Category Archives: P1a

Remember, Remember!

This week we have been learning about fire safety. On Wednesday, it was Bonfire Night! We all talked about being safe if you were going to watch a firework display.

Some safety tips are:
-Stay far enough back from the firework display – Dylan
-The fireworks might explode and burn you! – Hannah
-Don’t run back to a lit firework – Lewis
-Don’t go too near the fireworks – Aaron
-Keep your pets indoors so they don’t get scared – Lucas
-Keep the fireworks you are not using safe away in a box – Alfie
-Don’t let your cats go outside – Farrah
-Keep babies inside if they are scared too – Erin

We also made pictures in class of fireworks
-I liked making my picture – Jodie
-We used chalk, pens, pencils and tissue paper. We scrunched up the tissue paper to make small fireworks – Katie
-We used black card so it looked like night time and used coloured chalk so it looked like bright fireworks – Lucas
-We used crayons as well to make swirly fireworks! – Erin

We have been learning about…

Our new topic this term is “Toy Story” – Katie

We started our “Toy Story” floorbook and our challenge this week was to ask mums, dads and grandparents what their favourite toy was when they were younger – Alfie

We have been learning about each other’s favourite toys. My favourite toy is racing cars and jets – Max

We talked about taking care of our toys and being safe with them. My favourite toy is Buzz Lightyear – Aaron

My favourite toy is Monster High dolls- Hannah

*Just a special reminder that we are beginning to work on our P1 Nativity Production. Please could you help your child learn their words. These have been sent home or will be sent home next week and are in their school bags. Thank you*

-Miss Wilson & P1w

Inky’s Vowel House

This week we have been learning new sounds that are in Inky’s Vowel House!

We decided to go outside and draw our own Vowel Houses using chalk in the playground. Here are some of our fantastic houses.

We even did one together using the playground house outside!

Once we came back inside, we looked at our pictures and discussed the story again. Miss Wilson is so impressed with how well we have remembered the story of Inky’s Vowel House!! We have remembered all of the characters and all of the sounds they make.

The Vowel House story is:
The donkey lives on the top floor and he says “ee”
The old man who lives underneath is hard of hearing who says “ai”
The old lady who lives underneath who cracks eggs says “e”
In the basements lives some ants “a”
We don’t like the ants! So we run upstairs to turn the light on “o”
It won’t switch on! So we say “oa”
Then we run to the top and there’s a ghost “oo”
The ghost scares Inky the mouse and he knocks over the ink “i”
It’s okay because we put up the umbrella “u”

Here are some pictures of our fabulous chalk drawings as well of Inky’s Vowel House:

For all Primary 1 parents, a letter was sent out inviting you to attend a session held by Alison Paterson to tell you more about Vowel House and Colourful Consonants. If you would like to attend it will be held on October 30th from 9:00-10:15am in school. We hope you can make it 🙂

Have a lovely holiday everyone!
-Miss Wilson and P1w

The postie came to P1h

This week we had a parcel delivered to our classroom.  The Little Red Hen sent it to us.  We thought lots and lots about what could be in it.  Was it a loaf of bread or maybe a chicken!?!  No…it was a bag of flour, some yeast and a recipe to make bread.  We were not like the dog, cat and duck as we all worked together to stir and knead the dough.  We loved watching the dough prove in the class room, it grow so much it nearly spilled over the bowl.  At the end of the day we had a story and ate the yummiest bread and butter.

Have a good weekend!

Our Day in P1l

Hello Everyone

We have had a great day today so we thought we would tell you about it. There were three extra special things, firstly it was our first time of getting changed for P.E and going up to the hall with our P.E teacher, Mr Jefferies. Everyone did a great job of getting changed and we only have a few wayward socks left behind.

We lined up with our bubbles in and went up to the hall to see Mr Jefferies. We worked really hard following instructions about how things work in the Gym Hall.

The second special thing was that we have all started our reading books. Everyone was very excited to get their books. We have been looking at how we hold a book, where we start to read and using the pictures to help tell the story.

This week we have been looking at the story of The Little Red Hen. Today Mrs Jamieson came in and like the hen she helped us to make some bread. We made two huge loaves then we ate them and they were delicious.

