Category Archives: P4

An exciting week in P4/3

This week has been very exciting. The Gathering was all about The Procession and the history. We talked about the castle and Robert the Bruce and ofcourse John Newlands. We have had fantastic weather this week and had a super day for our Sports. We tried our hardest at all the races and applauded all paticipants.

Good sportsmanship everyone !


Here are our comments-

Mia- I was really proud of myself when I won a medal and 3 stickers at the Sports Day.

Denholm- I was really proud of myself getting a medal for the P3 Marathon.

Jason- I enjoyed the Sports day but didn’t win anything. However at After School Club  we had the chance to make a medal. I made myself one with string, card and pencils.

Suvi- I liked our Sports Day at Balbardie Park.

Erin- I like dress down day today. I am wearing a jumpsuit

Alfie B. – I like dress down day. I am wearing my ” I love zombies” t-shirt.

Sophia, Robert, Alfie G., Megan, Emma, Oliver, Teighan, Lauren, Jess,Kay,Connor,Ben- We can’t wait until the Procession tomorrow.

Sam- I liked getting the overall winner for  the P4s on the Sports Day.

Sophie- I can’t wait to hold the banner tomorrow at the Procession. I am Wendy.

Gemma- I am excited as my birthday is this Sunday.

Euan- I am looking forward to being on our school float. It is Peter Pan this year. I am a pirate.

Ava- I can’t wait until tomorrow. I am having a big party after the Procession.

Kiara- I am looking forward to going to my gran ‘s house for a party tomorrow after the Procession.


Have a fantastic day tomorrow. Hope to see you all around Bathgate 🙂

Remember we are on holiday on Monday so, have a great holiday and see you when you return to school on Tuesday 7th June ….







P4b – 16.5.16

Our comments about last week:

Baillie: I enjoyed singing the chocolate song

Grace: I enjoyed playing the candle stick in our assembly!

Isla: I enjoyed preparing for our assembly

Ava: I enjoyed performing our assembly

Robbie: I enjoy performing our assembly too

Rachael: I enjoyed practising for our assembly

Finn: I enjoying singing the chocolate song

Liam: I enjoyed performing our celebrating success song

Daniel: I enjoyed learning about where bananas come from

James: I enjoyed performing ‘Food groups are rockin’ tonight’

Brodie: I enjoyed performing ‘Food groups are rockin’ tonight’ too

Eva: I enjoyed saying my part in the assembly and singing our songs

Olivia: I enjoyed every part of our assembly

Demi: I enjoyed singing ‘Be our guest’

Emma: I enjoyed celebrating success

Kelsey: I enjoyed singing at celebrating success

Keira: I enjoyed singing  ‘Be our guest’

Freya: I enjoyed our entrance to our assembly

Aidan: I enjoyed being a guest at the beginning of our assembly

Lucy M: I enjoyed dressing up in a French costume

Breanna: I enjoyed singing ‘Be our guest’

Lucy R: I enjoyed singing ‘The chocolate song’

Arran: I enjoyed singing ‘The chocolate song’

Cameron: I enjoyed learning about the journey of a banana

Well done to our certificate winners: Ava, Emma, Liam, Millie, Olivia and Cameron


Sharing success in P4/3

Our comments this week:

Erin,Alfie B., Oliver, Emma, Sam, Denholm, Robert, Connor, Gemma- We liked the dance for our Celebrating Success Assembly for the song Busy Body

Teighan, Kay, Sophie- We liked  singing the Busy Body song at our Celebrating Success Assembly

Megan, Suvi, Ben- We liked P4b’s song on Food Groups

Euan, Sophia- We  liked watching every class doing their Celebrating Success performance

Ava- I liked P4b’s Chocolate song this morning at their Assembly

Jason- I enjoyed watching all classes perform but the one I really liked was

I’ve got a Golden Ticket by P4a

Alfie G., Jess – We enjoyed P4b’s Assembly on Foods this morning

Kiara- I liked getting one of the certificates yesterday. My mum was very proud of me

Mia- I was really proud getting the Head teacher award at Celebrating Success. My mum and dad were very proud of me too

Congratulations to all the class on their work in P4/3

and the certificates given out were :-

Head teacher’s award Mia

Demonstrating school values Kiara

Effort and improvement in a subject area Oliver

High standard of work Sophie

Performing arts award for P3  Jason


What a super Celebrating Success Assembly this week. It was wonderful to see all children perform in front of parents and friends and of course other classes. Being a quality audience is very important when watching other performances.

