Category Archives: Class Sun

Class O Reflections and Wishes

This week Calss O delivered all the food that we had colected for the local foodbank. We were very pleased with what we had colleced. Thank you to everyone for there donations!


Jamie: “I really liked having Aiden visit class O for my birthday party. We played games and had some snacks.”


Callum: “Wow we have being busy doing lots of fun things and learning about very exciting things, it’s hard to choose! I think making things with technology and baking was my favourite.”

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Cody: I enjoyed doing lots of different things at PE, especially going to the park.”

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Liam: “I liked it when mum and dad came to Class O. We had a drink and a cake. It was yummy.”

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Cameron: ” This term I enjoyed learning oabout different beliefs. I liked tasting cuury. We went to the park for Out and About which was fun.”

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Yolie: “I enjoyed going Out and About this term with Class O. We went to the park. Mr Jefferies came too.”

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Class O would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year when it comes.
We hope everyone is on Santa’s good list. 🙂


Class O

We have been learning about Scotland and St Andrew this week. We enjoyed trying some Scottish foods.

Liam: “I liked the cheese and oatcakes. They were delicious. I learned that the Scottlish flag is blue and white and is called a St Andrew’s cross after St Andrew.”

Yolie: “I tried haggis and I liked it. I also tasted cheese, oatcake and shortbread. The shortbread was my favourite. I learned that St Andrew is important in Scotland’s history.”


Callum, Cody and Cameron have been busy developing their teamwork skills. They have been sharing ideas and listening to each others ideas, trying them out and then choosing the best one.

Callum: “I was using the wooden railway to try and built a super long bridge. Every time we had it nearly there it fell through the tables. We are working on a way to keep it there without it falling. It was fun but very tricky.”


Class O have been learning about money and how to add values, budget and calculate change. Next week we will be doing a Secret Santa. We used our money skills to help us shop for presents for the Secret Santa.


Cody: “I enjoyed being indepentent in shopping for some of my firends. I was able to calculate the total cost, including a 5p bag, and choose things my firends would like.”

Cameron: “We went Out and About to the precinct. I had to buy three presents, some cellotape and wrapping paper. I was able to work out how much I had to pay the shop assistant all by myself. I was also the Road Safety Offier for the trip and was able to make sure everyone was safe on the walk.”

Numeracy Skills in Class O


Class O have been using a variety of media and resources this week to support us in developing our Numeracy skills. We have been using board games, paper games and interactive learning to build our number knowledge, turn taking skills and problem solving.

Callum: “I enjoyed using Cool Maths games to help me develop my problem solving skills. Some of the tasks are quite tricky and require good knowledge.”

Liam: “Dominoes was a fun game. It was helping me with my adding. Run is a game that I played to help me with my estimation.”

Jamie: “I enjoyed helping Mrs O’Neill search and test new Maths apps for the iPad to help us further develop our Numeracy skills indpendently. We were also able to find a couple of French apps to help us with our French counting.”

Cody:” I played dominoes with Jamie. He is very good at it, but we both managed to win a games each. We high-fived at the end for good sportsmanship.”

Cameron:”This week I was a peer supporter. I was helping Yolie recall her addition facts through playing dominoes and dice games.”

Yolie: “I was learning about money and adding. I played dominoes with Cameron. Cameron won but i didn’t mind. It bwas fun.”

Vesak Festival Fun in Class O

Class O have been learning about Buddhism this week as part of our Fesitival Fun learning journey. We have been researching beliefs, traditions and festivals.
We have enjoyed a variety of role play and art activities. Can you tell?


Cameron: Vesak is the festival og light where people decorate their houses and the street with candles and lanterns. I enjoyed making a colourful square lantern.

Cody: Dressing up as a monk and pretending to meditate was fun. I learned a huge number of interesting facts about monks and their daily life. However, I would not want to be one in real life becasue they do not get a lot to eat.

Liam: Buddhists worship the Buddha. They put pictures and statues of him in their houses. You have to take your shoes off when you talk to him.