Bye for now from P1l

P1l’s Week

Hello Everyone

This week has been a very busy Balbardie week. Monday we had the school photographer then on Tuesday we were photo stars again this time for the Courier, keep your eyes peeled for the special P1 edition. We also had a special visit from the SSPCA talking to us about what we should do if we find an injuired animal. We started our ‘Once Upon a Time’ topic and looked at the story of Golidlocks and the Three Bears. In our phonics work we have now learned 4 sounds m,c,s and p. Our buddies came to visit on Thursday and we played some games with them. In our Learners Journeys we have set ourselves targets for the term. Lots of us chose things liked being able to write our name, read some words or learn 10 sounds. We are going to work very hard to achieve our targets. Here are some of our thoughts of things we enjoying doing:

I like lunchtime and lining up with my bubble in. Rory

It is good going on the trim trail at play time. Ruby-Anne

I like seeing my buddy Cameron at lunch time. Charlie

I like playing with the stickle bricks
. Kyle

I was pleased when l used our rhyme to write a 4. Brandon

I like going outside to play. Zara

My favourite area is the house corner. Keilija

It was great to see lots of people at ‘Meet the Teacher’ on Wednesday, thank you for coming. Here are the Shared Start dates for this year.

7th October, 2nd December, 24th March and 26th March

Apologises but think l had an information overload and just to confirm homework will normally be given out on a Wednesday and returned on Mondays, l think l may have said Tuesday.

Bye for now from P1l

Someone’s eaten all of P1w’s porridge!

This week we have been learning about numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 and counting within these numbers. We have all been impressing Miss Wilson very much!

We have all been learning about the letters and sounds s and p. We have been making wonderful displays in the class with our work.

We have been learning the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and discussing the story. We created WANTED posters for Goldilocks as we felt that she did some naughty things! We thought it was quite naughty that Goldilocks went into the cottage when she didn’t even know who lived there and we had a discussion about how to stay safe.

With our buddies we tried using paper mache and balloons to make bowls for porridge to go in! We really like working with our buddies and are looking forward to seeing how our bowls turn out.

Farrah moved up to Step 3 this week! Well done, Farrah 🙂

Hola from P1h

We have had a busy week again.  These are our highlights…..

We made Three Bear Porridge in class this week.  Like Mummy Bear we used a special stick called a spurtle to make the porridge.  We know Mummy Bear makes Daddy Bear’s porridge salty, Baby Bear’s plain and adds honey to her bowl, so we did too. We were like Goldilocks and tried all three bowls, but we liked Mummy Bear’s porridge the best.  We have also been making our own porridge bowls out of paper mache, we are looking forward to decorating them.

We have been enjoying making lots of friends as it is fun playing with them.  Some of our favourite things are dressing up, cars, building dinosaurs, jigsaws and making up our own stories in the library.  This is the first week we brought in toys from home on a Friday we were all very careful and looked after our own toys and our friends.  We had fun sharing.  Well done P1!

Bye for now!

P.S. Mums, dads, aunties etc please leave us a comment too!

P7b and P1h are buddies!

One of the things p7b have enjoyed most about p7 so far is being able to help our p1 buddies from Miss Holwill’s class. We’ve been helping them out at lunchtimes to get used to the school system and we’ve been spending Buddy Time helping them with their learning. Last week we helped them design peg people which looked like themselves and this week we helped them with some painting as they made bears for their Goldilocks and the Three Bears display. Check out some pictures below… 


Welcome to our blog from P1l

Hello from P1l

It is very exciting doing the first blog post for P1l. We hope lots of people read it and leave us comments.

It is hard to believe that P1 have only been at school for two weeks as everyone has settled into school life so well. This was a big week as we stayed all day and had lunch at school too. This week we started to learn our sounds and these are going to help us learn to read and write. We have learned two already and they were ‘m’ and ‘c’. We have been looking at where the sounds comes from in our mouth to help us remember what the sound is. Here are some pictures of us working on our sound activities.

We have been learning about our school and we looked at our uniforms and why we wear them. We have some great pictures of us in our uniform up on the wall in our classroom.

On Wednesday we watched the story of the Rainbow Fish. It helped us to think about how we make friends and feel happy. We then got together with our buddies and made our own Rainbow Fish.

Mrs Leamy is very proud of how hard everyone has been working already – well done to you all.

Welcome to P1h!

Although some of us are missing nursery we all think school is good and fun!

We have learned so much already and Miss Holwill is so impressed with us.  We are beginning to learn our sounds.  We can all say ‘m’ and ‘c’ and read I, the, he and she.  When we are learning our sounds we all practice writing them and do lots of fun activities like colouring, painting and sticking.  In maths we have started to write numbers and count.  Our favourite game is when we pretend to be green bottles accidently falling of the wall.