Shared Start is on Tuesday 17th May. Please join us if you are free !

Have a great weekend 🙂








P4b W/b 2.5.16

Olivia: I enjoyed indoor and outdoor P.E. We were learning about rugby passes and circuits.

Rachael: I enjoyed practising our assembly songs.

Keira: I enjoyed learning my part for our assembly.

Breanna: I enjoyed practising our assembly songs.

Cameron: I enjoyed doing rugby in P.E.

Brodie: I enjoyed practising our assembly songs.

Demi: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Emma: I enjoyed reading.

Ava: I enjoyed learning to add 2 digit numbers in maths.

Eva: I enjoyed our trip to the sports centre for swimming.

Millie: I enjoyed learning how to add 2 digit numbers in maths.

Grace: I enjoyed circuits in outdoor P.E.

Arran: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Baillie: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Robbie: I enjoyed our swimming trip this week.

Lucy M: I enjoyed reading.

Lucy R: I enjoyed practising for our assembly.

Aidan: I enjoyed Golden time.

James: I enjoyed practising for our assembly.

P4b 25.4.16

Finn: I enjoyed circle time and free play this week.

Ava: I enjoyed art this week. We we learning how to shade still life fruit.

Freya: I enjoyed watching the P2 show- Tadpole Rag.

Olivia: I enjoyed learning about the journey of a banana and about Fairtrade.

Sophie: I enjoyed learning songs for our assembly.

Cameron: I enjoyed P.E this week. We were learning how to do different passes in rugby.

Lucy R: I enjoyed learning songs for our assembly.

Rachael: I enjoyed learning about people that Fairtrade helps.

Demi: I enjoyed choir this week. We were learning the song busy bodies.

James: I enjoyed learning songs for our assembly.

Robbie: I enjoyed art this week and practising our assembly.

Lucy M: I enjoyed art this week. We were learning how to shade still life fruit.

Liam: I enjoyed yoga this week.

Grace: I enjoyed art this week.

Eva: I enjoyed circle time and learning how to divide by 2 with remainders.

Emma: I enjoyed reading this week.

Isla: I enjoyed art and writing shape poems.

Brodie: I enjoyed art and reading.

Baillie: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Karys: I enjoyed art and choosing activities.

Keira: I enjoyed art this week.

Kelsey: I enjoyed P.E. this week.

Arran: I enjoyed P.E this week too.


Fun in Four-Three

Mrs Aitken went on the P7 camp this week to Oban and we had fun being taught by Mrs Hay, Mrs Haddifon and Mrs Innes – Mrs Drummond also popped in and taught us a funny banana song.

We continued our Context for Learning – Health and Fitness, and wrote fantastic fact files about being healthy during writing. We practised our times tables using targets boards, challenging our mental agility.

Here are some of our thoughts on this week:

‘I liked learning that germs spread everywhere’ – Ben

‘I liked estimating pages, lines and words in a book when we did problem solving’ – Megan

‘I really enjoyed going to the drama hall and practising our Celebrating Success song’ – Mia

I liked it when Mrs Haddifon came to our class and read ‘My Headteacher is a Vampire Rat’ that Emma brought in for us to read’ – Teighan and Ava

‘I enjoyed doing construction during Golden Time’ – Alfie G

I enjoyed doing problem solving and being challenged when doing the 8x table’ – Suvi

‘I liked being the special person on Friday’ – Oliver

‘I enjoyed making a poster about washing our hands when we were learning about Hygiene in School’ – Gemma

‘I enjoyed Mrs Haddifon – she was very funny!’ – Jason

‘I liked doing planning and writing, it was really fun.  We did fact files’ – Connor


P4b 18.4.16

Demi: I enjoyed the Big Balbardie Blether this week. We were discussing the house team system.

