This week has been a very busy week for P2.  We had our Tuesday dress rehearsal for our show ‘Caterpillar Boogie’ and we had fun trying on our costumes.  The show was on Thursday and we loved giving our special person a bunch of flowers. Very emotional! Miss McDougall and the rest of the P2 staff are very proud of all the P2 children.  They did a fantastic job!

In P.E we learned how to work collaboratively in teams and we enjoyed learning our new games.

Reminder about the Easter competition for the 27th of March to bring in a decorated hard boiled egg.  There will be prizes!


Well done to Eva and Emma who won first place at their cheerleading competition

Well done to Eva who won the Safety Banner competition.  She will have her winning design made into a banner and displayed outside the front playground.

Pupil of the week-Emily


One thought on “P2A”

  1. I have heard lots of compliments and comments about how well all of P2 have worked to perform their show. It’s a great memory you’ve made to look back on proudly 🙂

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