Category Archives: P2

Our busy week in P3/2

It was a busy week in school.

We took part in Celebrating Success on Tuesday. We were all excited to share our song Every body. We sang and played a variety of instruments. We had a huge clap afterwards from the other classes and the parents and friends who came to see it. We were a quality audience for all the other classes too.

This week was also Outdoor Learning Day on Thursday. We always go outside for Outdoor PE on a Thursday afternoon so it was different as we did art aswell as PE. We used equipment and we drew each other holding either a ball,hula hoop or quoit and we had time to explore them to with a partner.

Here are our comments this week:

Nina- I liked our Celebrating Success Assembly this week and I got a certificate for “Being kind helpful and caring in class and in the playground.” My mum said well done !

Jess- I enjoyed Celebrating Success.Our song was “Every body”

Zara- I liked getting my certificate for Excellence in the Performing Arts. When I went home we had a special dinner and the day after I had a sweetie for snack as a special treat.

Ross- I enjoyed getting Head teacher’s Award for being great in all areas of the Curriculum.

Dylan – I got a certificate for my reading.

Isla-I liked Outdoor Learning. I drew Nina using a quoit(rubber ring).

Sophie S.- I enjoyed the P3 song ” We’re all in this together!”

Eden- I liked my cousin’s song ” Arc en ciel”.

Ellie-I liked playing the djembe in our Celebrating Success Assembly.

Niamh- I liked in Outdoor Learning drawing Sophie. She was using a hula hoop.

Kaycee-We also played the eggs(shakers) in our Celebrating Success Assembly. I played  maracas.

Harris-I liked sketching my partner Ellie in Outdoor Learning. She was using a hula hoop.

Archie- I liked Outdoor Learning. I had a spiky quoit. I drew Luis then he drew me.

Max- I liked Outdoor Learning joined with PE. I drew Rory. He was using the quoit.

Katie-I liked drawing Zara. She was holding a hula hoop then she drew me. We had to come back inside because it started hailstones.

Sophie M.-I was drawing Florence in Outdoor Learning. She was holding a hula hoop, then she drew me.

Grace- I loved getting my certificate at Celebrating Success. I got mine for a high standard of work across all areas of the Curriculum.

Florence-I liked drawing Sophie at Outdoor Learning and she was holding the quoit then she drew me. We used chalk to draw each other.

Eva- I liked doing Outdoor Learning with Kaycee. We both held the quoit and then we decided to hold a tortoise from the ball box and we drew each other again.

Lily- I liked going out for Outdoor PE.My partner was Grace. We drew each other then we had  time to use the equipment.

Luis- I liked being Archie’s partner for Outdoor Learning. We used the hula hoops. We drew with chalk.

Rory- I liked Celebrating Success. I liked P2b’s Performance.

Date for your diary:

Tuesday Shared Start 9am in upper hall then 9.10 in classroom.We look forward to seeing you then if you can manage!

Have a super weekend….it is nearly Procession time….Have you got your outfit organised yet?






This week in P2A we have been practising our area and looking at perimeter.

We made some seagulls and jazzy boats that Mr Grinling would see out of his lighthouse window.  We are planning to add these to our class display along with our lighthouses we have been busy making for homelearning.  Reminder these are due in on Tuesday 23rd of May.

We had fun yesterday going outside for Outdoor Classroom Day and we acted out the story of Hansel and Gretel in our groups and presented it to the class.

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week-Akasha

Celebrating Success Awards-Hollie, Luke, Lexi and Jude 🙂

Kyle has got his red stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Daniel has got his first green stripe on his green belt in Tae Kwon Do

Elena won the float competition



What a busy week we have had. We have guessed different fruit and vegetables. We have looked at the skeleton and sang a Skeleton song. We sketched fruit using wax crayons. We wrote about a healthy day and we presented our Healthy life as a powerpoint to the class. We even answered questions about it after with confidence and skill.