Finn: I enjoyed P.E. this week. We were playing castles and it was fun!

Arran: I enjoyed ordering numbers to 1000 in maths.

Robbie: I enjoyed everything this week. Especially painting Van Gogh sunflowers.

Eva: I enjoyed learning how to divide by 2.

Isla: I enjoyed painting Van Gogh sunflowers.

Baillie: I enjoyed indoor P.E. this week.

Lucy M: I enjoyed reading.

Keira: I enjoyed adding numbers to 1000.

Breanna: I enjoyed learning about measure.

Grace: I enjoyed P.E. and learning about Van Gogh.

Rachael: I enjoyed outdoor P.E. this week.

Ava: I enjoyed the Big Balbardie Blether.

Kelsey: I enjoyed P.E this week.

Liam: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Karys: I enjoyed paiting Van Gogh’s sunflowers.



P4/3 are active

We are active learners in P4/3.

This week we have been learning about A magic door in creative writing. We have been a quality audience for our presentations on Sport. Some pupils had powerpoints designed with superb animations to help in the delivering of their Sport. Others had detailed notes and equipment to pass round the class. Well done if you have already been picked to present. We all look forward to listening to the rest of them. We have worked hard for Mr Jeffries  on Wednesday and Mrs Innes on Wednesday and Thursday.

Friday has been extremely busy.  We have worked hard at BBB3 discussing our Houses and new challenges we might like. We have had our Active Sports hour in the upper hall. It was tiring but lots of fun.

Here are our comments:-

Ava- I liked passing round my little ballet shoes during my presentation

Erin -I liked PE this week

Sophie, Suvi, Gemma, Lauren, Jess -We enjoyed Sports with  the Xcite  staff today

Ben, Mia, Teighan, Sophia, Liam- We liked writing “The door” story this week

Oliver- I liked everybody singing Happy Birthday to me in the upper hall today

Sam -I liked doing my presentation on football to the class

Kiara- I liked doing my presentation on horse riding this week

Euan- I enjoyed doing my talk about Ju jitsu to the class

Jason- I loved presenting on Rugby to the class. I had all my kit with me

Denholm- I enjoyed my Sport talk to the class yesterday

Kay- I can’t wait to do my presentation on Sport to the class

Alfie G., Alfie B. ,Robert, Connor-I enjoyed doing pattern work with Mrs Innes in Art

Emma- I liked showing my powerpoint  on Sport to the class this week

Well done if you have been Special Person already. Hope you’ve had a fun time sitting beside a good friend and choosing any job from the helpers chart.

Have a super weekend everyone and I ll see you in a week. I m off to Oban with P7 for their Residential week from Monday 25th to Friday 29th April.


P4b 11.4.16

Isla: I enjoyed learning about Van Gogh and making a magnet game this week.

Finn: I enjoyed learning about magnetic forces.

James: I enjoyed learning about numbers to 1000.

Keira: I enjoyed learning about estimating and rounding in maths.

Emma: I enjoyed learning new words in reading.

Karys: I enjoyed learning French numbers to 20 and playing French bingo.

Robbie: I enjoyed everything this week. Especially making a magnetic game.

Demi: I enjoyed learning about forces and magnets.

Rachael: I enjoyed reading about pushes and pulls.

Grace: I enjoyed learning about Van Gogh and creating art inspired by his sunflowers.

Aidan: I enjoyed learning to subtract 3 digit numbers.

Daniel: I enjoyed learning about estimating and rounding.

Sophie: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.  and outdoor spelling. We were writing our words on the ground and searching for and building words.

Brodie: I enjoyed subtraction in maths and making a magnetic game.

Olivia: I enjoyed indoor P.E. this week.