Yolie: Buddhists believe that you must use kind words and not tell lies.

Callum: Buddhists live in all kinds of homes like everyone else, but some Buddhists choose to have a small shrine area in their house. This is a quiet place where a Buddhist can be alone to focus on their religious belief and practice meditation. I really liked prentending to meditate in the shrine room we made in sensory room.

We hope you enjoyed our reflections about Buddhism and Vesak (the festival of light). Over the next few weeks we will be learning about other world religions and important festivals.

ARB’s last week of term!

Class G have had a fantastic last week of term. We all went swimming and had a fun session. We got out the floats and all played together and had fun. Mr Welsh covered our drama class and it was great. We looked at different toys and were pretending to be robots, Jack in the Box and puppets. We also had a tea party! Mr Welsh brought Haribo cakes and juice for our tea party. It was very nice of them.   Here are class G’s comments:

Lewis – I enjoyed swimming in the pool because we were swimming on top of the floats.

David – I have been swimming with Miss Muirhead. We also had a tea party in drama. I had Haribo cake and juice.

Gabriel – Mr Welsh took our drama class. We acted as toys and played with a Jack in the Box, puppets and a robot. It was good fun.

Jake – We went swimming. I liked the floats at swimming. I was pretending my float was a boat. I was also working with Mrs McNeill. She is awesome.

Jayden – I enjoyed swimming. We were on floats. We were all swimming in the small pool. We were also learning about George’s Marvellous Medicine. Grandma was being mean to George.

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Class O and M have also had a good week. Miss McDonald and baby Gracie came to visit us this week. It was nice to see them and Gracie was lovely! Everyone was very happy to meet her. Miss Robertson: “In class M this week for math mission we have been playing ‘shut the box’ this is a game where you have to roll the dice and shut down the number with the total on it. I didn’t play on day 1. On day 2 I played against Cary. I WON!!! I bet Cary 5-1. He was a good competitive player. Well Done Cary, I had great fun!”

Here are some of the things pupils for Class O and M said:


Caitlin – Today at PE we played castles. It was fun when you knock other people’s castle down.

Aiden – I enjoyed castles in PE because we won twice. It was amazing.

Cameron – At maths it was quiet easy. Yesterday I was doing dividing and then today we did more with numbers 4 and 3. I finished lots of work.

Cody – Yesterday we had the WII and I donated some new games to be played on the WII.

Joe – I was in Aiden’s team for PE and we played castles and Aiden and I won 2 times.

Cary – I played football today at playtime.

Callum “This week Cody and Cameron brought in new Wii games. We played 2 of them. Me and Cody played 2 of the new games. It was really fun. I hope that we will all have a great time with the new games.”

Dylan “This week I was playing football in the playground with Aiden, Caitlin, Joe and Cary. It was fun.”

Liam “Baby Gracie and her Mummy Miss McDonald came to visit us on Thursday. Baby Gracie had a hat. She was in a car seat. Gracie is small and sleepy.”

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Classes M, O and G Reflection on their Week


Callum “This week it was my birthday. I was really happy when I was at school, Cameron and Cody got me a present. Cameron’s present was a Minecraft paper craft. Cody’s present was a comic. I turned 12. The school got me a Pac man toy. When I got home I got a WiiU. It was a super birthday.”

Dylan “Today I was playing with Liam. We had so much fun together. We played monsters with each other by using our jackets. I think Liam is a really good friend because he cheers me up.  ”

Yolie “Yolie liked Callum’s party in Class O. Yolie enjoyed the party food. ”

Liam “I loved Callum’s birthday The school got Callum a Pac man toy, I liked it. I said ‘I love your presents’ when it was Callum’s birthday. ”

Logan “ I enjoyed Mr Welsh being in my class. I danced with Mr Welsh.”

Lewis “Swimming was fun. I always go under the water because the goggles protect me.”

Jake “I created a new medicine. It was called Rainbow 3000 and had rainbow powers.”

Gabriel “My medicine was called powerful medicine. It makes people explode.”

