Category Archives: P4



After consolidating our learning about verbs we have been learning about adverbs.

Ranna – adverbs describe verbs

Euan – jumping (verb) quickly (adverb)

Alex – run (verb) slowly (adverb)

In our writing this week we have been focussing on using interesting adverbs to describe verbs. We have also been trying to start a sentence using an adverb.

Suvi – Quickly I ran away.

William – Slowly we started to take off.

Ranna – Silently I read my book.

Jason – Swiftly we ran across the road.


This week we have been learning about the decimal point and adding and subtracting money. As well as the written method we used coins to give change.

Megan – you have to remember to put in the decimal point

Lucas- you have to use the pound sign

Ranna – I think it’s easier to work out change using the coins

Expressive Arts

Over the next few weeks we will be taking a look at different artists

This week we were learning about the style of Vincent Van Gogh. We looked at some of his most famous paintings then had to recreate ‘Starry Night’ We discussed the picture before choosing the right colour of chalks we would need then we had to make sure we used the same flowing line style that Van Gogh used. Here are a couple of our pictures –




This week in P.E. was fun as we have been learning about moving in flight using gymnastics moves. The ultimate goal was to be able to perform the move and land securely on two feet.

Alex – the ‘bravery test’ was part of the gymnastics and it was fun because we had to stand up and fall back onto a big squishy mat

Teighan- I liked it when we had to jump as far as we could and land securely then we had to place our bean bag down as a marker

Have a great weekend!

Supermoon excitement!

In writing this week, we have been learning to improve our work. We had to think about making sure our punctuation was accurate, using wow words including amazing adjectives and most importantly using our checklists to help us.
We have also learnt about Remembrance Day and why it is a day of importance in the U.K. We did a reading comprehension activity, enjoyed a lovely assembly, with an emotional song, and made poppy pictures with Mrs Little.
In Science we have been learning about the movement of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth. We went outside and re-enacted these movements. The moon children found it hard to ensure that they didn’t spin but we know that this means that there is a side of the moon that we never see – the dark side of the moon.
We enjoyed finding out about the supermoon, which will occur on Monday and are looking forward to filling in our moon diaries for the next month!








We enjoyed playing this game and thought others might too!

Pupil of the week – Skye for putting great effort into her story about Emerald our visiting alien.
Table of the week – with 710 points
Congratulations Katie for achieving her silver turbo tables award and to Elliot and Lucy for getting their bronze turbo tables awards.

We need plastic bottle lids please…..
Article 28 – the right to an education

A visitor arrives………

This week saw the arrival of Emerald, a visitor from Space. We thought about how we might have got here and where he might have come from.


Charlotte – He came from an emerald egg
Callum – He had a transforming spaceship which transformed into all our drawings which were all very different.
Rose – He came from Mars.
Louie – He came from Planet Zin.
Guy – He flew in a big flying saucer.
Maisey – He came from Planet Disco.
Nathan – He came from Planet Emerald.

We do not why he came but we are looking forward to finding out!

This week we started rehearsals for the School Talent Show. We are looking forward to choosing the P4B act next week.

We have also started learning about calendars and how long things can take. We know how to use a calendar to find a date and day and will be finishing off our time work learning how to work out the lengths of journeys and television times.

Table of the week – green with 410 points. Congratulations!

Hello from P4a…


We have been learning about verbs.

Alex – a verb is something you do

Suvi – jump is a verb

Kiara – run is a verb

Connor – sit is a verb

Mia – skip is a verb

Next week we will be learning about adverbs.

We wrote an imaginative story this week. The focus was to try to apply what we have learned about sentence structure and using adjectives with nouns. Miss Drummond is very pleased with our progress.


This week we have been focussing on numeracy and in particular vertical subtraction up to numbers with four digits.

Megan – if you can’t do the subtraction you ‘go next door’ and exchange from the next column

Euan – always start at the unit column

Suvi – if there is a zero in the next column (next door) you have to go to the next again column

Expressive Arts

We had good fun listening to Halloween music then we had to use our voices to create sound effects to go along with the words and music.


We are going to be learning about the things we can do to protect the earth. Our main focus will be recycling. This week we have begun by learning some key words we use when talking about protecting the earth and we have had a great discussion about the different things we can all do to help the environment we live in.

Have a great weekend!

We made it!


We wrote a recount of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots with Mrs Aitken this week. This time we worked without a writing planner which is tricky but we did very well! We had to write using time connectives to sequence the recount and make sure it was in chronological order.


