Category Archives: P1a


Did you know that pirates took dried food as well as animals onto their ship?  They would eat the eggs and milk when the animals still had food, when they ran out of food for the animals they would be butchered.

Pirates used to salt, dry and pickle a lot of their food as they did not have fridges, freezers or cans like we do.  During the journey their food would rot but they still needed to eat it.  However, when they were near land they would land and take on fresh supplies.

We pretended to be pirates this week on a long journey.  At first, our rations were hard tack biscuits, dried fruit and pickled cabbage (so we would not die of scurvy).  Luckily our food was not rotten.  We all really enjoyed the hard tack.  Olivia would have soon been the captain as she was the only one who liked the pickled cabbage and would not have got scurvy.

Then the captain said that land was near so we got a map to find fresh supplies.  We collected pineapple, corn bread and pawpaw.  We also managed to catch fish but not sea turtles.  We all much preferred these rations although we missed the hard tack!








Pirate facts

This week in our writing we had to think of at least 3 facts about the life of a pirate or facts about pirate ships. Some of the facts that we wrote about were:
-Eva’s fact was that pirate ships had jolly roger flags on them
-Jodie’s fact was that the sailor drove the boat
-Farrah’s fact was the scrubber or cabin boys cleaned the deck
-Lewis’s fact was that the jolly roger flag was put up to scare other people on their ships
-Max’s fact was that the anchor was thrown out the ship to stop the ship like a break on the car




This week we also made pirate portraits. We drew a picture with pencil first of a pirate’s face and then added detail. Some pirates had eye patches, some had bandanas, some had gold teeth! Once we drew our pictures with pencil, we then painted them to add colour and more detail. Once our pictures had dried we stuck on a border. On the border we wrote some pirate sayings! Some of the sayings that pirates said were:
“Ahoy me maties!”
“Land ahoy!”
“Shiver me timbers!”
“Arrr me maties!”
“Walk the plank!”
When writing all these sayings we discussed using a punctuation mark. We talked about when we would use this in our writing and a lot of boys and girls have been impressing Miss Wilson by using this in their writing lately.




Another exciting thing we did this week was starting to make our very own treasure chests! We have only started painting them so far, but we will hopefully finish them soon and add gold, jewels and many other things to make them look interesting!

We are loving learning about pirates and are looking forward to learning more.
-Lucas wants to learn more about what pirates eat and drink
-Eva wants to make some more pirate food
-Maisie wants to learn how to make a pirate hat
-Jodie wants to learn how to make pirate jewellery
-Holly wants to learn more about mermaids

Have a lovely weekend! Don’t forget that next Thursday is the Art Exhibition. It will be held in the new hall from 3:30-6pm. We hope you received your invites from the children and look forward to seeing everyone there!

-Miss Wilson & P1w

What did pirates do for fun?

We have been comparing what we do for fun and what pirates would have done after all their chores on board.  We thought we would not do anything the same, especially after we realised they did not have TV or computers, but…..

We both enjoy listening to music and lots of us can or we have family/friends who can play an instrument.  

There were some activities that were similar.  Pirates played dice game, this is sort of the same as we use die to play board games.  Pirates liked to do craft activities.  We love to do this.  Pirates would have used bone and rope and we use paint and paper.

One thing we have never done is tied ropes.

We pretended we were pirates for the afternoon and learned to tie a knot and play a game using only dice.  We were very busy and had lots of fun!  Thanks to Jamie for taking our photos:) 


P1l ‘Day for Change’

P1l took part in ‘A Day for Change’ today.

We listened to a story about a girl called Cherlyn, who lives in Rawis, a small town in the Philippines. Cherlyn and her family had to leave their home and go to a shelter because there a typhoon, a very serious storm.

We discussed what we would take with us, if we had to leave to go to a safe place (evacuation centre). Here are a few answers:

“A first aid kit” (Zara).

“Water, a teddy bear to cuddle in to and a phone” (Rory).

“My teddy called Flopsy” (Owen).

We had some super suggestions, well done to P1.

We then drew pictures of the things we would take to the safe place.

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UNICEF helped during this emergency by providing safe, clean drinking water, food and medicine. UNICEF helped children find their parents and vaccinated children against disease. UNICEF has helped more than 925,000 people like Cherlyn in the Philippines. They work hard to help children keep safe from danger in an emergency.

It’s a pirate’s life for me!

We have been very busy this week adding lots of things into our floorbook on Treasure Island. We have also been asking questions and writing them in the book so we can think about what we want to learn next. It is exciting that we get to choose what we want to learn!



