All posts by Mrs McLean

Class M

This week was extremely busy in Class M. We moved in to a new classroom. The adults were very pleased that we all helped to organise our new room and decide where everything was going to go.

David: I like the new classroom, it’s got a dark den with lights on.


On Saturday some of us came to the Christmas Fayre.

Dylan: I was helping out at the Christmas Fayre selling the Santa sleighs. The sleighs were sold out. We got £20, that’s a lot.

Joe: I was selling Santa sleighs at the Christmas Fayre. I liked it. It was fun.

On Thursday we went Out and About to the shops. Our new topic is the Caribbean and we looked in the shops for some Caribbean foods. We found pineapple and coconut. When we came back to school we looked at recipes and found some coconut and pineapple muffins that we are going to make next week.

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Christmas Fayre

This week were we getting ready for the Christmas Fayre in Class M. We had to make santa sleighs and the write down the instructions for other people to follow. It was important to write all the steps in the correct order and to keep the steps short and simple.

Yolie – I made a santa sleigh for the Christmas Fayre. Christmas Fayre is tomorrow. I’m going to the Christmas Fayre.

David – I was building a red box. Chocolate and snow is in the box. It costs £1.

Dylan – I made a poster to sell the santa sleighs. I’m going to go to the fayre with my family. I might buy one.

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We hope to see you all at the Fayre on Saturday from 10 till 12 and look forward to selling all our nice things!

Children in Need Day

Today was Children in Need Day. We presented our assembly to our parents, visitors and some of the classes. The adults were very proud of everyone for speaking clearly and confidently.

Afterwards we took our visitors to the lunch hall and enjoyed the yummy snacks we had prepared earlier in the week.

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Adam: I liked wearing the Pudesy onesie. It was cosy and warm. When we got to the hall where we could eat I had to take it off half way because I was too hot. I enjoyed all the snacks except the cookie. The marshmallows were so chewy in my mouth.

Joe: We played guitars at assembly. The guitars are blow up guitars.

Yolie: Mum came to see me. I played piano.

David: I’m sitting next to Mrs McLean. I sang we can do good. Put your hands on your hips.

Dylan: I had words to say , I enjoyed saying them. I was happy my mum was there.

We hope you enjoyed our performance and thanks again for all the donations!

Class M

We got straight to work after the October break as we have a busy time ahead organising Children In Need and our assembly. This is going to form our main topic this term. We are looking forward to advertising the various Children In Need activities, collecting donations, selling charity items and organising a dress down day. This week we did a stock take of all the items we have to sell and wrote letters to let everyone know prices.

Dylan – I was helping to type a letter for the Children In Need letting everyone know what they can buy.

Yolie- You can buy a keyring or a headband.

Joe – I liked looking at the Pudsey things. I want to buy one.

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Mad Science in Class M

Continuing our learning about materials, we moved on to solids, liquids and gases this week. We learned that some materials can change state. In solids the molecules are tightly packed together and have a definite shape. We started with a bar of chocolate. When we heated it up in the microwave the chocolate melted. We discovered that heat energy makes the molecules vibrate and move freely which means it becomes a liquid. We used our melted chocolate to make crispie cakes.

In music we experimented with different instruments. We took turns hiding behind a screen and playing instruments for our partner to guess. We had to guess the name of the instrument and what it was made from.

Here are our highlights from the week:

Adam – I liked making the chocolate crispies. It was fun. When chocolates cold it’s solid. When it’s hot it’s a liquid. When it’s really, really hot the chocolate will evaporate to a gas.

Dylan – We made a lava lamp we put oil , water, food colouring and a fizzy tablet in .

Joe – I was doing English reading in Armadale Primary , it was about French painters. It was good.

Yolie – Yesterday I made a lava lamp. It was vegetable oil and water, put it in a water bottle. It was orange and sparkly. I put a fizzy tablet it, it made bubbles.

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Our learning in Class M

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We were learning about the BFG. We had to build a house and pretend to be a giant. – Joe

The boat was floating and the fan was making it move. – Yolie

Playing with Erin. I was kicking and throwing the ball it was good fun. – David

I liked making the boat it was fun. My boat stayed a float. – Adam

I made my boat out of 3 straws and 2 sponges . – Dylan


Boat Challenge

This week in science we were given a challenge to design a boat. First we had to do a practise design using only paper and sellotape. Then we worked in groups to choose the best design and build a final boat out of tin foil. The boat had to be able to carry at least 5 marbles and not sink. Dylan remembered the important word ‘buoyancy’ and he said the boat had to be buoyant to make it a successful boat.

David- The boat is sailing on the water. It’s got marbles. I’m doing floating.

Yolie – I make a boat to go on water. It float on water. Marble put on back. Lots of marbles.

Adam – I made a boat. Our second one could hold nearly all the marbles, I think about 80!!! It was made of tin foil. This means we had a good design for the boat. I think mines was the best.

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Joe was at Armadale when we did the experiment so he decided to tell us what he did when he was there:

Joe – I was doing art at Armadale. We were painting from the year 1973, April. There was a bridge built in England. We painted the bridge.

