Category Archives: P6

Football Festival

Football Festival

Pupils from primary 6 and 7 took part in the first  Bathgate Academy cluster football festival this week. All of the players gave their all and worked excellently as a team with Archie Strachan scoring some fantastic goals and Charlie Davidson keeping our defence secure. They ended up winning two out of their four games and narrowly losing the other two.  A big well done to all the players who played from Mr Cunningham and Mr Drysdale who were impressed with your commitment and team ethic throughout the festival.


Results: 1-0 Loss vs Windyknowe/ 2-0Win vs Boghall/ 2-1Win vs St Mary’s /2-1 Loss vs Simpsons



We had fun in P6B this week when Callum from Cool Creatures paid us a visit to help out on our Rainforest topic. He brought with him an “aaaawwwwww” inspiring civet and chameleon, some Hercules beetle grubs (“eeewwwwww”), an armadillo and massive albino python (“whoa!”), as well as a tortoise that needed toilet trained and a host of stories from his time in the Amazon.


We have been working hard this week learning lots of different skills.

James T – I like comprehension, I got to challenge myself.

Breanna – I enjoyed outdoor p.e. I got to play with friends.

Grace – I enjoyed maths this week as I love addition and showing my strategies.

Baillie – I enjoyed Comprehension.

Isla – I enjoyed doing the art stuff for our new school library – our wall is about Michael Morpurgo.

Rachael -I enjoyed art with Mrs Thomson and we drew a new picture for our windmill.

Daniel – I enjoyed P.E. it was fun playing castles.

Demi – I enjoyed using similes in my poem.

Alfie – I enjoyed writing as I was using different strategies.

Lucy – I liked learning the violin.

Eva – I enjoyed art.

Olivia – I enjoyed finishing off my story.  I wrote about the different layers of the rainforest.

Karys – I enjoyed maths as I discovered I am ready to be challenged more.

Reece – I enjoyed helping others at Reflection time.

We all loved the Mac Millan Coffee Morning especially the slimey putty which we bought!



We have been busy rehearsing our Assembly play this week, and are looking forward to sharing it with you all next Thursday. We have an important message to give about the Rainforest!

We also finished writing our descriptions on the layers of the rainforest this week and our teacher said they are amazing – lots of similes, alliteration and wow words!  They are going on display so next time you are in class feel free to read them – we are sure you will be proud and inspired!

It was Scottish Maths Week this week and we took part in lots of activities to improve our mental maths skills and rounding and estimating numbers.

And finally we had a singalong with the whole school this week and we loved it – you can’t beat a good sing!

See you at our Assembly!  2.30pm on Thursday.


We have been learning about different animals and leaves in the rainforest. It was fun.  Demi

We were learning numbers in Spanish.  I think it’s fun to write down the different numbers and say them out loud.  Karys

I liked watching Brave Wilderness, learning all about Rainforest animals.  Olivia & Baillie

I enjoyed learning about money and making our board games.  Isla & James T

I liked outdoor P.E. because we played fun games.  Grace

I liked writing about the Snow Penguin because I used my imagination.  Ava

I liked learning about the four layers of the rainforest, I learned something new! Aidan.

I enjoyed Comprehension because I found out new things.  Eva

Thanks to everyone who came along to Meet the Teacher, and have a nice weekend!




A warm welcome to everyone to P6A!  We have really hit the ground running with our learning this week and have got straight into maths where we have been spending money and giving change.  We have also worked on our mental maths playing Tin Can Alley, Skittles, Hoopla and Guess the Number.

We have also been learning how to count in Spanish, compiled our Class Charter and started learning about the Rainforest.  Phew! With such a busy week we could do with a holiday……..


P6a 23.6.17

Brooklyn: I have enjoyed maths this week because I have learned to add 3 digit numbers using a new strategy.

Rhia: I liked art this week. I painted a chameleon in camouflage.

Lennox: I enjoyed being successful in the interview for hardy house captain.

Samantha: I enjoyed researching for our personal projects. I was able to use the internet to research one of my favourite bands.

Naomi: I liked watching The Jungle book. I enjoyed the dances the best.

Ty: I enjoyed p3/2 assembly today.


P6a 16/6/17

Harvey: I liked learning about angles. I learned that an acute angle is smaller than 90 degrees.

Caitlin: I enjoyed learning about the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is believed in 13 religions around the world and it means we should all treat everyone as we would want to be treated.

Kate: I liked making art with angles in it. I learned how to use a protractor to draw angles.