Ava: I enjoyed learning about Van Gogh’s art and making magnetic games.

Baillie: I enjoyed indoor P.E. this week.

Eva: I enjoyed spelling this week.  We were learning different homophones.

Freya: I enjoyed learning about the body in our reading book.

Breanna: I enjoyed learning about Van Gogh and making a sunflower picture.

Liam: I enjoyed writing about our Easter holidays.

Millie: I enjoyed learning French.

Daniel D: I enjoyed Jumping Jims with Mrs Cameron.

Last week of term

Here are our comments about our excursion to The Forth Bridges visitor centre…

Our trip this week was very interesting. The visitor centre was quite big. At the Rail bridge restaurant we could see the Rail bridge easily. Trying on the safety equipment was fun. We learned alot.

Church service comments…

We liked singing all the Easter songs in the church. We liked the Three Trees story. The junior choir sang exceptionally well.

The Golden Club event… We loved the event.

Happy Holidays everyone !

dates for your diary;

Back to school

Monday 11th April

Junior Choir Tuesday 12th April 3.25pm

Remember to bring PE kit back for Wednesday 13th April

Stay safe and have lots of fun100_3018 100_3013 100_3015 100_3016


This week …

We are on the last week of term. It is busy because we have our excursion tomorrow to South Queensferry Visitor Centre.

We have the Church service on Thursday morning and we have the Golden Club event for many of the class on Thursday afternoon.What an excitng last week of term…

Our comments:-

Teighan,Megan,Robert,Alfie B., Sophia, Ben, Denholm, Kay – We can’t wait until we go to The visitor centre at South Queensferry tomorrow

Connor, Euan- We are looking forward to the trip tomorrow and having lunch in the Rail Bridge restaurant in South Queensferry

Jason-I can’t wait to see the bridges tomorrow

Kiara,Sam-  We’re excited for the church service this Thursday

Ava,Sophie, Alfie G.- We can’t wait to sing “As one” in the church on Thursday

Erin, Liam, Jess- We’re looking forward to the Golden Club event on Thursday afternoon

Mia, Lauren, Suvi, Emma-We’re looking forward to singing the Easter songs at the church on Thursday

Oliver- I ‘m looking forward to Parents Evening







p4b 7.3.16

Olivia, Demi and James: We enjoyed paired reading this week.

Liam: I enjoyed P.E. this week. We were playing basketball.

Kelsey, Breanna, Sophie and Aidan: We enjoyed art this week. We were making symmetrical Mandala art.

Robbie and Ava:  We liked Mandala art and playing the  Wii at Golden Time.

Grace: I liked playing the Wii at Golden Time.

Emma, Lucy R and Rachael: We liked reading with our group this week.

Lucy M and Keira : We learned about the signs of spring time in RME.

Isla: I enjoyed preparing and giving my class talk this week.

Eva, Finn and Baillie:  We enjoyed planning our writing for next week on the book ‘Lost and Found’.

Brodie: I enjoyed learning new strategies for subtracting in maths and enjoyed playing on the ipads at Golden Time.

Freya: I enjoyed preparing and giving my class talk this week.

Arran and Karys: We enjoyed yoga this week.




What stayed with you this week ?

During a week at school we are learning lots of different facts and strategies to help us .

We have thoughts about what has stayed with us this week….

The Easter songs-Oliver,Jess, Mia,Lauren,Sophia

Dividing in Maths-Liam,Robert


The Matilda newspaper report-Sam,Alfie B. Megan

Making a powerpoint on Scotland-Denholm.Alfie G

Making a powerpoint on Scottish cities-Sophie,Kay

Making a powerpoint on Scottish landmarks-Suvi,Jason,Euan

Making a powerpoint on Scottish animals-Ben

Stories with a twist at Drama-Kiara,Gemma,Emma, Ava

Shared start-Teighan

I am sure there will be other things aswell ….

                                           What has stayed with you this week ?