Happy birthday!!!

This week we celebrated Roald Dahl’s 100th birthday in Class M.

We listened to different stories that Roald Dahl wrote on the smart board, learned more about Roald Dahl and had a party in the afternoon. we made Willy Wonka hats, BFG ears and The Twits beards.  We also made food for the party Bird Pie, frog spawn and chocolate goodie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was great fun!

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Yolie – Roald Dahl birthday party. We made bird pie. I made a Willy Wonka hat and eat chocolate.


Adam – I went to Disneyland this week! I got to open Walt Disney Studios on the last day. Only 200 people a year get picked to do this so it was very exciting!

Class M’s week

This week we started our new LAC topic in class. All about materials. We were able to sort different objects from school and home into what materials they are made from. Then we all did a material hunt around the school. Adam found a rubber band which he was very pleased about.

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Here are our other highlights from the week.

Joe – I was doing art at Armadale. It was charcoal, it’s black. I drew mountains.

David – I did reading. I read ‘Where’s my teddy.’

Adam – Today we got orbies/aqua beads. We are waiting for them to grow. We think they will be done at lunchtime but it might take a whole day. 😉

Yolie – I like to go messages to Mrs Welsh. I go to the office. I got a sticker for my chart. I didn’t go in any classes.

Let’s get messy with Class M

This week we had fun following a recipe to make slime. It didn’t work too well as it turned out very wet and runny. We were very persistent and kept trying different combinations. It was messy!

David – I made slime. I think it’s blue. It’s sticky. I put in flour and I mixed it up.

Adam – I also made green slime. It wasn’t too successful but I liked it.

Yolie – The slime feels very good. I liked it.

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In writing we have been learning about setting the scene for a story. Here are some of our scenes:

Joe – I made a lair. There was a sand storm that blew it and it buried it for years and nobody could find it.

Adam – I made a desert world. I had dinosaurs, a lab, and a secret base under the ground and there was a pool for the dinosaurs and a broken house.

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Dylan – On Wednesday I got all my ticks so that means I got to go to Rainbow Room.


Welcome back to Class M

Class M were very excited to see the playground had changed when they came back to school on Tuesday.  It has been a great few days trying all the new equipment.

Yolie – I like the new playground , I like playing nought and crosses.

Dylan – 10/10 for the playground it has a Throne.

Adam – it’s really cool and awesome I like the basket ball and football pitch.

Joe – It’s awesome. I like sitting on the throne. I can be King. We were playing Kings of Kings game.

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Our new name

This week we changed our name from Class 1 to Class M. The pupils are very good at remembering our new name, but the adults need some reminding!


We were very proud of our assembly that we performed last week and enjoyed all the lovely comments we got afterwards. The theme was ‘At the Movies’ and our class focussed on Frozen.

Lewis – I liked the Olaf dance.

Mrs McLean – I was so proud of everyone for learning their lines and saying them clearly.

Gabriel – It was funny when we wiggled our bottoms in the dance!

Jayden – My Dad and brother came to watch me.

Yolie – I can dance like Queen Elsa. She has blonde hair.

David – My favourite character is Elsa.

Joe – Everyone clapped after our dance.

Jake – I can sing Frozen songs.

Afterwards we got to have hotdogs and popcorn with our visitors and we could have our photos taken in the photo booth.

We hope all the friends, family and classes enjoyed watching it.

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Class 1’s week

In class this week we have been working very hard to practise our assembly. There are lots of things for us to practise, like speaking clearly and loudly, looking at the audience and remembering our words. We are very excited to perform it next Friday at 9.30am and look forward to seeing some of our parents and relatives there.

Gabriel – I will dress up like a snowman. I brought a costume from home.

Jayden – The Olaf dance is fun.

David – I like Elsa.


We have also been busy creating some Egyptian art work for our up coming Art Exhibition. You will find out more details about this next week. We are trying out some different activities based around patterns and shapes and will choose our best piece for the exhibition.

Lewis – I am proud of my necklace patterns.

Joe – I used yellow, blue and purple for my pattern.

Yolie – Necklace is so pretty.

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Class 1 visits Egypt

On Monday we found a mystery bag in Class 1. We investigated what was inside it. We discovered that it was full of things to do with Egypt. This is going to be our new topic. We are very excited to find out lots of new facts about Egypt.

Lewis – I was trying to be an Egyptian by wearing a collar. It was good fun.


Jake pulled lots of things out the bag. He liked the Egyprtian man. He enjoyed dressing him in his desert clothes.


Joe – I was learning about Egypt with Gabriel.

David – I am playing with the Egyptian man.

Gabriel – I was being a sphinx and I saw an Egyptian mummy.

In the sensory room we imagined that we were flying off on holiday to Egypt.

Yolie – Sunshine! I was going on holiday with my pink and white suitcase.


On Thursday Mrs McClafferty from P5m to class to visit us. She did money work with some of us.

Jayden – Mrs McClafferty came to class to teach us maths. We counted up the coins.