Here are our comments:

Noah- The fitness circuit was fun

Lily- I like the Fitness fundraiser yesterday. My brothers came and gave everyone a High 5

Grace-I took the teddy home last night. We played Fitness class and we were marching and bouncing on Lily’s trampoline

Isla,Sophie M- We liked The Fitness class with Mr. Jeffries

Sophie S.- I liked writing the healthy life story

Eden- I liked eating apple when we were naming fruits and vegetables

Harris- This week I was excited making the skeleton with cotton buds

Archie-I liked using the tissue paper to decorate the fruit for the wall

Jess- I’m excited to do my talk ” My Healthy life”

Nina- I ‘m excited to see Jess’s talk. Mine was about  my gymnastics, swimming and football

Luis- I enjoyed Outdoor PE. We were racing each other at the back playground

Ross- I enjoyed doing the Circuit Fitness with Mr Jeffries. It was for charity

Rory- I enjoyed making the skeleton with cotton buds and glue

Niamh,Ellie.Katie- We liked making our skeletons with cotton buds, glue and we put lots of details in it aswell

Eva- We made fruit pictures. I copied a lime as I had a lime to look at

Kaycee- I like learning about healthy living as I am learning about new things

Florence,Max,Zara- I liked the Fund raiser in the main hall with Mr Jeffrie

Dylan- Yesterday I had the teddy home and we went out on my bike


Tuesday 16th May Our Celebrating Success Assembly at 1.30pm All welcome

Have  a super weekend

ps Can you remember to wear school clothes on Tuesday but bring dress down ones for the afternoon performance?



This week we have been continuing our electricity topic of ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’ by making a working circuit using a battery, wires and a bulb.  We experimented with our wires to see how to connect the circuit correctly and we discovered that we needed to have the 2 wires connected together to the battery and the bulb in order to light it up.

We have been continuing to practise our Celebrating Success song and we hope to see you there on Tuesday 16th of May at 1.30pm 🙂

We have been busy writing about our seagulls Fred, Bob and Bert who were really naughty to Mr Grinling, eating his lunch and going on adventures.

Wee reminder to build your own lighthouse at home as part of homelearning.  I’m looking forward to seeing them all finished 🙂

Achievements this week-

Pupil of the week-Charlotte

Elena has learned how to tie her laces 🙂

Kyle has gained his white belt in Tae Kwon Do

Hollie has moved up a level to the Senior class in her dancing

Artjom is competing in a gymnastics competition-good luck!

Akasha has been practising her balances

Lexi has learned how to play a new song on her guitar



This week has been a very busy week in P2.  We had an inservice day and a holiday on Monday.  However we did a lot of important learning this week.  We have been busy learning our Celebrating Success song and we are looking forward to performing this with our class and showing to parents and carers.  Reminder to bring in a white teeshirt for our performance on the 16th of May at 1.30pm.  Gym teeshirts are fine to wear.  If this is not possible please let Miss McDougall know ASAP, thanks 🙂

We have been continuing to practise our division sums and we have been setting the scene in our writing for ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’.

Achievements this week:

Kyle has been practising his golf and is getting much better

Jude is now on level 1 in swimming

Jack is on level 10 in swimming

Teigan has been busy practising her reading

Archie has learned new tricks in swimming lessons

Sarah has been busy practising her gymnastics

Hollie and Akasha are getting better at tying their laces



This week in maths we have been practising our division using our number line and jumping back strategies. We have also been practising more of skip counting to get us faster at our mental maths.

We started our new topic of The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch and we are looking forward to making our electrical circuits to see if the lighthouse keepers bulb works well!

We had a very exciting trip to Stirling Castle on Thursday and we loved dressing up as Kings, Jesters, princesses and servants.  We were told all about the weapons and armour in Medieval times and we enjoyed exploring the castle rooms and vaults.

Hollie- ‘I liked smelling the boxes in the Vaults and dressing up’

Elena-‘I enjoyed the music room’

Kyle-‘I liked dressing up as the King’

Daniel’I liked learning where the dungeons are’

Archie-‘I thought it was funny when Luke dressed as a Jester!’

Akasha-‘I liked playing the organ with Rosie’







In maths this week we did tricky maths which involved using our skip counting strategies using 2,3,4,5, and 10.  We really had to challenge ourselves.

For writing this week we wrote our plan using our Easter snapshots of what we did during the Easter holidays, and we used this to create our personal writing stories.

In drama we have been busy practising our song for our Celebrating Success assembly on 16th May at 1.30pm.  We hope to see you then 🙂

This week to finish off our dungeons and dragons topic, we created 3D magical castles with our partners.  We are really looking forward to our class trip to Stirling Castle on the 27th of April.


