On Wednesday, Class 3, P6a and P6m visited Dynamic Earth. We went to find out more about the Earth and space because our topic last term was space. We found out lots and really enjoyed the whole tour.
Cary – The trip was great. I loved it all the way through. It was a little different at the beginning but then it got interesting. The time machine was real good but even better than that was the showdome. It was very big and the movie was on the ceiling. It was great. If you are planning to go here is a tip – when you go into the showdome, sit at the back as the back seats give you the best view.
Geordie – I liked the showdome. It was awesome. I also liked when the volcano errupted because the floor moved a wee bit. I would really like to go back to Dynamic Earth because I would like to see if the ice berg has melted any more.
Josh – I liked the rainforest. There was a lizard called a dragon lizard. The snake was very hard to see because it looked like a vine. I also liked the time machine. I felt excited.