On Monday we made hard tack biscuits! These were made by pirates on their travels and were easy to make as there were only 4 main ingredients. These were:
1. Flour
2. Milk
3. Butter
4. Sea salt


Eva – I ate mine. It was good!
Donna – I thought it was great.
Archie – I ate some of it, but my dad wanted to eat the rest.
Hannah – I ate mine and it was soft.
Tamsyn – I didn’t like mine, but I put jam on it and it tasted nice.
Aaron – It was fantastic!
Maisie – I liked it because I put jam on it.
Dylan – I didn’t like it so I put it in the bin.
Shaun – I thought it was fantastic and I took a big bite of it!

There were lots of opinions on the hard tack biscuits, but I think we all agreed that eating the same things every single day on a pirate ship would not be very nice. We talked about foods we really disliked and how that would be to eat those foods every single day.

Yesterday we were learning about all the different jobs you could have on a pirate ship. Some of these were:
-Master Gunner
-Cabin boy
-Carpenter & surgeon
-Master Sailor

We looked at what all these jobs entailed and then we got into groups of 3 and we had to perform actions in front of the rest of the class. The class then had to guess what job we were performing just by looking at our actions and what we were saying. This was really fun and everyone did a fantastic job in this role play task.


We have also started learning about coordinates and this will help us to create our own treasure maps! We have made one in class and here are some pictures of us pointing to coordinates and telling the class what they are:



Next week we want to learn more about pirate language and what they drank on the ship! We are excited to learn more 🙂

Have a lovely weekend!
-Miss Wilson & P1w

P1w working together!

This week P1w have been playing games to help solve problems. We think that working with a partner or in a group will always be good for helping each other. We have also decided that if we are stuck doing something, we know that we can always ask a friend to help us!

Some of the games we played that helped us work together were:
-Sitting and standing. We had to find a partner and go back-to-back and link our arms together. Then we had to try and sit down without breaking the link! It was really funny!!
-Snap. We were all given a card each and then we had to try and find all the people who had the same card as us and get into a group. It was really tricky, but we all worked together.
-Shape writing. We worked with a partner and drew shapes on each other’s hands and the other person had to guess the shape we were drawing.

We have also been playing group games with our buddies and learning how to share and take turns. Miss Wilson has been so impressed with how well we have been working together this week 🙂

Class Dojo winner this week: Lucas Kean!

P1w made nature pictures!

This week we made nature pictures! It was very fun and we all impressed Miss Wilson so much.

FIRST we looked at pictures of what we were going to make outside using parts of nature like sticks, stones and snow!
THEN we went outside and collected lots of materials.
LASTLY we created pictures of ourselves using the nature materials we collected.

Here are some of our pictures:





Our final challenge outside was to get into groups of 3 and create a whole body picture of a person using the nature materials.

Here are some of our pictures:



We hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoyed reading our blog.

PUPIL OF THE WEEK: Shaun for making a super number bond raindbow and knowing all of his number bonds to 10!

There’s no such thing as a gruffalo!

This week, we have been reading a new story in class – “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson. Our whole class loves this story and finds it really funny.

Declan Detective wants to know what happens next in the story. We drew a picture of what actually happened at the end, then we drew a picture of what we wanted to happen. Here are some of our made up endings:
– Lewis changed his ending so that the mouse would eat the gruffalo
– Katie made the gruffalo squirt a water gun onto the mouse’s face!
– Lily made Rapunzel and Ariel arrive and save the mouse from the gruffalo
– Lucas drew a picture of the gruffalo kicking the mouse into the air and then eating him
-Donna made the gruffalo very kind, then the mouse kicked the gruffalo down a hole!

As you can tell, all our Primary 1s have very good imaginations!!

Next, we talked to Christopher Character who wants to know more about the characters in the story. We drew pictures of the gruffalo and then thought of describing words that we listed next to him. Some of the words to describe the gruffalo were:

We are looking forward to reading the Scottish version of this story soon 🙂
Have a lovely weekend!

Happy New Year from Primary 1w!

Happy New Year to everyone! We hope you had a lovely holiday and we would like to share our favourite moments from during the holidays with you…

Max – I enjoyed the tai-kwon-do Christmas Party
Arran – My brother got me a new Playstation for Christmas
Erin – I got a go-kart
Katie – For Christmas I got lots of Sylvannian Family toys
Lewis – My big sister got me an Xbox 360
Farrah – I got a pink robot dog from Santa
Jodie – On Christmas we had a big family party
Eva – I got a toy Anna for Christmas
Archie – I got a police station lego
Anna – I got a Peppa Pig story
Donna – I got a Frozen scooter off of my grandma and grandpa
Maisie – I got to go out for lunch with my mummy, daddy and brother during the Christmas holidays
Lily – I went out for dinner and saw my Uncle Jimmy

We are very excited to be back at school and are looking forward to all the fantastic learning planned for this term 🙂

Cutting some shapes in P1w

This week we have been learning a lot about 2D and 3D shapes. We know that 2D shapes are flat and 3D shapes are fat!