Lennox: I enjoyed our new class quiz called ‘wrong uns’. It is a game where you have to answer with the wrong answer to get a point. The record so far is 16.

Kirsten: I enjoyed making a leaflet about Healthy Living. I included information about exercise, healthy eating and safe use of prescription drugs.

Lucy M: I liked learning about the safe use of prescription drugs.

Abbie: I enjoyed outdoor P.E. We had to choose our own activity for circuits and try and beat our score from previous weeks. I know I have improved my fitness because last week I ran 7 lengths of the football pitch and this week I ran 12 lengths.

Eva: I enjoyed making a poster about the Golden Rule. I wrote on mine ‘be kind to others, even if they’re not kind to you’.

Ty: I enjoyed indoor P.E. We were practising our basketball skills.

Samantha: I liked creating our own quizzes for Wrong uns.


P6B Explore the Nutritional Value of Food

P6B have enjoyed learning all about the nutritional value of different foods we eat on a regular basis.

By examining the nutrition tables, key ingredients and allergens on food packaging that had been collected, we were able to identify the wide variety of contents which the foods we consume contain. We recorded and compared our findings, referring to our previous learning where we used the Eatwell Plate and food pyramid.



Many of us were very surprised by the amount of salt, fat and sugar the food contained. We discussed what a diet high in these contents could do to the mind and body.

Skye – I was really surprised by how much salt apple juice contained compared to orange juice, which was much lower!

Jack – Interestingly, ‘Tangtastics’ contains elder-flower, grapes and kiwi. Some people think it must be a flavouring. I found out that a main ingredient in Doritos is corn, I didn’t know this!

Luca – I was very shocked by the amount of natural sugar contained in fruit. 

Hopefully, by developing our knowledge and awareness of food contents, we are now more able to make healthy choices which help us to maintain a balanced diet! Well done, P6B!

P6B ‘The Organs’ Research

As part of our healthy body’s topic, we have been learning about the organs. Working in groups, we used our research skills to find out about a specific organ. We found out the location and function of the organ as well as some other interesting facts. To share our learning, we selected some of the information we found to create a poster and included an illustration of the organ too.

Here are some of our posters!


We presented our posters in our groups to the class and we all enjoyed learning things about all the different organs!

Gabriel –  ‘Your stomach is on the left and the intestines is in the middle.’

Lauryn –  ‘The lungs are not same size!’

Noah –     ‘If the intestines are stretched they would be around 7.5 meters long.’

Luca –      ‘The brain contains 86 billion cells!’


Also, a big well done to P6B pupils who completed ‘Beauty & the Beast’ artwork to help to decorate the school on the galaday!

P6a- New experiences and responsibilities!

Eva: I enjoyed meeting my new P1 buddy because she was confident and she liked running outside. I also like helping her to make a ladybird craft.

Lucy M: I liked spending time with my buddy and playing with him.

Zoe: I liked meeting my new teacher for P7. I liked being taught in a different way. We pretended we were on a flight called CA airlines.

Abbie: I liked being a carer this week. I liked having the responsibility of a P7.

Cole: I enjoyed leading potted sports this week with P3. I liked having the responsibility of a teacher.

Yasmin: I liked creating getting to know you games for our P1 buddies.



Sophie: I enjoyed sports day this week. I like running the marathon the most and I came third.

Cole: I liked sports day because I came 1st in the tattie and spoon race.

Lucy: I liked learning about decimals and fractions.

Abbie: I liked learning about metaphors and making a poster about them.

Jennie: I liked making a healthy menu for my cafe ‘The Golden Watermelon’.

Rhia: I enjoyed learning about money in maths. We were learning to add the total amount of money.

Ty: I enjoyed learning how to dribble and pass in basketball in P.E.



Eat Well, Live Well

Recently in P6B, we have been learning how to maintain a balanced, healthy diet. We have used the Eatwell Plate and the Food Pyramid to help us learn about different food groups and how much we should be eating of each type daily.

We enjoyed creating our own meals using the plate and pyramid as a guide. We also explored our own diet by identifying what and how much we eat of each food type.


Luca – ‘I’ve learned that you should have 1 portion of protein as part of a meal and that carbohydrates give you energy’.

Fiona – I enjoyed learning about the importance of food, I know that you should have a least 5 portions of fruit and vegetable every day’.

Skye – I didn’t know before that pasta is a carbohydrate – I thought it was a dairy food! I really enjoyed sorting the foods out by type’.

Jack – I used to think we should eat lots of dairy but now I know that ideally we should have just 3-4 portions each day’.