We were learning to time an event using a stopwatch. It was good fun. We had to see what we could manage in 60 seconds. We had to estimate first then time the activity to see if our estimation was correct. Some of the activities were- hopping, writing our name, taking our jumper off and putting it back on, standing on one leg, try to build a tower of 30 cubes. We also did a fun activity to consolidate what we had learned about telling the time, we had to make the time on a paper clock and write the digital time then match it to times on the board.

Expressive Arts

We enjoyed making ‘autumn windows’ this week with Mrs Spence and Mrs Aitken. We folded our paper in half then cut a window in one half and painted an autumn picture on the other. When the paper was folded over it looked like a window. we really enjoyed this! Here is some of our work – oops we will load pictures another time as we are having difficulty uploading images..



We have been working hard to support each other in class. This week we did a really tricky activity to help us learn more about working together and supporting each other. We worked in pairs and had to use only one hand each to tie a shoelace, it was very good fun. Apologies again as we can’t upload pictures at this time.

Have a great October break everyone!

Code breaking in P4b!

This week has been a busy and fun week. We’ve enjoyed the good weather and had a lot of out door playtimes which is great.

In language, we wrote coded letters from Mary, Queen of Scots, who was imprisoned, to her allies. First we looked at the code that Mary used when writing to her friends. Then we typed up a different code to write messages. We gave each other words and messages to decode using our new code. We discovered that you have to be really careful when using a code otherwise it doesn’t work!

In maths we are working on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and also to the nearest 100.

We are also learning to match digital and analogue times. We are finding this a bit tricky and need more practice!

In french we learnt the months of the year and made wheels to show what happens in each month.

In science we started planning a game using our understanding of circuits. We are looking forward to making them next week!

In P.E. we have been learning hockey skills. We have been playing lots of small sided games learning about controlling the ball and working in a small space. We enjoy playing truck and trailer.

Ben is very proud that he has learnt to ride his bike without stabilisers.

Our table of the week is green

Pupil of the week is Charlotte for doing excellent roleplay in health and wellbeing.

Golden Steps – Step 3 Katie Armstrong

Article 28 – the right to an education

What happens if…….

This week has been week of very varied weather and we’ve certainly been kept on our toes updating it on our french board!

Our thoughts on our learning this week –

Ben – I learnt how to read time on digital and analogue clocks.
Maisey – In music we learnt how to interact with different types of music.
Charlotte – I learnt how to feel the music when we were learning some songs.
Luke – I learnt about Darnley’s murder with 3 items beside him.
Hope – I learnt tricky words in spelling.
Emma – I learnt how to make a circuit.
Callum – I learnt how to join 2 circuits together.
Guy – I know how to make a circuit and I answered a question about making a circuit.
Jason – I have learnt to do tricky maths, especially doing my bronze tables test.
Nathan – I have learnt more about saying the days of the week in French.

We loved the song and you can too!

Jack – I learnt about the days of the week in French.
Camaron – I learnt about Mary Queen of Scots.
Isaac – I learnt how to nmake a circuit with 2 batteries.
Jacob – I learnt that if you put something non metal into a circuit, it doesn’t go on fire but the circuit didnt work either.
Lucy – I learnt tricky words in spelling.
Katie- I learnt that electricity can flow through metal.
Rose – I learnt to put 2 batteries into a circuit.
Hayley – I learnt how to make a circuit.
Louie – I learnt how to add a buzzer into a circuit.
Elliot – I know what happens if you connect a battery to a pen.
Aryan – I learnt how to add 2 batteries into a circuit.

In Science, we asked a lot of questions about circuits. We then tried to find out the answers.






We also enjoyed investigating electricity on this website.

Pupil of the week – Hope for being helpful to her classmates and being a good friend.

Table to the week blue with 690 points!

Murder Mystery week!


We have been learning how to write a newspaper article this week. We used a writing planner to take notes before transferring the notes into a full article. We had to make sure we had the correct layout and an appropriate headline. Some of us included quotes in our article and Miss Drummond was impressed with our ‘have a go approach’ with punctuation we weren’t sure of.

Mia– I enjoy writing and I like trying new kinds of writing and different punctuation

Euan – I enjoyed doing the newspaper article and I think I had a good headline – Murder Mystery


We have been learning about the 24 hour clock this week. It really is extremely tricky because there are 24 hours in a day but that’s actually day and night. A.m. is the part between midnight and midday and pm is between midday and midnight but pm gets 12 hours added on but you don’t say 13 o’clock you say thirteen hundred hours …easy ! There is so much to remember however we are getting there.

Connor – I really enjoyed learning about the 24 hour clock.