Luke has been challenging himself in maths and skip counting past one hundred

Isla has been practising her swimming skills

Daniel and Kyle have gained new belts in Tae Kwon Do

Elena has moved up a level in swimming, now on level 3

Emily and Akasha have been improving on their swimming skills

Easter holidays here we come !

Congratulations to Lily for winning the Drama award for Primary 2

Pupil of the week-Whole of P2 got award for an excellent performance of The Caterpillar Boogie

Busy week performing The Gingerbreid mannie to P2/1 and being filmed for Education Scotland.Well done everyone- you were amazing ! Thank you Mrs Innes we loved doing it all with you especially The Rap !

We made Easter cards and nests. We completed wordsearches and Easter maze sheets.

We were amazed by our performance of Caterpillar Boogie when we saw ourselves on the dvd ! It was so much fun to do …

Here are our comments this week:-

Isla- I ‘m going on holiday to Florida

Florence,Sophie S.- We liked making the Easter nests today

Niamh- I liked making my nest today.I had a pink and a purple egg in it

Rory- I liked making my nest. I had two yellow eggs in it

Ellie- I liked watching The Gingerbreid mannie today

Dylan- I liked being Tod in The Gingerbreid mannie.A tod is a fox !

Nina- I liked taking a grumphie onto stage today. A grumphie is a pig

Lily-I liked being a tyke in The Gingerbreid mannie.A tyke is a dog

Sophie M.- I liked being a frog in The Gingerbreid mannie

Ross- I am going on holiday to Berwick

Kaycee-I liked being a narrator in The Gingerbreid mannie

Luis- I liked The Gingerbreid mannie we performed today and we were filmed and I was a person

Jess- In the holidays Nina and I might have a sleepover

Eva- I can’t wait to have a sleepover with Niamh

Eden- I liked dressing in blue today for Autism Awareness Day

Katie-I liked being the gingerbreid mannie in The Gingerbreid mannie P3/2 Show

Archie,Harris-We liked watching the dvd of The P2 show

Max- I liked being Mr Albert  Moore in The Ginger breid mannie


Holidays begin Friday 31st March

Holidays end and return to school Tuesday 18th April

Happy Easter everyone !



This week we have been busy practising our songs for the Easter Service on Friday.  We hope to see you there.  We have been busy making our Easter baskets and we hope that the Easter Bunny visits us with a nice surprise.  We watched the Easter story and sequenced our pictures to make an Easter flip book.

Today is Autism Awareness Day and we learned lots of facts about children with Autism.  People with Autism can be sensitive to sounds and smells and can sometimes find it challenging to be around large groups of unknown people.  We learned that there are ways we can help 🙂

We made and designed our ‘A’ for Autism and are looking forward to displaying our ‘A’s at the gathering.


Pupil of the week-Lexi

Daniel has got a grey stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Kyle has been practising his backflips

Emily is now on level 6 in swimming

Elena has been practising her gymnastics

We hope everyone has a super Easter holiday and we shall see you back at school on the 18th April 🙂


This week has been a very busy week for P2.  We had our Tuesday dress rehearsal for our show ‘Caterpillar Boogie’ and we had fun trying on our costumes.  The show was on Thursday and we loved giving our special person a bunch of flowers. Very emotional! Miss McDougall and the rest of the P2 staff are very proud of all the P2 children.  They did a fantastic job!

In P.E we learned how to work collaboratively in teams and we enjoyed learning our new games.

Reminder about the Easter competition for the 27th of March to bring in a decorated hard boiled egg.  There will be prizes!


Well done to Eva and Emma who won first place at their cheerleading competition

Well done to Eva who won the Safety Banner competition.  She will have her winning design made into a banner and displayed outside the front playground.

Pupil of the week-Emily



What a fantastic week in P3/2…

We watched a superb show on Tuesday ( dress rehearsal) then to family and friends on Thursday

” Caterpillar Boogie”. Well done everyone !

We have been working hard on Time and Division in Maths and Numeracy. We made healthy sandwiches this week and ate them! We also gave our sandwiches a name and then voted on the best. Dylan ‘s got the most votes and Zara was a runner up!

Dylan’s delicious sandwich and Zara ‘s zooming sandwich…What would you call your healthy sandwich?