Hopefully our new knowledge will allow us to make healthy, responsible choices about food and help us to maintain a healthy diet.



P6a 26.5.17

Ty: I enjoyed RME this week. We were learning about forgiveness through the parable of ‘The Lost Son’.

Brooklyn: I enjoyed learning about food groups as part of our topic ‘Healthy Living’.

Yasmin: I enjoyed our party to celebrate reaching our Dojo target. We got to enjoy the sun outside.

Noah: I learned about similes and used them to write a poem about the organs.

Rhia: I enjoyed learning about equivalent fractions because it was fun!

We have been busy presenting our posters to the class this week. We we given an organ to research and we shared out findings on location and function of the organ; how to keep it healthy and any interesting facts.


Pupil of the week: Eva

Special Person: Rowan

P6a 19.5.17

P6 had a great day at the Science centre this week. We enjoyed exploring the activities on each floor and taking part in a human body workshop. Here are some of our reflections from the day:

Naomi: I enjoyed the hamster wheel; you needed to create enough energy by running to power lights.

Eva: I enjoyed the slanted room because it was really fun!

Lennox: I liked the human body show, my favourite part was the fire explosion at the end.

Tom: I enjoyed the planetarium. You could use the computer to zoom on space photos.

We have enjoyed working on our team working skills this week by playing board games. We have been working on listening to each other and problem solving.

We all enjoyed performing at celebrating success this week too! Well done to those who were awarded a certificate.


Special person: Cole

Pupil of the week: Brooklyn

A Successful Week to Celebrate in P6B

What a quick and happy week it has been for P6B!

Celebrating Success was a great opportunity to showcase the many achievements of pupils across the school. In P6B, we were delighted for Jack, Michelle, Harry and Casey who all received a certificate in recognition of their efforts in school. Well done to you all!

Meanwhile, Noah brought in some memorabilia to share with the class which he had brought home from a recent trip to Florida. It was very interesting for us all to look at and hear about, thank you Noah!

Yesterday we enjoyed a P6 trip to Glasgow Science Centre where we took part in a ‘BodyWorks’ show and explored the floors. Stay tuned for pictures!

P6B’s Outdoor Exploits!

P6B have been making the most of the outdoors and the fair weather we have been having recently.

We all enjoyed taking part in fitness circuits where we did our exercises including shuttle runs, star jumps, squats, knee highs and scissor jumps.


We worked together in teams to complete the circuits, recording our timings, effort and performance as we went.

There was lots of fun had when we all took part in a class relay to find the fastest runner of the girls and boys.

Well done to the super speedy Mark and Fiona!




Our Bodies!

I hope you all enjoyed our holiday weekend! After a very busy week of learning in P6B, we were very glad to have an extra day to relax!

The new ‘Our Bodies’ topic is well underway and we are enjoying learning all about our amazing bodies and how they work. We began last week by exploring the Skeletal System. We learned to identify and name some of the main parts of our skeleton and created and labelled our own using art straws. We played a new version of ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ using the names of skeletal parts instead. It was fun!

Here we are creating our own skeletal systems –


We labelled some key parts –


Some comments from class this week were –

Fiona – I found it interesting that we have two lower leg bones called the Fibula and the Tibia. 

Luca – Phalanges is a very fun word to say and I think I’ll always remember it. 

Archie – I didn’t realise that Thyroids were a part of our body before! 


Keep watching the blog to find out what else we have been doing and learning about in P6!


Outdoor Learning in P6a 31.3.17

We took our learning in maths outside just before the Easter holidays. To demonstrate our knowledge of using a stopwatch we completed a range of activities and recorded the time it took to complete each one. The activities involved using a range of skills: writing, making, saying and doing. We really enjoyed using the outdoors to enhance our learning in maths to develop our skills in time-keeping.

Doing 10 star jumps:

Saying ‘Easter eggs’ 10 times and spelling ‘Easter bunny’:

Writing and recording player 1’s time and player 2’s time:

Making pictures of Easter eggs and writing ‘Easter bunny’:

P6a 28.4.17

Lennox: I liked learning about tiling in maths.

Lucy M: I liked taking part in different maths stations this week.

Kate: I liked learning about symmetry this week.

Noah: I enjoyed writing an imaginative story entitled ‘The Cottage’.

Ty: I liked taking part in circuits for outdoor P.E. as part of our Healthy Living topic.

Naomi: I liked learning through independent study. I was practising my spelling words.

Pupil of the week: Zoe

Special person: Naomi