Category Archives: P1a

Fitness Fortnight Continued…

This week, as part of fitness fortnight we played bowls and wrestling. In bowls we tried to get our bowls as close to the Jack as possible. The person closest to the Jack scored a point for their team. We were very competitive! At wrestling, we used our arm strength to wrestle the ball from another person. It was great fun!

Yesterday, a lady called Rachel visited our class to do a music lesson with us. We were learning to keep the beat. We sang songs and played games. Our favourite game was the lycra game. During this we sang a song and moved teddies from side to side on a large piece of lycra. This was to help us feel the beat. We are looking forward to another music lesson in two weeks’ time.

Have a great weekend. We hope you enjoy the procession.


Highlights for P1l

Hello Everyone

This week we are blogging our highlights of the week,

Alex – l really enjoyed the skipathon because l learned to skip.
Maisey – wrestling was good because it was fun.
Jacob – l thought wrestling was fun.
Catriona – l liked the skipathon because l like to skip.
Jess – l enjoyed the skipathon because once l learned how to skip l really liked it.
Lucas – l liked the bowling because my team won!
Suvi – the skipathon was good because it helped me skip.
Alfie – l liked using my senses in the smelling test when we were learning about nocturnal animals.
Joshua – the skipathon was good because l skipped backwards.

As you can see the skipathon provided to be very popular. We had another sporty week with bowling, wrestling and skipping. In health and wellbeing we were looking at how to wash our hands properly and in our Gardeners World topic we looked at nocturnal animals that come into our garden at night.

Bye for now P1l

Reminder – Botanics trip on Thursday please remember your teddy and packed lunch.

P1b’s Update

It has been a very busy week in P1b. We are really enjoying fitness fortnight. This week we had P.E, Sports Day, Kurling, gymnastics and boxercise. Here are some of our thoughts on these activities:

‘I won a medal for running fast at Sports day.’ Isaac
‘I liked sports day because I like running.’ Guy
‘I won two medals!’ Mia
‘My favourite was the egg and spoon race.’ Campbell
‘I liked when we practiced skipping with Mr Jeffries.’ Isabella
I liked doing forward rolls at gymnastics.’ Skye
‘I liked walking along the high beam.’ Mia
I liked jumping on the spring board.’ Euan
‘I liked boxercise because we had music on and played the famer game’. Ailah
‘I liked punching in the air’. Isaac
I liked the boxing game when we had to tig our partner’s knee. The fairy jumps were funny.’ Isabella.

Yesterday we learned about pollination. This is when insects go inside a flower and move pollen from one part of a flower to the other. This makes new seeds! We made a bee craft using different materials including black and yellow card, pipe cleaners, tissue paper and a plastic cup. We then used our bees to act out pollination. Next week we are going on a mini beast hunt to identify different mini beasts in our school grounds.

Fitness Fun in P1l

Hello Everyone

P1l are all thoroughly enjoying our Commonwealth Fitness Fortnight so far. On Monday Miss Henderson worked with us to make some delicious fruit and vegetable smoothies. Everyone worked on different combinations and they were very yummy, we were learning about how we can eat things in different ways. On Tuesday we had P.E with Mr Jefferies and we started to practise our skipping skills ready for next weeks skipathon. In the afternoon we were had a super gymnastics session with our instructor Amy. We did crocodile kicks, forward rolls, jumping, small balance beam and much to Mrs Leamy’s initial worry a high balance beam. It was a great session and everyone made it across the beam and some people didn’t even hold Amy’s hand! Wednesday was super sports day with everyone taking part with great enthusiasm. Today was another busy one with curling in the morning and in the afternoon we had boxercise with Mr McGregor from Bathgate Academy. We finished the day by making thank you cards to give to the instructors who have all been so great.

Hello from P1l

Hello from P1l

It has been a while since we blogged and apologises for this. Each week the blog has faithfully been updated but unfortunately when it has been posted nothing has been showing up. We are hoping things have now be resolved and you will be able to see our blog in all it’s glory.
We have all been enjoying our Gardener’s World topic and our classroom is looking like a garden paradise.

Last week we looked at the life cycle of a tree with Miss Boyle and this week were very busy bees learning all about the good work bees do and what they look like. With the help of Mrs Jamieson we have planted some lettuces, potatoes, tomatoes and carrots outside and they are all growing very well. We all got to take our pea plants home today. On Monday we looked at some paintings by an artist called Georgia O’Keeffe, she paints beautiful big flowers and we had a go at doing our own.

Here are some of our highlights from this week:

Catriona and Summer enjoyed the flower painting.

Maisey enjoyed all of it!

Katie liked painting a worm.

Suvi enjoys the mini beast colouring.

Jess liked working with Miss Boyle on the life cycle of a tree.

Bye for now P1l

P1b Update


In school this week, we continued our Gardener’s World topic. On Tuesday, we wrote descriptions about our gardens- they are very good! We were learning to use describing words to make our writing more interesting.

We also looked at seed dispersal. This is different ways that seeds are spread to allow new plants to grow. Some methods of seed dispersal include: the wind, animals carrying and water. We watched a short video which explained this then had fun acting out different methods of seeds dispersal for our classmates to guess.