We have been meeting lots of new people and learning about how they help us in school.  We have made pictures of some of these people to remind us.  Some really important people in school are our buddies.  They have been playing with us at play time and helping us at lunch.  We also have a lesson with them each week.  This week we made peg people of ourselves.

We haven’t even started to tell you about drama, PE or Spanish.

Miss Holwill thinks we better have a long lie tomorrow 🙂

Talk to you soon!

Our week in P1w

We have had a very busy week in Primary 1w! All the boys and girls were in for a WHOLE day every day this week and nobody has fallen asleep yet 🙂

Some of the things we have learned so far are:
Farrah – We have been learning to write and use 0, 1 and 2
Katie – We have been learning how to stay safe. Don’t talk to strangers!
Alfie – We have been learning about the sound and letter “m” and “c”
Eva – We have learned to say “Hello” in Spanish which is “Hola”
Lily – We also learned how to say our name. Me llamo Lily!
Maisie – We had lots of fun in Drama too!
Kaycee – Mr Jeffries takes us for P.E. We were learning to exercise and play games
Lewis – I have made a new friend this week. His name is Aaron
Jodie – Me too! Holly is my new friend
Erin – Lily is my new friend too

Pupil of the week – Alfie Brand

P1b’s Learning Log

We have had another busy week in P1b. On Tuesday all of Primary 1 went to the local park. When we got there, we had a biscuit and completed a mini beast quiz. We then worked in partners to go on a nature scavenger hunt. Here are some of the things that we found:
‘We found toadstools.’ – Isabella
‘I found a slug.’- Guy
‘We saw a butterfly.’ – Gemma
‘I found a snail.’- Euan
‘I found a moth on a tree.’- Amy
After our hunt, we went to the park and got to play on everything. We enjoyed having fun in the sun with our friends 

On Wednesday we made a garden diorama with our buddies. First, we cut and folded paper to make the diorama then we used different materials inside to make garden features. We made trees, swings, ponds, flowers and people for our garden. They look really effective. Have a look at some of or work below.

Park Fun with P1l

Hello Everyone

P1l had a great afternoon at the park this week and we were so lucky as the sun shone all the time we were there.

We started our visit with a park scavenger hunt. Everyone did really well at hunting for things and Mrs Leamy was quite surprised because a lot of people crossed off squirrel. Each time she looked she couldn’t see one but there were lots of promises that people had definitely, definitely seen squirrels in Balbardie Park, so next time you are there keep your eyes peeled:)

We had a quick snack and a creepy crawly quiz then it was off to the play park. Before we went in we all had to look for something which was moved by a push force and something that we pull. We discovered that the park is a very good place do this as there were so many things that move.

Then it was fun time.

P1’s Trip to the Botanic Gardens

Yesterday we went on our school trip to the Botanic Gardens. When we arrived we had a look around the garden and had a play. We then learned a special code word which was SWAF- this stands for shelter, water, air and food. That is what living things need to survive.
At lunch time we had a teddy bears picnic. There was a large bear called Edward. He left some clues so we could find our lunch. He was about to eat without us but we just made it in time!
In the afternoon we went to the woods and played a tree game. The lady was pretending to chop the trees down and if they were chopped down, the bears had to find another tree for shelter. The bears couldn’t survive when there wasn’t enough shelter. This taught us that we need to take care of living things. We had a fab day. Here are some pictures of our teddy bear’s picnic.

Where is the Bear? P1l

Hello Everyone

We had a great day yesterday at the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh.

We were all very excited when we got on the bus and it didn’t take to long to get there.

We began the day in the Education Room which was like being inside a big tree. We learned about S.W.A.F which stands for Shelter, Water, Air and Food which are the things we need to survive. We also heard about Edward Bear who was hiding in the woods and it was our job to follow clues and find him.

We started our quest looking for Edward in the big garden and learned about how people are chopping down trees where bears live and it is making the bears angry and sad.

Then we went on a Rainbow Chip hunt looking for plants to match the colour of our chip. We walked through the woods finding clues from Edward as we went. We were very good at answering his questions and we all remembered what S.W.A.F stands for.

Eventually we found Edward Bear, he was guarding our packed lunches and thankfully hadn’t eaten them.

After lunch we went back into the gardens and put all our new knowledge to the test when we built magic islands using S.W.A.F to help us.

We had a great day on our trip, Mrs Leamy was very proud of us and there were lots of tired boys and girls on the way home.