Here are our comments for this week of Learning :-

Sophie M., Sophie S., Isla,Lily,Jess- We like dressing in red for Red Nose Day

Nina-I liked making my  healthy sandwich. Mine was called ” Nina’s nice sandwich”

Grace- I liked getting my photo taken with Archie after the P2 show

Eden-I liked being a bird in Caterpillar Boogie

Archie-I liked doing my gardener dance in the P2 show

Luis-I liked being a gardener in the P2 show

Harris-I like dressing down today with my Ducati tshirt

Zara- I liked making my healthy sandwich. Mine was called ” Zara’s zooming sandwich”!

Katie-I loved making and eating my healthy sandwich. It was called ” Katie’s crazy sandwich”

Kaycee- I liked The Egyptian Assembly today

Eva-I like doing the Mother’s Day picture

Florence- I liked making my sandwich. I called it” Florence’s favourite sandwich”

Niamh-My sandwich was called”Niamh’s nice sandwich”. I enjoyed making and eating it

Max- “Max’s marvellous sandwich” was my name for my healthy sandwich !

Ross-I liked wearing my blue wig as part of Red Nose day

Rory-I like making my sandwich-“Rory’s rapid sandwich” yesterday

Dylan- My sandwich title won ! ” Dylan’s delicious sandwich”

ARTICLE 12 The right to be listened to

ARTICLE 31 The right to feel safe and secure

Well done

Eva Pupil of the week for 100% effort in all areas

Dylan best sandwich title


Monday 27th March

Bring a decorated egg to school

Friday 31st March

Easter service at The High Church and Easter Holidays too





P3/2 have been learning in different ways

We learn on our own, with a partner, in small groups or as a whole class.

We do this in Maths, Literacy, IT, PE, Drama, Art, Music and RME.

Here are our comments:-

I like Drama as we are learning The gingerbreid mannie in Scots. I am the gingerbreid mannie !-Katie

We like doing the Caterpillar Boogie. We are gardeners-Isla,Luis,Harris

I got Pupil of the week for giving 100% in all areas.I felt really happy-Eva

We like doing Maths because it gives us more knowledge. Just now it is Mental Maths-Jess,Eden,Dylan

I can’t believe that Mrs Innes said I am going to be chatting to Education Scotland about The Gingerbreid mannie-Grace

The Gingerbreid mannie is in Scots and it is so hard to do!-Florence

I like being the narrator in The gingerbreid mannie-Niamh

I like getting Star of the month from Drama with Mrs Innes. I got it for my solo singing in The Caterpillar boogie-Lily

I like doing PE with Mr Jeffries on a Monday. We played Cops and Robbers today-Ellie

I liked growing cress with Mrs Spence last Wednesday-Zara

Today we were playing Tunnel Tig at PE-Rory

I like doing Art with Mrs Spence. I loved Jolomo sketching and painting-Archie

I like being Narrator one in The Gingerbreid mannie-Ross

I like being an animal in The Gingerbreid mannie-Nina

I am enjoying being a rainbow bird in Caterpillar Boogie-Sophie S.

I liked getting a new workbook for Maths. I did some dividing in it -Max

I like my part in The gingerbreid mannie as a narrator-Kaycee

I like Caterpillar Boogie-Noah





Please send costumes in if you haven’t already !

Thank you






Fun at Golden Time

Golden Time on a Friday is lots of fun. w

We sign up for an activity on a Monday and hope  to earn 5 minutes every day. We work hard in class and play in a caring,friendly manner to earn the minutes.

Here are our comments for this week:-

Nina and Max- We chose The Puppet Theatre for Golden Time. We are using lots of different puppets. The best puppet for Nina was the French one and Max’s favourite is the bear

Sophie M., Archie, Katie, Luis and Dylan- We chose lego this week. I like helping Luis make his ship-Katie. I like building my mum’s house-Sophie M.  Dylan and and Archie are building a mansion. Luis I like making my ship.

Lily,Isla, Florence, Harris and Ross- We are playing Gold diggers and Sonic Dash

Kaycee, Jess, Eden,Ellie and Zara- We are decorating biscuits and cakes. We are using icing and toppings

Sophie S.- I am reading Ernest the heroic lion tamer

Rory, Grace, Noah, Eva and Niamh- We are playing on own but chatting aswell

Shared start in P3/2 is Tuesday 14th March at 9.10am-Please join us for this if you can 


In P2a this week with Miss Taylor we have been learning all about Stirling Castle and finding out many different facts about the castle, we found out that Mary Queen of Scots lived there. We created our own Stirling Castle fact file during our Dungeons and Dragons topic.