Adam “I enjoyed the Wii. I played with Aiden and Joe. We were playing Super Mario.”

Aiden “I really enjoyed PE. Line tig was fun. Adam was ‘he’ first.”

Cameron “It was Callum’s birthday this week and I gave him a present. The Wii was fun. We played Mario Kart.”

Joe “ I was playing dodgeball in PE. We played object and line tig and the bubble game. I like playing travel races.”

Caitlin “I really enjoyed swimming this week because it was fun. I have been learning how to put things in alphabetical order in class.”

Cody “I enjoyed Monday because it was DS day. Animation was fun. We had a party in Class O for Callum’s birthday.Jamie, Callum and I made a video using Callum’s birthday present from the class.”

Jamie “I really enjoyed Callum’s party. We played games and has some treats. I am looking forward to PE because we are playing tig and we have not played tig in ages.”

David “I liked completing my sticker chart. I will get to choose out of the spotty box.”

Jayden “I went swimming. I enjoyed swimming because it is lots of fun. I used my legs to kick in the water.”

Classes G, M and O review of the week

Classes O, G and M wrote the blog together this week. It was nice to listen to some people from other classes telling us about ther week. Below are some of the comments we made.

Caitlin – I have been learning about summaries in literacy. Out and About was to the park. Aiden was hanging upside down. I enjoy swimming with Dawn. I enjoy doing PE with Mr Jeffries.

Adam – I was spinning around that fast at the park I almost made a hole in the ground. It was fun.

Joe – We were all soaking wet at the park and I played with Adam on the bouncy thing with the seats. We changed into our PE clothes and stayed like this until taxi time.

Jayden – We were building a tower at Activity time. We learnt about “what happens next” with Miss Garland.

Aiden – We went to the park for Out and About. I was hanging upside down like a monkey. The grass and sky were the wrong way round.

Jamie – At the park for PE I tried everything. It was funny on the bouncy see-saw when Mrs O’Neill got stuck and I went shooting in the air.

Cody – We went to the park for PE. My favourite thing was pplaying tig because you had to climb and jump over things which made it interesting.

Cameron – I really enjoyed te park at PE because there was lots to do. I liked the spinny thing where you had to hang on and spin.

Dylan – I did the front crawl today at swimming. I liked it this week because we got the bus!

Yolie – In class O I have been playing with plastacine.

Callum – I enjoyed swimming today, it was really fun. I floated on my back for a very long time.

Liam – I have been swimming today, I got a little hole in my swim socks. I got a bus to swimming today I thought this was not good because it was a nice sunny day.

This week in class G it was Lewis’s birthday and we had a party for him. We played musical bumps, pass the parcel and musical statues.

Lewis – I opened my present. I never had a birthday cake but I had sweets, crisps and juice. I won a game and my prize was some bubbles.

Gabriel – We were having fun at Lewis’s Party. I got some bubbles when I got a prize. It was terrific and I really, really liked the prize I got. I liked joining in all of the games.   I liked musical bumps.

David – I sang Happy Birthday to Lewis.

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Fruit Tasting in P6a

This week Tracey from Tesco came to our class and was teaching us about rainforest fruits. We were given world maps and had to mark on the different rainforests around the world. Some of the rainforests we had never heard of for example the Cloud Forest in Ecuador. Once we had finished finding all the rainforests we go to try some of the fruits that grow there.

We tasted papaya, pineapple, mango, blueberries and coconut. These fruits come from rainforests all around the world. Once we tasted them we had to mark on our world maps where they were from.  Papaya and coconuts were from the Amazon Rainforest and the pineapples came from Costa Rica.

I tasted them all but my favourite was the pineapple – Annie

I also tasted them all and I liked the pineapple the best too but I didn’t like the papaya much – Louise

At the end of our session Tracey set us a challenge to design the craziest fruit. It could be fruits mixed together or your favourite food mixed with a fruit.  On the back of our maps we had to draw our fruit and see what the combination was. We had to make sure it had a name and then write about where it grew. We could be as imaginative as we liked. All entries need to be in by Wednesday so that they can be sent to Tracey who will choose a winner. There will be a prize for the overall P6 winner.