Jason – It was tricky at first but I kept trying and that’s our growth mindset


We have been discussing the death of Lord Darnley and who the possible suspects are, and if he was indeed murdered.

Suvi – I thought that Elizabeth killed Darnley because she wanted Mary to marry one of her friends

William – I think the Earl of Bothwell killed Darnley because he knew everyone hated Darnley and killing him could mean that everyone would want him to be king for killing him

Sophia – I think Mary killed Darnley because she said she was at a masked ball but no one would know if she was there or not or she might have sent someone else in her place . She wanted Darnley dead because he was horrible to her.


Have a great weekend!!!

P4b’s fabulous week!

In literacy this week we have written letters from Mary Queen of Scots to her mother from the time when she was living in France. We thought about the language she would have used, what she would have done and told her mother about and also about her asking her mother how she was and what was happening in Scotland.

In our energy topic we have thought about energy conservation.
These are some ways we can save energy in our homes:
Jay – turn tvs off rather than leaving them on standby.
Jaime-Lee – only boil the water you need for a cup of tea
Maisey – don’t leave chargers and electrical items plugged in when they aren’t being used.
Guy – when it’s a sunny day, use the natural light rather than turning lights on
Jack – keep doors closed so you don’t waste heat in the winter
Elliot – recycle any waste than you can – food, paper, plastic bottles, tins, plastic tubs.
Aryan – don’t leave your electric car on charge for too long.

In French we were revising our numbers to 20 and learning them up to 50. They are quite easy after 20!

In outdoor P.E. we started learning to play hockey. We learnt to hold the sticks properly and dribble the ball.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Table of the week – TBA!

Pupil of the week – Katie for writing a super letter in the language of Mary Queen of Scots.

Article 28 – The right to an education

Lots to think about this week in P4b!

In maths we have been learning adding hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands. It has helped us to develop our understanding of place value.

We have learnt about the early life of Mary Queen of Scots. She became queen when she was 9 months old and she moved to France when she was 5 because King Henry VIII was destroying villages and castles in England and Scotland. She married Francis, the Prince of France.

In Science we have been thinking about Energy and renewable energy sources. We know that wind power, solar power and hydroelectric power are all sources of renewable energy.

Can you name these sources of renewable energy?

renewable energy

P7a taught us in their assembly that we should never give up and have a positive growth mindset. What a valuable message at the beginning of the year. Thanks P7a!

Our pupil of the week was Jason for learning about big numbers.

Our table of the week is the yellow table with 320 points!

Article 28 – the right to an education.

Time is flying by!

We can’t believe how fast our days are flying in. One minute it’s big start and the next it’s home time, that’s how it feels anyway!


This week we have been learning to write a letter. We pretended to be the young Mary Queen of Scots, who had been sent to live in France, writing a letter home to her mother. We used a writing planner to help structure our work. Here is an example of the opening paragraph of  one of our letters-




We have been continuing to practice our recall of the times tables and feel we are getting better. On Monday we were consolidating what we have learned about rounding numbers. We have also been learning how to tell the time in 5 minute increments.

Mia – I am finding it easier to tell the time

Connor – I am enjoying rounding numbers

Suvi – I feel more confident with telling time

Campbell – I am enjoying rounding number to 100


We have been learning about the time when Mary Queen of Scots was sent to France to live so that she would be safe from King Henry.

Jason – the four Marys’ went with her but got sent to live with nuns

Denholm – in France she liked horse riding and she learned to play the harp

Euan – she played with her cousin Elizabeth and the king’s son Francis

Amy – she learned to play the Lute


We had a great time learning rhythms…

100_1564 100_1565 100_1566 100_1567 100_1568

Have a great weekend!

Quel temps fait-il?

This week has been a week of weather and has certainly helped us with our French! We’ve had rain, sunshine, warmth, clouds and wind!
This has been our first full week and we have started learning lots of new things.

In literacy we are learning about Mary Queen of Scots, who was born nearby at Linlithgow Palace. She was the third child of Mary of Guise and James V of Scotland.

In maths, we have been learning about place value and adding numbers. We have also been revising our knowledge of telling the time. We played time bingo using analogue times and clocks. We are all really good at using o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and are moving onto using 5 minute intervals which will mean we are never late!
In Music with Mrs Drummond, we learnt about rhythm and beat. We had a lot of fun clapping and clicking.
Have a lovely weekend and we hope the weather is nice for the Kirkston Park festival.

Article 28 – The Right to an Education
Pupil of week – Maisey for contributing to class discussions.
Table of the week – Yellow

Memories of P4/3

When we thought about this year in P4/3 we had so many great times that will become memories to cherish for ever and here are only some of them !

