each group completed a peer assessment sheet for each presentation including a best part of the presentation with some advice on how to improve it next time.



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We worked really hard in our groups to complete problem solving tasks with Mrs Clark on Thursday!


We loved creating special Mother’s Day gifts- we hope you enjoy them!!


Article 28- right to an education.

Article 13- right to find out things and share with others by talking, drawing and writing.


P3b’s Learning Log

This week we have been sharing information about our Egyptian projects that we worked hard on at home. There are lots of different projects such as; PowerPoints, information booklets, scale pyramids, Egyptian mummy cases and a head dress for a pharaoh. We love looking at each other’s projects and learning new facts. Miss Bollen says thank you to everybody for working so hard!
In French we have been learning vocabulary for different parts of the body. We can now sing head shoulders knees and toes in French! We are very good at playing Simon says French too.
Today was Red Nose Day and we got to dress up in something red or something silly to raise money for Children in Need. We had great fun designing a funny face for red nose day. It’s a competition so we can’t to find who the winner is!
Have a nice weekend,

Article 28- Right to an Education
Article 1- All Children have Rights

Group work in P1h

This term we have been learning how to make group work successful.  These are the skills we have practiced:

Get into our groups quickly and quietly (we played a game of ‘Peas in the pod’ to learn this skill)

Remember to get everything you need (we made biscuits to learn this skill)

Organised (we all help to make the ship but we all have a n individual job too)

Use whispering voices (we played hunt the thimble and Chinese Whispers to learn this skill)

People’s name (we learned that people will help you better if you say their name first)

Stay with your group until you are finished (One time Miss Holwill sent our timekeepers away so we did not finish our job in time)

This week we used our group working skills to share our learning of pirate ships.  Miss Holwill was very impressed with our group working skills and thought our ships were very special too. Here are the photos…108_2154108_2162108_2157108_2155108_2163108_2158108_2161108_2159article 13

P4m 2.3.15

This week we have been very busy researching and creating Viking power point presentations. In groups we have researched different areas of the Vikings and next week we will present our work to the rest of the class.

Mrs Ghafoor has challenged her maths class to test out the board games that they created last week and to decide which ones were the best. The class really enjoyed playing these games because they were their own creations- we are still to decide which games are the best ones!  Miss Mowat’s maths class had great fun practicing their times tables using a netbook game called table mountain.  We are continuing to really enjoy learning about symmetry- we used mirrors to help us find a line of symmetry in 2d shapes and some of us were challenged to find more than one line of symmetry!

We are continuing to enjoy NYCOS on Tuesdays and have learned so many musical activities and games so far. Wednesday’s bake sale was great because we got to  buy and eat cakes and help raise money for the p6 Olivia show.

Lots of us enjoyed practicing our spelling words in different ways this week- especially using the playdough to make the words. For world book day we wrote book reviews about our favorite books and we also enjoyed writing about our trip to the Museum last week. Miss Mowat and Mrs Clark are so impressed with how hard P4m have worked this week! We hope you all have a great weekend 🙂



Primary 3/2’s Week

This week we have been so busy handing in our projects !

It was very hard sticking on the little pieces for my mosaic on Diana- Sophie

I liked making my aqueduct because it was fun- Sam

I made a Roman shield and a sword for my project-David

In Drama I liked it this week because I was the troll in the story-Ben

Story writing was quite difficult but fun-Lauren

It was quite difficult to write the ending about living in Bo’ness at the time of the Romans…. Demi Leigh, Liam, Mia, Suvi, Oliver, Charlie M., Emma, Aaron, Erin and Alfie

It was exciting getting the certificate for RRS-Connor

We got our Step 5 today….that was exciting !-Robert and Sophia

I liked getting my MVP from Mr Jeffries-Megan

I was excited getting the Drama certificate from Mrs Innes- Ava

I think getting dressed today was fun for the charity. I was wearing my new jumper and trousers.. My sweatshirt was yellow ! Charlie D.

We also painted our tiles with Roman designs…Thank you for helping us Mrs Jamieson




Sinking and floating…

This week we have been scientists.  Like real scientists we did some research, made predictions, carried out an experiment and recorded our findings.

We learned about why some objects float and some sink.  It has all to do with density.  Everything is made of molecules. Molecules are tiny particles that can only be seen with a microscope (we thought of them as Lego bricks).  Some objects have molecules that are packed closely together. Others have molecules that are packed more loosely. This is density. Objects with tightly packed molecules are denser than the water and sink.  Objects with more loosely packed molecules are less dense and float.

We used this knowledge to make predications.  We then did experiments to check our predicitions and finally recorded our results.

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article 13

P3 Litter Pick

As part of our community topic we created a campaign to help improve Bathgate. We decided we wanted to try and encourage people to take their car less to help the environment. As part of this we also want to encourage people to keep the environment clean and tidy. We had an idea to tidy our playground by completing a litter pick after lunch time. We were reminded of the right we have to a safe and clean environment. We collected a lot of litter and we hope we have encouraged other people to pick up their litter in the playground and put it in the bin. Mrs White was so impressed she awarded us all ten house points for our hard work.

Here are some photos:

P3b Learning

A few weeks ago we recorded what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story Percy the Park keeper: After the Storm. This week we reflected on this to write a summary of the story in our own words. We did very well with this!

As part of our community topic, we have made a map of a small area in Bathgate. This week, we remembered our address to look at some of our houses on Google maps!

In addition, P3 came up with a campaign idea to help improve our community. We want to encourage people, if possible, to avoid taking cars the whole way to school. We discussed how walking and cycling is good for us and helps us exercise more and how taking a bus helps keep our planet green! We also think it would be safer for us as there wouldn’t be as man cards outside our school. We linked these to rights such as the right to be healthy and a clean and safe environment.

For writing last week we wrote a list of rules we would make if we were mayor of Bathgate. We used bullet points to write our list and some of us used joining words to explain why we would set these rules. We had super ideas. For example, Evie said she would make no school uniforms so that everyone was comfy and Evan would raise money to people who needed it!

In spelling, we have been practising our words in active ways. This includes: secret message spelling words (write words with a light crayon and then go over with paint to make it stand out), secret code spelling words, the roll and spell game, making a collage of our spelling words and writing them on the Ipads. These activities help us to learn our spelling words in fun ways.
Miss Bollen and P3b

Greetings from P4m

P4m Blog 12.09.14

Big Maths has started in p4m and already the weekly scores are getting better.

Water has been an interesting topic. We have carried out scientific investigations to filter some extremely muddy water. To water in test tubes, we added a variety of household ingredients to investigate which things are soluble or insoluble, we then poured our solutions and mixtures into Petri dishes to investigate evaporation. We know that it is a UNICEF right to have clean water and after learning about a girl in Niger we created diary entries retelling a typical day and some of difficulties she faces when collecting water.

Golden Time is all set to get even better next week. We are going to join up with p4g and we have already signed up for our Golden Activities. The Wii and iPads were popular as was the craft table. Next week we will update the selection of activities and a few interesting ideas have been suggested.