P4b 29.2.16

Demi, Grace, Aidan, Robbie, Emma, Keira, Sophie and Lucy R: We loved baking at Golden time- we made truffles and biscuits.

Arran, James, Freya, Breanna, Isla and Eva: We enjoyed yoga this week- it was fun!

Daniel and Kelsey: We enjoyed dress down day.

Ava: I enjoyed reading this week- I liked silent reading.

Millie: I liked P.E this week- we played basketball.

Brodie: I enjoyed our new reading book- Hank Zipzer!

Liam: I enjoyed golden time on Friday.

Olivia: I liked NYCOS this week- we were learning about rhythm.

Baillie: I really enjoyed milk and story- I like our Novel Nelly the Monster Sitter.

Finn and Rachael: We enjoyed using the ipads at Golden time.

Karys: I enjoyed making Mother’s day crafts this week.

Lucy M: I liked played connect four at Golden time.




P4/3 are working to their potential

We have been very busy learning about Magnetism, The Easter Story, A tour aroon Scotland, The loch Ness Monster myth, Reading for information, Our Emotions at The Gathering, Book Week and Symmetry in Maths to name just a few !

Alfie, Sophie, Kiara, Euan, Jason- In Drama we were practising the Easter Songs and we started a play that had a twist

Sophia, Lauren, Megan, Connor- In Drama this week we were given parts for a new play

Mia, Gemma, Liam, Denholm, Robert,Ben-This week we were writing newspaper articles about The Loch Ness Monster. We had to write if we thought it was real or not !

Emma, Kay, Jess, Alfie B., Sam- We liked The P1a Assembly on dinosaurs today. We were part of the quality audience

Teighan-I liked dressing up as Mackenzie from” Dork Diaries” because it was Dress Down Day and you could be a book character

Suvi- I dressed up as Maid Marion from ” Robin Hood” today as it was Dress Down Day and also Book Week

Ava- I liked being dressed in my normal clothes today for Dress Down Day….I paid my £1 !

Oliver, Erin- We  liked our little sisters ‘ Assembly this morning on Dinosaurs


Shared Start Tuesday 8th March…come if you can …we’ d love to see you !

Have a super weekend…Happy Mother’s day !







p4b wb 22.2.16

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Rachael: I enjoyed preparing and giving my class talk on Monday.

Eva and Grace: we enjoyed yoga (Alan the camel) this week.

Daniel, Robbie, Emma and Isla: We liked making a poster about house hold inventions with our co-operative learning groups.

Finn, Baillie and Liam: We enjoyed P.E this week.

Karys, Breanna and Ava: We enjoyed writing this week. We were continuing on the character and setting of our class novel ‘Nelly the Monster Sitter’.

Sophie and Cameron: We enjoyed NYCOS this week. We were learning about rhythm.

Freya: I enjoyed  doing our reading task this week.

Olivia: I enjoyed doing drama games this week.

Kelsey, James, Demi and Lucy R: We liked when Daniel Dillon came in on Thursday.

Lucy M: I enjoyed R.E- we were learning about the seasons.

Millie: I liked gathering this week.







P4a Learning

Aidan – We learned about Alexander Graham Bell. He invented the telephone and the metal detector. We had to take notes.
Kayleigh – We learned that Alexander Graham Bell taught in a deaf school and that he invented a metal jacket.
Evie – We learned about Alexander Graham Bell by watching a video, we read information, highlighted important facts, took notes and we then used our learning to make a fact book about him.

Leia – We learned some sign language. We learned how to say our names and other things that we asked. We learned this by asking and copying Mrs Paradies.

Dadirayi – In maths we have been revising adding and subtracting. We have been completing our workbook, playing games and working with the teacher.

Mya – In whole class maths we have been learning about Symmetry. Symmetry is when it is the same. We have been copying patterns and shapes in booklets, we created symmetrical art.

Aaron – In my maths group we have been revising our numbers to 10,000. We have been learning this by completing our workbook, games, iPad and have been working with Mrs Paradies and Miss Davidson.