In maths this week we have been looking at comparing lengths and what we can use to measure length, we used cubes to find out the length of our hands. We also estimated how many cubes it would take to measure our hand. Using different lengths of paper we ordered the paper from shortest to longest.

During writing we wrote about what we needed to do to be a special friend, we found out we needed to be helpful and use kind words to our friends.

P2a have been busy this week making Easter cards for the soldiers working away, they will be very happy when they receive their cards.

Achievements this week:

Kyle received pupil of the week this week.

Elena managed to jump very high at jump station and Rowan has practised to jump higher in PE.  Isla and Jude has been practising triple back flips at home and getting much better at this.

This week Hollie has learned to put her own bobble in her hair.

Daniel achieved a red stripe in Tae Kwon Do, while Akasha has learned the Kirlia Pose at home.





What a busy and exciting week in school .We celebrated World Book Day with an informative Gathering on Monday and we learned books that our teachers loved…Quite a few liked Guess how much I love you !

We have started taking a teddy and a diary home every day and reading with it at home..It is exciting waiting to see who will be chosen next…

We had such fun decorating potatoes into book characters..There were Harry Potter models, Humpty Dumpty, Elsa to name  a few..


I had fun decorating my potato as Harry Potter-Archie

I liked making my character out of a potato. Mine was Humpty Dumpty and I also built a wall out of lego-Ross

I liked making my potato into FERNO-Rory

I made Horrid Henry-Max

My potato was made into Paddington-Grace

I liked when we all read in school for 15 minutes-Florence

I liked doing my potato as Meg from Meg and Mog- Eden

I liked Golden Time this week and I ‘m dressed down-Isla

I liked doing the Super Hero wordsearch-Zara

I liked reading “The adventures of Super diaper baby”-Katie

We hope everyone had a good World Book Day-Harris,Luis

We liked P1b’s Assembly this morning-Noah,Nina,Jess,Ellie,Lily,Dylan,Kaycee

I liked Dress Down Day today. I am dressed as Tinkerbell-Sophie S.

I liked Dress Down Day and I am wearing my stripy tshirt and leggings-Sophie M.

I liked taking the teddy and diary home and I read “Lost for words”-Eva

Thank you for the £1 coins for Dress Down Day

Remember tickets for Caterpillar Boogie for P2 pupils please ..the date is Thursday 23rd March

have a super weekend everyone..see you all on Monday !





P2A’s week

This week in P2A we have been learning more in our topic of Dungeons and Dragons. We have been learning about the life of a Knight and we made wonderful Knights and chalk backgrounds with Miss Taylor for our class display.  In our writing we wrote a letter to King Thistle asking the King to let the dragon out of the dungeon.  We also had fun designing our banquet menus.  We found out if you are a rich Knight you might be able to afford 3 horses and you need to be 14 to be a squire.

We have been continuing practising our 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables and using our flashcards to find the answers.

In P.E. this week we worked well together as a team and played a fun body game.  We also won our second fireball.

For World Book Day we chose our own books, chose our characters and described our favourite characters. We read the story of ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and we also made our character puppets….it was fun!

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week-Daniel

Elena has learned how to pencil jump

Archie has been improving his swimming skills

Eva and Emma won a cheerleading trophy and came 3rd place

Hollie and Luke have been learning how to summersault in the water

Akasha is on level 1 in swimming

Daniel has achieved his dark blue stripes in Tae Kwon Do





We have had a lovely week in P2b as we have had a ‘Kindness’ focus. To start our week off we read the story “How Full Is Your Bucket?” by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer. The story is about a little boy called Felix who finds out from his Grandpa that we each have an invisible bucket. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When our bucket is empty, we feel awful.  Felix finds out that the things people say and do can have an effect on his bucket. We quickly spotted that when people were kind and helpful to Felix, his bucket began to fill up and when people were mean and unkind, his bucket began to empty. Felix also realised that everything he said or did to other people filled or emptied their buckets too! We really enjoyed the story and this brought about lots of discussion on how to fill up invisible buckets in our class. We set ourselves a challenge to fill as many of our classmates buckets as we could! Here are some of the things we got up to…

Joseph – “I helped Ehan tidy up the wooden toys.”

Tiana – “I shared my pencils with people at my table.”

Sara – “I helped Eilidh find her Shopkin.”