Today we had our very first assembly at Balbardie. Everyone was very impressed as we worked hard to learn out lines and songs.

Have a nice weekend,
Miss Bollen and P1b


On Monday we went a trip with our teddies to watch a music concert. When we got there adults played different instruments for us. They played percussion instruments, a double bass, a violin, a clarinet, a flute and a bassoon. We went on a bear hunt and heard the story of Goldilocks. During this the adults played instruments to make sounds from the story. We all seemed to enjoy the music and had great fun!

We have been learning about the five senses. Yesterday afternoon we went into the garden outside and drew pictures of things that we could see, hear, smell, touch and taste.

Isabella- ‘We saw a butterfly and ladybird.’

Isaac- ‘We saw wasps.’

Guy- ‘We smelled flowers.’

Euan- ‘I felt the dry grass.’

Sofiye- ‘We saw a bird house.’


Yesterday during outdoor P.E, we split into teams to make up our very own games. Miss Bollen gave each team different equipment to use and was very impressed with our imaginative ideas. Here are some explanations of our games:

Team 1: Ailah- ‘We were bouncing and kicking the ball around the cones.’

Mia- ‘We took turns to do this.’

Ailah- ‘We didn’t argue even though it’s hard to take turns in a big group.’

Team 2: Euan- ‘We were trying to get all of the cones inside the hoop.’

Team 3: Campbell- ‘We were doing racing. We were holding the baton so two people didn’t run at once.’

Team 4: Jaime-Lee- ‘We were throwing the ball and someone was standing in the hoop. If they caught the ball they scored points. If the person in the hoop didn’t catch the ball they lost points.

Next week we look forward to trying everyone’s games!

P1M Garden Topic

Primary 1M

We had a very interesting Czech Language lesson this week
from Sophia’s Mum. She visited us on Monday afternoon to tell us some lovely
Czech words for greetings, colours and numbers. Then she read us a children’s
story in Czech. It was about a tree with sad feelings because part of its trunk
had been worn away. A cage was put round the tree to protect it. The tree felt
much happier after that!

We have started our new “Garden” topic for this term. We are
finding out about different types of trees. We learned that the “Elder Tree” is
very common in Britain. Its creamy-white flowers open out in July (Jack’s
birthday month) and its black berries come out in September (Ranna’s birthday
month). We also found out that insects don’t like the smell of Elder leaves. (We
have a lot of pretend minibeasts in the class garden!).

On Thursday, parent visitors helped us to make flowers for
our garden display. We arranged petals around our photograph and wrote a word
in each petal to describe what we are like. We added a stem and leaves to
complete our flowers.

We’re having difficulty posting our pictures on the blog so watch this space for some to come once we get the problem fixed.

Hello from P1b

This week we started our new class topic Gardener’s World.  We watched a short video about different things that plants need to grow.  We learned they need space, soil, air, sun and water.  We then worked with a partner to make a poster to show this information. 

Yesterday, during shared start, we made flowers that represent us.  First we glued a photograph of ourselves onto the middle of a flower.  We then chose five coloured petals to stick around our flower.  Lastly, we wrote adjectives to describe ourselves on the petals.  They will look amazing on our new class display!

On Wednesday we played a game of snakes and ladders with our buddies.  We were learning how to take turns and follow the rules of a game.  We also practised numbers to 3o as we recorded the numbers on our game board.  We were very excited when we won the game 🙂

Welcome Back P1l

Hi Everyone

It was great to come back on Tuesday and hear all about the exciting things people had been doing in the holidays. We started our day back with a Circle Time to share our holiday news. Everyone got straight back into the swing of things and Mrs Leamy was very impressed with how well we were all reading after the holidays. This week we have continued to practise our French skills looking at bonjour and salut. On Wednesday we impressed Mrs Leamy again with how well we could say hello in French as she hadn’t heard us before. In writing we wrote about what we would like to do when we grow up. There are quite a few of us hoping to the teachers, a nurse, some policemen and fire fighters. Some people are inspired by their mums and dads and are looking to follow in their footsteps. We also made a start on our new topic ‘Gardeners World’ and drew the garden of our dreams.

We currently have a junk modelling area in class and there are some amazing creations being made. Please could you keep and send in any boxes, kitchen roll tubes etc.

There is a Primary 1 Shared Start next Thursday 1st May, hopefully see you then.

Welcome back to School P1m!

We have all been happy to see each other on our return to school this week 🙂

We have been busy learning about measure in maths.  We particularly enjoyed measuring classroom objects using paperclips!

We have worked hard on our entries for the West Lothian Young Writer of the year competition.  We wrote about what we want to happen in the future.  We have lots of different career aspirations, from joining the police and fire service, to becoming teachers and international spies!

We have started working on creative dance with Mrs Innes, and Gymnastics with Mr Jeffries.

We made cards to say thank you and good luck to Laura, our High School helper, who has been a fantastic help to the class.  We will miss you Laura!

A Visit from Dr White…..

Earlier in the week we had a visit from Mrs White.  She showed us all different types of bandages, what they’re all used for, and how to use them.  This was very exciting and different people got to role-play being hurt.  This was great fun, although we hope that we don’t encounter too many real life injuries!