Our excursion

Going to the Forth Road Bridge visitor centre-Gemma,Lauren,Robert,Ben

We loved having lunch at The Rail Bridge with the class-Sophie,Connor

Meeting new people

I liked when Mrs Aitken  pretended to be an air stewardess at the beginning of P4/3-Jason

We liked meeting new friends when the class became P4/3-Mia,Oliver,Denholm,Alfie B.

We liked going into P4/3-Euan,Emma,Suvi

The Gingerbread Mannie

I liked performing the Gingerbread Mannie-Kiara

The Talent Show

We liked singing in the Talent Show-Erin,Ava

I played my guitar in the Talent show while Connor, Jason and Sophia sang-Sam

I liked singing with Connor and Jason while Sam played-Sophia

The Church service

I liked going to the end of term church service-Jess

The Golden Club event

I loved the Golden Club event-Liam

Our Class Assembly

I liked our Class Assembly all about France-Megan

You have been an amazing class and I wish you a super holiday and all the best for your new classes in August.




It’s nearly time to say goodbye !

On Friday it was the end of the last full week in P4/3….

Here are our comments:-

Golden Club event

Alfie,Euan,Oliver,Lauren,Emma- We enjoyed the Golden Club event. Our favourite was the disco dome

Kiara,Gemma- We really enjoyed the Terror slide at the Golden Club event

Jess- I really liked the Golden Club event

Drama with Mrs Innes

Mia,Sam,Connor, Erin, Sophia-We really liked performing “All Gone” at drama

Context for learning Euro 2016

Ben – I liked working on some Italy facts for our Euro 2016 Context for Learning

Liam-I liked working on England facts. Simon Cowell was a celebrity we found out he came from England

Denholm- I was sad that Republic of Ireland never made it through yesterday to the quarter finals

The Talent Show

Jason, Megan-We are looking forward to the show we are going to be doing

Sophie- I can’t wait till the Talent show , I am doing it with Mia

Suvi- I can’t wait till I am singing at the Talent show

Junior Choir Showcase

Ava- At the choir showcase I loved doing my solo

What a busy last full week in class…

Let’s enjoy our last few days together

diary date

Church service 9.30am Wednesday 29th June

Please remember to return report slip before Wednesday,thank you 🙂





P4b w/b 20.6.16

Isla: I enjoyed writing poems that use repetition. I liked writing about our time in P4.

Lucy R: I liked practising our spelling words.

Grace: I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.

Sophie: I enjoyed outdoor P.E this week.

Rachael: I enjoyed making posters about Cool in School.

Olivia: I enjoyed learning about fractions in maths.

Emma: I enjoyed learning about body language in Cool in School.

Eva: I enjoyed learning about fractions in maths.

Freya: I enjoyed indoor and outdoor P.E.

Keira: I enjoyed playing castles in indoor P.E.

Lucy: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Robbie: I enjoyed making our Cool in School posters.

Demi: I enjoyed writing a summary of our time in P4.

James: I liked writing a book review about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Breanna: I enjoyed writing an A-Z of the year.

Liam: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Millie: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Karys: I enjoyed learning how to divide with remainders in maths.

Kelsey: I enjoyed practising our spelling words.

Brodie: I enjoyed making Cool in School posters.

Finn: I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.

Arran: I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.

Daniel:I enjoyed reading with the Foxes group this week.

Aidan: I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.


P4b w/b 13.6.16

Baillie: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant Peach. I also liked learning about to run hurdles in PE.

Olivia: I enjoyed practising the church songs. I also liked learning how to link multiplication and division.

Eva: I enjoyed learning our plays in drama with Mrs Innes.

Brodie: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant Peach. I also liked learning about athletics in PE.

Ava: I enjoyed James and the Giant Peach and silent reading.

Isla: I enjoyed writing poems, learning plays with Mrs Innes and writing a message for the P7s.

Rachael: I enjoyed acting out a play for reading.

Sophie: I enjoyed sharing our feelings in Cool in School.

Finn: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant Peach and learning about plays.

Emma: I enjoyed maths this week. We were learning how to double a number.

Demi: I enjoyed choir this week. We were learning a new song for our performance.

Lucy M: I enjoyed learning our plays in drama.

Liam: I enjoyed learning how to link multiplication and division.

Millie: I enjoyed learning about plays and learning how to add using the standard written method.

Freya: I enjoyed learning about plays in drama.

Keira: I enjoyed learning a new song in choir for our performance next week.