Annie & Louise

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Fruit Testing in Class O

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This week Class O were discussing foods that were healthy and unhealthy. We were investigating the food groups they belonged to and why they were important in our diet. We reaslised there was lots of fruit we hadn’t tried so decided to try them. We used our senses to help us learn about there tastes. We were smelling, touching, tasting and discussing what the fruits looked like. We used spinich, fig, passion fruit, tomato, kiwi, plum and nectarine in our test.

Cameron: In the fig there was too much seeds so I didn’t like it. However, the passion fruit also had a lot of seeds but I really liked it. In fact it was my favourite. It was very juicy.

Liam: I really liked spinich becasue it tasted yummy. I didn’t like any of the other fruits, but I was brave and smelt and licked a few. The passion fruit had a very strong smell and comes in a hard shell to protect the soft fuit inside. It smelt nice. The fig was squashy.

Callum: I did not try any of the fruits. They had strong smells that put me off trying them. I have been trying hard to taste new foods at snack to help me make more healthy choices.

Jamie: I tried all the fruits. This was the first time I had tried passion fruit, fig and spinich. They were nice and I would definately have them again. My favourite was the passion fruit becasue it was juicy.

Yolie: I tried some of the fruits. I liked spinich and kiwi. I tried passion fruit and it was tasty. I did not try tomato, plum, fig or nectarine becasue I did not like the smell of them.

Cody: I liked the plum becasue it looked nice, smelt nice and tasted nice. I had actually tried it before so I knew I liked it. I find it hard to try new foods becasue sometimes they don’t smell very nice and this puts me off eating them. However, I was very brave and smelt the tomato and tasted the kiwi. It tasted a bit like coconut but without the milk.

Healthy Choices in Class O

Class O have enjoyed a variety of activies this week to further our knowledge and skills required for healthy living. We have been looking at how exercise and water are essential for keeping our body fit and healthy. We have also been learning about the different food groups and how we need to make choices about how much of each we are eating to keep us healthy.

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Yolie: I had lots of fun at PE. I was running. Callum was helping me. He was the leader.

Cameron: PE was great fun. It was very tiring too as we had to do lots of running. We were learning to play games that get our heart working to keep it healthy. We also had to work as a team.


Liam: We made snadwiches to help us learn about healthy choices. We had to wear a hat and apron. I made a white bread sandwich on butter. I had to spread and cut. My sandwich was a n unhealthy sanwich becasue of the butter.

Cody: I enjoyed making sandwiches in the sensory room. I had to be very hygenic and wash my hands and wear a hat and apron to stop germs from spreading. After making my sandwich I had to decide it is was healthy or unhealthy becasue of my filling choices.


Callum: This week I tried mango at snack for the first time. The mango was sour to taste, but I had a little suck of the juice and a nibble to try it. I was very brave. The adults were proud of me. I think I will be able to try other new foods now.

We hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend! We have also been learning about how rest is good for our bodies too!

Rights: Right to an Education (Article 28)

Mission to Learn in Class O


Yolie: I was using th iPad to help me with my maths. I was playing lots of games. In Writing I was writng about insects. I found lots of facts about the ladybird.


Cody: I had so much fun at the Lowport with p5. I enjoyed the swimming pool. The chutes and water fountains were fun. We went to a big park and had to crawl through tunnels. My face got covered in mud!

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Cameron: I used my knoweldge of time to read and show different times. I am now looking forward to learning to multiply. I had fun doing exercises in the morph suit. It was hot inside it!

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Liam: I enjoyed using different colours of paint to design a new character. He is square and colourful. His name is Thoreau.


Callum: I really enjoyed exercising in the morph suit. It was hard work but fun. I used the DS to help me with my Reading. I have been learning to use an index and read for information.

Class O have enjoyed a variety of activities this week. We are really looking forward to new ‘Missions for Learning’ next week!

Class O are Busy Bees!