We also learned about the eye.  It’s got lots of different parts and we’re looking forward to learning some more about the other senses.

We’ve had a fun arty afternoon on Tuesday.  We explored how to create still life pictures of flowers using different media.

On Wednesday, in the week we learned about weddings, in the lead up to Kiara’s mum and dad’s wedding.  We are looking forward to Kiara showing us all some photos of the special day next week 🙂

On Thursday we enjoyed our visit to the library.  The librarian read us a funny book all about a girl who didn’t look after her teeth.  We all take time to brush ours carefully so that they stay beautiful and white!

We had fun making mother’s day cards and presents.  We hope that all of the mummies have a nice day on Sunday 🙂

Our Week in P1l

Hello Everyone

Today has been a very tasty day with a visit this morning over to the Sports Relief Bake Sale. Everyone enjoyed a tasty treat and we helped raise money for people who didn’t have the same things as us.

Because of the horrible weather yesterday we didn’t get to do our Sports Relief Mile but we did go up to the gym hall and ran round it 10 times which was hard work and a lot of us were tired afterwards.  Mrs Leamy did take some pictures but because we were running so fast they came out all blurry – sorry.

This week we have been practising our painting skills.  On Tuesday in our Superheroes topic work we were looking at real-life superheroes and how some people can do amazing jobs helping people all the time.  We spoke about the emergency services and how we get in touch with them and lots of people spoke about their family being their superheroes.  Then we got painting and used very thin brushes to paint pictures of people from the police, fire fighters and paramedics.  Mrs Leamy was very impressed with how well we painted with the little brushes. We practised our skills again on Thursday when we drew and painted pictures of people from the Wizard of Oz linking into this years float theme.

On Thursday we had a new challenge developing our listening skills, we were listening for instructions. We all had a picture and then Mrs Leamy read out an instruction and we had to follow it.  We all did very well and listened carefully.

Next Thursday we will be at the library for our final visit.

Sports Relief

Yesterday we ran ten laps around the gym hall for Sports Relief.  We learned that this is a charity that can help other people have better lives.  We looked at a Powerpoint of a boy in Ghana who worked all day and did not have the right to an education or play.  We thought about how lucky we were and discussed ways we have the right to play and drew matching pictures. Today we got to go the bake sale!  We bought lots of yummy cakes to raise money for Sport Relief.  Thank you to all the boys and girls for taking part.

Primary 1b Easter Egg Fun

The children in Primary 1b today made colourful Easter Egg patterns with lots of different materials.  They had great fun using the stampers to cut out shapes to stick on their eggs.  Once they had finished they cut out the eggs ready to go home nearer to Easter time.  The children were able to recognise that Christians celebrate Easter to show the stone which the angel rolled away from Jesus’ tomb when he came alive again.

Easter Egg Fun in P1l

Last week the children in Primary 1l watched a film all about the Easter Story.  This week we dicussed that Christians beleive that Easter Eggs show the stone that was rolled away from Jesus’ tomb to show his mother that he had risen from the dead.  Everyone decorated their own Easter Eggs with lots of different materials.  They had great fun doing this activity and are looking forward to bringing them home nearer to Easter.

Hello from P1l

Hello Everyone

Lots happening this week, Mrs Leamy was sure she actually saw smoke coming out of someones ears because their brains were working so hard.  We have all moved on in maths, some of us have been looking at number facts for 5 and some have been looking at subtraction.  We have been using cubes to help us with take away sums and we learned the take away sign. 

In our Superheroes topic we looked at villains, we looked at how they look and thought of words we could use to describe them. We all created our own villain and described them.  We followed this up by looking at how sometimes in real life people can not be very nice and how this makes other people feel.  We then got rid of our worries by drawing them on a ‘worry bag’ and let go of them with everyone elses.

We also started to look at the alphabet and have started to practise writing some capital letters.  We know that names and days of the week have a capital letter.

Next week we are going to the library on Monday and doing the Sport Relief Mile on Thursday.

Bye for now from P1l

Hello from P1b

This week in topic, we explored what dinosaurs ate.  We learned that most dinosaurs ate leaves and plants.  These dinosaurs are called herbivores.  Some dinosaurs ate meat. They are called carnivores.  We sorted pictures of carnivores and herbivores. During this, we learned that brachiosaurus, stegosaurus and triceratops were plant eaters and T-Rex’s and velociraptors were meat eaters.   Next week we will look at a dinosaur food chain.

 Yesterday we went to the local library.  When we arrived, the librarian read us a dinosaur story.  We also got to choose our own library books to take home.  We will visit the library again in two week’s time.

Inside our bodies…..

This week we have been learning about what goes on inside our bodies.  We enjoyed exploring the organs which work inside our bodies, and are very curious to find out more about what they all do!

We were interested to find out that most of the organs are a similar pinky colour, and were fascinated with the length of our intestines!

In French this week we have been learning to count from zero to five, and practising greetings.

Thank you to all of the family members who attended a busy shared-start event yesterday.  We love welcoming you into our classroom 🙂