At the start of the week we cut out the net shape of a square-based pyramid and made it look like a Christmas tree. We then cut out shapes that we drew and stuck them on our Christmas trees. After we had finished sticking on all of our shapes, we counted them and recorded it on the bottom of our trees.

This week we also did a very exciting Shape Hunt! We were put into shape groups and given magazines to search through to find our given shape. We found lots of shapes in the magazines of real objects and our finished shape boards look fantastic!


Festive fun!

We have had lots of festive celebrations this week in school.

We have performed TWO nativities in front of parents, friends, grandparents, and many more! We have also had our Christmas lunch (YUM YUM!). Lastly we walked down to the Regal Theatre and watched the Christmas pantomime. It has been lots of fun and here are our highlights of the week:-

Lucas – I enjoyed the pantomime
Katie – I also enjoyed the pantomime
Hannah – I liked performing The Nativity Party in front of the mums and dads
Jodie – I enjoyed singing this week
Eva – I enjoyed speaking into the microphone and going up on the stage
Dylan – I enjoyed doing the Christmas Hokey Cokey and speaking through the microphone
Lewis – I liked going on the stage
Alfie – I liked making a Rudolf picture in Art this week
Max – I enjoyed my Christmas lunch. The macaroni cheese was yummy, but the ice cream was like coloured cream!

If you have bought your Nativity DVD, we hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it!

Thank you!
-Miss Wilson & Primary 1w

Letters to Santa

We have had an extremely busy week in Primary 1w! We have had lots of visitors to our class and we were lucky to have Miss Henderson visit us during our writing lesson.

We wrote our letters to Santa Claus. We had to:
-introduce ourselves
-say 3 things that we would like for Christmas
-sound out our letters and ‘have a go’ at writing ourselves

Some of the things we have asked for from Santa are:
-an iPad (Lucas and Donna)
-Planet of the Zombie warfight game (Lewis)
-Hello Kitty (Anna)
-a train set (Arran)
-a robot pink dog (Jodie)
-Monster High Dolls (Lily)
-a guitar (Erin)

We are looking forward to maybe hearing back from Santa Claus in response to our letter!!

*Well done to our Class Dojo winners of the week – Jodie, Farrah and Katie :-)*

High 5!

This week we have been learning about High 5 steps that we can use in and out of school with other boys and girls.
These 5 steps help us be kind to others and it helps us stay safe.

1. Ignore:
If somebody is being nasty to you, you don’t look at them and pretend you don’t hear them.

2. Speak friendly:
Tell the person nicely that they are hurting your feelings and maybe ask questions as to why they are acting this way.

3. Walk away:
If Step 1 and 2 still do not help, you can walk away from the person with your head held high. Don’t look back.

4. Speak firmly:
Ask them to STOP. Tell them you will tell an adult next if they do not stop acting unkindly.

5. Report:
Tell a teacher, a PSW, an adult or your buddy if you are still not happy.

We coloured in pictures of helping hands with a list of 5 people we can go to if we are feeling unhappy with the way somebody is acting towards us. Next week we are going to put in order these steps so we can remember what to do.

High 5 and stay safe! 🙂

-Miss Wilson and Primary 1w

Fun games with our buddies!

This week we played outdoor PE games with our buddies. We first got into 5 groups and we had to play at least 2 games. Some of the games we played were:
Lucas – What’s the time Mr Wolf
Hannah & Katie – I sent a letter to my love
Anna – Duck, duck, goose
Max – Banana Tig
Jodie – Duck, duck, dinosaur
Kaycee – Duck, duck, tail
Erin & Donna – Banana Peel

We had a lot of fun playing these games and it was nice to learn some new ones. We love spending time with our buddies and look forward to spending time with them every week 🙂

Congratulations to Lucas – OUR PUPIL OF THE WEEK – for creating a fantastic and eye-catching Nativity poster! Well done 😀

Nativity Party in P1W

This week we wrote our invitations for our Nativity Party. Miss Wilson made a template where we had to include:
-WHO we were inviting
-WHERE it is going to be held
-WHEN it will be and what time
-WHAT you are invited to

Everybody made their own invitation and we are going to send them home really soon!
Our Nativity Party will be:
-WHERE -> at Balbardie Primary School
-WHEN -> Tuesday 9th December or Wednesday 10th December
*A letter will be sent out nearer the time*

Here are some of our Nativity Party invitations:

Pupil of the week:
Aaron Tennant for working well with a partner to produce an excellent Venn diagram 🙂 Well done!