Kayleigh – My maths group has been learning to multiply a two digit number by 2,3,4,5 timestable.

James – So say it was 3 x 45 you would do 3 x 40 which is 120 and then 3 x 5 is 15 and then you add them together so 120 and 15 is 135.

Grace – In my maths group we have been learning to take away three digit sums using upstairs downstairs sums.

Caitlin – We had to learn that we sometimes cant take away in our column so had to borrow.

Evan – We learned this by completing worksheets that didn’t have any words and then completed a trickier textbook page. We also played games and worked with the teacher doing examples on whiteboards and iPads.

Calvin – At the Hub we were going to have snack and we went through to the staffroom with Mrs White and we made a fruit boat. To make a fruit boat you get some melons, you cut it in half and then you cut wee pieces of it and then you get a wee stick to put fruit on it. To make the sail you get an orange, stick it through then you put it on the middle of the boat melon and put a grape at the top. It was very tasty! Me and Ben served it to other people at Hub and they all enjoyed it! Caidan ate it all and took another one!

New Learning in P4/3

We learned lots this week in class, groups  and as individuals.

Here are our comments:-

Sophie, Alfie and Ava said we learned new songs at the choir on Tuesday.

Sophia, Mia, Lauren,Robert learned in Maths that the 9 times tables goes down in units and up in tens with Miss Davidson

We learned the numbers before zero in Maths-Denholm, Gemma

In Science in Magnetism we learned that magnets can attract nails through card-Jason, Erin, Kay, Kiara

In PE we learned that the air you breathe acts as fuel-Emma, Connor

In RME with Mrs Innes we learned about the Easter Story-Megan, Teighan, Liam, Alfie B

We learned the Easter songs- Jess, Oliver, Sam, Suvi,Ben

Have a great weekend everyone !


Home Learning “Environment in a box” due in Monday 29th February

Parental consultation slip returned by Friday 4th March

Dress down day Friday 4th March

Excursion slip and money and signed green form please return as soon as you can







P4b A short week!

Rachael, Isla and Finn: We enjoyed doing big maths on Friday.

Grace: I liked preparing and giving my class talk on the World Wide Web.

Brodie: I liked preparing and giving my class talk on Alexander Fleming.

Keira and Ava: We enjoyed silent reading this week.

Millie, Lucy R, Eva, Emma, Freya and Breanna: We enjoyed doing Yoga this week.

Aidan: I enjoyed maths this week. I was learning about subtraction.

Cameron, Arran, Daniel and Robbie: I enjoyed everything this week!

Lucy M, Kelsey and Liam: We enjoyed P.E. this week. We were playing castles.

Sophie and Olivia: We enjoyed mental maths this week.

Fun in P4/3

Learning should be fun, and is, in P4/3 !

We love learning through  Maths, Literacy, Expressive Arts, Science, Health and Well Being, RME and Modern Languages….

Here are our comments:-

We really liked the Gingerbread Mannie show that we performed -Suvi, Mia, Gemma, Robert, Lauren

I liked performing in front of my little sister-Oliver

I liked performing in front of my brother-Sophie

We really liked our parts in The Gingerbread Mannie -Teighan, Sam, Liam

I like how Golden Time has changed-Alfie B.

I am excited about what I’m doing in Golden Time this week-Kiara

Dodge ball in PE is good-Erin, Emma

I liked being Star Writer for my leaflet on Scotland-Sophia

We liked being Star Writer for our leaflets-Ben, Kay

I like our new class novel” Five have plenty of fun”-Connor

I liked Maths …I was working on the least and greatest numbers-Megan

I liked the Maths I did with Miss Davidson this morning-Jason

I liked getting my new Maths booklet-Ava

I liked doing the leaflet on Reading-Euan, Alfie G.


Well done Star writers this week:-

Megan, Liam, Lauren, Gemma, Sophia and Oliver for great leaflets on Reading and books !


Have a super weekend everyone !


Please pay trip as soon as you can and remember to fill in the green form

Home Learning -Environments in a box due Monday 29th February