Lucy R: I enjoyed practising my spelling.

Breanna: I enjoyed doubling numbers in maths.

Aidan: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant peach and revising division facts.

Karys: I enjoyed learning about different emotions in Cool in School.

P4/3 have been busy

Our second last week in P4/3 has been busy and fun filled as usual.

We started writing poems to our sandwich….

I really liked poetry planning this week on the sandwich. Mine was Mia’s mysterious sandwich-Mia

My sandwich was called Denholm’s delicious sandwich.I enjoyed writing about it-Denholm

I also liked the poetry planning-Mine was Erin’s excellent sandwich-Erin

I liked writing about my sandwich. It was Jess’s gigantic sandwich-Jess


I liked the poetry planning this week.Mine was Alfie’s awesome sandwich-Alfie B.

We have worked with Mrs Innes on Drama and Rhyming in Literacy as well as Practical maths and RME.

We liked writing rhymes with Mrs Innes-Sophia,Oliver,Jason,Robert, Liam

We liked Drama this week-Sophie,

I liked watching the group perform at Drama-Euan

We liked the ribbon dance at drama-Ava,Suvi

Matilda has been our Story for the past few weeks. We have watched  the dvd and discussed the characters. Roald Dahl is a super author of Children’s Literature.

We liked finishing Matilda today-Kiara, Connor,Sam,Teighan, Gemma

I liked the end of Matilda-Lauren

We started a mini context for learning on Euro 2016..It has been exciting gwatching the games at home then sharing the scores the next day.We have also been finding out about all the teams we are supporting.There are 24 teams in it but we are supporting 13 of them !

I liked working on Euro 2016.I am working with Jason. My Team is France-Alfie G.



Have a fabulous weekend everyone !

Not many sleeps now 🙂





What a busy,exciting week in P4/3

This was an exciting week for P4/3…They met their new teachers on Wednesday.Here are their comments:-

I liked Moving on day to Primary 5-Erin

We liked being a Primary 5 this week-Oliver,Emma

I liked being in Mrs Haddifon’s class because she was the teacher I was wanting in Primary 5-Alfie G.

I liked going upstairs to my Primary 5 class-Ava

We liked Moving on day to Primary 4-Suvi,Connor,Lauren,Gemma,Denholm,Sophia

I liked being in the different playground for Primary 4-Euan

We liked seeing who our Primary 4 teacher will be-Jess,Jason

We liked meeting our new teacher Mrs Drummond and who were sitting at our table-Mia,Robert

I liked doing the higher ,lower Maths game in my P4 class with Mrs Drummond-Megan

I liked doing the activity book with Mrs Drummond in  my new class-Teighan

I really liked going into Primary 5 this week-Sophie

We are looking forward to moving into Primary 4-Liam,Kiara

I really liked moving into Primary 4 and meeting my new teacher-Alfie B.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Remember Home Learning due on Tuesday rather than Monday(due to holiday Monday).






p4b 6.6.16


This week P4b really enjoyed meeting their new P5 teacher. They liked learning about the Olympics and spending time in their new P5 classroom. P4b also enjoyed creating rhyming poems about summer time, learning how to read and balance scales during practical maths and learning about the correct response in an emergency situation.

P4b 30.5.16

Eva: I enjoyed learning to make a tiling pattern in art.

Millie:I also enjoyed art.

Rachael: I enjoyed sports day this week!

Lucy R: I enjoyed our French food tasting session, especially trying the pan au chocolat!

Kelsey: I enjoyed spelling this week.

Lucy M: I enjoyed making a hand washing booklet.

Keira: I enjoyed sports day, especially doing the sack race.

Demi: I enjoyed redrafting our seaside poems.

Freya: I enjoyed the egg and spoon race at sports day.

Olivia: I enjoyed maths because we were dividing by 3 with remainders.

Grace: I enjoyed sports day because I won medal.

Ava: I enjoyed sports day, especially the long distance run.

Karys: I enjoyed dress down day, watching my mum run on sports day and art.

Emma: I enjoyed watching a movie at golden time.

Breanna: I enjoyed our French food tasting. I especially enjoyed tasting the French baguette.

Isla: I enjoyed making a hand washing booklet and maths.

Liam: I enjoyed indoor and outdoor PE.

Daniel: I enjoyed tasting a French baguette during our French food tasting.

Finn: I enjoyed our French food tasting.

Baillie: I enjoyed sports day, especially the running races.

Robbie: I enjoyed sports day.

Arran: I enjoyed sports day.

Brodie: I enjoyed sports day.