This week in P1l

Lots of learning in P1l this week.  Our sounds were ‘p’ and ‘a’,’ p’ is a pink quiet sound and ‘a’ is a stretchy black sound.  We are very good at reading our sounds and we have started to slide some of our sounds together to help us read words.  We have practised writing all our numbers to 10 now and lots of us can count on even further.  Dennis the Dragon has been busy again, on Monday he sent a shoe in the post!  We were very quick to work out who it belonged to and then we looked at the story of Cinderella. We had a good discussion about goodies and baddies in fairytales and we were split on Goldilocks some say good and some say bad.  The week ended with lots of cakes up in the Coffee Morning and it was great to see lots of our Mums and Dads there.

Bye for now p1l

4 thoughts on “This week in P1l”

  1. Hi Primary 1l,

    I’m so pleased that you are having so much fun learning new things in your class. I’m impressed that you are starting to read words with the new sounds you have been learning. It’s very exciting to read about what Dennis has been delivering to you and all of the work you have been doing as a result. I’m looking forward to hearing all about his next delivery…

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I wish I were in the class with you all! What an exciting place to be with all these deliveries!! Suvi tells me all about them when she comes home. I wonder what will be next?!

    1. Hi Kieran
      Thank you for your question. We have done lots of sounds but not that one yet, we will keep you posted on how we are getting on.

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