Orlaith – “I helped my little sister get her doll.”

Ava – “I have been kind to Dionne when she was sad.”

We also made and designed our own buckets from plastic cups. These will be displayed in our classroom and we can hopefully fill them up with kind notes and messages to each other over the next few weeks.

In writing we retold the story using a storyboard. We tried very hard to put the story into the correct order whilst remembering capital letter, full stops and finger spaces.

In maths we have been jumping up and down the hundred square identifying numbers before, after and between by cutting, sticking and colouring in the squares.

Our Caterpillar Boogie show is coming along well and we are all very excited to perform it on 23rd March. We have been singing really well!! Please remember to return the Butterfly letters regarding facepaint as soon as possible. Thanks.

Pupil of the Week – Fearne – for writing a super acrostic poem on Scotland. Well done Fearne!!

P2A’s week

This week with Miss Taylor we learned about the life of a Knight during our Dungeons and Dragons topic and we learned that we needed to be 7 years old. Knights have important tasks to do, for example keeping the castle safe and protecting the people who live in the castle and looking after the Prince and Princesses. We learned that dungeons are very scary places…not somewhere we would like to live in!

We have been busy learning the 4 & 5 times tables in our maths groups and we had fun with flashcards, games, worksheets and we liked using the ‘under the Sea’ game on the Smartboard.

In writing this week we wrote about a day in the life of a Knight and we have written wonderful stories.

In drama this week we have been busy practising for the P2 show on the 23rd of March…Reminder for the butterflies to bring in skin coloured tights, and the face painting permission letter 🙂 All other characters for our show will have costumes supplied.

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week: Luke

Kyle won trophies in Tae Kwon Do for working hard and being Pupil of the Month

Archie won a rosette for a clear round in his Pony Club

Lois has moved onto level 5 in swimming

Akasha is trying hard at her swimming and is trying hard to get to level 2

Emily and Artjom have been practising their swimming skills

Elena can now do a handstand in the swimming pool





Snowy P3/2

It was quite snowy at school yesterday and we took advantage of that and went outside and played.

Ross,Dylan,Jess- We liked it when we were playing together out in the snow

Luis-I liked making a snowman

Max-I got my Step 5 today !

Harris- I liked playing with the football we found in the snow !

Archie- I wrote bonjour in the snow !

Rory-I rolled a ball of snow into a big ball. A snowball in french is le boule de neige

Zara- I loved making a mini snowman and I put my scarf on him

Lily-I liked the girls being photographed together in the snow

Eden- I liked getting my picture taken with the little snowman

Eva- I wrote Leon le cameleon in the snow

Grace-I drew a snowman when I came into class and in french it is called le bonhomme de neige !

Katie- I loved drawing my snowman back in class and used cotton wool and tissue paper for the snow

Niamh-I liked learning winter french words eg l’hiver is winter

Sophie S. -I liked making a snowman in class on paper and writing Le bonhomme de neige on it

Isla- It is amazing that yesterday was snowy and the day before was sunny!

Kaycee- I liked being out in the fresh air as we were not out at break because of the snow

Nina- I liked getting the picture taken of all the class in the snow

Florence-Yesterday was a fun day in the snow

Congratulations to:-

our new Step 5 children-Rory, Max, Isla and Sophie M.

Pupil of the week-Sophie M. for a friendly nature in class and outside













This week Miss Taylor started our new topic of Dungeons and Dragons. Dan the Dragon wrote a letter to the class as he accidently breathed fire on the King’s castle and it made the King really cross and very sad.  P2A have a job to make the King happy again by learning all about life in a castle and completing their challenges.

In writing this week we wrote a letter to King Thistle to help him make his castle better again.

In maths this week we have been learning about symmetry and halves and quarters for our fraction work.

In drama this week we have been continuing to practise our Caterpillar Boogie show.  We look forward to seeing you on March 23rd at 9.30 am…tickets and letters will be handed out soon 🙂

Achievements this week

Eva is nearly on level 4 in swimming

Akasha has been practising her swimming skills

Luke and Hollie have achieved their backstroke level, now on level 5

Emily has been practising her gymnastics

Artjom and Rowan  have been practising their swimming skills

Daniel has achieved his Space stripe and a green stripe in Tae Kwon Do

Elena is getting better at roller skating

Teigan has been practising her cartwheels and is getting better at them

Lexi is getting better at playing the guitar