Learning new spelling words and starting new reading books was exciting this week. We have been using a variety of games and activities to help us learn about spelling patterns and characters in our stories.

Callum: “I really enjoyed using the highlighters to find my spelling words. I am reading anew book call Flat Stanley. It’s exciting.”

Cody: “I’ve been reviewing my week and it was a great week becasue we started back at swimming. I enjoyed writing about this.”


We have been learning about internet safety and how to access appropriate information safely through websites. We have also bee developing our computer skills so we can use technology to help us with our learning independently.



We have had lots of fun playing outside and enjoying the last of the sunshine. We have been using our imagination and developing our social skills.

Liam: ” I enjoyed playing Mickey Mouse Club House with Gabriel and Lewis from Class G. This is my favourite game I play with my friends at school.”

Cameron: “Playing tig and dodge ball with my friends is fun. I am learning to run fast so that I can win the game. Sometimes I win and sometimes I don’t but this is ok.”

One of our Home Learning tasks this week is to use the skills we have been learning in Cyber Safety to logon, read our Blog and leave a comment. It would be great if you could leave us a comment to read too!

Summer is coming….

We are looking forward to Summer in Class B.  We have been learning that farmers grow fruit and vegetables.  We like fruit!  We taste fruit at snack time everyday.  We have been learning that some fruit is turned into something else like juice.

Farmers plants seeds.  The seeds need water and sun to grow.  Jake

We have watched our cress heads grow!  The cress is growing quickly!  We will be able to taste our cress soon.    The cress in the dark is growing but it is yellow and doesn’t look nice to eat. The cress seeds with no water are not growing.

Class B were experimenting with fruit as part of science.  We wanted to make ice-lollies and ice-cream using fruit.  They will keep us cool is Summer.

We ate ice-lollies.  It was sweet.  It was delicious.  They had been in the freezer.  David

Here are Jayden’s instructions on how to make ice-lollies.

1.  You need orange juice and apple juice.

2.  Put the juice into ice-lolly moulds.

3.  Put the lid on.

4.  Put them in the freezer.

5.  Wait for the ice-lollies to freeze.

6.  When they are frozen taste them!


My ice-lolly was orange.  It was so tasty.  It cooled me down.  Jayden


We made banana ice-cream.  We cut the bananas and put them in the freezer.  They went very frozen.  When they were frozen we put them in a food processor.  It was very noisy.  The bananas turned soft.  We put them back in the freezer.  The bananas turned into ice-cream!  Lewis

We tasted the ice-cream.  It tasted delicious!  Gabriel

Out and About

Class B have enjoyed their Out and About experiences this term. We learn and demonstrate many different life skills when we are out and about learning in the community. Recently we went to the swing park! We were all able to demonstrate how to travel safely, and we know not to touch dogs that we don’t know. We had great fun playing in the swing park!


Congratulations to all of the pupils in Class B as they were all Star Writers this week!

A special well done to Aiden who won the Road Safety Poetry competition!

Star Writers!

It’s A Wonderful World Class B have been learning about endangered species. We’ve been reading current scientific literature and watching news clips about endangered species. We’ve taken a special interest in Giant Pandas and have been studying these animals this week.

Humans and animals are both important so it’s hard to explain. If they didn’t chop down the forest the humans might not have anywhere to live. Maybe the humans could find somewhere else to live. Aiden

Endangered mean the animals are losing their homes not getting any food and they would be all extinct if they keep dying. Cameron

People are cutting down trees in forests; some animals like pandas need trees to be sheltered. Callum

China needs to cut down trees so they can build new houses. It’s not fair because the pandas can’t get any food like bamboo. If pandas become extinct there would be none left absolutely none. Some people kill pandas to get their fur and also make rugs out of them. It’s not a nice thing to do because pandas are really cute and it’s not nice to kill animals. Cody

Some Pandas lived in the zoo and some pandas live in the forest. Tian Tian and Yang Guang live in Edinburgh Zoo. Liam
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This week, we are using our knowledge of Giant Pandas to write reports about these endangered animals. We want to share our reports with Class O, so that other people can learn about Giant Pandas, why they endangered and what is being done to help.

We had lots of fun in the sensory room learning more about Giant Pandas and creating a wonderful shared writing plan.

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We’ve been working hard to include important features of report writing.

A title and a factual first sentence is important so the reader will know what it’s going to be about. Aiden

A report is like non-fiction because it has true facts and information. Cody

We were all star writers this week!

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What a Wonderful World

Our topic this term is ‘It’s a Wonderful World’. We have been learning to classify animals based on their similarities and differences.

‘A herbivore is an animal that eats plants. A carnivore eats animals. Omnivores eats animals and plants.’ Liam

‘If it has fur and also feeds milk to its babies then it’s a mammal’. Cody

‘A vertebrate is an animal with a spine’. Jamie

‘A spider is an invertebrate, it doesn’t have a spine’. Aiden

We worked in teams to classify the animals and made sure to use the information posters to help us make informed decisions. The adults were especially pleased with how well we worked together, asking each other great questions and making decisions together.

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We found some sea creatures tricky to classify, as they look like fish but are actually invertebrates.


Class B Out and About

Class B enjoyed their Out and About experience this week.

We have been learning about money in class, so decided to go out into the local community to put our money skills to good use!

We donated some old items to charity, and then used our money to buy some new toys for Class B.


We made decisions together about what to buy and even shopped around in the local charity shops before making our final decisions.



We bought a Lego set, a science game, a Thomas the Tank Engine book and a cake shop DS Game. The boys in Class B were very polite when paying for their items and remembered to wait for their receipt and change.GEDC1768

We enjoyed learning about charity shops and how we can help to raise money for charity by donating unwanted clothes and toys. This week, Liam helped us to find a safe place to cross. We crossed the roads at the traffic lights and tried hard to decide when it was safe to cross. We’re looking forward to our next Out and About experience.

Poetry in Class B

Class B have been learning to write Kennings Poems.  We enjoyed reading lots of examples and trying to figure out using the clues what the poems were about.  For our poems we have been writing about animals. During our poetry recital next week, we will try to read out our poems using a clear voice.  We’re looking forward to listening to the poems and trying to work out what animal the poem is about.

Do you know which animal these Kennings poems are about?


A sea walker.

A people nipper.

A snip snipper.

A sideways walker.

A shell wearer.


A meat muncher.

A throat tearer.

A jungle ruler.

A bone breaker.

A good sprinter

A vicious biter.

A meat sniffer.

Easter Story

In Class B we have been learning about the Easter story.  We enjoyed listening to and discussing the Easter story with Miss Robertson.


Miss Robertson set us an Easter story challenge!  We had to find the hidden eggs, crack them open and read the part of the Easter story that was hidden inside.  Once we had all of the pieces we placed them together in the correct order.


We’re looking forward to more Easter activities this week.

Have a nice holiday!


A Very Busy Week in Class B

At maths we have been learning about 3D shapes. To celebrate how well we have done with our learning, we decided to make robot models using everyday objects. We worked really hard on these. We planned our designs, gathered the resources we needed and got to work building our robots. Once they were painted we labelled the body parts to show what shapes had been used.

‘My robot was based on a famous character from a company named Aardmen. I used cuboids, spheres and cylinders.’ Callum

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We demonstrated safe and hygienic food preparation when we made oat cakes. We followed the Viking Oatcake recipe carefully and enjoyed tasting them once they were cooked. We chose healthy toppings such as sugar free jam and blueberries. We got the thumbs up from our special guest judges! We also made Viking Vegetable Stew!

‘Making the oat cakes was enjoyable. They tasted great, a bit like bread. I had syrup and blueberries on top.’ Jamie

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We tried hard to use interesting describing words when writing character descriptions this week. We invented our own Viking Gods and described their appearance and special powers.

‘I like my Viking God because he looks like a Lego dude, he can read your mind!’ Cody

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We also had great fun at messy play in the Sensory Room this week!